1,047 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Use of Analyst Labels in Maximum Likelihood Cluster Proportion Estimation

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    Explore the Past, Journey to the Present and Create the Future

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    Bring your cell phone or iPad along on an international journey as we explore and expose you to Fiction and Non-Fiction Text, QR codes, Edmodo and LEGOs. This session will demonstrate how to integrate technology and a variety of literature to enhance student engagement in the classroom

    Lunar laser ranging data deposited in the National Space Science Data Center: Filtered observations for September 1969 through June 1970 and unfiltered photon detections for July through December 1970

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    The technique of laser ranging to a reflector fixed on the lunar surface is discussed. The causes for initial low rate of data acquisition are explained. The documentation to be used in conjunction with the deposition of the filtered data in the National Space Science Data Center are documented. Filtered data obtained during laser operations between the McDonald Observatory and the reflector at Tranquility Base during the interval September 1969 through June 1970 are presented. The unfiltered photon detections for the succeeding six months are examined

    Changes In Submersed Macrophytes In Relation To Tidal Storm Surges

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    We analyzed long-term submersed macrophyte presence-absence data collected from 15 stations in Kings Bay/Crystal River, Florida in relation to three major storm events. The percent occurrence of most species declined immediately after storm events but the recovery pattern after the storm differed among species. Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle)and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) exhibited differing recolonization behaviors. Eurasian watermilfoil recolonized quickly after storms but declined in abundance as hydrilla began to increase in abundance. Natural catastrophic events restructure submersed macrophyte communities by eliminating the dominate species, and allowing revegetation and restructuring of communities. Tidal surges may also act to maintain species diversity in the system. In addition, catastrophic events remove dense nuisance plant growth for several years, altering the public's perception of the nuisance plant problem of Kings Bay/Crystal River

    Strategies to Improve Care Transitions between Nursing Homes and Emergency Departments

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    OBJECTIVE To identify testable solutions that may improve the quality and safety of care transitions between nursing homes (NHs) and emergency departments (EDs). DESIGN Structured focus group interviews. SETTING Group interviews took place in Indianapolis, Indiana. PARTICIPANTS NH administrators, nurses, and physicians; emergency medical services (EMS) directors, paramedics, and emergency medicine technicians (EMTs); ED nurses and physicians; and a representative from the Indiana State Department of Health. MEASUREMENTS Opinions, perceptions, and insights of participants. RESULTS 18 participants were included. The central theme was the need for additional structure to support care transitions between NHs and EDs. Participants agreed that the structure afforded by hospital-to-hospital transfers would benefit patients and providers during transitions between NHs and EDs. Because transfer forms currently vary from NH to NH, participants recommended that the entire state use the same form. They recommended that the transfer form be useful in both directions by including a section for the ED provider to complete to support the ED-to-NH transition. Participants suggested that systems use a transfer checklist to help ensure that all processes occur as expected. They strongly recommended verbal communication across care settings to complement written communication and to improve on deficiencies that occur with transfer form-only strategies. Notably, participants suggested that the different care sites engage in relationship-building efforts to improve compliance with recommendations (e.g., form completion) and collaborative problem solving. CONCLUSION Participants advised additional structure to NH-ED care transitions, similar to hospital-to-hospital transfers, that includes a 2-way, statewide transfer form; a checklist; and verbal communication

    Assessing Students’ Writing and Public Speaking Self-Efficacy in a Composition and Communication Course

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    One avenue for assessing learning involves evaluating self-efficacy, as this psychological beliefis a strong predictor of academic achievement. As such, the purpose of this study was to evaluate writing self-efficacy and public speaking self-efficacy in a composition and communication course. This course is structured to develop both writing and public speaking competencies; the research sought to determine whether students believed they were leaving the course feeling more confident in their capabilities within each respective academic domain. Results (N= 380) from pre- and post-test data suggest that students’ reported writing and public speaking self-efficacy significantly increased over the semester. Additionally, students’ mastery experiences, operationalized as informative essay and informative speech grades, were related positively to changes in self-efficacy at the end of the semester. These results offer three implications for teaching within this course design and structure


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    Many studies have investigated how individuals discount delayed outcomes, but few, if any, have explicitly studied whether gender differences exist in discounting. The present study employed a university sample to complete a delay-discounting task that included the commodities of cigarettes, money (two amounts), the ideal body image, and the perfect mate. Significant gender differences were observed in discounting 100,000andidealbodyimage,withfemalesdisplayingagreaterdegreeofdiscountingthanmales.Factoranalysesonthemeasuresofdelaydiscountingacrossthedifferentcommoditiesyieldedasimilarfactorstructurebetweengenders,suggestingthatalthoughthegendersmaysometimesdifferinhowtheydiscountparticularconsequences,thesedifferencesarelikelylinkedtostate,nottrait,variables.Keywords:Delaydiscounting;Genderdifferences;Money,BodyImage,Factoranalysis;CollegesampleMuitosestudosinvestigaramcomoindivıˊduosdepreciampagamentosatrasados,maspoucos,sealgueˊmofez,estudaramexplicitamenteseexistemdiferenc\casdege^neronadepreciac\ca~o.Opresenteestudosolicitouaumaamostradeuniversidadeparacompletarumatarefadedepreciac\ca~o,queincluibenscomocigarrros,doisvaloresemdinheiro,imagemcorporalidealeoparperfeito.Diferenc\casdege^nerosignificativasforamobservadasparaadepreciac\ca~odeUS100,000 and ideal body image, with females displaying a greater degree of discounting than males. Factor analyses on the measures of delay discounting across the different commodities yielded a similar factor structure between genders, suggesting that although the genders may sometimes differ in how they discount particular consequences, these differences are likely linked to state, not trait, variables.Keywords: Delay discounting; Gender differences; Money, Body Image, Factor analysis; College sampleMuitos estudos investigaram como indivíduos depreciam pagamentos atrasados, mas poucos, se alguém o fez, estudaram explicitamente se existem diferenças de gênero na depreciação. O presente estudo solicitou a uma amostra de universidade para completar uma tarefa de depreciação, que inclui bens como cigarrros, dois valores em dinheiro, imagem corporal ideal e o par perfeito. Diferenças de gênero significativas foram observadas para a depreciação de US100,00 e imagem corporal ideal, com as mulheres exibindo um maior grau de depreciação do que os homens. A análise fatorial das medidas de depreciação com atraso entre os diferentes bens resultou em uma estrutura similar de fatores entre os gêneros, sugerindo que ainda que os gêneros possam às vezes diferir em como eles depreciam consequências específicas, essas diferenças estão ligadas a variáveis de estado, não de traço.Palavras-chave: Depreciação por atraso; Diferenças de gênero; Dinheiro, Imagem corporal, Análise fatorial; Amostra de universitário

    Validating the Gambling Functional Assessment-Revised in a Sample of Probable Problem/Disordered Gamblers

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    The Gambling Functional Assessment-Revised (GFA-R) was designed to measure whether the respondent’s gambling is maintained by positive reinforcement or escape. However, it has only been administered in samples dominated by nonproblem gamblers. One hundred five adult participants who scored three or more on the South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) completed the GFA-R and the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). Confirmatory factor analyses showed that a 15-item GFA-R demonstrated a sound factor structure. The internal consistency of the GFA-R subscales was good to excellent for both probable problem and disordered gamblers. Participants scored significantly higher on gambling for positive reinforcement than as an escape. However, probable disordered gamblers endorsed gambling as an escape significantly more than probable problem gamblers. Gambling as an escape, but not for positive reinforcement, was also a significant predictor of participants’ PGSI scores independent of their SOGS scores. The results suggest that the GFA-R may be a valid and useful measure for both researchers and practitioners. The results also highlight the prominent role gambling as an escape plays in problem and disordered gambling

    The Number of States and the Economics of American Federalism

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    In 1789 it was possible to speak of a federation of distinct States joined together for their mutual advantage, but today it is rather the Nation that is divided into subnational units. What caused this shift in focus from the States to the Federal Government? Surely the transformation from a collection of thirteen historically separate States clustered along the Atlantic seaboard to a group of fifty States largely carved out of Federal territory has played a role. Building on previous analysis of the economics of federalism, this essay considers the dynamic effects of increasing the number of states on the efficient allocation of government authority between the State and Federal Governments. When the number of States is low, the externalities imposed by state level actions are more limited—and so is the scope of Federal power. When the number increases, however, the scope of efficient Federal power expands because the States face collective action problems. In the second part of this essay, these insights from the economics of federalism are applied to the question of the optimal number of states in a federal system. Having too few states will lead to insufficient cohesion at the federal level, risking secession and ensuring weak government. On the other end of the scale, having too many states encourages the centralization of power. While the optimal number of state in a federal system will ultimately depend on geography, legal culture, and technology, the available data suggest that the ten provinces of Canada may be too few but the fifty of the US may well be too many