555 research outputs found

    Modulation by Substance P in the Lamprey Spinal Cord

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    Neuromodulation is a key element for animal adaptation to environmental circumstances. Neuromodulators can alter the output of a physiological system by acting on the motor circuit by transforming intrinsic firing properties and altering synaptic strength. Substance P belongs to the family of tachykinin, which are peptidergic neuromodulators. The main focus of this thesis has been to characterize the effects of substance P in neurons and networks in the lamprey spinal cord. The spinal network underlying locomotion in lamprey is composed of excitatory and inhibitory interneurons mediating fast ionotropic actions. In addition, the tachykinin system as well as other modulator systems, is activated as locomotion is initiated. By using electrophysiological methods in the isolated spinal cord and specific agonists and antagonists, it was shown that substance P is endogenously released within the locomotor network of the adult lamprey (Paper I). Substance P is known to accelerate the burst rate by NMDA current potentiation. In paper II, it was demonstrated that substance P also utilizes the endocannabinoid system to reduce the crossed inhibition in the spinal cord. Paper III examined the effect of substance P on calcium channels in motoneurons and commissural interneurons and we further look into the subtypes of calcium channels modulated by substance P. The last study (paper IV) focuses on the inhibition of background K+ leak channels as the main source of the depolarization caused by substance P. In conclusion, substance P activates neurokinin receptor type 1 (NK1) receptors which in turn activate several intracellular pathways; all these effects modulate the excitability response with implications at the locomotor network level

    Frequency and phase relations of entangled photons observed by a two-photon interference experiment

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    An entangled photon experiment has been performed with a large variation of the temperature of the non-linear crystal generating the entangled pair by spontaneous downconversion. The photon pairs are separated by a nonpolarizing beamsplitter, and the polarization modes are mixed by half wave plates. The correlation function of the coincidences is studied as a function of the temperature. In the presence of a narrow interference filter we observe that the correlation changes between -1 and +1 about seven times within a temperature interval of about 30 degrees C. We show that the common simplified single-mode pair representation of entangled photons is insufficient to describe the results, but that the biphoton description that includes frequency and phase details gives close to perfect fit with experimental data for two different choices of interference filters. We explain the main ideas of the underlying physics, and give an interpretation of the two-photon amplitude which provides an intuitive understanding of the effect of changing the temperature and inserting interference filters.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1309.108

    Fracture Aperture Measurement and Consequences for Grouting

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    The hydraulic and the mechanical apertures of fractures and the relation between them are of interest for hydromechanical (HM) coupling and design of grouting works and reinforcement. The fracture geometry will influence water inflow to underground constructions, penetrability and penetration length of grout and mechanical properties of the fracture. This paper aims at presenting fracture geometry measurements on one fracture sample and to use this as a basis for a discussion on consequences for grouting. To measure surface topography of the two sides of a rock core fracture sample from the TASS-tunnel, Äspö HRL (Sample and sampling described in Ericsson et al. 2009) commercial equipment for stereo photogrammetry was used. Prior to scanning each surface, their relative positions were determined at 1.0 MPa confining pressure. The procedure enables a computer comparison between the surfaces, rendering an aperture map for the specific confining pressure. The measured surface geometry provided a data set that was put in the context of hydraulics, mechanics and hydromechanics. Comments on how the applications inflow, grout spread, fracture deformation and block stability can be related to the fracture geometry are given

    Reduced levels of SCD1 accentuate palmitate-induced stress in insulin-producing ÎČ-cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) is an ER resident enzyme introducing a double-bond in saturated fatty acids. Global knockout of SCD1 in mouse increases fatty acid oxidation and insulin sensitivity which makes the animal resistant to diet-induced obesity. Inhibition of SCD1 has therefore been proposed as a potential therapy of the metabolic syndrome. Much of the work has focused on insulin target tissue and very little is known about how reduced levels of SCD1 would affect the insulin-producing ÎČ-cell, however. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate how reduced levels of SCD1 affect the ÎČ-cell.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Insulin-secreting MIN6 cells with reduced levels of SCD1 were established by siRNA mediated knockdown. When fatty acid oxidation was measured, no difference between cells with reduced levels of SCD1 and mock-transfected cells were found. Also, reducing levels of SCD1 did not affect insulin secretion in response to glucose. To investigate how SCD1 knockdown affected cellular mechanisms, differentially regulated proteins were identified by a proteomic approach. Cells with reduced levels of SCD1 had higher levels of ER chaperones and components of the proteasome. The higher amounts did not protect the ÎČ-cell from palmitate-induced ER stress and apoptosis. Instead, rise in levels of p-eIF2α and CHOP after palmitate exposure was 2-fold higher in cells with reduced levels of SCD1 compared to mock-transfected cells. Accordingly, apoptosis rose to higher levels after exposure to palmitate in cells with reduced levels of SCD1 compared to mock-transfected cells.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, reduced levels of SCD1 augment palmitate-induced ER stress and apoptosis in the ÎČ-cell, which is an important caveat when considering targeting this enzyme as a treatment of the metabolic syndrome.</p

    The public space year-round : how a public place can be designed to promote outdoor activities and to be experienced as attractive all year-round

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    Utomhusvistelse medför positiva effekter för hĂ€lsan under hela Ă„ret. Offentliga platser och gröna miljöer fungerar Ă€ven som viktiga mötesplatser för mĂ€nniskor i staden. Emellertid minskar anvĂ€ndningen av utomhusmiljön ofta under vintern, vilket fĂ„r negativa konsekvenser – inte minst för den psykiska hĂ€lsan. Genom att utforma offentliga platser för att frĂ€mja utomhusvistelse under alla Ă„rstider, kan landskapsarkitekten skapa förbĂ€ttrade förutsĂ€ttningar för sĂ„vĂ€l folkhĂ€lsan som den sociala hĂ„llbarheten. DĂ„ det sker en förtĂ€tningsprocess i mĂ„nga stĂ€der idag, bör kvalitĂ©n pĂ„ de gröna ytor som finns kvar öka, och en förlĂ€ngd sĂ€song för utomhusvistelse skulle kunna vara ett sĂ€tt att uppnĂ„ detta. En viktig del i arbetet med att förlĂ€nga sĂ€songen för utomhusvistelse, Ă€r att utforma behagliga, varierade mikroklimat. Detta inkluderar bland annat anvĂ€ndning av vindskydd, och syftar till att skapa förutsĂ€ttningar för att besöket ska kunna upplevas som positivt, Ă€ven om det blĂ„ser. En annan aspekt Ă€r att efterstrĂ€va större upplevelsevĂ€rden, exempelvis i form av vinterfĂ€gringskvalitĂ©er i vĂ€xtmaterialet, vilket skulle kunna bidra till ett större attraktionsvĂ€rde för platsen. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ av stor betydelse att platsen har en god grundutformning, som skapar möjlighet för anvĂ€ndning under hela Ă„ret, och att besökaren erbjuds valmöjlighet i olika former. KvalitĂ©er kopplande till respektive Ă„rstid bör dessutom stĂ€rkas, sĂ„ att invĂ„narna kĂ€nner en större uppskattning för varje sĂ€song. Platsens kontext och klimatförutsĂ€ttningar Ă€r avgörande för vilken typ av insatser som skulle kunna vara relevanta. Det Ă€r Ă€ven viktigt att undersöka vilka behov som finns. Det finns flera metoder för att befolka stadsrummet under olika Ă„rstider, vilket kunskapssammanstĂ€llningen presenterar. Exempelvis kan de offentliga platserna rymma olika aktiviteter och evenemang. SĂ„vĂ€l isbanor som festivaler, food-trucks och torghandel bidrar till att mĂ€nniskor vistas i stadsrummet. DĂ„ det inte alltid finns ekonomi för att anpassa alla platser till Ă„rstidernas olika förutsĂ€ttningar bör de platser dĂ€r det redan rör sig mycket mĂ€nniskor identifieras. PĂ„ vardagsplatser finns stor potential att jobba med Ă„rstidsgestaltning för att förbĂ€ttra livskvalitĂ©n för sĂ„ mĂ„nga mĂ€nniskor som möjligt. DĂ€r kan de satsade pengarna göra stor nytta. Uppsatsen inkluderar en litteraturstudie samt intervjuer med yrkesverksamma landskapsarkitekter pĂ„ ett konsultföretag respektive planarkitekter pĂ„ en kommun, för att fĂ„ en bild av hur Ă„rstidsgestaltning fungerar i teorin och praktiken. Även observationer frĂ„n olika vardagsplatser i centrala Malmö ingĂ„r i arbetet. Dessa redogör för hur anvĂ€ndningen varierade under observationsperioden (mellan hösten 2017 och vĂ„ren 2018). Uppsatsen presenterar avslutningsvis ett antal rĂ„d och idĂ©er kring hur landskapsarkitekten kan tĂ€nka dĂ„ hen gestaltar en vardagsplats för att den ska fungera och upplevas som attraktiv Ă„ret runt.Being outdoors has a positive impact on the health throughout the year. Public places and green spaces also serve as important meeting point for people in the city. The use of such outdoor environments, however, often decreases in the winter time, which has negative consequences, not least on mental health. By designing public spaces to promote outdoor activities during all seasons, the landscape architect can create improved conditions for both public health and social sustainability. As there is a densification process in many cities today, the quality of the green spaces that are left should be elevated. An extended season for outdoor activities could be a way to achieve this. An important part of extending the season for outdoor activities is to design comfortable and varied microclimates. This includes, for example, the use of wind protection, which aims to create comfortable conditions for the outdoors stay, even if it is windy. Another aspect is to strive for greater experiential value, which can be implemented by, for example, using plants with winter qualities. This can contribute to a greater attraction value for the place. It is also important that the area has a good foundational design that creates opportunities for use throughout the year, and offers the visitor options of how to use the space. The different qualities coming with each season should also be strengthened, so that the residents feel a greater appreciation for each season. The context and climate conditions of the site are defining the type of actions that may be relevant. It is also important to investigate what needs currently exist for the place. There are several methods for populating the public spaces during the different seasons. For example, public spaces can accommodate different types of activities and events. Ice rinks, as well as festivals, markets, and food trucks can help to populate the public spaces. Since there is not always financial support for adapting all public spaces to different conditions of the seasons, places where there already are a lot of people should be identified. The commonly used spaces have a great potential for working with seasonality to improve the quality of life for as many people as possible. In these places, the money invested can be put to great use. The thesis includes a literature study and interviews with professional landscape architects at a private practice, and with planning architects at a municipality, to get an idea of how seasonal design is performed in theory and practice. Observations from different commonly used and crowded places in the central parts of Malmö is also a part of the thesis. The observations describe how the use of the places varied during the observation period (autumn 2017 until spring 2018). The thesis also presents a number of ideas about how landscape architects can create public places to promote outdoor activities and be attractive all yearround

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    Not every research article manages to stay relevant for an entire century, remaining an object for discussion even one hundred years after its composition. In 1921–1922, an American Lukan scholar, and later professor of the New Testament at Harvard University, Henry J. Cadbury, published three articles about the Lukan preface. These articles, and in particular one of them, are still discussed among Lukan scholars today. The aim of my article is to highlight this achievement of Cadbury's. Cadbury was not the first to write about the Lukan preface. The preface had generally been interpreted as evidence that Luke was a historian, and that his gospel was a result of historical research about the events relayed in the story of Jesus. Cadbury did not fully agree. While he agreed that Luke was a historian, he did not agree that what he wrote constituted historical research. Instead, Luke claimed to have himself been present and person­ally experienced at least some of the events that he relates in Luke–Acts, especially the "we-passages" in Acts of the Apostles. The purpose of his narrative was to defend Christianity against false reports and accusations. His experiences of and close contact with the course of events allowed him to do so. Of course, such a profiled understanding of Luke's pref­ace has caused much discussion and critique. I summarize contributions from three scholars: Ernst Haenchen, Loveday Alexander, and David P. Moessner. Following the interventions of these scholars, especially if we are listening to Moessner, the status quaestionis emerges that Luke was neither a reviewing historian nor an eyewitness but rather a well-informed tradent and interpreter of traditions with which he had been familiar for some time. Of course, Moessner does agree that Luke's preface operates within the framework of the historical genre, but the perfect participle παρηÎșÎżÎ»ÎżÏ…ÎžÎ·ÎșότÎčαρηÎșÎżÎ»ÎżÏ…ÎžÎ·ÎșότÎč ("having followed") in Lk. 1:3 does not mean "having investigated" but rather "having followed with the mind" or "having an informed familiarity with" all things that have happened. Thus, at least according to Moessner, Cadbury was both right and wrong

    Det nakna subjektet - En jÀmförande diskursanalys av individen

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    The process of constructing the individual must be understood as the production of a specific political subject. How the individual is constructed affects how the individual understand its identity framework and its perceived role as a political actor. The aim of this thesis is to compare the discourse production between the judicial discourse and the facebook discourse of the individual with the intention of examining from what perspective of power and values the individual is constructed and how the discourse production of the individual reestablishes structures of power. By viewing facebook as an institution and the theoretical perspective of intertextuality, I analyze the subject positions and the values that lay framework for the discourse. I claim that behind the universal construction of the individual there is stratified understanding of who is included in the notion of the individual and who is excluded

    Fracture Deformation Measurements during Grouting in Hard Rock

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    When a fracture system in crystalline rock is grouted the rock mass may deform. Such deformations may reduce the grouting efficiency since new flow paths are opened. The work presented here show that deformations occur at hydraulic tests and grouting and that deformation can be measured and evaluated as stiffness from in situ tests. Deformation measurements, hydraulic testing, and grouting was conducted in spring 2010 in the HallandsÄs tunnel and hydraulic testing in a service tunnel in Gothenburg (RunslÀtt and Thörn, 2010). For measuring physical deformation recently developed equipment from Chalmers University of Technology was used. Deformations were measured seven times in the same borehole. Three measurements were during grouting, and the remaining four from water pressure tests. Most deformations occurred at pump pressures of 1-1.4 MPa, which is lower than the calculated normal rock stress. Stiffness has been evaluated in several ways, including a new method, (Fransson, et al., 2010). Generally the evaluated stiffness is lower in the HallandsÄs tunnel than in the Gothenburg tunnel. The results show agreement with other in situ experiments
