46 research outputs found

    Weak Measurements with Arbitrary Pointer States

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    The exact conditions on valid pointer states for weak measurements are derived. It is demonstrated that weak measurements can be performed with any pointer state with vanishing probability current density. This condition is found both for weak measurements of noncommuting observables and for cc-number observables. In addition, the interaction between pointer and object must be sufficiently weak. There is no restriction on the purity of the pointer state. For example, a thermal pointer state is fully valid.Comment: 4 page

    О частотно-контрастной характеристике системы технического зрения, построенной на КМОП- и ПЗС- сенсорах изображения

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    У процесі проектування системи технічного зору (СТЗ), важливим кроком є вибір сенсора зображення і об'єктива, які б задовольняли поставленим вимогам до роздільної здатності. Роздільна здатність датчика зображення визначається по частотно-контрастній характеристиці (ЧКХ). У даній роботі запропоновано новий метод теоретичної оцінки ЧКХ, який базується на топологічних параметрах сенсора зображення і параметрах об'єктива. Мета цього методу полягає у створенні зручного інструменту для попереднього визначення роздільної здатності системи формування зображень на ранніх етапах проектування системи технічного зору. Основна ідея методу полягає в розгляді сенсора зображення з позиції вихідного сигналу сенсора і параметрів, що впливають на нього, таких як, параметри освітленості, оптичної системи, сенсора зображення. У даній роботі була представлена залежність ЧКХ для різних параметрів сенсора зображення і об'єктива. Цей метод дозволяє розрахувати роздільну здатність системи формування зображення в площині досліджуваного об'єкта, що значно підвищує інформативність даної характеристики в сенсі проектування СТЗ.In the process of designing a machine vision system, a critical step is selecting an image sensor and optics that satisfy required parameters of resolution. The resolution of the image sensor is determined by modulation transfer function (MTF). In this paper a method for the theoretical estimation of MTF based on topologic parameters of the image sensor and parameters of lenses is proposed. The purpose of this work is development a method that will be handy instrument for the resolution calculation of the imaging system on the initial stage of the designing process of the machine vision. In this paper dependency of MTF for different parameters of image sensor and lenses were presented. This method can be used for calculation resolution of imaging system in object’s plain domain.В процессе проектирования системы технического зрения (СТЗ), важным шагом является выбор сенсора изображения и объектива, которые бы удовлетворяли требованиям, поставленным к разрешающей способности. Разрешение датчика изображения определяется по частотно-контрастной характеристике (ЧКХ). В данной работе предложен новый метод теоретической оценки ЧКХ, который основан на топологических параметрах сенсора изображения и параметрах объектива. Цель этого метода состоит в создании удобного инструмента для предварительного анализа разрешающей способности системы формирования изображения на ранних этапах проектирования системы технического зрения. Основная идея метода заключается в рассмотрении сенсора изображения с позиции выходного сигнала сенсора и параметров влияющих на него, таких как, параметры освещенности, оптической системы, сенсора изображения. В данной работе была представлена зависимость ЧКХ для различных параметров сенсора изображения и объектива. Этот метод позволяет рассчитать разрешающую способность системы формирования изображения в плоскости объекта, что значительно повышает информативность данной характеристики в смысле проектирования СТЗ

    Quantum theory of successive projective measurements

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    We show that a quantum state may be represented as the sum of a joint probability and a complex quantum modification term. The joint probability and the modification term can both be observed in successive projective measurements. The complex modification term is a measure of measurement disturbance. A selective phase rotation is needed to obtain the imaginary part. This leads to a complex quasiprobability, the Kirkwood distribution. We show that the Kirkwood distribution contains full information about the state if the two observables are maximal and complementary. The Kirkwood distribution gives a new picture of state reduction. In a nonselective measurement, the modification term vanishes. A selective measurement leads to a quantum state as a nonnegative conditional probability. We demonstrate the special significance of the Schwinger basis.Comment: 6 page

    Genetic variability in local and imported germplasm chicken populations as revealed by analyzing runs of homozygosity

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    Simple Summary To maintain the uniqueness of conserved chicken populations of local and imported breeds is of great importance. In this study, we genotyped small populations belonging to 14 breeds and 7 crossbreds using an Illumina Chicken 60K SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) BeadChip and looked for appropriate methods to characterize their purity/variability. It was not straightforward to identify crossbred individuals, and the best approach was based on calculating the length and number of homozygous regions, or runs of homozygosity (ROH), in the populations studied. The latter enabled most accurate identification of crossbreds and can be served as an effective tool in testing genome-wide purity of chicken breeds. Abstract Preserving breed uniqueness and purity is vitally important in developing conservation/breeding programs for a germplasm collection of rare and endangered chicken breeds. The present study was aimed at analyzing SNP genetic variability of 21 small local and imported purebred and F1 crossbred populations and identifying crossbreeding events via whole-genome evaluation of runs of homozygosity (ROH). The admixture models more efficiently reflected population structure, pinpointing crossbreeding events in the presence of ancestral populations but not in their absence. Multidimensional scaling and FST-based analyses did not discriminate properly between purebred populations and F1 crossbreds, especially when comparing related breeds. When applying the ROH-based approach, more and longer ROHs were revealed in purebred individuals/populations, suggesting this as an effective implement in genome-wide analysis of germplasm breed purity

    Exact Self-consistent Particle-like Solutions to the Equations of Nonlinear Scalar Electrodynamics in General Relativity

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    Exact self-consistent particle-like solutions with spherical and/or cylindrical symmetry to the equations governing the interacting system of scalar, electromagnetic and gravitational fields have been obtained. As a particular case it is shown that the equations of motion admit a special kind of solutions with sharp boundary known as droplets. For these solutions, the physical fields vanish and the space-time is flat outside of the critical sphere or cylinder. Therefore, the mass and the electric charge of these configurations are zero.Comment: 17 pages, Submitted to the International Journal of Theoretical Physic

    Genetic variability of indels in the prolactin and dopamine receptor D2 genes and their association with the yield of allanto-amniotic fluid in Russian White laying hens

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    Currently, there is virtually no information on genetic factors affecting the yield of allanto amniotic fluid, which is the raw material for the production of human and animal vaccines. Association studies including this trait are beneficial for increasing productivity of a biotechnological line of chickens used for the production of ‘Clean Eggs’. We examined here a population of the Russian White breed for the effects of indels in the prolactin (PRL) and dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) genes on the yield of extraembryonic fluid (YEF) and embryo weight at 12.5 days of development. A 24-bp insertion in the 5' flanking region of the PRL gene significantly (P<0.01) increases YEF in the embryos. The heterozygous embryos contained the highest YEF (9.6 mL) than that of the homozygous insertion (9.4 mL) and deletion embryos (8.4 mL). We also found a significant association (P<0.001) between the PRL genotypes and egg weight (EW). The results of the present study suggest a significant association between the PRL gene variation and quantitative traits in the Russian White chickens, contributing to a long-term programme on the effective use of the genetic potential of Russian gene pool breeds and populations of chickens


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    The mathematical model for dissolution process of a powder material in steel melt is proposed in the paper. The model permits to take into account mixing hydrodynamics on the basis of the Navier-Stokes equations. One of the industrial out-of-furnace treatment schemes taken as an example demonstrates the opportunities to model a carbon dissolution in a ladle.Предложена математическая модель процесса растворения порошкообразного материала в расплаве стали, позволяющая учитывать гидродинамику перемешивания на основе уравнений Навье - Стокса. На примере одной из схем промышленной внепечной обработки показаны возможности моделирования процесса растворения углерода в разливочном ковше

    Comparative analysis of molecular RFLP and SNP markers in assessing and understanding the genetic diversity of various chicken breeds

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    Monitoring the genetic diversity of small populations is important with respect to conserving rare and valuable chicken breeds, as well as discovery and innovation in germplasm research and application. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), the molecular markers that underlie multilocus DNA fingerprinting (MLDF), have historically been employed for this purpose, but over the past two decades, there has been an irreversible shift toward high-throughput single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In this study, we conducted a comparative analysis of archived MLDF results and new data from whole-genome SNP genotyping (SNPg) among 18 divergently selected breeds representing a large sample of the world gene pool. As a result, we obtained data that fit the general concept of the phylogenetic distribution of the studied breeds and compared them with RFLP and SNP markers. RFLPs were found to be useful markers for retrospective assessment of changes in the genetic architecture and variability underlying the phenotypic variation in chicken populations, especially when samples from previous generations used for MLDF are unavailable for SNPg. These results can facilitate further research necessary to assess the possibility of extrapolating previous MLDF results to study the long-term dynamics of genetic diversity in various small chicken germplasm populations over time. In general, the whole-genome characterization of populations and breeds by multiple SNP loci will further form the basis for the development and implementation of genomic selection with the aim of effective use of the genetic potential of the domestic gene pool in the poultry industry

    Production of {\pi}+ and K+ mesons in argon-nucleus interactions at 3.2 AGeV

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    First physics results of the BM@N experiment at the Nuclotron/NICA complex are presented on {\pi}+ and K+ meson production in interactions of an argon beam with fixed targets of C, Al, Cu, Sn and Pb at 3.2 AGeV. Transverse momentum distributions, rapidity spectra and multiplicities of {\pi}+ and K+ mesons are measured. The results are compared with predictions of theoretical models and with other measurements at lower energies.Comment: 29 pages, 20 figure

    A unifying hypothesis of dark energy and dark matter: Negative masses, imaginary charges and dark minus-photons

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    The idea of a new model explaining the coherent nature of dark matter and dark energy is proposed. Recent works by Farnes (2018) and Socas-Navarro (2019) proposed a cosmological model and its critical analysis in which both dark matter and dark energy are replaced with a single fluid of negative mass. This paper presents a modification of this idea using the hypothesis about the existence of so-called imaginary charges and electromagnetic fields with negative energy density ('minus-fields') proposed by Ya.Terletsky (1991) and derived by us from a commutative generalization of the U(1) gauge symmetry group. It is shown that dark photons could be a partial source of the observed late-time cosmological acceleration, saying that dark energy, or part of it could be not cosmological constant or scalar field (quintessence), but photons with negative energy instead. The unusual properties of imaginary charges ensure the existence of dark matter structures. The Friedmann equation, in case when minus-photons give considerable contribution to the energy balance of the Universe, gives the following condition for the accelerated expansion: . It is found that even a relatively small density of dark negative radiation can lead to a significant change in the expansion dynamics of the Universe and new effects are predicted. Last, we assert the need to develop a new type of detectors that can detect particles and waves with negative energy. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd