892 research outputs found

    Lifestyle-modified mortality associated with air pollution: a time-series study

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    Health Services Research Fund & Health Care and Promotion Fund: Research Dissemination Reports (Series 9)published_or_final_versio

    Algorithms for Colourful Simplicial Depth and Medians in the Plane

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    The colourful simplicial depth of a point x in the plane relative to a configuration of n points in k colour classes is exactly the number of closed simplices (triangles) with vertices from 3 different colour classes that contain x in their convex hull. We consider the problems of efficiently computing the colourful simplicial depth of a point x, and of finding a point, called a median, that maximizes colourful simplicial depth. For computing the colourful simplicial depth of x, our algorithm runs in time O(n log(n) + k n) in general, and O(kn) if the points are sorted around x. For finding the colourful median, we get a time of O(n^4). For comparison, the running times of the best known algorithm for the monochrome version of these problems are O(n log(n)) in general, improving to O(n) if the points are sorted around x for monochrome depth, and O(n^4) for finding a monochrome median.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    MScMS-II: an innovative IR-based indoor coordinate measuring system for large-scale metrology applications

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    According to the current great interest concerning large-scale metrology applications in many different fields of manufacturing industry, technologies and techniques for dimensional measurement have recently shown a substantial improvement. Ease-of-use, logistic and economic issues, as well as metrological performance are assuming a more and more important role among system requirements. This paper describes the architecture and the working principles of a novel infrared (IR) optical-based system, designed to perform low-cost and easy indoor coordinate measurements of large-size objects. The system consists of a distributed network-based layout, whose modularity allows fitting differently sized and shaped working volumes by adequately increasing the number of sensing units. Differently from existing spatially distributed metrological instruments, the remote sensor devices are intended to provide embedded data elaboration capabilities, in order to share the overall computational load. The overall system functionalities, including distributed layout configuration, network self-calibration, 3D point localization, and measurement data elaboration, are discussed. A preliminary metrological characterization of system performance, based on experimental testing, is also presente

    Perceção de profissionais de enfermagem sobre a sexualidade de pacientes em idade fértil, hospitalizados

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    A sexualidade e a enfermagem são domínios intimamente relacionados (Santos, Ribeiro & Campos, 2007). O presente estudo, implementado num hospital público de São Luís-Maranhão-Brasil, teve como principal objetivo analisar a perceção da equipe de enfermagem sobre a sexualidade de utentes em idade fértil, hospitalizados. Procurou assim responder à questão de investigação: Quais as perceções de enfermeiros sobre a sexualidade do paciente hospitalizado? O estudo foi realizado com 31 profissionais de enfermagem, cujo processo de seleção foi do tipo não probabilístico, por conveniência. O instrumento de recolha de dados deu-se primeiramente por meio de uma entrevista estruturada e a partir desse primeiro diagnóstico planeou-se e implementou-se a intervenção educativa, que englobou 3 fases. Após a intervenção procedeu-se à aplicação de uma entrevista estruturada de avaliação. Os resultados, antes da intervenção, evidenciaram que a maioria dos participantes relacionou inicialmente a sexualidade com a preferência sexual e referiu não ter formação específica para lidar com a sexualidade do paciente. A masturbação, a ereção peniana durante o cateterismo vesical, e ereção peniana no momento do banho, foram as manifestações de sexualidade mais citadas pelos ntrevistados, e um número significativo referiu, levar o caso à chefia procurando assim ajuda para a sua resolução. Após a intervenção, as mudanças mais apontadas pelos participantes foram a melhoria da comunicação e convivência com o paciente e com os colegas de trabalho, além de conseguirem responder melhor em diversas situações que requeiram o cuidar do paciente erotizado. A definição da sexualidade após a intervenção foi vista pela equipe de enfermagem como parte inerente ao ser humano, relacionando-a comportamentos e sentimentos do outro. Em relação à saúde sexual, os profissionais de enfermagem relacionaram-na aos direitos da pessoa, sexo seguro e saudável, estar com todos os estímulos sexuais ativos e a prevenção de DST/AIDS. De acordo com os profissionais, após a intervenção educativa agem agora, mais frequentemente, com certa naturalidade, com menos constrangimentos, conseguindo também uma comunicação mais efetiv

    Validação conceitual das características definidoras de diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios em neonatos

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    OBJECTIVE:To develop and validate conceptual and operational definitions for the defining characteristics of the respiratory nursing diagnoses, ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange and impaired spontaneous ventilation, in newborns.METHODS:This was a methodological study of conceptual validation of the defining characteristics of three respiratory nursing diagnoses, by consensus analysis of a committee of five specialist nurses, and then a group of five non-nursing professionals, using the Delphi technique.RESULTS:After two rounds of evaluation, consensus was obtained that was equal to or greater than 80% on all of the definitions, which were then considered validated.CONCLUSION:The definitions developed for the defining characteristics of three nursing diagnoses were validated with a high level of consensus.OBJETIVO:Elaborar e validar definições conceituais e operacionais para as características definidoras dos diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios, Padrão Respiratório Ineficaz, Troca de Gases Prejudicada e Ventilação Espontânea Prejudicada em recém-nascidos.MÉTODOS:Estudo metodológico, de validação conceitual das características definidoras dos três diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios por meio da análise de consenso de um comitê de cinco enfermeiras especialistas e de cinco profissionais não enfermeiros, utilizando a técnica Delphi.RESULTADOS:Após duas rodadas de avaliação, obteve-se consenso igual ou superior a 80% na totalidade das definições, sendo consideradas validadas.CONCLUSÃO:As definições elaboradas para as características definidoras dos três diagnósticos de enfermagem foram validadas com elevado grau de consenso.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de EnfermagemUNIFESP, EPESciEL

    Thermotolerance and molecular chaperone function of the small heat shock protein HSP20 from hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus solfataricus P2

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    Small heat shock proteins are ubiquitous in all three domains (Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya) and possess molecular chaperone activity by binding to unfolded polypeptides and preventing aggregation of proteins in vitro. The functions of a small heat shock protein (S.so-HSP20) from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 have not been described. In the present study, we used real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis to measure mRNA expression of S.so-HSP20 in S. solfataricus P2 and found that it was induced by temperatures that were substantially lower (60°C) or higher (80°C) than the optimal temperature for S. solfataricus P2 (75°C). The expression of S.so-HSP20 mRNA was also up-regulated by cold shock (4°C). Escherichia coli cells expressing S.so-HSP20 showed greater thermotolerance in response to temperature shock (50°C, 4°C). By assaying enzyme activities, S.so-HSP20 was found to promote the proper folding of thermo-denatured citrate synthase and insulin B chain. These results suggest that S.so-HSP20 promotes thermotolerance and engages in chaperone-like activity during the stress response

    Hyperspectral imaging of cuttlefish camouflage indicates good color match in the eyes of fish predators

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of National Academy of Sciences for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108 (2011):9148-9153, doi:10.1073/pnas.1019090108.Camouflage is a widespread phenomenon throughout nature and an important anti-predator tactic in natural selection. Many visual predators have keen color perception, thus camouflage patterns should provide some degree of color matching in addition to other visual factors such as pattern, contrast, and texture. Quantifying camouflage effectiveness in the eyes of the predator is a challenge from the perspectives of both biology and optical imaging technology. Here we take advantage of Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI), which records full-spectrum light data, to simultaneously visualize color match and pattern match in the spectral and the spatial domains, respectively. Cuttlefish can dynamically camouflage themselves on any natural substrate and, despite their colorblindness, produce body patterns that appear to have high-fidelity color matches to the substrate when viewed directly by humans or with RGB images. Live camouflaged cuttlefish on natural backgrounds were imaged using HSI, and subsequent spectral analysis revealed that most reflectance spectra of individual cuttlefish and substrates were similar, rendering the color match possible. Modeling color vision of potential di- and tri-chromatic fish predators of cuttlefish corroborated the spectral match analysis and demonstrated that camouflaged cuttlefish show good color match as well as pattern match in the eyes of fish predators. These findings (i) indicate the strong potential of HSI technology to enhance studies 3 of biological coloration, and (ii) provide supporting evidence that cuttlefish can produce color-coordinated camouflage on natural substrates despite lacking color vision.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the National Science Council of Taiwan NSC-98-2628-B-007-001-MY3 to CCC, from the Network Science Center at West Point and the Army Research Office to JKW, from the NDSEG Fellowship to JJA, and from ONR grant N000140610202 to RTH

    Experimental Demonstration of the Fitness Consequences of an Introduced Parasite of Darwin's Finches

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    Introduced parasites are a particular threat to small populations of hosts living on islands because extinction can occur before hosts have a chance to evolve effective defenses. An experimental approach in which parasite abundance is manipulated in the field can be the most informative means of assessing a parasite's impact on the host. The parasitic fly Philornis downsi, recently introduced to the Galápagos Islands, feeds on nestling Darwin's finches and other land birds. Several correlational studies, and one experimental study of mixed species over several years, reported that the flies reduce host fitness. Here we report the results of a larger scale experimental study of a single species at a single site over a single breeding season.We manipulated the abundance of flies in the nests of medium ground finches (Geospiza fortis) and quantified the impact of the parasites on nestling growth and fledging success. We used nylon nest liners to reduce the number of parasites in 24 nests, leaving another 24 nests as controls. A significant reduction in mean parasite abundance led to a significant increase in the number of nests that successfully fledged young. Nestlings in parasite-reduced nests also tended to be larger prior to fledging.Our results confirm that P. downsi has significant negative effects on the fitness of medium ground finches, and they may pose a serious threat to other species of Darwin's finches. These data can help in the design of management plans for controlling P. downsi in Darwin's finch breeding populations

    Profiling of circulating microRNAs: from single biomarkers to re-wired networks

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    The recent discovery that microRNAs (miRNAs) are present in the circulation sparked interest in their use as potential biomarkers. In this review, we will summarize the latest findings on circulating miRNAs and cardiovascular disease but also discuss analytical challenges. While research on circulating miRNAs is still in its infancy, high analytical standards in statistics and study design are a prerequisite to obtain robust data and avoid repeating the mistakes of the early genetic association studies. Otherwise, studies tend to get published because of their novelty despite low numbers, poorly matched cases and controls and no multivariate adjustment for conventional risk factors. Research on circulating miRNAs can only progress by bringing more statistical rigour to bear in this field and by evaluating changes of individual miRNAs in the context of the overall miRNA network. Such miRNA signatures may have better diagnostic and prognostic value