1,166 research outputs found

    Why we need to ask questions about the birth control conditions attached to treatment for women who use drugs

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    First paragraph: Dundee, the city with the highest rate of drug deaths in Europe, is the first place in Scotland to deliver the Pause intervention to 20 women from some of the city’s poorest areas. The programme, which started in England, offers support to women who use drugs on the condition that they receive long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), including implants, injections and intrauterine devices – the pill is not an option. These LARCs are administered by healthcare professionals and don’t require – or allow – the woman to do anything.https://theconversation.com/why-we-need-to-ask-questions-about-the-birth-control-conditions-attached-to-treatment-for-women-who-use-drugs-13170

    Family solidarity in the face of stress: responses to drug use problems in Greece

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    Background: In the past, Greek drug-affected families had predominantly been conceptualized as one of the main causes of drug problems. This study explored the ways drug-affected families respond to, and cope with, a relative’s drug problem by examining the perceptions of both Greek drug users and drug-affected families.  Method: A qualitative study comprised of semi-structured in-depth interviews was conducted in two state drug agencies in Thessaloniki, Greece. A total of 40 adult problem drug-using men and women and eight parents of problem drug users were asked to reflect on the ways families respond to, and cope with, drug use. The method of data analysis involved a manual systematic identification of themes in participant narratives in line with analytic induction principles.  Results: After discovery of the drug problem, all families were reported as coping with their adult children’s drug problems in ways consistent with the stress-strain-coping-support model. The emergent high engagement and low withdrawal coping exhibited by study participants can be contextualized by situating these strategies within the Greek cultural milieu and the notion of familism. While the data illustrate the importance of family solidarity in the face of addiction, caution is invited in making generalizations as sample selection may provide an alternative explanation for study findings.  Conclusion: The paper advocates for a non-pathological view of drug-affected families and highlights the importance of cultural context. The stress-strain-coping-support model helps to depathologise and better understand family reactions to problem drug use. Implications for non-stigmatizing and culturally relevant policy and practice are outlined

    Remote light stress detection for greenhouse LED lighting control

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    The illumination in greenhouses is in general still controlled manually by on/off control because of the type of lamps (High Pressure Sodium) that are traditionally used. With High Brightness LEDs being introduced on the market today, sufficiently high power for greenhouse grown crops can be achieved, which opens up for advanced lighting control since both light spectrum and intensity can be controlled then. For the growers, maximizing production in order to meet customer demand and economically optimize the production, often imply a high light intensity and a high level of artificial light complementing the natural sunlight. However, a too high intensity causes light stress and a photo inhibition that can significantly reduce the photosynthetic yield and hence, production. A key issue to address is therefore to detect when this level is reached. Here we present new results on how to diagnose the plants remotely based on transient and frequency analysis, system identification and frequency function properties


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    This study is entitled Analysis of Uncollectible Accounts Receivable Turnover Rate at CV Suryamas in OKU Regency, with the formulation of the problem is how to analyze uncollectible accounts on the turnover rate of accounts receivable at CV Suryamas in OKU Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive method. This method is used by means of research prioritizing systematic observation of existing activities to obtain appropriate and targeted results by using the analysis tools for the bad debts ratio and the accounts receivable turnover ratio. The results showed that the risk of uncollectible receivables from CV Suryamas in 2015-2019 was 0.11%. While CV Suryamas' receivables turnover in 2015-2019 was seen from the average collection ratio of 121.78%. When viewed, the ratio of non-performing receivables is 0.11%, which means that there is less risk of uncollectible receivables and the average collection ratio reaches 100%. Based on the analysis of the uncollectible accounts receivable ratio to the CV Suryamas receivable turnover ratio in OKU Regency during 2015-2019, it shows that the management of uncollectible accounts has been strived to run properly. This can be seen from the ratio of arrears whose value is less than 3% and the collection ratio reaching 100%, although the receivable turnover ratio has an impact on the inefficient use of business capital and the average collection period ratio also estimates bad debts at 60%


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    Mahasiswa kedokteran hidup dalam lingkungan yang kompetitif dan mengharuskan mahasiswa untuk menguasai banyak materi dalam waktu singkat, hal tersebut terkadang mengakibatkan tekanan dan beban bagi mahasiswa, sehingga dibutukan kemampuan afektif salah satunya adalah efikasi diri. Efikasi diri dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal, salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh motivasi belajar. Mengetahui hubungan motivasi belajar dengan tingkat efikasi diri pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Tahap Sarjana Universitas Malahayati angkatan 2019-2022. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan survey analitik, menggunakan metode cross sectional, alat ukur kuesioner MLSQ dan GSES, serta pengambilan sampel dengan teknik stratified random sampling. Didapatkan hasil penelitian dari responden sebanyak 228 mahasiswa dengan tingkat efikasi diri terbanyak dalam kategori tinggi berjumlah 197 mahasiswa (86,4%) dan tingkat efikasi diri terbanyak pada kategori tinggi berjumlah 128 mahasiswa (56,1%). Analisis statistik menggunakan uji spearman menunjukan p=value sebesar 0,000 (p < 0,05) dengan nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,506. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara motivasi belajar dengan tingkat efikasi diri pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Tahap Sarjana Universitas Malahayati angkatan 2019-2022

    “Development and validation of the ICAP Technology Scale to measure how teachers integrate technology into learning activities”

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    Previous research investigating the use of technology in school has focused mainly on the frequency of use of digital tools during lessons rather than investigating how technology is integrated with respect to different kinds of learning activities. Since the impact of technology use on learning depends on how it is used and on what activities supported by technology are implemented in lessons, a measurement instrument assessing how technology is integrated into learning activities is necessary to investigate its impact on teaching and learning processes. According to the interactive, constructive, active, and passive (ICAP) framework, which distinguishes four different learning activities based on the level of students' cognitive engagement, we developed the 12-item ICAP Technology Scale (ICAP-TS) that accounts for all four dimensions of technology integration in lessons. We used confirmatory factor analysis to validate the four-factor structure of the ICAP-TS with a sample of 1059 upper-secondary school teachers from Switzerland. We also examined reliability using classical test theory and Rasch model analysis to assess the scale's psychometric characteristics. We then analyzed the associations between the ICAP-TS and a general use frequency measure of 12 educational technologies to test the criterion validity. The results confirmed the four-factor structure of the ICAP-TS and revealed good instrument accuracy. The most difficult items to endorse are those describing the integration of technology into interactive learning activities. Furthermore, all 12 items significantly correlated with the frequency of use of 12 educational technologies. We recommend the ICAP-TS as a short and reliable measurement scale for assessing how technology is integrated into lessons, considering different learning activities based on the ICAP theoretical model
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