40 research outputs found

    Short- and long-term follow-up after fecal microbiota transplantation as treatment for recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

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    Background: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are at an increased risk of developing Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI). Treatment of CDI in patients with IBD is challenging due to higher failure rates and concomitant IBD activity. Objectives: We performed a multicentre cohort study in patients with IBD who received fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) for recurrent CDI (rCDI), to further investigate factors that influence the clinical outcome and course of both rCDI and IBD. Design: This is a multicentre cohort study conducted in five European FMT centres. Methods: Adult IBD patients treated with FMT for rCDI were studied. Cure was defined as clinical resolution of diarrhoea or diarrhoea with a negative C. difficile test. The definition of an IBD flare was record based. Long-term follow-up data were collected including new episodes of CDI, IBD flares, infections, hospital admissions, and death. Results  In total, 113 IBD patients underwent FMT because of rCDI. Mean age of the patients was 48 years; 64% had ulcerative colitis. Concomitant rCDI was associated with an IBD flare in 54%, of whom 63% had received IBD remission-induction therapy prior to FMT. All FMT procedures were preceded by vancomycin treatment, 40% of patients received FMT via colonoscopy. CDI cure rate was 71%. Long-term follow-up data were available in 90 patients with a median follow-up of 784 days (402-1251). IBD activity decreased in 39% of patients who had active IBD at baseline, whereas an IBD flare occurred in only 5%. During follow-up of up to 2 years, 27% of the patients had infections, 39% were hospitalized, 5% underwent colectomy, and 10% died (median age of these latter patients: 72 years). Conclusion: FMT for rCDI in IBD patients is safe and effective, and IBD exacerbation after FMT is infrequent. Further studies should investigate the effects on IBD course following FMT.Cellular mechanisms in basic and clinical gastroenterology and hepatolog

    International consensus conference on stool banking for faecal microbiota transplantation in clinical practice

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    Although faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has a well-established role in the treatment of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI), its widespread dissemination is limited by several obstacles, including lack of dedicated centres, difficulties with donor recruitment and complexities related to regulation and safety monitoring. Given the considerable burden of CDI on global healthcare systems, FMT should be widely available to most centres. Stool banks may guarantee reliable, timely and equitable access to FMT for patients and a traceable workflow that ensures safety and quality of procedures. In this consensus project, FMT experts from Europe, North America and Australia gathered and released statements on the following issues related to the stool banking: general principles, objectives and organisation of the stool bank; selection and screening of donors; collection, preparation and storage of faeces; services and clients; registries, monitoring of outcomes and ethical issues; and the evolving role of FMT in clinical practice, Consensus on each statement was achieved through a Delphi process and then in a plenary face-to-face meeting. For each key issue, the best available evidence was assessed, with the aim of providing guidance for the development of stool banks in order to promote accessibility to FMT in clinical practice.Peer reviewe

    A standardised model for stool banking for faecal microbiota transplantation : a consensus report from a multidisciplinary UEG working group

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    Background Faecal microbiota transplantation is an emerging therapeutic option, particularly for the treatment of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection. Stool banks that organise recruitment and screening of faeces donors are being embedded within the regulatory frameworks described in the European Union Tissue and Cells Directive and the technical guide to the quality and safety of tissue and cells for human application, published by the European Council. Objective Several European and international consensus statements concerning faecal microbiota transplantation have been issued. While these documents provide overall guidance, we aim to provide a detailed description of all processes that relate to the collection, handling and clinical application of human donor stool in this document. Methods Collaborative subgroups of experts on stool banking drafted concepts for all domains pertaining to stool banking. During a working group meeting in the United European Gastroenterology Week 2019 in Barcelona, these concepts were discussed and finalised to be included in our overall guidance document about faecal microbiota transplantation. Results A guidance document for all domains pertaining to stool banking was created. This document includes standard operating manuals for several processes involved with stool banking, such as handling of donor material, storage and donor screening. Conclusion The implementation of faecal microbiota transplantation by stool banks in concordance with our guidance document will enable quality assurance and guarantee the availability of donor faeces preparations for patients.Peer reviewe

    Precision measurement of the index of refraction of deep glacial ice at radio frequencies at Summit Station, Greenland

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    Glacial ice is used as a target material for the detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos, by measuring the radio signals that are emitted when those neutrinos interact in the ice. Thanks to the large attenuation length at radio frequencies, these signals can be detected over distances of several kilometers. One experiment taking advantage of this is the Radio Neutrino Observatory Greenland (RNO-G), currently under construction at Summit Station, near the apex of the Greenland ice sheet. These experiments require a thorough understanding of the dielectric properties of ice at radio frequencies. Towards this goal, calibration campaigns have been undertaken at Summit, during which we recorded radio reflections off internal layers in the ice sheet. Using data from the nearby GISP2 and GRIP ice cores, we show that these reflectors can be associated with features in the ice conductivity profiles; we use this connection to determine the index of refraction of the bulk ice as n=1.778 +/- 0.006

    Human transmission of blastocystis by fecal microbiota transplantation without development of gastrointestinal symptoms in recipients

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    Background. Patients with multiple recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections (rCDI) are treated with fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), using feces provided by healthy donors. Blastocystis colonization of donors is considered an exclusion criterion, whereas its pathogenicity is still under debate. Methods. The introduction of molecular screening for Blastocystis sp. at our stool bank identified 2 donors with prior negative microscopies but positive polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). Potential transmission of Blastocystis sp. to patients was assessed on 16 fecal patient samples, pre- and post-FMT, by PCR and subtype (ST) analyses. In addition, clinical outcomes for the treatment of rCDI (n = 31), as well as the development of gastrointestinal symptoms, were assessed. Results. There was 1 donor who carried Blastocystis ST1, and the other contained ST3. All patients tested negative for Blastocystis prior to FMT. With a median diagnosis at 20.5 days after FMT, 8 of 16 (50%) patients developed intestinal colonization with Blastocystis, with identical ST sequences as their respective donors. Blastocystis-containing fecal suspensions were used to treat 31 rCDI patients, with an FMT success rate of 84%. This success rate was not statistically different from patients transferred with Blastocystis sp.–negative donor feces (93%, 76/82). Patients transferred with Blastocystis sp.–positive donor feces did not report any significant differences in bowel complaints in the first week, after 3 weeks, or

    A standardised model for stool banking for faecal microbiota transplantation: a consensus report from a multidisciplinary UEG working group

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    Background Faecal microbiota transplantation is an emerging therapeutic option, particularly for the treatment of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infection. Stool banks that organise recruitment and screening of faeces donors are being embedded within the regulatory frameworks described in the European Union Tissue and Cells Directive and the technical guide to the quality and safety of tissue and cells for human application, published by the European Council.Objective Several European and international consensus statements concerning faecal microbiota transplantation have been issued. While these documents provide overall guidance, we aim to provide a detailed description of all processes that relate to the collection, handling and clinical application of human donor stool in this document.Methods Collaborative subgroups of experts on stool banking drafted concepts for all domains pertaining to stool banking. During a working group meeting in the United European Gastroenterology Week 2019 in Barcelona, these concepts were discussed and finalised to be included in our overall guidance document about faecal microbiota transplantation.Results A guidance document for all domains pertaining to stool banking was created. This document includes standard operating manuals for several processes involved with stool banking, such as handling of donor material, storage and donor screening.Conclusion The implementation of faecal microbiota transplantation by stool banks in concordance with our guidance document will enable quality assurance and guarantee the availability of donor faeces preparations for patients.Molecular basis of bacterial pathogenesis, virulence factors and antibiotic resistanc