143 research outputs found

    XPS Study of Ion Irradiated and Unirradiated UO2 Thin Films.

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    XPS determination of the oxygen coefficient kO = 2 + x and ionic (U(4+), U(5+), and U(6+)) composition of oxides UO2+x formed on the surfaces of differently oriented (hkl) planes of thin UO2 films on LSAT (Al10La3O51Sr14Ta7) and YSZ (yttria-stabilized zirconia) substrates was performed. The U 4f and O 1s core-electron peak intensities as well as the U 5f relative intensity before and after the (129)Xe(23+) and (238)U(31+) irradiations were employed. It was found that the presence of uranium dioxide film in air results in formation of oxide UO2+x on the surface with mean oxygen coefficients kO in the range 2.07-2.11 on LSAT and 2.17-2.23 on YSZ substrates. These oxygen coefficients depend on the substrate and weakly on the crystallographic orientation. On the basis of the spectral parameters it was established that uranium dioxide films AP2,3 on the LSAT substrates have the smallest kO values, and from the XRD and EBSD results it follows that these samples have a regular monocrystalline structure. The XRD and EBSD results indicate that samples AP5-7 on the YSZ substrates have monocrystalline structure; however, they have the highest kO values. The observed difference in the kO values was probably caused by the different nature of the substrates: the YSZ substrates provide 6.4% compressive strain, whereas (001) LSAT substrates result only in 0.03% tensile strain in the UO2 films. (129)Xe(23+) irradiation (92 MeV, 4.8 × 10(15) ions/cm(2)) of uranium dioxide films on the LSAT substrates was shown to destroy both long-range ordering and uranium close environment, which results in an increase of uranium oxidation state and regrouping of oxygen ions in uranium close environment. (238)U(31+) (110 MeV, 5 × 10(10), 5 × 10(11), 5 × 10(12) ions/cm(2)) irradiations of uranium dioxide films on the YSZ substrates were shown to form the lattice damage only with partial destruction of the long-range ordering.The irradiation experiment was performed at the Grand Accelé rateur National d ́ ’Ions Lourds (GANIL) Caen, France, and supported by the French Network EMIR. The support in planning and execution of the experiment by the CIMAPCIRIL and the GANIL staff, especially I. Monnet, C. Grygiel, T. Madi, and F. Durantel, is much appreciated. The work was supported by RFBR grant no. 16-03-00914-a and partially supported by M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Program of Development. A.J.P. acknowledges funding from the UK EPSRC (grant EP/I036400/1) and Radioactive Waste Management Ltd. (formerly the Radioactive Waste Management Directorate of the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, contract NPO004411A-EPS02), a maintenance grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 13-03-90916) and CSAR bursary. Thanks are given to A.M. Adamska, G.I. Lampronti, V.A. Lebedev, P.G. Martin, L. Payne, and A.A. Shiryaev for their help in characterization of the samples

    Test beam studies of the TRD prototype filled with different gas mixtures based on Xe, Kr, and Ar

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    Towards the end of LHC Run1, gas leaks were observed in some parts of the Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) of ATLAS. Due to these leaks, primary Xenon based gas mixture was replaced with Argon based mixture in various parts. Test-beam studies with a dedicated Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) prototype were carried out in 2015 in order to understand transition radiation performance with mixtures based on Argon and Krypton. We present and discuss the results of these test-beam studies with different active gas compositions.Comment: 5 pages,12 figures, The 2nd International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICPPA-2016); Acknowledgments section correcte

    Some results of test beam studies of Transition Radiation Detector prototypes at CERN

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    Operating conditions and challenging demands of present and future accelerator experiments result in new requirements on detector systems. There are many ongoing activities aimed to develop new technologies and to improve the properties of detectors based on existing technologies. Our work is dedicated to development of Transition Radiation Detectors (TRD) suitable for different applications. In this paper results obtained in beam tests at SPS accelerator at CERN with the TRD prototype based on straw technology are presented. TRD performance was studied as a function of thickness of the transition radiation radiator and working gas mixture pressure

    Лапароскопически-ассистированное устранение послеоперационного осложения чрескожной эндоскопической гастростомии

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    Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is widely used in a group of patients with dysphagia syndrome who require nutritional support with enteral nutrition. In the above observation, a severe complication of PEG is secondary non-circumscribed serous-purulent peritonitis, which developed in connection with the failure of PEG, against the background of cachexia, hypoproteinemia and hypercatabolism. The operation of choice was video laparoscopic surgery, revision and sanitation of the abdominal cavity was performed. The main stage of the operation was gastropexy (the stomach wall to the parietal peritoneum) with three vicryl sutures, which made it possible to seal the gastrostomy area. Чрескожная эндоскопическая гастростомия (ЧЭГ) получила широкое применение в группе пациентов с синдромом дисфагии и требующих нутриционной поддержки энтеральным питанием. В приведенном наблюдении тяжелое осложнение ЧЭГ — вторичный неотграниченный серозногнойный перитонит, развившийся в связи с несостоятельностью ЧЭГ, на фоне кахексии, гипопротеинемии и явлений гиперкатаболизма. Операцией выбора стала видеолапароскопическая операция, в ходе которой была выполнена ревизия и санация брюшной полости. Основным этапом операции стала гастропексия (стенки желудка к париетальной брюшине) тремя викриловыми швами, что позволило герметизировать область гастростомы.

    Identification of particles with Lorentz factor up to 10410^{4} with Transition Radiation Detectors based on micro-strip silicon detectors

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    This work is dedicated to the study of a technique for hadron identification in the TeV momentum range, based on the simultaneous measurement of the energies and of the emission angles of the Transition Radiation (TR) X-rays with respect to the radiating particles. A detector setup has been built and tested with particles in a wide range of Lorentz factors (from about 10310^3 to about 4×1044 \times 10^4 crossing different types of radiators. The measured double-differential (in energy and angle) spectra of the TR photons are in a reasonably good agreement with TR simulation predictions.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, paper published on Nuclear Instruments & Methods


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    The principal element of this actions isC entrsof age women’s health, which work direct on a prophilaxisand in which not only medical-social but psichological, social and legal suport must provide. Those Centrwasorginized and is successfully functioning in Borispil region on base of Central region’s hospital. The system of organisation actions, which was stated, could successfully use in healthcare for provide of safety motherhood.В статье изложена система организационых мероприятий, направленых на улучшение репродуктивного здоровья женщин фертильного возраста, жительниц сельскохозяйственного региона. Ключевым элементом организационых мероприятий есть Центры здоровья женщины, деятельность которых направлена, главным образом, на профилактику, в которых обеспечивается не только медико-санитарная и лечебная помощь, но и психологическая, социальная и правовая поддержка. Такой Центр создан и успешно функционирует в Бориспольском районе Киевской области на базе ЦРБ. Созданная система медицинских мероприятий может успешно применятся в сфере охраны здоровья для обеспечения безопастного материнства.В статті викладена система організаційних заходів, спрямованих на покращання репродуктивного здоров’я жінок фертильного віку, мешканок сільськогосподарського регіону. Ключовим елементом розроблених заходів є Центри здоров’я жінки, діяльність яких спрямована на профілактику, у яких має забезпечуватись не тільки медико-санітарна та лікувальна допомога, а й психологічна, соціальна та правова підтримка. Такий Центр створено та успішно функціонує в Бориспільському районі Київськоїобласті на базі ЦРЛ. Створена система медичних заходів може з успіхом застосовуватись в галузі охорони здоров’я для забезпечення безпечного материнства

    Редкое наблюдение эндоскопического транслюминального дренирования зон панкреатогенной деструкции при инфицированном некротизирующем панкреатите

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    Necrotizing forms of acute pancreatitis, as the most severe in terms of prognosis, occur in 25–30% of cases with a mortality rate of 27–32%, while in most cases these are adults of working age, which emphasizes the social significance of this problem. This article presents a rare observation of endoscopic intraluminal drainage of zones of pancreatogenic destruction in severe necrotizing pancreatitis. The multidisciplinary individual approach we have chosen makes it possible to treat this group of patients most effectively, which confirms the presented clinical observation.Некротизирующие формы острого панкреатита, как наиболее тяжелые в прогностическом плане, встречаются в 25–30% случаев с летальностью 27–32%, при этом в большинстве случаев это лица взрослого трудоспособного возраста, что подчеркивает социальную значимость данной проблемы. В данной статье представлено редкое наблюдение эндоскопического внутрипросветного дренирования зон панкреатогенной деструкции при тяжелой форме некротизирующего панкреатита. Выбранный мультидисциплинарный индивидуальный подход позволяет наиболее эффективно лечить данную группу пациентов, что подтверждает представленное клиническое наблюдение

    A concept of the transition radiation detector for a hadron separation in a forward direction of the LHC experiments

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    Studying of hadron production in forward direction at the LHC energy has a great interest both for understanding of the fundamental QCD processes and also in applied areas such as the description of ultra-high energy cosmic particle interactions. The energies of secondary hadrons in such studies almost reach the maximum energy available at the LHC of ∼6 TeV, which corresponds to a Lorentz γ-factor up to 104 and above. The only effective technique able to identify particles in this range is based on the transition radiation detectors (TRD). Prototypes of such kind of detector were built and tested at the CERN SPS accelerator. Some experimental results obtained in these tests are briefly presented here and compared with Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. MC model demonstrates a good agreement with the experiment. On this basis a concept of a full-scale TRD optimized for the hadron identification in the TeV energy region is proposed. Different particle identification techniques were considered and examined. The expected detector performance to reconstruct secondary hadrons produced in forward direction at the LHC is presented