60 research outputs found

    Memahami Interior Sebagai Penghubung

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    Desain interior merupakan ilmu yang sangat dekat dengan kebutuhan dan kompleksitas kehidupan manusia. Namun, karena latar belakang cikal bakalnya profesi desainer interior sebagai ahli dekorasi dan pengisi ruang, serta istilah ―interior‖ yang secara harafiah sering diartikan sebagai ―ruang dalam‖, pemaknaan dan praktik desain interior seringkali menjadi sangat terbatas pada pengisi atau dekorasi di dalam batasan fisik yang telah terbentuk oleh arsitektur. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengubah persepsi dan pandangan umum tentang konsep interior, yaitu sebagai ―penghubung,‖ atau penjembatan bersama dengan arsitektur yang sangat penting antara manusia dan lingkungan hidupnya, sehingga metode dan kreativitas dalam praktik desain interior maupun arsitektur bisa lebih kreatif dari apa yang seringkali terjadi saat ini. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitatif dengan metode kepustakaan dan studi kasus. Hasil pembahasan merujuk kepada beberapa metode atau teknik pengolahan interior dan arsitektur yang dapat digunakan dalam praktik desain dengan konsep interior sebagai ―penghubung,‖ yaitu: mengaburkan batas fisik, manipulasi programatik, inovasi kontinuitas material dan konfigurasi elemen arsitektur menjadi elemen interior. Dengan memanipulasi ruang secara fisik maupun konseptual, lingkup desain interior tidak lagi menjadi sekedar pengisi ruang dan juga tidak terbatasi oleh lingkup arsitektur tetapi merupakan ilmu yang memiliki peran yang sangat penting bersama arsitektur dalam menghubungkan manusia dengan lingkungan hidupnya

    Connecting Asian Heritage Conservation to the Idea of Performative Regionalism: A Case of Community-Enhancing Design Interventions in the Historical Art District of Liulichang, Beijing

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    Witnessing the active modernisation in Asian cities, there is an urgent need to conserve their rich heritage and diverse regional identities. However, as in the case of China, there is a stark contrast between the Asian perspective of conservation and that of the West, in terms of the character of design interventions produced and its purposes, which has frequently invited negative criticisms from heritage conservation professionals. Hence, the objective of this paper is to explore the interventions done on Asian heritage sites, taking the Liulichang Art District in Beijing as the case study, and analyze the positive influence they have brought. The paper starts by distinguishing the Asian values of authenticity in conservation that differ from the West and how these principles have been applied in Liulichang, a famous ancient street known for the selling and practice of Chinese painting. The paper further elaborates on the importance of community building in the process of learning and appreciating the art of Chinese painting and analyses the positive impact made by the design interventions, particularly in terms of community engagement and accommodation of traditional cultural practices. Results reflect that the Asian perspective of conservation do not always follow the principle of minimum intervention but how contemporary interventions could be merged into the heritage site to revive regional communities and cultural activities, connecting Asian architectural conservation with the design approach coined by Barbara Allen (2007) as Performative Regionalism, hence developing the idea and practice of this approach as a result of the discussion

    Tata Bangunan Rumah Tinggal Daerah Pecinan Di Kota Probolinggo Jawa Timur

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    Probolinggo was one of the important administrative trade cities in Java. Long before the Dutch reign, Chinese diasporas had settled along the Banger river in the east of the city bringing along with them their traditions and religion. As Probolinggo gained significance as a trading centre, most of the Chinese played important roles in the city's trade as mediators between the Dutch and the local people. The interaction between the different races and cultures and their trading activites had fomed unique characterisitics in the homes of the Chinese. Using the qualitative method of research which is descriptive in character, this research aims to observe and describe the building pattern of Chinese homes during the Dutch colonial period in Probolinggo city as a result of trading activities and describe the influences of the different cultures in the these homes. Results revealed that trading activites and distance from the trading channel influenced the architectural form and room organization of the dwellings. The interior and decorative elements have undergone acculturation and development. Though the Colonial Dutch culture dominates other cultures in influencing the pattern of dwellings, the Chinese culture is still maintained as an identity

    Design of Portable Purchase Display for Small to Medium Enterprise (Case Study of Fish Cracker Village in Surabaya)

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    Kampung Krupuk, a village of traditional cracker makers, the problem solving method is used to answer the following questions: what type of portable purchase display is suitable for the community of the village of Surabaya crackers? Is a need to develop its business promotion and sales through exhibition or local bazaars frequently held in Surabaya. The location of the Kampung Krupuk village in narrow alleys and far from urban roads result in problems of transporting the commodities to the exhibition areas. These problems became a challenge in the learning studio of Interior Product Design 3 course taken by third year students of the Interior Design Department. Brainstorming and Prototyping methods were carried out in the design process to produce designs that suit the conditions in the field. Existing communities were actively involved in the process of brainstorming designs, evaluation and product prototype testing. The result of this research is a purchase display product design that has many advantages: lightweight, easily assembled, economic, and can be transported by a motorcycle. These advantages are the design solution offered to the existing problems that have previously hampered the marketing and productivity of Kampung Krupuk. The resulting design can truly be realized to support the marketing activities of Kampung Krupuk

    Development of Modular Outdoor Furniture Product Using Lightweight Concrete for Public Parks in Surabaya

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    The development of public parks into green city facilities in Surabaya has triggered the need of outdoor furniture designs that can resist the tropical wet and dry weather conditions while also having a certain mobility to support flexible park arrangement. However, present furniture designs made of concrete material are generally heavy and immovable. Flexible designs are needed for various activities that can take place at the same time such as sitting and playing, and to support changes in arrangement to keep the green open spaces attractive from time to time. This research develops the idea of a modular outdoor furniture design using cellular lightweight concrete (CLC) as the main material as a result from observing its resistance towards weather change and its relative light weight. It starts with analysis of problems, formulation of design concept, creation of design alternatives, selection of design, calculation of mouldings, adaptation of design to the mouldings and production of a scaled mock-up using CLC. Findings of this research reveal that the modular design along with the CLC material used not only support the flexibility of change in function and arrangement but also make these furniture resistant to the hot and humid weather of Surabaya

    Modular outdoor furniture product for new normal public space

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    The limitation of shared activities in public spaces during the New Normal period requires flexible, multi-functional furniture that can be applied in public spaces. Outdoor modular furniture that can be flexibly modified to avoid spreading the virus through surfaces is required to add value to the public outdoor facility. Outdoor modular furniture with cellular lightweight concrete (CLC) as its material has been developed to be used in public space sitting areas. The modular furniture produced from this study can function as a sitting, playing and working facility with various arrangements in its geometrical form. The furniture can be used by adult users and children with the dimensions that refer to both variants of the user. The design had been made into a 1:1 scale prototype to produce compositions that can be used by adults and children for various activity. The prototype had also been tested for two years in outdoor public facilities. The test results showed that it is necessary to improve the material weight, give more rounded corners, improve the finishing as well as the construction process

    Makna Ragam Hias Binatang pada Klenteng Kwan Sing Bio di Tuban

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    The Chinese culture is rich with symbols and meanings, particuliarly the ones related to living creatures. The Chinese society often draw relationships between the characteristics of animals to the values in life desired by mankind in order to achieve perfection. The temple is one of the places rich in Chinese animal symbolism. In the temple of Kwan Sing Bio Tuban, the application of animal symbolism is exceedingly prominent. The dragon, phoenix, unicorn, horse and other animals symbolize important values in life such as health, longevity, strength, wealth and protection

    Keragaman Budaya Tionghoa pada Interior Gereja Katolik

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    The Santa Maria De Fatima Catholic Church building in West Jakarta was originally the residence of a Chinese noble around the 1900s. Although this building is used as a Catholic Church today, Chinese cultural elements are still maintained physically on the building as well as in the customs of the people of the church. The presence of various Chinese cultures in a Catholic Church makes this building an interesting object for study. This research aims to analyze and describe all the various Chinese cultures still maintained in the interior of the Catholic Church of Santa Maria De Fatima. The research method used is qualitative which is descriptive in character. The results show that various Chinese cultures are still present in the structure and layout of the building; structural elements such as beams, columns, floors, walls and ceiling; transitional elements such as doors, windows and openings; furniture as well as in the decorative elements that are similar to traditional homes and buildings in China


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    Gedung P Universitas Kristen Petra adalah gedung bertingkat sembilan dengan luasan yang cukup besar. Gedung ini Dilengkapi dengan dua tangga darurat yaitu pada bagian barat dan timur gedung. Tangga darurat bagian barat menghubungkan lantai 9 sampai dengan lantai 1, sedangkan tangga darurat bagian timur menghubungkan lantai 7 sampai dengan lantai 1. Peletakan tangga darurat di gedung P telah dirancang dengan mempertimbangkan standar-standar yang ada. Namun telah terjadi banyak perubahaan program ruang di gedung P sejak beroperasi pada tahun 1998 yang berakibat pada perubahan akses menuju tangga darurat, maka perlu dievaluasi kembali apakah akses menuju tangga darurat yang direncanakan diawal pembangunan masih sesuai standar setelah perubahan tersebut. Di samping itu, kondisi interior tangga darurat kurang diperhatikan, dengan demikian perlu adanya evaluasi bagaimana kondisi interior tangga darurat sehingga ketika dibutuhkan, tangga darurat dapat berfungsi maksimal. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa akibat dari perubahanperubahan program ruang maka akses dan sirkulasi menuju tangga darurat pada beberapa lantai menjadi tertutup/tidak lancar. Area tangga darurat dan aksesnya menjadi sangat tidak teratur karena adanya penambahan ruang dan perubahan fungsi koridor tangga darurat menjadi tempat penyimpanan barang. Kondisi beberapa unsur interior seperti dinding, pintu, lampu, jendela dan kelengkapannya sebagian besar dalam kondisi rusak, kotor atau tidak terawat. Kondisi tersebut membuat tangga darurat menjadi kurang memenuhi syarat sebagai jalur penyelamatan diri. Kata kunci: Evaluasi, tangga darurat, persyaratan tangga darurat

    Design of portable purchase display for small to medium enterprise

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    As an effort to increase the regional economy and touristic attraction of Surabaya city, the local government has issued a program to support and expand existing small to medium enterprises (SMEs). One of them is Kampung Krupuk, a village of traditional cracker makers. Despite its potentials, there is a need to develop its business promotion and sales through exhibition or local bazaars frequently held in Surabaya. The location of the Kampung Krupuk village in narrow alleys and far from urban roads result in problems of transporting the commodities to the exhibition areas. These problems became a challenge in the learning studio of Interior Product Design 3 course taken by third year students of the Interior Design Department. Brainstorming and Prototyping methods were carried out in the design process to produce designs that suit the conditions in the field. Existing communities were actively involved in the process of brainstorming designs, evaluation and product prototype testing. The result of this research is a purchase display product design that has many advantages: lightweight, easily assembled, economic, and can be transported by a motorcycle. These advantages are the design solution offered to the existing problems that have previously hampered the marketing and productivity of Kampung Krupuk. The resulting design can truly be realized to support the marketing activities of Kampung Krupu
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