15 research outputs found
The Evolution of the Malaysian Diplomatic Relation with West Asia: Special Reference to Malaysia-Qatar Relations.
Malaysia s foreign policy has traditionally focused on Southeast Asia and its friends in the West West Asia was not a priority in its foreign policy despite the long established historical social and religious connection between Malaysia and the region It was not until April 1965 that Malaysia began to develop closer cooperation with members of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference OIC The OIC was established with the fundamental purpose of strengthening the solidarity and cooperation among the 59 Members States Malaysia values its participation within the OIC as part of its foreign policy strategy with other Muslim countries During the 2003-2007 period Turkey Saudi Arabia and Malaysia were the three largest Muslim majority economies registering significantly larger growth in trade with OIC member countries than with the rest of the world This paper examines factors shaping Malaysia-West Asia international relations through the perspective of social capital networking with a focus on establishing an ummah network between Malaysia and West Asi
Regional Cooperation: Malay World and the Formation of ASEAN Community
Malay world is an area in Southeast Asia that has trade tradition during Islam entered and established With the arrival of Islam the region of the Malay world has become the focal point of trade for merchants from all over the world Islamic trading centers have spread into many areas of the Malay world from Pasai now known as Lhokseumawe in North Aceh and Aceh now known as Banda Aceh on the east to Celebes and Ternate in the west from Patani in Southern Thailand and Sulu in Phlippineson the North until Banten Ceribon and Kudus in Indonesia on the South These trade centers have dominated economic and trade route in Southeast Asia The arrival of Islam in the region has been able to grow old port towns as well as emergence of new port cities until becoming influential and important trade cente
ABSTRACT This paper explores the importance of the social dimensions of business modelling for sustained growth and profitability by highlighting the potential of the Islamic economic framework. It examines common business models and identifies those areas of strength and weakness conducive to sustainability. In this, the potential of the Islamic system is highlighted. The paper argues that the Islamic system is largely socially oriented but that this should not be misunderstood as a compromise in profitability. Rather, that sustainable growth is not a single person (or firm) journey, but a gradual, yet lasting, cooperation with society for achieving sustainable growth to the mutual benefit of all parties. By this, it is hoped that the value of social entrepreneurship is highlighted
Edible Coating Berbahan Kitosan Dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Sebagai Pengawet Alami Bakso Sapi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kitosan dengan penambahan ekstrak daun kelor (Moringa Oleifera) sebagai pengawet alami dan edible coating pada bakso sapi. Penelitian ini diawali dengan pembuatan kitosan dikombinasikan dengan ekstrak daun kelor pada kitosan selanjutnya menganlisis mutu produk bakso sapi yang dikemas dengan edible coating dan disimpan pada suhu ruangan selama 24 jam. Parameter uji yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini organoleptik hedonik, pH, dan analisis bakteri koliform. Penyusunan data hasil organoleptik dianalisis menggunakan Kruskal-wallis dan di uji lanjut Duncan. Data pH dianalisis menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) non faktorial dan dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA lalu diuji lanjut Duncan. Data analisis bakteri koliform dianalisis secara deskriptif. Perlakuan pada penelitian ini adalah lama penyimpanan dengan taraf perlakuan 0,6,12,18,24 jam. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, nilai organoleptik aroma, warna, dan tekstur pada bakso edible coating masih dapat diterima oleh panelis selama penyimpanan 24 jam, sedangkan pada organoleptik rasa hanya dapat diuji hingga penyimpanan jam ke 12. Nilai pH pada bakso edible coating mengalami penurunan dari 6.79 sampai 6.29 selama penyimpanan 24 jam. Hasil analisis bakteri koliform pada bakso edible coating selama penyimpanan 24 jam negatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, bakso edible coating masih memenuhi standar (SNI 3818:2014) hingga penyimpanan jam ke 24
Rasyid Al-Ghannousyi’s Thought on Islamic Democracy
Rasyid al-Ghannousyi, pemikir, pembaharu, pemimpin dan pendiri partai politik al-Nahdhah di Tunisia, tak syak lagi adalah salah seorang pelopor kebangkitan Islam kontemporer. Keberanian dan kepeloporannyanya berkontribusi dalam membangkitkan kesadaran dan kepedulian politis Islam terkait dengan akibat-akibat yang berbahaya dan jahat dari rejim otoriter Zainal Abidin Bin Ali di Tunisia. Tulisan ini mengeksplorasi kehidupan dan pemikirannya dengan fokus khusus pada pendekatannya terhadap demokrasi dan kesesuaiannya dengan Islam, kebebasan publik dan sipil, hak-hal politik warga non-Muslim di Negara Islam dan konsep legitimasi politik dalam pemikiran politik Islam
Muslim politics in Malaysia and the democratization process
This article will address the Muslim politics in Malaysia in the light of the broader shifts towards democratization and Islamization by focusing on politics among the
majority ethnic Malay community, followed an overview of the ideological rivalry between UMNO and PAS, with special reference to the electoral performances of these parties in the past three general elections (November 1999, March 2004 and March 2008) . It then explores the underlying reason for the perceived importance of Islam in understanding the voting trend among the Malay-Muslim electorate which raised the question to what extent was the discourse on Islam instrumental in persuading the Malays to switch their support from PAS to the UMNO during the 2004 elections, and in the process of continued participation as an ‘Islamic Party’ in Malaysian mainstream politics what factors were that encouraged the PAS leaders to compromises and to play by the ‘rule of democracy’. In the concluding part of the
article the writer also provide with an overview on reform agenda of Civilizational Islam (Islam Hadhari) under premiership of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and the current Malaysia’s Transformation Programme (GTP) under the leadership of Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak
Acheh's Case: A Historical Study of the National Movement for the Independence of Acheh-Sumatra
xii, 333 hal; ilus
Malaysia is a country that since its independence has endeavored to practice democratic governance. In line with this, it seeks to ensure that the Malaysian government is representative of the will of the people. To achieve this, there must be in place numerous mechanisms to ensure accountability and transparency while also ensuring that it has an ‘ear to the ground’ so to speak. Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib believed that transformational leadership posts the leader in the role of mentor whereby he able to designate responsibilities to his followers as a means to achieve self-actualization which is a positive means of promoting team-building efforts. To achieve the goals shared between him as a country’s leader and Malaysian peoples as his followers, he believed that inspirational motivation is needed, as it provides meaning to achieving this shared vision on ‘ how to make Malaysia as a high-Income Nation by 2020’?. PM Mohd Najib has been successful in articulating a compelling vision of the Malaysia’s future and tied a high-income nation’s vision to Malaysians citizen values, and ultimately he is capable of being a ‘transformational leader’. It is to this end that this paper is committed, namely to analyzing the important role played by PM Mohd Najib towards outlining a clear vision of national development and whether this is in line with the objective of maqasid shar’iyyah. For this, PM. Mohd Najib appears to have opted to pursue ‘The Government Transformation Programme (GTP)’ to address seven key areas concerning Malaysia’s interest in realizing Malaysia’s vision to become a high-income nation by 2020.
Malaysia adalah negara yang sejak kemerdekaannya telah berupaya untuk melaksanakan tata kelola pemerintahan yang demokratis. Sejalan dengan ini, ada usaha untuk memastikan bahwa pemerintah Malaysia merupakan perwakilan dari kehendak rakyat. Untuk mencapai hal ini, harus terdapat banyak mekanisme untuk menjamin akuntabilitas dan transparansi sekaligus juga memastikan bahwa ia memiliki 'telinga ke tanah'. Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib yakin bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional mengganggap pemimpin sebagai mentor yang mampu menunjuk tanggung jawab kepada anggotanya sebagai sarana untuk mencapai aktualisasi diri yang merupakan sarana positif dalam mempromosikan upaya pembangunan tim. Untuk mencapai tujuan bersama antara Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib sebagai pemimpin negara dengan bangsa Malaysia sebagai pengikutnya, ia percaya bahwa motivasi inspirasional diperlukan sebagai makna untuk mencapai visi bersama tentang 'bagaimana membuat Malaysia sebagai negara berpenghasilan tinggi pada tahun 2020’? PM Mohd Najib telah berhasil dalam mengartikulasikan visi yang menarik dari masa depan Malaysia, dan berhasil mengikat visi pendapatan nasional yang tinggi untuk kepentingan warga Malaysia, dan akhirnya ia mampu menjadi 'pemimpin transformasional'. Ini adalah tujuan penulisan jurnal, yaitu untuk menganalisis peran penting yang dimainkan oleh PM Mohd Najib terhadap penguraikan visi yang jelas dari pembangunan nasional dan apakah ini sejalan dengan tujuan shar'iyyah maqasid. Untuk itu, PM Mohd Najib tampaknya telah memilih untuk mengejar 'Program Transformasi Pemerintah Program ' untuk menyelesaikan tujuh bidang utama mengenai kepentingan Malaysia dalam mewujudkan visi Malaysia untuk menjadi bangsa yang berpenghasilan tinggi pada tahun 2020