140 research outputs found

    Le rapport au sexuel et la « sémiotique » de l’amour : marquage socioculturel et climats relationnels

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    L’objectif de cet article est de présenter les principaux constats d’une recherche qualitative par entretien semi-directif auprès de jeunes adultes en France et en Grèce. Les systèmes de représentation que nous avons analysés nous ont permis de constater que statuer sur le rapport à la sexualité implique la question de la valence affective qui peut être en jeu dans une relation intime sexuelle. Cette construction est fondée sur la distinction entre différents types des relations intimes dans lesquelles est envisagée la sexualité : quand il y a de l’amour et quand il n’y en a pas. Les « raisonnements affectifs » qui puisent dans cet univers de pensée sous-tendent différentes formes de modalisation dans le rapport à l’autre où le sexuel est en jeu. Concernant l’appréhension du sida, ces raisonnements mettent en lumière les jeux d’articulation entre les principes de modalisation, le sentiment de peur que cette maladie suscite, et la construction du risque à son égard. Ce qui nous révèle la complexité et la multidimensionnalité des facettes qui sont en jeu dans l’appréhension de l’objet « sexualité » et dans les fonctionnements psychologiques relatés par les sujets dans la narration des vécus de leur intimité (peur, désir, perte de contrôle, ...). Ces résultats invitent à conceptualiser les climats relationnels en jeu dans les relations intimes sexuelles, sans les amputer de leur topologie sociale et culturelle, sans les vider de la substance psychologique et intersubjective exprimée.The aim of this article is to present the main conclusions of qualitative research by way of semi-directive interviews about representations of sexuality, held in France and in Greece among young adults. The representation systems that have been analysed allowed us to observe that ruling on reference to sexuality implies the question of affective valence which can be at stake in an intimate sexual relation. This construction is based on the distinction between different types of intimate relations in which sexuality is considered: when love is present and also when it is not. The « affective ways of reasoning » which are drawn from this universe of thought underlie various forms of modalisation in the reference to the other where the sexual is at stake. As far as anxiety about is concerned, these arguments bring out the articulation processes between the principles of modalisation, the feeling of fear induced by the disease and the construction of risk with regard to it. Which reveals to us the complexity and the multidimensionality of the various aspects at stake in the apprehension of the object « sexuality » and in the psychological functioning related by subjects in the narration of the actual experiences of their intimacy (fear, desire, loss of control...). These results invite us to conceptualize the relational climate at stake in intimate sexual relations, without severing them from their cultural and social topology, and without emptying them of the expressed intersubjective and psychological substance

    Précarité et troubles psychologiques : l'effet médiateur de la perspective temporelle

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    International audienceThe aim of this study is to explore the role played by time perspective in the lived experience of precarious living conditions, by investingationg its social determinants and its function in the links between socioeconomic deprivation and psychological distress. Results from data collected in a sample of 275 persons recruited in a free health examination center made appear the social anchorage of TP, the impact of precariousness on the past time perspective and the relation between precariousness and psychological distress (anxiety and depression). Findings also support the hypothesis of a mediating role of time perspective in the sociogenesis of psychological distressL'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser le rôle joué par le rapport au temps dans le vécu des situations de précarité, au travers de l'étude des régulations sociales de la Perspective Temporelle (PT) et du rôle de cette variable psychosociale dans les liens entre situations de précarité et troubles psychologiques. L'analyse des données recueillies auprès de 275 consultants d'un centre d'examen de santé fait apparaître les régulations sociales dont la PT fait l'objet, ainsi que les liens que le rapport au passé entretient à la fois à la précarité et aux troubles psychologiques (troubles anxieux, humeur dépressive). Enfin, les résultats suggèrent le rôle médiateur joué par le rapport négatif au passé dans l'émergence des troubles psychologiques liés aux situations de précarité

    Consideration of future consequences and pro-environmental decision making in the context of persuasion and binding commitment

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    International audienceBased on the ABC model, which postulates that behavior (B) is a product of the interaction between attitudinal variables (A) and contextual factors (C), we studied the influence of social context on the effects of consideration of future consequences (CFC) within the framework of decision making about a pro-environmental behavior. The role of the external situation on the relationship between CFC and the studied behavior was observed through three types of situation: No-communication, persuasive communication and binding communication. The results showed a global effect of CFC on decision making with a moderating effect of the context: CFC had no effect in the least favoring condition (no-communication) nor in the most favoring condition (binding communication). We only observed an effect of CFC in the intermediate condition (persuasive communication). These results confirm the ABC model and highlight the value of taking account of the contextual factors in studying a psychological variable such as CFC

    Does binding communication increase consideration of future consequences and decision-making concerning a pro-environmental behaviour?

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    International audienceThis research was intended to study the impact of binding communication (Joule, Py, & Bernard, 2004), a procedure that is at the crossroads between persuasion and commitment, on Consideration of future consequences (CFC ‒ Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger, & Edwards, 1994) and individuals' decision-making in the field of environmental protection. Since pro-environmental behaviours often involve an investment directed towards the future, we hypothesized that time perspective and especially the consideration of future consequences, traditionally regarded as a personality trait, could be reinforced in a situation of social influence. The goal was to make people more sensitive to long-term consequences of their behaviours, since this sensitivity leads to an increased setting up of pro-environmental behaviours. The results showed an increase of subjects' CFC score after a binding communication procedure. We discuss the practical implications of these results as they relate to communication about environmental issues

    Adaptation et validation française de l'échelle de perspective temporelle " Consideration of Future Consequences "

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    In order to dispose of a future time perspective special dimension's measurement tool, the time extension, we initiated the French validation of the Consideration of Future Consequences scale - CFC (Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger and Scott Edwards, 1994). Our factor analyses led to verify the existence of a single factor structure but with a smaller number of items compared with the princeps version. Furthermore, the scale's nomologic and divergent validity were tested through correlation analyses between this construct and the five dimensions of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI). In addition, the predictive validity of the scale has been tested with declared pro-environmental behaviours. The interest of disposing of a time extension measurement tool in the environment field is also discussed.Afin de disposer d'un outil de mesure d'une dimension particulière de la perspective temporelle future, l'extension temporelle, nous avons mis en œuvre la validation en français de l'échelle Consideration of Future Consequences - CFC (Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger et Scott Edwards, 1994). Nos analyses factorielles ont permis de vérifier l'existence d'une structure en un seul facteur mais avec un nombre réduit d'items comparativement à la version princeps. Par ailleurs, la validité nomologique et divergente de l'échelle a été testée grâce à des analyses corrélationnelles entre ce construit et les cinq dimensions du Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI). En outre, la validité prédictive de l'échelle a été éprouvée avec la mise en place déclarée de comportements écocitoyens. L'intérêt de disposer d'un outil de mesure de l'extension temporelle dans le champ de l'écocitoyenneté est également discuté

    Socialisation, perspectives temporelles et implication personnelle : une étude dans le champ de l'environnement.

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    International audienceThis research examines the influence of individuals' social insertion on their future time extent and on the nature of their personal involvement in environmental issues. Specifically, we assumed that the nature of involvement (circumstantial versus cultural) would influence individuals' time extent. Taking into account two different social groups (Greenpeace and students), the main results show that Greenpeace subjects present a higher level of involvement than students concerning environmental protection and consider the consequences in a longer term. We also note an effect of perceived social support on involvement and CFC. The importance of taking into account individuals' social insertion is also discussed.Cette recherche étudie l'influence de l'insertion sociale des individus sur leur extension temporelle future et sur la nature de leur implication personnelle envers les problématiques environnementales. Nous supposions plus particulièrement que la nature de l'implication (circonstancielle versus culturelle) influencerait l'extension temporelle des individus. Au travers de la prise en compte de deux différents groupes sociaux (Greenpeace et étudiants), les principaux résultats montrent que des sujets Greenpeace présentent un niveau d'implication plus élevé que des sujets étudiants concernant la protection de l'environnement et prennent en considération les conséquences à plus long terme. Nous observons également un effet du support social perçu sur l'implication et sur la CFC. L'importance de la prise en compte de l'insertion sociale des individus est également discutée

    Nursing care practices in intensive care: An analysis according to ethics of responsibility Práticas de cuidado de enfermagem na terapia intensiva: Análise segundo a ética da responsabilidade Atención de enfermería en la terapia intensiva: Análisis desde

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    AbstrAct Objectives: To identify and analyze nursing care practices that affect ethical and professional values in intensive care. Methods: A qualitative and descriptive study was conducted in 2011 with 21 nurses from the Intensive Care Unit of a public hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, based on the Hans Jonas's ethic of responsibility framework. The observation of practices was carried out during 150 hours, followed by extensive description, and 21 individual interviews, in which thematic content analysis was applied. Results: The distancing of nurses from direct care and their preference for providing care to sedated patients due to their low demand for attention and presence were found. Intensiva de hospital público del municipio de Rio de Janeiro. Referencia de la ética de la responsabilidad, de Hans Jonas. Se efectuaron 150 horas de observación de prácticas, seguidas de su descripción densa, y 21 entrevistas individuales aplicándose análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: Se evidenció alejamiento del enfermero en cuidados directos y preferencia por cuidar pacientes sedados, por su baja demanda de atención y presencia. Conclusión: El alejamiento del paciente y del cuidado directo compromete la actuación ético-responsable del enfermero y los valores ético-profesionales, existiendo negligencia sobre el concepto de persona, que integra el metaparadigma de la enfermería. Palabras clave

    Evaluation of the Housing First program in patients with severe mental disorders in France: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Recent studies in North American contexts have suggested that the Housing First model is a promising strategy for providing effective services to homeless people with mental illness. In the context of the highly generous French national health and social care system, which is easily accessible and does not require out-of-pocket payment, the French Health Ministry insists on rigorous techniques, including randomized protocols, to evaluate the impact of Housing First approaches in France.Method and design: A prospective randomized trial was designed to assess the impact of a Housing First intervention on health outcomes and costs over a period of 24 months on homeless people with severe mental illness, compared to Treatment-As-Usual. The study is being conducted in four cities in France: Lille, Marseille, Paris and Toulouse. The inclusion criteria are as follows: over 18 years of age, absolutely homeless or in precarious housing, and possessing a 'high' level of need: diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and moderate to severe disability according to the Multnomah Community Ability Scale (score <= 62) and at least one of the following three criteria: 1) having been hospitalized for mental illness two or more times in any one year during the preceding five years; 2) co-morbid alcohol or substance use; and 3) having been recently arrested or incarcerated. Participants will be randomized to receiving the Housing First intervention or Treatment-As-Usual. The Housing First intervention provides immediate access to independent housing and community care. The primary outcome criterion is the use of high-cost health services (that is,, number of hospital admissions and number of emergency department visits) during the 24-month follow-up period. Secondary outcome measures include health outcomes, social functioning, housing stability and contact with police services. An evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of Housing First will also be conducted. A total of 300 individuals per group will be included. DISCUSSION: This is the first study to examine the impact of a Housing First intervention compared to Treatment-As-Usual in France. It should provide key information to policymakers concerning the cost-effectiveness and health outcomes of the Housing First model in the French context.Trial registration: The current clinical trial number is NCT01570712

    A. Spira, N. Bajos et le groupe ACSF : Les comportements sexuels en France

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    Apostolidis Thémis. A. Spira, N. Bajos et le groupe ACSF : Les comportements sexuels en France. In: Sciences sociales et santé. Volume 11, n°3-4, 1993. pp. 167-173