5 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Faktor – Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Keberhasilan Usaha Kopi Jantan Toraja (Studi Kasus Pada UMKM Kopi 1000 Nurhidayah)

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    A source of income for farmers would be 'Kopi Jantan Toraja' (Peaberry coffee). The growing demand due to changes in the lifestyles of people makes today's coffee more popular. 'Kopi Jantan Toraja' is one of the interesting business options to be produced to boost the farmers' economy. This study aims to define and evaluate the internal and external factors of the "Kopi Jantan Toraja" company in the hope that the internal conditions examined can enable farmers to explore the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities or challenges and threats to be addressed in the company. Internal and external environmental analysis is the type of data collection and analysis used in this study. IFE and EFE in the early phases (Internal and External Factor Evaluation). In the next step, the status of the "Kopi Jantan Toraja" company was calculated by the IE Matrix analysis method. 19 (nineteen) internal factors (8 strengths and 11 weaknesses) and 14 (fourteen) external factors were seen in the IFE and EFE study (8 opportunities and 6 threats). Based on the IE matrix, UMKM Kopi 1000 Nurhidayah's "Kopi Jantan Toraja" company is in a position to keep and sustain, suggesting that a viable approach used by UMKM Kopi 1000 Nurhidayah is market penetration and product growth strategy.Kopi jantan akan menjadi sumber pendapatan petani kopi. Permintaan yang makin meningkat dikarenakan perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat menjadikan kopi makin populer saat ini. Kopi jantan menjadi salah satu pilihan usaha yang menarik untuk dikembangkan agar mampu memperbaiki ekonomi petani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi  dan menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal usaha kopi jantan dengan harapan bahwa kondisi internal yang telah dianalisis dapat membantu petani untuk menggali kekuatan dan kelemahan serta peluang atau tantangan dan ancaman usaha yang dijalankan agar bisa dibenahi. Metode pengolahan dan analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal. Pada tahap awal digunakan matriks IFE (Internal Faktor Evaluation) dan EFE (Eksternal Faktor Evaluation). Pada tahap selanjutnya digunakan alat analisis Matriks IE. Matriks IE digunakan untuk menentukan posisi usaha kopi jantan. Analisis IFE dan EFE menunjukkan adanya 19 (sembilan belas) faktor internal (8 kekuatan dan 11 kelemahan) dan 14 (empat belas) faktor eksternal (8 peluang dan 6 ancaman). Berdasarkan matriks IE, usaha kopi jantan UMKM Kopi 1000 Nurhidayah berada pada posisi dimana pihak UMKM harus bertahan (hold and maintain) yang menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang layak digunakan oleh UMKM Kopi 1000 Nurhidayah adalah strategi untuk menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas (penetrasi pasar) dan mengembangkan produk

    Analisis Struktur Morfologi Dan Gugus Fungsi Serbuk Kopi Robusta Toraja

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    Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. The purpose of this research is to examine the morphological structure and composition of Toraja Robusta coffee. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the morphological structure and elemental analysis of Robusta coffee powder, as well as functional group analysis using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Microscopic examination reveals that the surface of Toraja Robusta coffee grounds is uneven. Furthermore, the elements Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Potassium, and Magnesium were discovered in Toraja Robusta coffee powder. Furthermore, functional group analysis results show that Toraja Robusta coffee powder has several functional groups at various wave numbers. This research advances our understanding of the morphological structure and composition of Toraja Robusta coffee powder, which can be used as a reference in coffee processing and marketing. Furthermore, the findings of this study can help improve the quality and selling value of Toraja Robusta coffee as a local Indonesian coffee product that is distinct and distinct from other types of coffee