539 research outputs found

    Technology of oyster farming in India

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    Molluscan species such as oysters, mussels and clams are well suited for the development of new technologies of culture as a result of their high nutritional and commercial value. Besides, effecting substantial increase in the economy of the fishermen it can also meet the acute protein deficiency of a country like India. India has a long coastal belt studded with numerous river mouths, estuaries, lagoons, creeks and bays, and offers ideal environmental conditions for the growth of commercially important molluscs

    On some aspects of biology of the clam Meretrix casta (Chemnitz) in Muttukadu backwater

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    In the Muttukadu Bacbater Meretrix casta (Chemnitz) is a eaatinwu brsedar with wo peak perids of s w i n g - Ma&-April and in Aupt-Sepkmber. The length oqmpition of wmmercialiy exploited dams ranged bttwe8n 22 mm and 42 mm aml tlm 28.0 - 33.9 mm gmup was plodoant. Large sale m d t y of dams in tht fish cultwe poald and kchater was obssrved in May 1985 and March 1987 respsetiwly. An attempt was made to cbrrehte rpewning and mortality ol dam in i k bsdrwater with salinity, temperamre and ddwd oxygen

    Unusual heavy landings of Caranx carangus along Cuddalore Coast

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    An unusual bunper catch of Caranx carangus was observed in Cuddalore fishing harbour on 26-03-2004.Three fibreglass boats fitted with 9HPp outboard engine of 9m length and 2m width landed a heavy catch of 5.2 tonnes of fish

    Mussel resources of Andaman Islands

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    A variety of molluscan resources such as edible oysters, pearl oysters, clams, mussels and gastropods are distributed along the coastal area of Andaman and Nicobar islands. Among the bivalves, the distribution of green mussel Perna viridis was earlier known only from a small creek at Sippighat (Mahadevan, 1983)

    Distribution and abundance of the mangrove bivalves Isognomon ephippium (Linnaeus) and Cyrena ceylonica (Chemnitz) in Andamans

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    Investigations were carried out on the occurrence, distribution, population density, sex ratio, percentage edibility and total biomass of the oyster Isognomon ephippium in three different locations namely Sippighat creek, Mithagari jetty and Diglipur port area and the clam Cyrena ceylonica in the marshy areas around Sippighat and Bimbleton creeks of Andaman islands. The study revealed that the density of oyster population was high in Sippighat than the other two locations and the clam was more abundant in the mangrove creeks and backwater canal of Sippighat

    Host-parasite relation between Bucephalopsis haemeanas and Crassostrea madrasensis in the Pulicat Lake

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    A digenic trematode Bricepltnlopsis Itne~nenrtnws as observed in the gonads of the backwater oyster Crassos~rearnndrnseisofth e Pulicat Lake. Maximum vercenta-n eof infection was 17.7 durine-D ecember. Highest inc~dence of infection was observed in the size groups of 60-69 mm and 100-109 mm. Initially the infection was noticed in the gonads of the oyster andlater it was found to invade the other tissues such as mantle, gill and digestive gland. Infection was found to be more in the partly spent and spent indiv~duals than in the fully ripe and individuals with gametogenic activity. As a result of infection, gametes are resorbed quickly and thus oysters are castrated leading to indeterminate stage. In the majority of parasitised oysters, feed~ngw as noted to be very poor. The infection seems to be seasonal and starts when the sallnity and tem2erature in lake decline considerably after the heavy rains of North-East Monsoon. The parasites were observed to die at the salinity below 2.3%,

    Revisiting the Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group

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    A recent theorem of S. Alesker, S. Artstein-Avidan and V. Milman characterises the Fourier transform on Rn as essentially the only transform on the space of tempered distributions which interchanges convolutions and pointwise products. In this note we study the image of the Schwartz space on the Heisenberg group under the Fourier transform and obtain a similar characterisation for the Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group
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