837 research outputs found

    Glassy phases in Random Heteropolymers with correlated sequences

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    We develop a new analytic approach for the study of lattice heteropolymers, and apply it to copolymers with correlated Markovian sequences. According to our analysis, heteropolymers present three different dense phases depending upon the temperature, the nature of the monomer interactions, and the sequence correlations: (i) a liquid phase, (ii) a ``soft glass'' phase, and (iii) a ``frozen glass'' phase. The presence of the new intermediate ``soft glass'' phase is predicted for instance in the case of polyampholytes with sequences that favor the alternation of monomers. Our approach is based on the cavity method, a refined Bethe Peierls approximation adapted to frustrated systems. It amounts to a mean field treatment in which the nearest neighbor correlations, which are crucial in the dense phases of heteropolymers, are handled exactly. This approach is powerful and versatile, it can be improved systematically and generalized to other polymeric systems


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    c-Myc is a transcriptional regulator required for the cellular response to proliferative stimuli. The gene expression programs regulated by Myc in physiological settings remain to be clarified. Here, we provide a complete characterization of Myc-dependent regulatory events in primary mouse B cells following activation by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Taking advantage of cells homozygous for a conditional knockout allele of c-myc, we induced deletion before LPS stimulation, followed by genome wide profiling of mRNA levels and Myc-DNA interactions. In contrast with previous studies, in which Myc was proposed to directly drive transcriptional amplification at all active loci (Nie et al. 2012, Lin et al. 2012), our study revealed that Myc is required for the up- and down-regulation of distinct subsets of genes early after stimulation, occurring prior to the global increase in RNA production. These gene expression programs where partially overlapping with those regulated by Myc upon oncogenic activation, a distinction made not only in B-cells, but also in fibroblasts (Sab\uf2 et al., 2014, Perna et al. 2012). Our data also show that Myc dependent regulation can occur at the level of RNA Polymerase II loading, as well as elongation. Altogether these data provide an extensive picture of Myc' s action in response to a mitogenic stimulus, highlighting the importance of Myc-target genes in the remodeling of cellular physiology and metabolism. Systematic work will be needed to unravel which, among all the Myc-regulated genes, are critical in mediating this chain of events

    Drift of invariant manifolds and transient chaos in memristor Chua's circuit

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    The article shows that transient chaos phenomena can be observed in a generalized memristor Chua's circuit where a nonlinear resistor is introduced to better model the real memristor behaviour. The flux-charge analysis method is used to explain the origin of transient chaos, that is attributed to the drift of the index of the memristor circuit invariant manifolds caused by the charge flowing into the nonlinear resistor

    Convergence of Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Networks with Application to Image Processing

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    The paper considers a class of discrete-time cellular neural networks (DT-CNNs) obtained by applying Euler's discretization scheme to standard CNNs. Let T be the DT-CNN interconnection matrix which is defined by the feedback cloning template. The paper shows that a DT-CNN is convergent, i.e. each solution tends to an equilibrium point, when T is symmetric and, in the case where T + En is not positive-semidefinite, the step size of Euler's discretization scheme does not exceed a given bound (En is the n × n unit matrix). It is shown that two relevant properties hold as a consequence of the local and space-invariant interconnecting structure of a DT-CNN, namely: (1) the bound on the step size can be easily estimated via the elements of the DT-CNN feedback cloning template only; (2) the bound is independent of the DT-CNN dimension. These two properties make DT-CNNs very effective in view of computer simulations and for the practical applications to high-dimensional processing tasks. The obtained results are proved via Lyapunov approach and LaSalle's Invariance Principle in combination with some fundamental inequalities enjoyed by the projection operator on a convex set. The results are compared with previous ones in the literature on the convergence of DT-CNNs and also with those obtained for different neural network models as the Brain-State-in-a-Box model. Finally, the results on convergence are illustrated via the application to some relevant 2D and 1D DT-CNNs for image processing tasks

    Fractional-valued modal logic

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    The economic implications of HLA matching in cadaveric renal transplantation.

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    Abstract Background: The potential economic effects of the allocation of cadaveric kidneys on the basis of tissue-matching criteria are controversial. We analyzed the economic costs associated with the transplantation of cadaveric kidneys with various numbers of HLA mismatches and examined the potential economic benefits of a local, as compared with a national, system designed to minimize HLA mismatches between donor and recipient in first cadaveric renal transplantations. Methods: All data were supplied by the U.S. Renal Data System. Data on all payments made by Medicare from 1991 through 1997 for the care of recipients of a first cadaveric renal transplant were analyzed according to the number of HLA-A, B, and DR mismatches between donor and recipient and the duration of cold ischemia before transplantation. Results: Average Medicare payments for renal-transplant recipients in the three years after transplantation increased from 60,436perpatientforfullyHLA−matchedkidneys(thosewithnoHLA−A,B,orDRmismatches)to60,436 per patient for fully HLA-matched kidneys (those with no HLA-A, B, or DR mismatches) to 80,807 for kidneys with six HLA mismatches between donor and recipient, a difference of 34 percent (P\u3c0.001). By three years after transplantation, the average Medicare payments were 64,119fortransplantationsofkidneyswithlessthan12hoursofcold−ischemiatimeand64,119 for transplantations of kidneys with less than 12 hours of cold-ischemia time and 74,997 for those with more than 36 hours (P\u3c0.001). In simulations, the assignment of cadaveric kidneys to recipients by a method that minimized HLA mismatching within a local geographic area (i.e., within one of the approximately 50 organ-procurement organizations, which cover widely varying geographic areas) produced the largest cost savings ($4,290 per patient over a period of three years) and the largest improvements in the graft-survival rate (2.3 percent) when the potential costs of longer cold-ischemia time were considered. Conclusions: Transplantation of better-matched cadaveric kidneys could have substantial economic advantages. In our simulations, HLA-based allocation of kidneys at the local level produced the largest estimated cost savings, when the duration of cold ischemia was taken into account. No additional savings were estimated to result from a national allocation program, because the additional costs of longer cold-ischemia time were greater than the advantages of optimizing HLA matching

    The cryogenic RWELL: a stable charge multiplier for dual-phase liquid-argon detectors

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    The operation of a cryogenic Resistive WELL (RWELL) in liquid argon vapor is reported for the first time. It comprises a Thick Gas Electron Multiplier (THGEM) structure coupled to a resistive Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) anode deposited on an insulating substrate. The multiplier was operated at cryogenic temperature (90~K, 1.2~bar) in saturated argon vapor and characterized in terms of charge gain and electrical stability. A comparative study with standard, non-resistive THGEM (a.k.a LEM) and WELL multipliers, confirmed the RWELL advantages in terms of discharge quenching - thus superior gain and stability
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