310 research outputs found

    Fleireigenskapsanalyse av infraraude mjølkespekter og prediksjonar frå dei i mjølkekupopulasjonar

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    Fourier-transform mid-infrared (FT-MIR) spectra of milk is one of the multivariate information routinely recorded by many milk-recording organizations in the world. Use of such information is becoming central to research in dairy sciences. This is because the FT-MIR spectra and phenotypes predicted from those spectra could be useful for better estimation of parameters related to breeding, feeding and health. The focus of this PhD study has been to verify methods for exploiting milk FT-MIR spectral information for prediction of breeding values and phenotypes. In paper I, we compared the conventional single-trait (ST) and multi-trait (MT) animal models for genetic evaluations using test-day data from Norwegian milk recording. Results show that estimates of heritability were very similar in both analyses. The MT analyses improved accuracies of estimated breeding values (EBV) for cows (e.g., improvement from 2.5 % for milk yield to 9.83 % protein yield) and sires with 50 daughters. Estimated genetic trends were slightly higher under MT for protein and fat contents, and for fat yield, but slightly lower for the remaining traits. With comparison of MT with ST rank correlations for EBV, sires were less re-ranked than cows. In paper II, we compared two prediction approaches using mixed models for their ability to predict blood β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) from milk FT-MIR spectra in Polish cows. One approach (indirect prediction – IP) transforms spectra to a single-trait before analysis, while the other (direct prediction – DP) uses a multi-trait mixed model on (dimension reduced) spectral variables to obtain multi-trait predictions of random effects. Both approaches involve genetic analyses for ultimate phenotypic and EBV prediction. Performances of the IP and DP approaches were similar for phenotypic prediction of blood BHB. A slightly more accurate prediction of BHB was found when univariate variance structure (IP) was used compared to when multivariate covariance structures were used. Accuracies (R2) were low, 0.28-0.30 for the IP, and 0.26-0.30 for the DP approach. For partial least square (PLS) regression with untransformed blood BHB, the R2 accuracy was 0.29 to 0.37. In paper III an established connection between milk FT-MIR spectra and blood BHB in Polish dairy cattle was used to identify Norwegian Red cows treated for ketosis. Genetic parameters for FT-MIR predicted blood BHB and for clinical ketosis (KET) were estimated. Genetic associations of predicted blood BHB with KET and milk production traits were also examined. Heritability estimates for predicted blood BHB at different stages of lactation were moderate, ranging from 0.250 to 0.365. Genetic correlations between BHB traits were higher for adjacent lactation stages. Predicted blood BHB at 11-30 DIM was moderately genetically correlated with KET (0.469) and milk traits (ranged from -0.367 with protein content to 0.277 with milk yield). In paper IV, we simulated three traits and compared the IP and DP approaches for predictions of EBV and phenotypes under different genetic (low: 0.10 to high: 0.90) and residual (zero to high: ± 0.90) correlation scenarios of the traits. Relationships between performances of the two approaches and the accuracy of calibration equations were evaluated. Moreover, the effect of using different PLS regression coefficients estimated from simulated phenotypes (βp), true breeding values (βg) and residuals (βr) on performance of the two approaches were evaluated. Aaccuracies of EBV predictions were higher in the DP than in the IP approach. The reverse was true for accuracy of phenotypic prediction when using βp, but not when using βg and βr. Within the DP approach, accuracies of EBV when using βg were higher than when using βp, especially at the low genetic correlation scenario. However, there were no differences in EBV prediction accuracy between the βp and βg in the IP approach. Performance of both approaches increased with increase in accuracy of the calibration, which increased with improvement in genetic or residual structures between traits. In conclusion, MT analyses would be useful when number of observations are small, for example for genetic evaluation of cows and sires with < 50 daughters. Use of the DP approach for prediction of EBV seems useful while the IP or PLS regression based prediction equations are a method of choice for phenotypic prediction. There is a direct relationship between performance of the two approaches and accuracy of the calibration model. Performance of the DP approach is sensitive to the type of PLS regression coefficients used. Milk predicted blood BHB is heritable and has moderate positive genetic correlations with ketosis. Therefore, predicted blood BHB can be an alternative for breeding cows to have lower susceptibility to ketosis.Fourier-transformerte midt-infraraude (FT-MIR) spekter frå mjølkeprøver er eitt slag fleireigenskapsinformasjon som blir registrert rutinemessig av mange mjølkekontrollorganisasjonar. Bruk av slike spekter er i ferd med å bli viktig for mjølkeforsking fordi eigenskapar som kan predikerast frå spekter kan vera nyttige for avl, fôringsrettleiing og helsekontroll. Fokus i denne PhD-oppgåva har vore å verifisera metodar for utnytting av FT-MIR-mjølkespekter til prediksjon av avlsverdiar og fenotypar. I artikkel 1 blei testdagsobservasjonar av mjølk analyserte med den vanlege ein-eigenskaps dyremodellen (ST) og samanlikna med ein fleireigenskaps-modell (MT) til avlsformål. Arvegradsestimat blei svært like i begge modellane. MT-modellen ga betre sikkerhet for predikerte avlsverdiar for kyr (for eksempel 2,5% betre for mjølkemengde og 9,83% for proteinmengde) og for oksar med mindre enn 50 døtrer. Estimert avlsframgang var litt høgare med MT for protein- og feitt-mengde, men litt mindre for dei andre eigenskapane. Ved samanlikning av avlsverdiar frå MT og ST hadde oksar høgare rangkorrelasjon enn kyr. I artikkel 2 samanlikna vi to metodar til å predikera blod-β-hydroxybutyrat (BHB) frå FT-MIR-mjølkespekter hos polske kyr. Den eine metoden (indirekte prediksjon – IP) gjer spekteret om til éin eigenskap før analyse med ein blanda modell, den andre (direkte prediksjon – DP) bruker fleireigenskaps- blanda modell på (dimensjonsreduserte) spekterdata. For begge predikerer ein dei tilfeldige effektane i modellane, og predikerer til slutt fenotypar og avlsverdiar for BHB. IP og DP ga omtrent like resultat for prediksjon av fenotypisk blod-BHB. Univariat variansstruktur (IP) ga litt meir nøyaktige prediksjonar. Sikkerhetane for modellane var låge: 0,28-0,30 for IP, 0,26-0,30 for DP. For PLS med utransformert BHB var sikkerheten 0,29-0,37. I artikkel 3 blei samanhengen mellom FT-MIR-mjølkespekter og blod-BHB funnen for polske kyr brukt til å identifisera kyr i norsk kukontroll og sjekka om dei var behandla for ketose. Genetiske parameter for FT-MIR-predikert BHB og for registrert klinisk ketose (KET) blei estimerte. Genetisk samanheng mellom predikert BHB og KET og med mjølkeproduksjonseigenskapar blei òg estimerte. Arvegradar for predikert blod-BHB for ulike laktasjonsstadiar var moderate: frå 0,250 til 0,365. Genetiske korrelasjonar var høgare for nære stadiar. Predikert blod-BHB for 11-30 dagar i laktasjonen hadde moderat genetisk korrelasjon med KET (0,469) og med mjølkeeigenskapar (-0,367 med proteininnhald og 0,277 med mjølkemengde). I artikkel 4 simulerte vi tre eigenskapar og samanlikna IP- og DP-metoden med ulike genetiske (låg: 0,1 til høg: 0,9) og residual- (null til høg: ± 0,9) korrelasjonar for eigenskapane. Resultat for dei to metodane, og for PLS, blei studerte. Dessutan såg ein på bruk av ulike regresjonskoeffisientar som blei estimerte frå simulerte fenotypar (βp), sanne avlsverdiar (βg) eller residualar (βr) og kva effekt dette hadde. Sikkerhet for prediksjon av avlsverdiar (EBV) blei høgare med DP enn med IP. Når βp blei brukt var IP betre til fenotypisk prediksjon, men ikkje når βg eller βr blei brukte. Med DP blei sikkerheten høgare når ein brukte βg enn når ein brukte βp, spesielt med låg genetisk korrelasjonssenariet. Med IP var det ikkje forskjell på bruk av βg eller βp. For både DP og IP auka sikkerheten når sikkerheten med PLS auka. Dette skjedde når enten genetisk eller residual-korrelasjon auka. Til konklusjon: MT kan vera nyttig når det er få observasjonar, for eksempel for kyr eller for oksar med >50 døtrer. DP-metoden synest å vera nyttig for avlsverdiutrekning, mens IP eller PLS-regresjon er betre for fenotypeprediksjon. Der er ein direkte samanheng mellom kor gode IP- og DP-metodane er og sikkerheten til PLS. DP-metoden er følsom for kva slag PLS-regresjonskoeffisient som blir brukt. Blod-BHB predikert med mjølkespekter er arveleg og har moderat positiv korrelasjon med ketose. Difor kan det vera eit alternativ for å avla for kyr som er mindre utsette for ketose

    Preliminary Understanding of Abdominal Aortic and Common Iliac Artery Diameters on Abdominal CT in Ethiopian Adults: A Facility-Based Cross-Sectional Study

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    BACKGROUND: Mean aortic and common iliac artery diameters are the best indicators for the diagnosis of aortic and iliac ectasia and aneurysm, as well as the appropriate selection of angiographic catheter size and grafts for endovascular procedures. Currently, there is a lack of evidence regarding the normal abdominal aortic and common iliac artery diameters in Ethiopian adults. This study aimed to assess the mean diameter and associated factors of the abdominal aorta and common iliac arteries on abdominal CT scans of Ethiopian adults visiting Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. METHODS: Institution-based prospective cross-sectional study was conducted. A convenience sampling method was employed. Data were collected from consecutive eligible adults who came for abdominal CT scans during the study period, using interviewer-administered structured questionnaires. The data was cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 22. Student t-test and Pearson correlation were used to perform statistical analysis and the results were presented using tables and figures. RESULTS: There were a total of 136 study participants of whom eighty-one(59.6%) were females and fifty-five (40.4%) were males. The mean age was 48.5 ± 13 with a range of 23 to77 years. The mean transverse diameter of the aorta at the aortic hiatus (T12)level was 2.30 ± 0.25cm in males and 2.03±0.19cm in females. The mean transverse diameter of the suprarenal aorta was 2.04 ± 0.21cm in males and 1.83 ± 0.21 cm in females while the infrarenal one was 1.77 ± 0.16cm in males and 1.54 ± 0.15cm in females. Participants who are male and older with large body Surface Area were found to have relatively larger aortic and iliac diameters. CONCLUSION: In this study, the mean diameter of the aorta and common iliac artery was significantly associated with age, sex, and BS

    Pneumonia and malaria in under-five children of southern Ethiopia

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    Abstract: An observational and experimental study was conducted to see the proportion of overlap between the clinical and laboratory diagnosis of pneumonia and malaria and the therapeutic effectiveness of cotrimoxazole. Children under five years who presented to the clinic with fever and/or cough or difficulty in breathing were enrolled in the study. Blood smears were done for all enrolled children while chest x-rays were obtained only for those children with parasitaemia or who met the clinical case definition for pneumonia. There were 736 children who met the clinical case definition of malaria, while 731 met the clinical case definition of pneumonia. Of these two groups, 456 (61.9%) of children with clinical malaria and 62.3% of those with clinical pneumonia represent the overlap of children who met both clinical definitions. Specific clinical definition did not differentiate pneumonia and malaria. A single treatment of both diseases by cotrimoxazole is showed to be as effective as a combination of treatment with chloroquine and procaine penicillin. Parasite clearance was better in the cotrimoxazole group than the chloroquine-penicillin group, however the cotrimoxazole group had a higher rate of recurdescences with two out of 41 patients smear positive at day 14. A significant proportion of overlap in the clinical and laboratory diagnosis of pneumonia and malaria is shown and that a three days cotrimoxazole therapy is equally effective in treating both diseases as a combination of chloroquine and procaine penicillin is. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1997;11(1):43-50

    Assessment of Adult’s Abdominopelvic Computed Tomography Radiation Doses in Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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    BACKGROUND: Computed Tomography plays a priceless role for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose; however, applying an optimized Computed Tomography Technique to produce qualified image while delivering minimum radiation dose to patients is the common challenge. The main objective of this study was to establish local diagnostic reference levels for adult patients who visited abdominopelvic Computed Tomography examination. METHODS: A total of 158 patients who had taken abdominopelvic Computed Tomography examination from&nbsp;&nbsp; three selectedAmhara region hospitals were investigated. Both prospective and retrospective techniques of data collection were used while collecting the data in the entire sample. Two GE - Optima Computed Tomography 540 (16 slices) and one Phillips – Brilliance (64slices), were employed during data collections. Data for patient demographics scan protocols, Computed Tomography dose descriptors and machine specifications were collected and analyzed by using SPSS software version 26. RESULTS: The third quartile estimated computed tomography dose index volume and dose length product, which is the local Diagnostic Reference Levels, were 12 mGy and 1904 cm.mGy respectively. The investigated local Diagnostic Reference Levels&nbsp;&nbsp; of Computed Tomography Dose index volume (mGy) was comparable to other international Diagnostic Reference Levels. However, the third quartile value of dose length product (cm.mGy) was higher than other reported international Diagnostic Reference Levels. CONCLUSION: The values of local Diagnostic Reference Levels presented in this work can be used as a baseline upon which future dose measurements can be compared in Amhara region

    Assessment of the effect of Value Added Tax on consumption behavior: The Case of Nekemte Town, Wollega

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    This study has been conducted having the objective of assessing the effect of Value Added Tax on consumption behavior of Nekemte Town households.  Descriptive research design has been implemented to undertake this study. The two most commonly used data collecting mechanisms (questionnaire and interview) have been used for this study by taking a sample size of 384, out of 20,870 households using stratified random sampling and three higher officials of Ethiopian Revenue and Custom Authority  Nekemte branch from twelve total staff members using purposive sampling.  To collect and measure the study,  Liker Scale question were used and the collected data were edited for minor error.  Relevant statistical methods of analysis like mean, standard deviation correlation and regression were use using the statistical package. The study revealed that the implementation of VAT to go down well with Consumers, the scheme has to come with some compensatory measures such as the reduction of income taxes to put more money in the pockets of households and to boost their purchasing power. And to ensure that the low-income and poor consumers – who may not enjoy the benefits of lower income taxes as most likely they are already exempted from such payment in the first place - are not worse off with VAT, zero-rating some basic essential products and providing other targeted assistance programmes are necessary measures to help them

    Factors associated with women’s autonomy regarding maternal and child health care utilization in Bale Zone: a community based cross-sectional study

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    Background Women's autonomy in health-care decision is a prerequisite for improvements in maternal and child health. Little is known about women’s autonomy and its influencing factors on maternal and child health care in Ethiopia. Therefore, this study was conducted to assess women’s autonomy and identify associated factors in Southeast Ethiopia. Method A community based cross-sectional study was conducted from March 19th until March 28th, 2011. A total of 706 women were selected using stratified sampling technique from rural and urban kebeles. The quantitative data were collected by interviewer administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS for window version 16.0. Descriptive statistics, bivariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were carried out to identify factors associated with women’s autonomy for health care utilization. Result Out of 706 women less than half (41.4%) had higher autonomy regarding their own and their children’s health. In the multiple logistic regression model monthly household income >1000 ETB [adjusted odds ratio(AOR):3.32(95% C.I: 1.62-6.78)], having employed husband [AOR: 3.75 (95% C.I:1.24-11.32)], being in a nuclear family structure [AOR: 0.53(95% C.I: 0.33-0.87)], being in monogamous marriage [AOR: 3.18(95% C.I: 1.35-7.50)], being knowledgeable and having favorable attitude toward maternal and child health care services were independently associated with an increased odds of women’s autonomy. Conclusion Socio-demographic and maternal factors (knowledge and attitude) were found to influence women’s autonomy. Interventions targeting women’s autonomy with regards to maternal and child health care should focus on addressing increasing awareness and priority should be given to women with a lower socioeconomic status

    The human trypanosomiasis situation in Gambella, south western Ethiopia

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    Abstract: Surveillance of human trypanosomiasis was carried out in Gambella, an endemic region of South Western Ethiopia. The study was conducted in March 1993, October 1993 and April 1994 with the major objective of investigation of the sleeping sickness infection and its vector status in the area. In the present survey no parasitologically confirmed case was detected. The main vectors of the disease, Glossina pallidipes and G. tachinoides in wooded savanna and forest area and G. fuscipes in riverain vegetation, were commonly encountered. Eventhough there were no parasitologically proven cases of sleeping sickness infection due to prolonged combined effect of ecological, climatic and human interference, the presence of potential vectors, Glossina species specially along the major river banks, ecological rehabilitation of the area to its previous conditions and the invasion of the game animals might give way to the reappearance of the parasite, T. b. rhodesiense. Thus, regular active surveillance of the endemic region is of great importance to control the disease at an early stage before the appearance of epidemics which could be more costly financially as well as in human life. Specific ecological requirements and feeding habits of Glossina species, specially of G. morsitans, which was not found in this survey, need further investigation. A comprehensive study on community awareness about sleeping sickness and its vector is also recommended to support future control measures. [Ethiop. J. Health Dev. 1997;11(1):23-28

    Computed Tomography Radiation Exposure among Urinary Tract Stone Patients at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital: A Retrospective Study

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    BACKGROUND: National and multinational surveys indicate large variability of Computed Tomography urinarytractStone doses. The wide use of abdominopelvic Computed Tomography in the diagnosis,&nbsp; raised the issue of radiation exposure. Hence,this study was conducted to assess Computed Tomography&nbsp; radiation exposure of urinary tract Stone Patients there by, to compare the results from established reference values and other published studies METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional was done on 100 urinary tract Stone patients who have at least one computed tomography scan as part of their follow-up or for diagnosis purposes fromFebruary 1 to May 31, 2021, at &nbsp;Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital.Data were collected using a structured questionnaire format that evaluates the number of Computed Tomography they had, scan parameters,&nbsp; dose indicators, and socio-demographic characteristics. Finally, the collected data were analyzed &nbsp;using statistical software SPSS version 22 RESULTS: Out of 100 patients 3.6%of our patients have radiation exposure of more than 4mSv, which is the standard for low-dose Computed Tomography. The median radiation exposure is 1.27mSv per scan. Exposure factors like tube current, tube current products, dose length product, and scan range all have similar values with an almost null interquartile range. All the scans that overpassed the low dose threshold(4mSv) were done outsideTikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital's low-dose CT protocol for patients with urinary tract Stone is well optimized as opposed to non- Tikur Anbesa Specialized Hospital
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