1,171 research outputs found

    Dust-to-gas ratio resurgence in circumstellar disks due to the formation of giant planets: the case of HD 163296

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    The amount of dust present in circumstellar disks is expected to steadily decrease with age due to the growth from micron-sized particles to planetesimals and planets. Mature circumstellar disks, however, can be observed to contain significant amounts of dust and possess high dust-to-gas ratios. Using HD 163296 as our case study, we explore how the formation of giant planets in disks can create the conditions for collisionally rejuvenating the dust population, halting or reversing the expected trend. We combine N-body simulations with statistical methods and impact scaling laws to estimate the dynamical and collisional excitation of the planetesimals due to the formation of HD 163296's giant planets. We show that this process creates a violent collisional environment across the disk that can inject collisionally produced second-generation dust into it, significantly contributing to the observed dust-to-gas ratio. The spatial distribution of the dust production can explain the observed local enrichments in HD 163296's inner regions. The results obtained for HD 163296 can be extended to any disk with embedded forming giant planets and may indicate a common evolutionary stage in the life of such circumstellar disks. Furthermore, the dynamical excitation of the planetesimals could result in the release of transient, non-equilibrium gas species like H2O, CO2, NH3 and CO in the disk due to ice sublimation during impacts and, due to the excited planetesimals being supersonic with respect to the gas, could produce bow shocks in the latter that could heat it and cause a broadening of its emission lines.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journa

    Looking for outflow and infall signatures in high mass star forming regions

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    (Context) Many physical parameters change with time in star forming regions. Here we attempt to correlate changes in infall and outflow motions in high mass star forming regions with evolutionary stage using JCMT observations. (Aims) From a sample of 45 high mass star forming regions in three phases of evolution, we investigate the presence of established infall and outflow tracers to determine whether there are any trends attributable to the age of the source. (Methods) We obtained JCMT observations of HCO+/H13CO+ J=4-3 to trace large scale infall, and SiO J=8-7 to trace recent outflow activity. We compare the infall and outflow detections to the evolutionary stage of the host source (high mass protostellar objects, hypercompact HII regions and ultracompact HII regions). We also note that the integrated intensity of SiO varies with the full width at half maximum of the H13CO+. (Results) We find a surprising lack of SiO detections in the middle stage (Hypercompact HII regions), which may be due to an observational bias. When SiO is detected, we find that the integrated intensity of the line increases with evolutionary stage. We also note that all of the sources with infall signatures onto Ultracompact HII regions have corresponding outflow signatures as well.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. Accepted by A&

    Protostellar clusters in intermediate-mass (IM) star forming regions

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    The transition between the low density groups of T Tauri stars and the high density clusters around massive stars occurs in the intermediate-mass (IM) range (M_*\sim2--8 M_\odot). High spatial resolution studies of IM young stellar objects (YSO) can provide important clues to understand the clustering in massive star forming regions. Aims: Our aim is to search for clustering in IM Class 0 protostars. The high spatial resolution and sensitivity provided by the new A configuration of the Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI) allow us to study the clustering in these nearby objects. Methods: We have imaged three IM Class 0 protostars (Serpens-FIRS 1, IC 1396 N, CB 3) in the continuum at 3.3 and 1.3mm using the PdBI. The sources have been selected with different luminosity to investigate the dependence of the clustering process on the luminosity of the source. Results: Only one millimeter (mm) source is detected towards the low luminosity source Serpens--FIRS 1. Towards CB 3 and IC1396 N, we detect two compact sources separated by \sim0.05 pc. The 1.3mm image of IC 1396 N, which provides the highest spatial resolution, reveal that one of these cores is splitted in, at least, three individual sources.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters (Special Feature IRAM/PdB

    The effect of local optically thick regions in the long-wave emission of young circumstellar disks

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    Multi-wavelength observations of protoplanetary disks in the sub-millimeter continuum have measured spectral indices values which are significantly lower than what is found in the diffuse interstellar medium. Under the assumption that mm-wave emission of disks is mostly optically thin, these data have been generally interpreted as evidence for the presence of mm/cm-sized pebbles in the disk outer regions. In this work we investigate the effect of possible local optically thick regions on the mm-wave emission of protoplanetary disks without mm/cm-sized grains. A significant local increase of the optical depth in the disk can be caused by the concentration of solid particles, as predicted to result from a variety of proposed physical mechanisms. We calculate the filling factors and implied overdensities these optically thick regions would need to significantly affect the millimeter fluxes of disks, and we discuss their plausibility. We find that optically thick regions characterized by relatively small filling factors can reproduce the mm-data of young disks without requesting emission from mm/cm-sized pebbles. However, these optically thick regions require dust overdensities much larger than what predicted by any of the physical processes proposed in the literature to drive the concentration of solids. We find that only for the most massive disks it is possible and plausible to imagine that the presence of optically thick regions in the disk is responsible for the low measured values of the mm spectral index. For the majority of the disk population, optically thin emission from a population of large mm-sized grains remains the most plausible explanation. The results of this analysis further strengthen the scenario for which the measured low spectral indices of protoplanetary disks at mm wavelengths are due to the presence of large mm/cm-sized pebbles in the disk outer regions.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, A&A in pres

    A haptic-enabled multimodal interface for the planning of hip arthroplasty

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    Multimodal environments help fuse a diverse range of sensory modalities, which is particularly important when integrating the complex data involved in surgical preoperative planning. The authors apply a multimodal interface for preoperative planning of hip arthroplasty with a user interface that integrates immersive stereo displays and haptic modalities. This article overviews this multimodal application framework and discusses the benefits of incorporating the haptic modality in this area

    On the shape of the mass-function of dense clumps in the Hi-GAL fields. II. Using Bayesian inference to study the clump mass function

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    Context. Stars form in dense, dusty clumps of molecular clouds, but little is known about their origin, their evolution and their detailed physical properties. In particular, the relationship between the mass distribution of these clumps (also known as the "clump mass function", or CMF) and the stellar initial mass function (IMF), is still poorly understood. Aims. In order to better understand how the CMF evolve toward the IMF, and to discern the "true" shape of the CMF, large samples of bona-fide pre- and proto-stellar clumps are required. Two such datasets obtained from the Herschel infrared GALactic Plane Survey (Hi-GAL) have been described in paper I. Robust statistical methods are needed in order to infer the parameters describing the models used to fit the CMF, and to compare the competing models themselves. Methods. In this paper we apply Bayesian inference to the analysis of the CMF of the two regions discussed in Paper I. First, we determine the Bayesian posterior probability distribution for each of the fitted parameters. Then, we carry out a quantitative comparison of the models used to fit the CMF. Results. We have compared the results from several methods implementing Bayesian inference, and we have also analyzed the impact of the choice of priors and the influence of various constraints on the statistical conclusions for the preferred values of the parameters. We find that both parameter estimation and model comparison depend on the choice of parameter priors. Conclusions. Our results confirm our earlier conclusion that the CMFs of the two Hi-GAL regions studied here have very similar shapes but different mass scales. Furthermore, the lognormal model appears to better describe the CMF measured in the two Hi-GAL regions studied here. However, this preliminary conclusion is dependent on the choice of parameters priors.Comment: Submitted for publication to A&A on November 12, 2013. This paper contains 11 pages and 7 figure

    Control of natural circulation loops by electrohydrodynamic pumping

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    The paper analyses the effect of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) pumping on the control of natural circulation loops (NCLs). The two major objectives of the investigation are: finding the optimal configuration of an EHD pump and demonstrating that the NCL flow direction can be inverted by exploiting the EHD phenomena. In the initial experimental set-up, we measured the static pressure rise given by an EHD pump made of three consecutive modules of point-ring electrodes for different dielectric fluids and electrode materials. When reversing the polarity of the applied DC voltage, we observed opposite pumping directions, suggesting the presence of two distinct EHD phenomena, inducing motion on opposite directions: ion-drag pumping and conduction pumping. The former was identified as a more efficient process compared to the latter. Based on these preliminary experiments, we built a NCL, operating with the fluid HFE-7100. Two oppositely mounted optimised pumping sections could be alternately activated, to promote clockwise or anticlockwise motion. In the first series of tests, alternately, the pumping sections were triggered prior to the heat input. In any case, the circulation followed the EHD pumping direction. In other tests, the electric field was applied when natural circulation was already present and the flow was reversed by means of opposite EHD pumping, at both polarities. Simply inverting the polarity of the applied voltage, we could alternate ion-drag and conduction pumping; in this way, we easily controlled the direction of motion by means of a single EHD pumping device

    New constraints on dust grain size and distribution in CQ Tau

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    Grain growth in circumstellar disks is expected to be the first step towards the formation of planetary systems. There is now evidence for grain growth in several disks around young stars. Radially resolved images of grain growth in circumstellar disks are believed to be a powerful tool to constrain the dust evolution models and the initial stage for the formation of planets. In this paper we attempt to provide these constraints for the disk surrounding the young star CQ Tau. This system was already suggested from previous studies to host a population of grains grown to large sizes. We present new high angular resolution (0.3-0.9 arcsec) observations at wavelengths from 850um to 3.6cm obtained at the SMA, IRAM-PdBI and NRAO-VLA interferometers. We perform a combined analysis of the spectral energy distribution and of the high-resolution images at different wavelengths using a model to describe the dust thermal emission from the circumstellar disk. We include a prescription for the gas emission from the inner regions of the system. We detect the presence of evolved dust by constraining the disk averaged dust opacity coefficient beta (computed between 1.3 and 7mm) to be 0.6+/-0.1. This confirms the earlier suggestions that the disk contains dust grains grown to significant sizes and puts this on firmer grounds by tightly constraining the gas contamination to the observed fluxes at mm-cm wavelengths. We report some evidence of radial variations in dust properties, but current resolution and sensitivity are still too low for definitive results.Comment: 9 pages, A&A in pres

    High Angular Resolution Mid-infrared Imaging of Young Stars in Orion BN/KL

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    We present Keck LWS images of the Orion BN/KL star forming region obtained in the first multi-wavelength study to have 0.3-0.5" resolution from 4.7 to 22 microns. The young stellar objects designated infrared source-n and radio source-I are believed to dominate the BN/KL region. We have detected extended emission from a probable accretion disk around source-n but infer a stellar luminosity on the order of only 2000 Lsun. Although source-I is believed to be more luminous, we do not detect an infrared counterpart even at the longest wavelengths. However, we resolve the closeby infrared source, IRc2, into an arc of knots ~1000 AU long at all wavelengths. Although the physical relation of source-I to IRc2 remains ambiguous, we suggest these sources mark a high density core (10^7-10^8 pc^-3 over 1000 AU) within the larger BN/KL star forming cluster. The high density may be a consequence of the core being young and heavily embedded. We suggest the energetics of the BN/KL region may be dominated by this cluster core rather than one or two individual sources.Comment: 13 pages including 3 color figures. Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters pending slight reduction in length. High resolution figures (jpeg) may be found at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~lincoln/keck.bnkl.midir.ppr