36 research outputs found

    Asiantuntijaorganisaation toimintatapojen yhtenäistäminen

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    Nykyaikainen tehokkuus- ja tuottavuusajattelu muuttaa kovalla vauhdilla nykyajan vaatimuksia tietotyölle. Tässä muutoksessa perinteiset toimintatavat eivät välttämättä enää sovi tietoyhteiskunnan pyörittämiseen. Tässä muutoksessa yrityksen on suunniteltava omia toimintatapoja nykyaikaan sopivaksi. Nykyaikaisessa tietotyössä puhutaan paljon aikaansaamisesta ja hallinnan tunteesta. Samaan aikaan tietotyön yhteydessä mainitaan työn henkinen raskaus. Tässä voidaan mainita itsensä johtaminen. Tietotyössä osaamista tulee uudistaa, jotta valmiudet työn tekemiseen pysyvät ennallaan tai paranevat. Tämä aihe kiinnosti minua, koska nämä kehityshankkeet ovat usein suunnattu tuotannon prosesseihin. Työ tehtiin Kontram Oy:lle. Kyseessä on yksi Suomen johtavia automaation ja mittaustekniikan tuote- ja ratkaisuntarjoajia. Kontram tuottaa teollisuudelle teknologisesti innovatiivisia ratkaisuja ja konsultointia. Tavoitteena oli löytää ratkaisuja ja kehitysehdotuksia, joilla myyntiprosessin hallinta on selkeämpää ja yhtenäisempää


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    To continue to burn something? : Technological, economic and political path dependencies in district heating in Helsinki, Finland

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    The transition away from fossil fuel based infrastructure for heating and cooling has to happen on a scale and timetable with no historical precedent. As the systems are large and networked, path-dependencies constrain the transition that is further complicated by the diversity of stakeholders. Here we analyze the case of transitioning the district heating system in the city of Helsinki, Finland, within the target of a carbon neutral metropolitan area. Despite relatively advanced climate policies, path-dependencies on the political, technological-material and economical levels interact in creating a "wicked" problem with no obvious solution and potential for backsliding. It is in this context that a possibility of a green paradox arises: despite the explicit commitment of all stakeholders toward carbon dioxide emission reductions, the combination of the path-dependencies may result in a transition that increases emissions. Our results highlight policy implications of path-dependencies for researchers, government and business.Peer reviewe

    Northern Warning Lights: Ambiguities of Environmental Security in Finland and Sweden

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    As the literature on environmental security has evolved and widened, knowledge of the full range of potential consequences of environmental change for different societies remains scattered. This article contributes to a more comprehensive approach to the implications of environmental change by providing a three-level framework of the security impacts. In particular, it will address gaps in knowledge by pointing out the relevance of geopolitical and structural factors behind environmental security impacts. The article will focus on the cases of two countries, Finland and Sweden—both seen as stable, high-income democracies that are well equipped to adapt to climate risks. Yet even under these conditions, preparedness to threat-prevention will not follow without a recognition of the full range of risks, including ones that are linked to socio-economic and geopolitical factors. On the basis of the Finnish and Swedish cases, the article proposes an analytical framework of three categories of environmental security impacts: local, geopolitical and structural

    A Lot of Talk, But Little Action : The Blind Spots of Nordic Environmental Security Policy

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    Despite an increasing recognition that environmental change may have implications for security, there only are few policies to address the issue. This article will look at environmental security policies in Finland and Sweden and propose ways to develop more effective measures. It relies on a three-level framework that aims to enable the identification of environmental security impacts by categorising them into local, geopolitical and structural ones. The article will examine present environmental security strategies and policies in Finland and Sweden, consider their efficacy for addressing various kinds of impacts and point out approaches that are currently missing. Based on the discussion, it argues that a comprehensive policy approach is needed to tackle environmental security impacts. This requires closer coordination and interchange between sectors as well as strategic intent. In addition, further research is needed on the structural impacts of mitigating and adapting to environmental change.Peer reviewe

    37 GHz observations of a large sample of BL Lacertae objects

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    We present 37 GHz data obtained at Metsahovi Radio Observatory in 2001 December - 2005 April for a large sample of BL Lacertae objects. We also report the mean variability indices and radio spectral indices in frequency intervals 5 - 37 GHz and 37 - 90 GHz. Approximately 34 % of the sample was detected at 37 GHz, 136 BL Lacertae objects in all. A large majority of the detected sources were low-energy BL Lacs (LBLs). The variability index values of the sample were diverse, the mean fractional variability of the sample being \Delta S_2 = 0.31. The spectral indices also varied widely, but the average radio spectrum of the sample sources is flat. Our observations show that many of the high-energy BL Lacs (HBL), which are usually considered radio-quiet, can at times be detected at 37 GHz.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures + 5 tables. Published in Astronomical Journa

    Statistical models of morphology predict eye-tracking measures during visual word recognition

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    We studied how statistical models of morphology that are built on different kinds of representational units, i.e., models emphasizing either holistic units or decomposition, perform in predicting human word recognition. More specifically, we studied the predictive power of such models at early vs. late stages of word recognition by using eye-tracking during two tasks. The tasks included a standard lexical decision task and a word recognition task that assumedly places less emphasis on postlexical reanalysis and decision processes. The lexical decision results showed good performance of Morfessor models based on the Minimum Description Length optimization principle. Models which segment words at some morpheme boundaries and keep other boundaries unsegmented performed well both at early and late stages of word recognition, supporting dual- or multiple-route cognitive models of morphological processing. Statistical models based on full forms fared better in late than early measures. The results of the second, multi-word recognition task showed that early and late stages of processing often involve accessing morphological constituents, with the exception of short complex words. Late stages of word recognition additionally involve predicting upcoming morphemes on the basis of previous ones in multimorphemic words. The statistical models based fully on whole words did not fare well in this task. Thus, we assume that the good performance of such models in global measures such as gaze durations or reaction times in lexical decision largely stems from postlexical reanalysis or decision processes. This finding highlights the importance of considering task demands in the study of morphological processing.Peer reviewe

    Ohjeistus LVIS-palokatkojen toteutukseen ja valvontaan

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin WasaCon Oy:lle, ja työn tarkoituksena on toimia avustavana ohjeistuksena palokatkourakan toteuttamisessa ja valvonnassa työmaalla. Opinnäytetyössä käsitellään myös palokatkojen toteuttamista ohjaavia määräyksiä, palokatkourakoitsijan valintaa ja palokatkotyössä esiintyviä haasteita työmaatoteutuksen osalta. Palokatkot ovat palo-osastoitujen rakenteiden läpi kulkevien läpivientien tiivistyksiä hyväksytyillä palokatkotuotteilla ja asennusmenetelmillä. Työssä esitellään erilaisia palokatkotuotteita ja niiden asennusmenetelmiä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin palokatko-oppaista, RATU- kortistosta ja muista asia-kirjoista, joiden pohjalta pyrittiin tekemään mahdollisimman selkeä ohjeistus, sekä työmaan johdolle että palokatkoasentajille. Esimerkkikohteessa olen toiminut palokatkojen asentajana ja työnjohdon kanssa on käyty keskustelua palokatkoista. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena muodostui mahdollisimman käytännönläheinen ohjeistus palokatkojen toteutukseen ja valvontaan. Eri osapuolet pystyvät perehtymään ohjeistukseen ilman aiempaa palokatkokokemusta, ja työn tulokset helpottavat palokatkojen työmaatoteutusta.This thesis was conducted for WasaCon Oy and it was designed to work as supporting instructions of the implementation and supervision concerning the fire stop installation at the work site. The thesis deals also with the implementation of the provisions governing the fire barriers, choice of a fire stop contractor and challenges on the work site. Fire stops are penetrations going through the fire compartment structures going penetrations which are sealed using approved fire stopping products and installation methods. This thesis presents a variety of methods for fire stopping products and their installation. The research data was collected from the fire stop guides, Ratu index card file and other documents, based on which the purpose was to make a clear guide for the management of the work site and fire stop installer. Information was also received from supervisors of the example work site, the Kurikka campus area, where the thesis author has worked as a firestop installer. As a result of the thesis completed a practical guidance for the implementation and supervision of the fire stop installation. The various parties will be able to familiarize themselves with the fire stop instructions without any prior experience. The results of the thesis make it easier to do fire stop installation at the work site