139 research outputs found


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     The main purpose of this study is to propose and empirically test a conceptual model that clarifies shopping behavior via livestream on Facebook platform of people in Hanoi. The data was collected from at least 240 random Facebook users. The analysis results show that Facebook users tend to buy goods via livestream when they feel that the product quality, design, and product policy are convincing enough for them. In addition, there are other factors that also influence purchasing decisions, such as technology quality, perceived value of style and attitude, reliability, product trust in the relationship between consumers and sellers such as livestream style, KOLs, sound & background… From there, theoretical and managerial contributions, as well as finding out limitations and future research directions are also discussed in the body of this paper  Keywords:  Shopping, Livestream, Livestream Products, Livestream People, Livestream Culture, Online Shopping

    Leadership Practice for Building Trust of Followers: Decisive Factors of Organizational Performance

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    Purpose - Leadership plays a decisive role in key organizational outcomes. To investigate the effects of leadership and its mechanism on organizational performance, this paper examined how transformational leadership impacts followers’ trust for improving operational and financial performance in the case of Vietnamese firms. Design/Methodology - This study used the Structural Equation Modeling to assess the correlation among the constructs based on using survey data of 285 employees at 60 manufacturing and service companies. Findings - The findings revealed that employees' trust in leadership acts as a mediating mechanism in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational performance. The transformational leadership style of leaders has greater effects on financial performance, while employee’s trust has larger effects on operational performance. This study calls attention to the importance of raising employee trust to link transformational leadership and organizational performance. Practical and theoretical implications - From a practical point of view, the paper brings more knowledge and insights for CEO/managers on the right pathway to enhance organizational performance. The paper also provides theoretical initiatives on the leadership theory and the new pathway to promote operational and financial performance

    Non-classical properties and generation schemes of superposition of multiple-photon-added two-mode squeezed vacuum state

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    In this paper, we study some non-classical properties and propose the generation schemes of the superposition of multiple-photon-added two-mode squeezed vacuum state (SMPA-TMSVS). Based on the   Wigner function, we clarify that this state is a non-Gaussian state, while the original two-mode squeezed vacuum state (TMSVS) is a Gaussian state. Besides, the SMPA-TMSVS is sum squeezing, as well as difference squeezing. In particular, the manifestation of the sum squeezing and the difference squeezing in the SMPA-TMSVS becomes more pronounced when increasing parameters r and e. In addition, by exploiting the schemes of photon-added superposition in the usual order, we give some schemes that the SMPA-TMSVS can be generated with the higher-order photon-added superposition by using some optical devices

    A hierarchical architecture for increasing efficiency of large photovoltaic plants under non-homogeneous solar irradiation

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    Under non-homogeneous solar irradiation, photovoltaic (PV) panels receive different solar irradiance, resulting in a decrease in efficiency of the PV generation system. There are a few technical options to fix this issue that goes under the name of mismatch. One of these is the reconfiguration of the PV generation system, namely changing the connections of the PV panels from the initial configuration to the optimal one. Such technique has been widely considered for small systems, due to the excessive number of required switches. In this paper, the authors propose a new method for increasing the efficiency of large PV systems under non-homogeneous solar irradiation using Series-Parallel (SP) topology. In the first part of the paper, the authors propose a method containing two key points: a switching matrix to change the connection of PV panels based on SP topology and the proof that the SP-based reconfiguration method can increase the efficiency of the photovoltaic system up to 50%. In the second part, the authors propose the extension of the method proposed in the first part to improve the efficiency of large solar generation systems by means of a two-levels architecture to minimize the cost of fabrication of the switching matrix

    Music-Driven Group Choreography

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    Music-driven choreography is a challenging problem with a wide variety of industrial applications. Recently, many methods have been proposed to synthesize dance motions from music for a single dancer. However, generating dance motion for a group remains an open problem. In this paper, we present AIOZGDANCE\rm AIOZ-GDANCE, a new large-scale dataset for music-driven group dance generation. Unlike existing datasets that only support single dance, our new dataset contains group dance videos, hence supporting the study of group choreography. We propose a semi-autonomous labeling method with humans in the loop to obtain the 3D ground truth for our dataset. The proposed dataset consists of 16.7 hours of paired music and 3D motion from in-the-wild videos, covering 7 dance styles and 16 music genres. We show that naively applying single dance generation technique to creating group dance motion may lead to unsatisfactory results, such as inconsistent movements and collisions between dancers. Based on our new dataset, we propose a new method that takes an input music sequence and a set of 3D positions of dancers to efficiently produce multiple group-coherent choreographies. We propose new evaluation metrics for measuring group dance quality and perform intensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Our project facilitates future research on group dance generation and is available at: https://aioz-ai.github.io/AIOZ-GDANCE/Comment: accepted in CVPR 202

    The role of green finance, eco-innovation, and creativity in the sustainable development goals of ASEAN countries

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    Recently, sustainable development has become a global requirement. Every country strives to achieve this essential goal, and this attracts the attention of researchers and policymakers. This study investigates the impact of green finance, eco-innovation, and creativity on the sustainable development goals in ASEAN countries. Using CUP-FM and CUP-BC techniques, the study examines the association between variables, and finds that green finance (such as green credit), renewable energy production, eco-innovation, and creativity, have positive associations with sustainable development goals. The control variable, economic growth, has a negative association with sustainable development goals. Based on the evidence, the ASEAN region must increase the quantity of green bonds as a part of green finance. This financial measure would guarantee adequate returns for private investors

    Classification of cow’s behaviors based on 3-DoF accelerations from cow’s movements

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    Cow’s behavior classification helps people to monitor cow activities, thus the health and physiological periods of cows can be well tracked. To classify the behavior of cows, the data from the 3-axis acceleration sensor mounted on their neck is often used. Data acquisition and preprocessing of sensor data is required in this device. We acquire data from the 3-axis acceleration sensor mounted on the cows’neck and send to the microcontrollter. At the microcontroller, a proposed decision tree is applied in real-time manner to classify four important activities of the cows (standing, lying, feeding, and walking). Finally, the results can be sent to the server through the wireless transmission module. The test results confirm the reliability of the proposed device


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    This study presents the qualitative and quantitative analyses of Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectra of poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(vinyl chloride) blends (PMMA/PVC), as well as PVC-g-PMMA graft copolymers. Graft copolymerizations of methyl mathacrylate (MMA) onto PVC macromolecules were carried out mixture of cyclohexanone/N,N-dimethylformamide as solvents, dibenzoyl peroxide as initiator and nitrogen medium. FTIR spectra of PMMA/PVC blends showed that there were molecular interactions between C=O groups of PMMA and C-Cl groups of PVC. Assignments of infrared absorption bands for specific groups of PMMA/PVC blends have been contributed. Using regression method, linear calibration curve between PMMA mole content and peak areas of C=O groups in FTIR spectra of the blends has been found when C=O peak areas were multiplied by an appropriate factor. PMMA grafted content and total PMMA formed content in PVC-g-PMMA graft copolymers have been evaluated. The results showed that grafted PMMA content was increased since PVC was initiatly dechlorinated by NaOH solution. The grafted PMMA content and total formed PMMA content were 5.05 wt.% and 11.25 wt.% respectively when MMA monomers were grafted onto neat PVC and modified PVC molecules


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    The exploration for grain legumes was conducted in collaboration with Vietnamese goverment from February 24 to March 23, 1994. The intinerary, route and locality of exploration are shown Table 1 and Fig. 1. We visited East-North area, Central-South Plateau area and Central-South Coast area to collect local varieties which are in danger of disappearing. We collected a total of 163 samples, which consists of 160 local varieties and 3 wild species. The number of each species is as follows, 41 samples of Glycine max, 43 samples of Vigna unguiculata, 40 samples of Vigna radiata, 6 samples of Vigna umbellata, 2 samples of Vigna glabrescens, 21 samples of Arachis hypogaea, 5 samples of Lablab purpureus, 2 samples of Phaseolus lunatus, 1 sample of Phaseolus vulgaris, 1 sample of Cajanus sajan and another legume. These legmues are cultivated mostly in rainy season and used in daily life for food and feed. The different characters of samples are exhibited in seed color, cotyledon color, seed size, number of seed, pod type and growing period