211 research outputs found


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    This research is to describe, analyze and interpret the Implementation of Procurement Principles in the Goods / Services Procurement Section of the Samarinda City Regional Secretariat through a research focus: effective, efficient, transparent, open, competitive, fair, and accountable, as well as to find out what are the supporting factors and the barrier. Collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the principles of efficiency, effectiveness still need to be improved, the principles of transparency, openness have worked well. The principle of competition, fairness, is still an indication of intervention. The application of the accountable principle requires better archive management to facilitate auditing.Keyword : e-government, e-procurement, atransparent, accountabl

    Pilkada Langsung: Kisah Sukses dan Problematika

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    The implementation of direct local election has become important part of Indonesian society. This election is achievement of the reform. The public can finally vote for their head of the region (the local leaders) based on their own aspiration. The mechanism of this local election is somehow facing pro and contra between direct and indirect. It is considering the positive and negative impacts of the mechanism. The positive impact is to provide an opportunity for proposing their own people of the region to be candidate. This opportunity as a constitutional right of citizen regardless of race, ethnicity, and religion. Other results that there are number of regions are developed since this direct election able to produce several local leaders who are innovative and creative in developing their regions. In contrary, not few of the regional head are entangled with corruption cases. This is caused by the high cost of politics to achieve the seat of that regional head andco-head of the region. In addition, the cost to run the local election is also extremely expensive. Besides the local election socially triggers the horizontal conflict especially among the regional elites and its supporters. Different from the indirect local election that the cost is less. However,its has shortcoming that the regional head electedare not directly reflecting the aspirations of its people


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    The research backround by degree of phisical conditioning into support student university succes in terms from achievment sport science's student and achievment academy. The problem in the research is (1) How the illustration of phisical conditioning test student which enter through SNMPTN, SBMPTN and SM-UPI 2013 to achievment academic? (2)What be found corellations phisical conditioning test student which enter through SNMPTN, SBMPTN and SM-UPI 2013 to achievment academic? (3)What be found comparison phisical conditioning test student which enter through SNMPTN, SBMPTN and SM-UPI 2013 to achievment academic?. The method in the research is study documenter method and corellations method. The populations and sample in the research is all Sport Science 2013 UPI with total sample 73 students. Hoped in the research to be or data that actually achievment academic which output of the students not only infuenced by phisical conditioning, but many factors influencing. Hot Keys : physical conditioning, student, achievement academic Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh derajat kebugaran jasmani dalam menunjang keberhasilan mahasiswa ditinjau dari prestasi mahasiswa Ilmu Keolahragaan ditinjau dari prestasi akademik. Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana Gambaran Tes Kebugaran Jasmani Mahasiswa yang masuk melalui jalur SNMPTN, SBMPTN dan SM-UPI IKOR angkatan 2013 terhadap prestasi akademik? (2) Apakah terdapat hubungan tes kebugaran jasmani mahasiswa yang masuk melalui jalur SNMPTN,SBMPTN dan SM-UPI IKOR angkatan 2013 terhadap prestasi akademik? (3) Aakah terdapat perbandingan tes kebugaran jasmani mahasiswa yang masuk melalui jalur SNMPTN,SBMPTN dan SM-UPI IKOR angkatan 2013 terhadap prestasi akademik? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode study documenter, dengan penelitian korelasi. Populasi sekaligus sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa IKOR angkatan 2013 UPI dengan total sampel 73 mahasiswa. Diharapkan dengan adanya penelitian ini dijadikan acuan atau data bahwa sesungguhnya prestasi akademik yang dihasilkan oleh setiap mahasiswa tidak semata dipengaruhi oleh kebugaran jasmani, melainkan banyak faktor lain yang mempengaruhinya. Kata kunci : kebugaran jasmani, mahasiswa, ikor, prestasi akademi


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    Olahraga dapat menjadi media bagi seseorang untuk menaikkan suasana hati dan kecakapan hidup karena terkandung nilai-nilai kehidupan dan dapat memberikan kesenangan. Tujuan disertasi ini menguji tentang pengaruh aerobic exercise dan gender terhadap suasana hati dan life skill Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian factorial 2x2. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 60 orang member yang terdiri dari laki-laki = 30 orang dan perempuan = 30 orang yang diambil dari Helios Fitness Center Kota Bandung yang berjumlah 140member. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner The Brunnel Mood Scale (BRUMS) untuk mengukur suasana hati dan kuesioner Life Skills Scale For Sports Items untuk mengukur kecakapan hidup. Temuan dalam penelitian ini bahwa latihan aerobik berpengaruh signifikan terhadap suasana hati dan kecakapan hidup terlihat dari hasil pretest dan posttest pada data suasana hati dan kecakapan hidup. Perbedaan hasil pretest dengan posttest memberikan nilai yang lebih baik setelah mengikuti latihan aerobik. Gender dan latihan aerobik memiliki interaksi terhadap suasana hati dan kecakapan hidup. Kontribusi tersebut pada suasana hati dan kecakapan hidup didasarkan pada perbedaan karakteristik laki-laki dengan perempuan serta latihan body combat dan zumba. Hasil menujukkan bahwa pemberian zumba memiliki pengaruh yang lebih baik apabila diberikan pada kelompok perempuan untuk peningkatan suasana hati. Sedangkan kelompok laki-laki lebih memberikan hasil yang lebih baik ketika diberikan latihan body combat untuk peningkatan kecakapan hidup. Latihan aerobik ini dapat menjadi rekomendasi bagi para praktisi dan member untuk meningkatkan suasana hati dan kecakapan hidup. Selain itu dapat memberikan pengetahuan bahwa latihan aerobik tidak hanya meningkatkan fisik namun juga dapat meningkatkan mental dan nilai sosial. Kata kunci: body combat, zumba, kecakapan hidup, suasana hati, gende

    Sensor-Based Nitrogen Management on Non-Irrigated Corn Based Systems in Nebraska

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    Optimizing nitrogen (N) fertilizer applications in corn to reduce environmental impacts while maintaining producer profitability remains a challenge due to spatial and temporal variability in crop yield potential and soil N dynamics. In response to these challenges, active crop canopy sensors and imagery systems have been studied to test the performance of vegetative index-based N management, but adoption has been low. There is also a lack of field-scale research evaluating this technology in water-limiting environments. The evaluation of two sensor-based N management techniques was completed at nine non-irrigated sites in Eastern Nebraska. The first sensor-based N management technique evaluated an active crop canopy sensor and Holland-Schepers model to direct real-time, in-season N applications on corn. Compared to growers’ management, active sensor management improved N use efficiency (NUE) by 16.8±8.4 kg grain kg N-1 and reduced N fertilizer inputs by 38.7±20.8 kg N ha-1. All sites resulted in less N applied than the growers’ management. Two of the nine sites resulted in significant yield losses compared to the sensor-based management with an average yield loss across all sites of 0.49±0.69 Mg grain ha-1. Average partial profitability was 2.40±15.48US2.40±15.48 US ha-1 less than the growers’ practices. Early season base N rates and timing influenced the NUE of active sensor N management approach. The second sensor-based management technique utilized aerial imagery and the Holland-Schepers model to develop variable-rate N prescriptions for in-season applications. The approach incorporated sub-field yield potential by varying the estimated optimum N rate used in the algorithm based on management zones (MZ). The aerial imagery-based management improved NUE compared to the growers’ current management by 23.6±15.3 kg grain kg N-1 and did not result in differences in partial profit. The integration of MZs influenced the total N applied and demonstrated the potential to improve imagery-based recommendations using spatial field data. Overall, compared to grower management, active sensors improved NUE in non-irrigated sites where rainfall is a yield limiting factor. Aerial imagery-based prescriptions also improved NUE compared to grower management and provided an opportunity to further refine sensor-based management to account for sub-field variability by incorporating yield potential and soil attributes. Advisor: Joe D. Luc


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    PM No.38 Tahun 2015 yang menyatakan  bahwa Bandar Udara di Indonesia harus menyediakan fasilitas penumpang berkebutuhan khusus, untuk memudahkan para penumpang berkebutuhan khusus dalam melaksanakan kegiatanya pada area Bandar Udara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi ketersediaan fasilitas berkebutuhan khusus sesuai dengan PM No 38 Tahun 2015 dan kendala dalam ketersediaan fasilitas berkebutuhan khusus di  Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Angkasa pura 1 Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda pada bulan Februari 2023 Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data ditinjau secara langsung melalui kegiatan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi di Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda. Penelitian ini memberikan hasil bagaimana implementasi PM No.38 tentang standar fasilitas penumpang berkebutuhan khusus angkutan udara domestik di Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda. Fasilitas bagi penumpang berkebutuhan khusus penyandang disabilitas di bandar Udara Internasional Juanda belum sepenuhnya tersedia, khusus nya bantuan fasilitas bagi penumpang penyandang disabilitas tunanetra berupa fasilitas guilding block pada area terminal domestik. Kendala dalam ketersediaan fasilitas berkebutuhan khusus di  Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda yaitu, gedung terminal domestik Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda dibangun sebelum adanya PM No.38 Tahun 2015,Terdapatnya kendala oprasional yakni penambahan guilding block pada seluruh area terminal domestik dapat mempengaruhi Level off Service, penumpang berkebutuhan khusus penyandang disabilitas tunanetra tidak serta merta memperbolehkan untuk berpergian sendiri tanpa pendampingan dari pihak keluarga. Kata Kunci : Implementasi, PM No. 38 Tahun 2015, fasilitas, kendala , ketersediaan, penumpang, Bandar Udara Internasional Juand
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