687 research outputs found

    Para o desenvolvimento do seguro agrícola na Palestina, tendo em conta os desafios da água e da terra

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    The study aimed to analyze the reality of agricultural insurance in Palestine and the technological applications used in this sector, and used the historical approach based on two important axes: 1 - agricultural lands in the West Bank and Gaza Strip under the practices of the Israeli occupation, 2 - the Palestinian water sector under the Israeli occupation, the study concluded He pointed out that agricultural insurance in Palestine is in the preliminary stage, due to the inability of insurance companies to bear the losses resulting from the risks of occupation practices, such as the occupation practices in destroying agricultural lands with several unrealistic justifications, as well as controlling and plundering Palestinian water resourcesEl estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la realidad del seguro agrícola en Palestina bajo el prisma de la lucha por el agua y la tierra, y las aplicaciones tecnológicas utilizadas en este sector, y utilizó el enfoque histórico basado en dos ejes importantes: 1 - Las tierras agrícolas en Cisjordania y la Franja de Gaza bajo las prácticas de la ocupación israelí, 2 - el sector del agua palestino bajo la ocupación israelí. Señaló que el seguro agrícola en Palestina se encuentra en la etapa preliminar, debido a la incapacidad de las compañías de seguros para asumir las pérdidas derivadas de los riesgos de las prácticas de ocupación, por ejemplo, las prácticas de ocupación en la destrucción de tierras agrícolas con varias justificaciones poco realistas, así como el control y saqueo de los recursos hídricos palestinos.L’étude visait à analyser la réalité de l’assurance agricole en Palestine sous le prisme de la lutte pour l’eau et la terre et les applications technologiques utilisées dans ce secteur, et a utilisé l’approche historique basée sur deux axes importants : 1 - les terres agricoles en Cisjordanie et dans la bande de Gaza sous les pratiques de l’occupation israélienne, 2 - le secteur de l’eau palestinien sous l’occupation israélienne. A conclu l’étude il a souligné que l’assurance agricole en Palestine est au stade préliminaire, en raison de l’incapacité des compagnies d’assurance à supporter les pertes résultant des risques des pratiques d’occupation, telles que les pratiques d’occupation en détruisant les terres agricoles avec plusieurs justifications irréalistes, ainsiqu’encontrôlant et en pillant les ressources en eau palestiniennes.Lo studio si proponeva di analizzare la realtà delle assicurazioni agricole in Palestina alla luce delle sfide legate all'acqua e alla terra. Inoltre, si è fatto riferimento alle applicazioni tecnologiche utilizzate nell'assicurazione agricola. Che contribuiscono allo sviluppo del settore. E ha utilizzato un approccio storico basato su due importanti assi: 1 - i terreni agricoli in Cisgiordania e nella Striscia di Gaza sotto le pratiche dell'occupazione israeliana, 2 - il settore idrico palestinese sotto l'occupazione israeliana. Lo studio ha concluso che l'assicurazione agricola in Palestina è in fase preliminare, a causa dell'incapacità delle compagnie assicurative di sostenere le perdite derivanti dai rischi delle pratiche di occupazione, come le pratiche dell'occupazione di distruggere i terreni agricoli con diverse giustificazioni irrealistiche, nonché di controllare e saccheggiare le risorse idriche palestinesi.O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a realidade do seguro agrícola na Palestina à luz dos desafios da água e da terra. Além disso, referindo-se aos aplicativos tecnológicos usados no seguro agrícola. Que contribuem para o desenvolvimento desse setor. E utilizou a abordagem histórica com base em dois eixos importantes: 1 - terras agrícolas na Cisjordânia e na Faixa de Gaza sob as práticas da ocupação israelense, 2 - o setor hídrico palestino sob a ocupação israelense. O estudo concluiu que o seguro agrícola na Palestina está em estágio preliminar, devido à incapacidade das seguradoras de arcar com as perdas resultantes dos riscos das práticas de ocupação, como as práticas de ocupação que destroem terras agrícolas com várias justificativas irrealistas, além de controlar e saquear os recursos hídricos palestinos

    Parametric Average-Value Model of Rectifiers in Brushless Excitation Systems

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    An average-value model of a rotating rectifier circuit in a brushless excitation system is set forth, where a detailed simulation is required to extract the essential averaged-model parameters using numerical averaging. In the proposed approach, a synchronous machine model with saturation and cross saturation and an arbitrary rotor network representation that uses a voltage-behind-reactance representation for the field winding of the main machine is proposed. This allows the field winding to be represented as branches in a circuit solver, permitting straightforward simulation with connected circuitry. Also a brushless exciter model is introduced to be compatible with the averaged-model, where the exciter armature windings are represented using a voltage-behind-reactance formulation. The resulting average-value model is verified in time domain against detailed simulation, and its validity is demonstrated in all rectifier modes of operation

    Teaching English as a Foreign Language for Different Proficiency Level Learners: a Company Staff

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    Educators, employees, and job developers alike have shown lack of   English proficiency as a basic obstacle to professional career improvement in Iraq. Since 2003, hundreds of different organizations and companies have entered Iraq to participate and do business in the re-building projects. To perfume better, companies are hiring only individuals who can communicate in foreign language. As it is agreed that staff with English language skills have strong advantage over other employees, but to expect all employees speak  English  is totally illusion . A brilliant idea came to the light which is, training the staff of a company by well professional English trainer. It has been a privilege for me to be an English trainer in two companies. This paper is intended to provide a particular guide for trainers of English facing different proficiency level learners. It sheds light to the factors which bring to the development of a multilevel classroom and tend to explain the advantages and challenges of these types of classes

    Demonstration and performance characterization of the Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) process using a visual method

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    The Gas Assisted Gravity Drainage (GAGD) process, currently being developed at LSU, is designed to take advantage of gravity to allow vertical segregation between the injected gas and reservoir crud oil due to their density differences. GAGD is recommended for use with CO2 gas. CO2 dissolves in oil and causes both swelling and viscosity reduction of oil. The GAGD process uses the existing vertical wells for CO2 gas injection, and a horizontal well near the bottom of the payzone for oil production. GAGD, as an EOR process, is not restricted to tertiary oil recovery only. In this research study, a visual glass model has been used to visually discern the mechanisms operative in the GAGD process. The model was also designed to fit different vertical well configurations. The model experiments have proven that GAGD is a viable process for secondary and tertiary oil recovery. Oil recovery in the immiscible secondary mode was as high as 83% IOIP and the oil recovery in the immiscible tertiary mode was 54% ROIP. The model has also shown that the gas injection depth may not have an influence on oil recovery as long as there is vertical communication between reservoir layers. Four different injection depths resulted in oil recovery values between 71% IOIP and 76% IOIP. The visual model experiments have also demonstrated that GAGD is applicable to naturally fractured reservoirs. The oil recovery in the fractured porous media was as high as 76% IOIP, which was higher than the average in homogenous porous media (73% IOIP). Additionally, the GAGD process was found to be viable for higher viscosity oils as well, where secondary immiscible oil recovery was 64% IOIP. Miscible secondary injection was performed by using naphtha as the oil phase and decane as the miscible gas phase to simulate the miscible GAGD process. The visual model has resulted in a microscopic sweep efficiency close to 100% in the miscible GAGD process. The visual model experiments have demonstrated three possible mechanisms responsible for high oil recoveries: Darcy-type displacement until gas breakthrough, gravity drainage after breakthrough, and film drainage in the gas invaded regions

    Sulfur mortar and polymer modified sulfur mortar lining for concrete sewer pipe

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    Corrosion of concrete sewer pipe is an existing problem that faces sewer system allover the world. Sewer pipes are attacked by sulfuric acid that is derived from the biogenic activity or by direct oxidation of hydrogen sulfide from sewerage. Sulfur mortar is a material that proved an excellent resistance to sulfuric acid attack, also, the material showed an excellent bonding, durability and strength properties when bonded with concrete.;This research is a presentation of testing and evaluation performed to modify the existing concrete sewer pipe in order to make it sulfuric acid resistant in sewer systems. Several trials of lining concrete pipes where performed using sulfur mortars, the sulfur mortar liner experienced severe cracking. Polymer modification of the sulfur was a necessary step in order to avoid cracking. Two percentages of the polymer were used, 3 and 5 percent. In addition, trials of reinforcing the sulfur with fiberglass have been studied. The work herein presents the mechanical and engineering properties of the sulfur mortar and modified sulfur mortar. Engineering properties studied in this research include compressive strength effect against aggregate content, bond strength, viscosity characteristics, resistant to sulfuric acid, and shrinkage characteristics.;In addition this research also presents the equipment, manufacturing process, trials of lining the sewer pipe and lessons learned while performing the lining process. This portion of the study was performed to produce a sulfur mortar lined concrete sewer pipes on commercial scale

    Crowdfunding and Sustainable Development: a good match?

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    This dissertation sets out to explore the role of crowdfunding in promoting sustainable development. It explores the role of specialized crowdfunding platforms in contributing to SD and under which conditions they can contribute to SD by considering both platform-related and founder/product-related factors. The dissertation employs two articles in order to explore this. The first is a conceptual paper based on a deductive reasoning approach which investigates a specific type of crowdfunding platforms (i.e. Islamic crowdfunding platforms) and their potential contribution to sustainable development through a conceptual typology. The second is an empirical paper exploring how crowdfunding could benefit developing countries in moving toward sustainable development. It investigates whether and how geographical factors (specifically the distinction between developed and developing countries) may have an impact also in a crowdfunding context, i.e., on the success of prosocial crowdfunding campaigns. The dissertation finds that crowdfunding contribution to sustainable development is not granted, and it is context-specific. Crowdfunding platforms play a critical role in contributing to sustainable development through the several actions and strategies they adopt. How the crowdfunding platform promotes itself and the type of crowd it targets could impact its sustainable development contribution and the sustainable development goals to which it contributes. Moreover, founder/product-related factors have an impact on the success of crowdfunding campaigns aiming to contribute to sustainable development. Donors’ decision-making behaviours could be influenced by home bias and the perceived credibility of the project initiator, as signalled by the country of origin. Thus, donors prefer allocating their donation budget to developed countries and, when allocating their budgets to developing countries, support project initiators from developed countries rather than from developing countries. Therefore, although crowdfunding possesses considerable potential to contribute to sustainable development, it must overcome numerous obstacles in order to become a genuine driving force for sustainability. The dissertation contributes to the literature in various capacities. Firstly, it contributes to the literature which investigates the innovation potential of CF in contributing to SD, to the literature on CF literature and geography, as well as to charitable-giving literature in the online context. Second, it provides a typology for Islamic crowdfunding platforms to understand the role of these platforms in contributing to sustainable development, which could help policymakers and international development actors to make more informed decisions about which type of Islamic crowdfunding platforms they should regulate and/or support. Finally, it shows the challenges of specialised crowdfunding platforms in contributing to sustainable development in developing countries and the role of geography in the success of prosocial crowdfunding campaigns

    Improving Torsional Behaviour Of Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthened With Ultra High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete

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    Reinforced concrete members subjected to torsion may fail suddenly due to insufficient transverse steel reinforcing resulting from construction errors, or increased loading due to a change in purpose. Therefore, strengthening and upgrading is the most cost-effective and convenient solution. The proposed techniques to strengthen concrete members such as steel plates, polymers or concrete have important deficiencies in adherence and durability. So, the use of ultra-high performance steel fibre concrete (UHPFC) can effectively resolve these problems. On the other hand, there have been very little studies on the torsional behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC) beams with UHPFC composite. This work aims at studying the strengthening of rectangular beams with or without stirrups using UHPFC with different types of configurations and thicknesses to improve the torsional resistance of RC beams. Thereby, an experimental study has been made through this investigation to understand the behaviour of RC beams with UHPFC under torsion. Moreover, simulation of the experimental beams was studied using finite element analysis. The FE method from the ANSYS program is used. Variables considered in the test program include; influence of UHPFC configuration (full, U-jacked and left-right sides), influence of UHPFC layer thickness (10, 15, 20 and 25 mm), and influence of transverse steel reinforcement. Test results are discussed in this research based on torque-twist behaviour, torque-strain curve, influence of UHPFC on cracking and ultimate torque, crack patterns and mode of failure of each beam. Results show that the UHPFC matrix can generally be used as an effective external torsional reinforcement for RC beams with or without stirrups. The UHPFC contribution to torsional strength is increased when thickness increases, for all cases of strengthened beams. Moreover, the UHPFC material can be cast in a thin layer, while sandblasting of the specimen surface ensures good adhesion of the U-jacket without using any primer, which subsequently prevents premature failure of the structure and a significant increase in torque capacity. Despite the positive effect in increasing the torque capacity, left-right wrappingis not the most efficient and economical scheme for strengthening reinforced concrete using UHPFC. The fully wrapped beams exhibited considerably higher torque capacity and torsional behaviour. Therefore, the cracking and maximum torque capacity of the strengthened beams is dependent on both configuration and volumetric ratios of UHPFC. Meanwhile, the FE results show good agreement with the experimental results. The ratio of experimental values of the cracking torque to the predicted valuesfrom the FE results for all beams hasa mean of 1.059 and standard deviation of 0.089.The ratio of experimental values of the maximum torque to the predicted values from the FE results for the beams has a mean of 1.038 and standard deviation of 0.062.It is worth mentioning, the possibility of increasing the durability of the member by applying the UHPFC matrix, due to the reduced crack openings and to the compactness of the UHPFC matrix. Hence, the use of UHPFC appears to be a good method to enhance the torsional performance of RC beams


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    Objectives: In developing countries like Iraq, diarrhea was responsible for 70% of deaths among pediatrics. This study was designed to determine Iraqi mothers' knowledge and malpractices associated with diarrhea management in pediatrics.Methods: A cross-sectional pilot study was done on a convenient sample of mothers in Baghdad – Iraq. Data collection was done using a validated questionnaire specifically designed for this study.Result: Most participants preferred to consult physicians or pharmacists about pediatrics diarrhea management. Breastfeeding was stopped by 19% of participants, whereas 35% of mothers who depend on formulated milk discontinued it. Only 30% of participants use oral rehydration solution therapy always as a part of treatment. Although 54% of participated mothers certainly not used antibiotics for the diarrhea management before doctor consultation, however 52.5% of these mothers used antimotility suspensions without any consultation. 17% of participants used some herbal preparations in addition to 11% used some forms of traditional harmful preparations (Al-Sagwa) to manage diarrhea.Conclusions: This study indicates a good level of knowledge about diarrhea management for most participants, although there are some wrong concepts which followed by a small percentage of mothers, especially the most dangerous malpractices of using Al-Sagwa

    Seroprevalence of HBV Infection Among Normal Population and Healthcare Workers in Baghdad

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    Objective: In this study we verified the epidemiology of HBV infection among normal population and healthcare workers (HCWs) in Baghdad by analyzing the prevalence of specific viral markers (anti-HBs, anti-HBc and HBsAg). Method: A total of 797 serum specimens (588-normal population, 209-HCWs) were tested using ELISA technique and positive HBsAg specimens were confirmed by VIDAS technique. Results: In normal population group, the HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc Total were 1.02%, 10.54%, 5.44%, respectively. The HBsAg result was significantly lower (P< 0.05) than previous studies were done in Iraq. Significant correlation (P < 0.05) in prevalence of HBsAg was found between age groups and males had higher positive HBsAg marker than females (P < 0.05). The prevalence of anti-HBs was insignificant (P>0.05) between age groups but significant importance (P < 0.05) was recorded between both sexes. Highly significant (P<0.01) was recorded between ages groups regarding to anti-HBc Total marker but insignificantly (P>0.05) between both sexes were noticed. In HCWs group the HBsAg, anti-HBs, anti-HBc Total were 0.96%, 26.7%, 1.44% respectively and the prevalence of HBsAg was significantly less (P < 0.05) than previous studies. The comparison between normal population and HCWs groups showed significant correlation (P < 0.05) related to HBsAg and highly significant correlation (P<0.01) regarding anti-HBs and anti-HBc Total. The HBsAg and anti-HBs among HCWs was significantly increased (P<0.05) with advancing ages, whereas no such variation was observed between both sexes. The HBsAg was high among those with poor health education but it was with significantly importance (P< 0.05) among different occupational types as well as among vaccinated, incomplete vaccinated and unvaccinated HCWs groups. Additionally, HCWs who had only 1st, only 2nd and those who had 3rd doses showed significant correlation between number of vaccinated individuals and prevalence of anti-HBs. Keywords: Seroprevalence of HBV, HBsAg, anti-HBs, HCWs, normal population Abbreviations: anti-HBs, antibody anti-HBs; anti-HBc, antibody anti-HBc; HBsAg, antigen HB

    An Epidemiological, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Study of the Leishmania tropica Parasite in Iraq’s Anbar Province

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    This paper involved the registration of 1,936 cases of infection of the Leishmania tropica parasite observed at hospitals and health centers in Ramadi, Fallujah, Baghdadi, and Hit during 2017. The results revealed that the highest rates of infection were found in Ramadi and Fallujah. The 1-10 years age group recorded the highest rate at 35.5%. There was no significant difference (p ≥ 0.05) between the sexes. December and January saw the highest rate of infection, where the rate in rural townships was found to be 65.5%, higher than in urban regions which saw a rate of 34.4%. Facial lesions were the most prominent area of infection, recorded at a rate of 41.3%. The study also included an examination of 180 rodents (94 mice and 86 black rats) - the investigation demonstrated the presence of the amastigote stage at a rate of 43.6% among mice and 53.4% among rats. The study also involved an analysis of the impact of the use of a water extract from the Rhanterium epapposum plant, also locally known as the Arfaj plant, on Leishmania tropica parasite growth. As part of this study, a concentration of between 0.05-5 mg/ml was used. The application of these concentrations led to an inhibitory effect on parasite growth - an application of relatively higher concentrations caused greater effects in times of growth between 1-5 days