755 research outputs found

    Nurses’ Practices, Attitudes, and Beliefs regarding Human papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine: a Cross-sectional State-wide Survey of Montana Nurses

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    Background: Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, with 13 million new infections emerging every year, is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the US. About 10% of these infections persists, progressing to cause cancers. In previous research conducted in Montana, physicians and public health stakeholders identified greater parental/patient informational needs and limited time for vaccine discussions as barriers to HPV vaccination. Non-physician health care personnel, like nurses and medical assistants, could help bridge this gap and serve as vaccine champions. So far, majority of the studies focused on vaccine confidence among providers have primarily focused on physicians. Through this project we collated state-level data on the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of nurses with a long-term goal of optimizing their impact in HPV vaccine promotion in Montana. Methods: We developed a 70-item survey instrument based on a review of existing literature and surveys, including questions created through the CDC-funded Rapid Cycle Survey Collaborative for Provider Input on Immunization Issues. The survey instrument was pre-tested with a small but diverse group (n=7) of nurses and medical assistants. We administered electronic surveys to a state-wide network of nurses and medical assistants working at facilities that participated in the VFC program between December 2020 to March 2021. We sent two email reminders before closing the survey. Data were analyzed for a final sample of 270 participants. Results: Overall, 56% of respondents were registered nurses, 24% were medical assistants, and 17% were licensed practical nurses. Among respondents, 53.7% reported having a process at their clinics to identify and contact patients that are due for their immunization visit. More nurses reported experiencing greater parental vaccine refusal or delay among males than females and this finding remained consistent across age groups. Most respondents (92.5%) agreed that it is important to vaccinate adolescents against HPV before they engage in any physical intimacy. About 38.1% of respondents reported that misinformation that parents receive from the internet and social media were major barriers to HPV vaccine uptake. Regarding strategies to improve vaccination rates in Montana, 61.4% nurses and medical assistants identified emphasizing cancer prevention while discussing HPV vaccine as being very effective. Collaborating with schools to offer HPV vaccine onsite to increase uptake was also recommended. Discussion: This study offers a glimpse into adolescent vaccination practices, perceptions and attitudes among nurses and medical assistants in Montana. Training opportunities on communication strategies can help nurses provide a strong HPV vaccine recommendation. Ways to improve vaccination coverage identified in this study include engaging parents in vaccine education, providing clear and consistent messages on the importance of HPV vaccination for cancer prevention, and investing in school-based immunization programs. Significance: The HPV vaccine series completion rates in Montana have lagged considerably and is well below the goal 80%. These HPV vaccine uptake rates are problematic because, despite the availability of a vaccine aimed at cancer prevention, adequate protection against HPV-related infections and cancers is not being realized. Through our study, we attempted to explore Montana nurses’ role in cancer prevention so that we can design evidence-based strategies to engage them in providing strong vaccine recommendations to boost HPV vaccine uptake

    A linear model for leaf area measurement to screen potential leaf material for herbal drug in Adhatoda vasica L.

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    Leaf area is an important parameter in physiology and agronomy studies. Linear models for leaf area measurement are developed for plant species as a nondestructive method. The plant Adhatoda vasica L. (a medicinal plant) was selected and the leaves of this plant were used for development of linear model for leaf area using Leaf Area Meter (LAM) software. Planimetric parameters (length, length2, width and width2) and gravimetric (dry weight and water content) parameters are considered for the development of linear model for this plant species. Single factor ANOVA and linear correlations were worked out using these parameters and leaf area. The plant was showed significant relationship with the parameters studied. The best correlation as represented by regression coefficient (R2) was used and improved R2 is worked out. It is observed that with increase in leaf area, water content is also increased and showed best correlation with the leaf area. Thus water content can be taken as a parameter for developing linear model for leaf area is concluded

    Global Warming Risk Perceptions in India

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    Thaker, Jagadish, Smith, Nicholas, and Leiserowitz, Anthony ; 2020; Global warming risk perceptions in India; "Published in Risk Analysis" ; http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/risa.13574Publishe

    Arithmetic on a Distributed-Memory Quantum Multicomputer

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    We evaluate the performance of quantum arithmetic algorithms run on a distributed quantum computer (a quantum multicomputer). We vary the node capacity and I/O capabilities, and the network topology. The tradeoff of choosing between gates executed remotely, through ``teleported gates'' on entangled pairs of qubits (telegate), versus exchanging the relevant qubits via quantum teleportation, then executing the algorithm using local gates (teledata), is examined. We show that the teledata approach performs better, and that carry-ripple adders perform well when the teleportation block is decomposed so that the key quantum operations can be parallelized. A node size of only a few logical qubits performs adequately provided that the nodes have two transceiver qubits. A linear network topology performs acceptably for a broad range of system sizes and performance parameters. We therefore recommend pursuing small, high-I/O bandwidth nodes and a simple network. Such a machine will run Shor's algorithm for factoring large numbers efficiently.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, ACM transactions format. Extended version of Int. Symp. on Comp. Architecture (ISCA) paper; v2, correct one circuit error, numerous small changes for clarity, add reference

    A Perceptive of Bibliometric Analysis on University-Industry Collaboration Using PRISMA Framework

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    Collaboration between the university and industry can lead to successful knowledge transfer, technology transfer, and skill development. To improve the economy in the world, this collaboration advocates IPR, real-time research, and skilled students who are ready for the workforce. The bibliometric analysis methodology is employed in this study to examine, assess, and pinpoint the advantages and disadvantages of UIC. We searched for pertinent research papers for this study using the Google Scholar database and the search term "University-Industry Collaboration". Although there were many articles available, we only included one that had at least 21 citations and was published by Springer and Elsevier between 1998 and 2023. The introduction, methodology, result, and conclusion are the four sections that make up this paper. The present state of research, findings, gaps, and methodology are highlighted in this research article to help steer future investigations

    First Year Engineering Students’ Identification of Models in Engineering

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    Background To succeed in engineering careers, students must be able to create and apply models to certain problems. The different types of models include physical, mathematical, computational, graphical, and financial, which are used both in academics, research, and industry. However, many students struggle to define, create, and apply relevant models in their engineering courses. Purpose (Research Questions) The research questions investigated in this study are: (1) What types of models do engineering students identify before and after completing a first-year engineering course? (2) How do students’ responses compare across different courses (a graphical communications course - EGR 120 and a programming course - EGR 115), and sections? Design/Methods The data used for this study were collected in two introductory first-year engineering courses offered during Fall 2019, EGR 115 and EGR 120. Students’ responses to a survey about modeling were qualitatively analyzed. The survey was given at the beginning and the end of the courses. The data analyzed consisted of 560 pre and post surveys for EGR 115 and 384 pre and post surveys for EGR 120. Results Once the analysis is complete, we are hoping to find that the students can better define and apply models in their engineering courses after they have completed the EGR 115 and/or EGR 120 courses

    Study of feto-maternal outcome in patients of jaundice in third trimester of pregnancy

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    Background: Jaundice in pregnancy is an important medical disorder, more commonly seen in developing countries than developed ones. It comprises of a formidable list of complications that may adversely affect the pregnant woman and her fetus. Objective of current study was to study causes and feto-maternal outcome in pregnancies with jaundice in 3rd trimester.Methods: This was a retrospective study of 49 patients admitted in department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at a tertiary care hospital with jaundice in 3rd trimester of pregnancy during the period from September 2008 to September 2010.Results: Out of 9972 deliveries, 49 patients were admitted with jaundice in 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Out of them 91.1% patients delivered. Vaginal delivery occurred in 82.2% and Cesarean section done in 17.7%. Preterm delivery occurred in 68.8%, low birth weight (LBW) was found in 82.2%, perinatal mortality occurred in 34.6% and maternal mortality occurred in 16.3% of patients.Conclusions: Jaundice in 3rd trimester of pregnancy leads to preterm delivery, fetal distress, intra uterine fetal death (IUFD) and high perinatal & maternal morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis & aggressive management at tertiary care center help in reducing maternal & perinatal morbiditiy and mortality

    Farmakokinetika ceftriaksona u teladi

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    The pharmacokinetics of ceftriaxone was determined after a single intravenous and intramuscular administration at the dose rate of 10 mg/kg in crossbred cow calves. The drug concentration in plasma was quantified through High Performance Liquid Chromatography with UV detection. Following intravenous administration the drug was rapidly distributed (t1/2α: 0.13 ± 0.01 h; Vd(area); 0.44 ± 0.07 L/kg) and eliminated (t1/2β: 1.58 ± 0.06 h) from the body with a clearance rate of 3.15 ± 0.41 mL/min/kg. Following intramuscular administration, the peak plasma drug concentration (Cmax) was 15.34 ± 2.39 μg/mL at 0.25 hours (Tmax) suggesting very rapid absorption. The drug was extensively distributed (Vd(area): 1.16 ± 0.15 L/kg) and slowly eliminated (t1/2β: 5.02 ± 0.51 hours; Cl(B): 2.71 ± 0.29 mL/min/kg) following intramuscular administration. The absolute bioavailability of ceftriaxone was 47.0 ± 5.0% following intramuscular injection. However, it can be used at a dosage of 10 mg/kg intramuscularly, repeated at twelve-hourly intervals, for the treatment of susceptible bacteria infections in calves.Farmakokinetika ceftriaksona određivana je u križane teladi nakon njegove jednokratne intravenske i intramuskularne primjene u dozi od 10 mg/kg. Koncentracija lijeka u plazmi određivana je tekućinskom kromatografifi jom visokog učinka s UV zrakama. Raspodjela lijeka bila je brza nakon intravenske primjene (t1/2α: 0,13 ± 0,01 h; Vd(area): 0,44 ± 0,07 L/kg), a izlučivanje (t1/2β: 1,58 ± 0,06 h) iz tijela s klirensom od 3,15 ± 0,41 mL/min/kg. Nakon intramuskularne primjene vršna koncentracija u plazmi iznosila je (Cmax) 15,34 ± 2,39 μg/mL tijekom 0,25 sati (Tmax) što upućuje na vrlo brzu apsorpciju. Raspodjela lijeka bila je izrazito dobra (Vd(area) 1,16 ± 0,15 L/kg), a izlučivanje sporo (t1/2β: 5,02 ± 0,51 sati; Cl(B): 2,71 ± 0,29 mL/min/kg) nakon intramuskularne primjene. Apsolutna biološka raspoloživost nakon intramuskularne primjene ceftriaksona iznosila je 47,0 ± 5,0%. Međutim, on se može rabiti u dozi od 10 mg/kg i.m. te ponavljati u razmacima od 12 sati radi liječenja bakterijskih zaraza u teladi
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