1,217 research outputs found

    The electronic properties of doped single walled carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotube sensors

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    We present ab initio calculations on the band structure and density of states of single wall semiconducting carbon nanotubes with high degrees (up to 25%) of B, Si and N substitution. The doping process consists of two phases: different carbon nanotubes (CNTs) for a constant doping rate and different doping rates for the zigzag (8, 0) carbon nanotube. We analyze the doping dependence of nanotubes on the doping rate and the nanotube type. Using these results, we select the zigzag (8, 0) carbon nanotube for toxic gas sensor calculation and obtain the total and partial densities of states for CNT (8, 0). We have demonstrated that the CNT (8, 0) can be used as toxic gas sensors for CO and NO molecules, and it can partially detect Cl2_2 toxic molecules but cannot detect H2_2S. To overcome these restrictions, we created the B and N doped CNT (8, 0) and obtained the total and partial density of states for these structures. We also showed that B and N doped CNT (8, 0) can be used as toxic gas sensors for such molecules as CO, NO, Cl2_2 and H2_2S.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure

    Postcolonial international relations theory: The concept of "hybridity"

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    Yüksek Lisans TeziPostkolonyal Uluslararası İlişkiler teorisi kolonyalizmi siyasi, askeri ekonomik, kültürel, kimliksel ve zihinsel bir baskı süreci olarak kabul eder. Postkolonyal Uluslararası İlişkiler teorisi her ne kadar 1980'li yıllarda ortaya çıkmış ve 1990'lı yıllarda gelişmeye başlamış gibi görünse de kökenleri 15. yy sömürge tarihine kadar uzanır. Bu teori dünya tarihini ve Üçüncü Dünya ülkelerinin durumunu ana akım Uluslararası İlişkiler teorilerine eleştirel yaklaşarak ve melezlik gibi farklı kavramları da kullanarak açıklar. Postkolonyal teoriye göre melezlik; bir zamanlar kolonize edilmiş yerli halkın kültürünün Batı kültürünün yanında halen belirsiz bir şekilde var olduğunu gösterir. Melezlik kavramı günümüze dek çok farklı anlamlarda kullanılmıştır. 18. yy. başlarında, kolonyal dönemlerde, melezlik kavramı biyolojik bir anlam içeriyordu ve beyaz ırkın ırkçılık üstünlüğü tavrını haklı çıkarmak ve ırklar arası üremeyi önlemek için "ırkların karışması" ve "kültür birleşimi" anlamı taşıyordu. 19 yy. başlarından sonra, dekolonizasyon dönemiyle birlikte, melezlik kavramı özellikle ABD'de İspanyol asıllı kişiler arasında, yerli ile İspanyol asıllıları birbirinden ayırmak için kullanılarak yeni bir anlam kazandı. Daha sonra ise; 20. yüzyılda, Post-kolonyal ve globalleşme dönemlerinde, melezlik kavramı çoğunluk içerisinde yer alan madun azınlığın uğradığı sosyal ayrımcılığı kastetti. Bu çalışma, Postkolonyal Uluslararası İlişkiler teorisinin günümüze dek tarihsel sürecini ve melezlik kavramının zaman içindeki yeni anlamlarını ele alarak kolonici ve kolonize ülkelerin uluslararası ilişkiler, siyasi, askeri, ekonomik, kültürel, zihinsel ve kimliksel durumunu anlamlandırmayı amaçlar.According to the Postcolonial International Relations theory; colonialism is a political, military, economical, cultural, identity and mental period of domination. Although Postcolonial International Relations theory was born in 1980s and started to develop in the 1990s, it's roots go back to the 15th century of colonization. This theory explains world history and Third World states' situation by criticizing the mainstream International Relations theories and using different concepts like the concept of hybridity. Postcolonial International Relations theory claims the concept of hybridity symbolizes the presence of the colonized Indigenous culture next to the Western culture vaguely. The concept of hybridity of Postcolonial International Relations theory had a long journey in time till today. Early in the 18th century, during the colonial period, hybridity had a biological meaning of "miscegenation" and "amalgamation" in order to justify the white racial superiority and prohibit the interracial breeding. After the beginning of the 19th century, with the decolonization period, hybridity had gained new meanings especially in the USA between the people from Spanish descendants, as it was used to differentiate between the Indegenous origins and Spanish origins. Later with the 20th century, with the postcolonial era and the globalization period, hybridity referred to social discrimination of once colonized minority people in the majority. This study aims to make sense of Postcolonial International Relations theory's historical journey till today and various meanings of the concept of hybridity in time, via lightening the international relations, political, economical, cultural, mental and identity situations of colonizing and colonized states' situations

    Towards Linked Topology

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    We introduce the notions of linked space, linked quasi-category and linked manifold, which are certain spans of the ordinary versions of the respective objects, and which model stratified spaces of various kinds. We then transfer, in depth 1, certain phenomena and constructions from stratified topology to this setting, such as exit path quasi-categories and the beginnings of a stratified bundle theory. We then discuss and extend the topology underlying a construction of J. Lurie, which associates a functorial field theory to any framed disk algebra, to arbitrary tangential structure, as well as an incorporation of defects which is native to the linked setting

    Linked spaces and exit paths

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    Given a span of \infty-categories one of whose legs is a right fibration and the other a cofibration, we construct an \infty-category, the exit path \infty-category of the span. This gives access to stratified geometry by means only of unstratified objects.Comment: v2: generalised main resul


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    Cafer Açın was born in Ankara in 1939, as stated in his autobiography . He began his main education in 1950, registering at the Department of Instrument Manufacturing for Secondary and High School Students at the Ankara Technical Teacher Training College, and then studied at the Ankara State Conservatory, where his department was transferred in 1957. According to his autobiography, he wrote poems, painted and composed about 30 songs. He often mentioned his teacher, Mithat Arman, in his works, a man who contributed greatly to both his education and personality. In this article, the works of Cafer Açın have been examined

    The Construction of Containment Anxiety: A Critical Geopolitical Analysis of Turkey’s Military Intervention into Syria

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    The Turkish Armed Forces successfully executed two consecutive cross-border operations (Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch) in Syria following the failed coup d‘état in 2016. Turkey‘s supposedly traditional ―Kurdophobic‖ reflexes were widely deemed as the motivation behind these operations. However, these assertions are weak when it comes to Turkey‘s relatively harmonious relations with Iraqi Kurdistan and the significant portion of Turkish Kurds‘ endorsement of the incumbent Turkish government. Moreover, the fact that the Turkish government was not a hardliner against the Kurdish-led outlawed Democratic Union Party and its military wing People's Protection Units in the early days of the Syrian Civil War undermines these essentialist and reductionist contentions. This article proposes a geopolitics-driven and more holistic explanation to the Turkish military campaign into Northern Syria. Its objective is to provide a more comprehensive insight into Turkish geopolitical manoeuvres in Syria, to set the contextual and ideational background of the military operations and to present Turkey‘s cognitive horizon for its actions within its vicinity. The article anchors its theoretical basis in the ―critical geopolitics‖ approach in order to place the Turkish intervention into a broader geopolitical context

    THE DISCOURSE OF CHANGE AND CONTINUITY: The International Politics of Turkish National Identity Formation (2002-2017)

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    The Turkish society and state have been subjected to significant and complex social, economic and political transformations since the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in 2002. These seismic and puzzling changes also projected themselves in the national self-perception and foreign affairs of the Turkish nation-state. Turkish foreign policy (TFP) has gradually deviated from its traditional trajectory and has displayed a salient change in certain international issues and areas. In order to make sense of the transformation in Turkey’s external state actions, this thesis aims to provide an account of the discursive transformation of the Turkish national self-image. It responds to the question of ‘how’ the discursive (re-) formation of the Turkish national identity took place between 2002 and 2017, and made certain paradigmatic changes in the field of foreign policy ‘conceivable’. Turkey’s political relations with the Kurdistan Regional Government, the European Union and Egypt within the given time span are employed as case studies. This study has two main theoretical and empirical objectives designed to make original contributions to International Relations (IR) and TFP literatures with a theory-driven perspective. Firstly, the thesis proposes a ‘modular’ post-structural constructivist approach. It invokes nationalism and discourse theories and embeds them in an IR framework in order to theorise the national identity-international relations nexus. Secondly, this research combines analysis of AKP discourses on Turkish national identity with historical/institutional analysis of TFP. Even in the most constructivist IR works on Turkey, scrutiny of national identity narratives appears to be lacking. Rather than scrutinising the identity transformation process, change (mostly and simply from ‘pro-Western to pro-Islamic’) is accepted as an axiomatic assumption before applying an identity-driven analysis to TFP. This study gives equal empirical weight to national identity construction and international relations aspects, allowing the reader to follow both analyses separately and shedding light on the interplay between them

    An Attorney\u27s Primer on Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 11

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