9 research outputs found

    The Analysis of the Offer of Travel Agencies in View of the Chosen Destination

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    The dissertation The Analysis of the Offer of Travel Agencies in View of the Chosen Destination is aimed at the comparison and evaluation of the offer of chosen travel agencies. In particular terms the topic is a comparison of ski tours to Italian Dolomites. The goal was to judge whether an offer of Czech travel agencies tours is sufficient on the Czech market. The first chapter explains basic terms concerning tourism. Then the characteristics of the destination Dolomites and the analysis of particular travel agencies follow. The last chapter offers the comparison of offers from the point of view of several criteria. On the basis of discovered data the introductory hypothesis was confirmed, respectively that the offer of ski tours on the Czech market is sufficient

    Effect of MDOC Nanotextilie on Healing an Acute Dermal Wound.

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    Tereza Hendrychová The influence of MDOC nanotextile on the healing of an acute dermal wound Diploma paper Charles University in Prague, The Faculty Of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Pharmacy In this work there are summarized general information about the course of the healing process of acute dermal wounds and their nursing. There are described the inflammatory mediators (cytokines) in more details. In experiment there was assessed the influence of M-DOC® (microdispersed oxidized cellulose) with gentamycin joined on it on the process of the healing of acute dermal wounds. The formulation was called Nanogenta. Domestic pig, Sus scrofa was used as an experimental model. There were 12 animals used, in the experiment. For the demonstration of effectivity of tested formulation the wounds were infected (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli). The effectivity of tested formulation was confronted with preparations, that have demonstrated their effect in clinical use yet (Garamycin Schwann® , Hyiodine® ). There were performed macroscopic, microbiology and microscopic evaluation. There were demonstrated sufficient effect of Nanogenta on improving the quality of the healing process of dermal wounds, which was comparable with an effect of the preparations, which were used as a control...

    Education programs for drivers and riders of cars and motorcycles

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    The dessertation is focused on preventative traffic programs. It describes the present status in the Czech Republic and precautions which should lead to a lower number of accidents and deaths during traffic accidents. The empirical part is split into three parts. The first part covers drivers ideas about prevention programs. The second part compares the statistics of traffic accidents and the years when prevention programs were active. The last part compares the drivers ideas about preventiv programs and their behaviour. At the end of the empirical part readers can find the summary of results and recommendation for traffic prevention

    The Analysis of Selected Factors that Influence the Pharmacotherapy of Diabetes Mellitus

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    Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy Candidate Mgr. Tereza Hendrychová Supervisor Doc. MUDr. Alena Šmahelová, Ph.D. Title of Doctoral Thesis The analysis of selected factors that influence the pharmacotherapy of diabetes mellitus Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) requires continuing health care as prevention of the rise of acute complications and lowering the risk of development and further progression of chronic complications. The choice of the treatment method is fundamental for reaching the therapeutic aims. That is why medical staff members should continuously monitor information about new possibilities of the therapy including the current ones which are still continuously specified. The management of diabetes mellitus requires the active approach of patient as well as the complex medical health care. The emphasis should also be placed on his/her adherence or attitudes and on the motivation to the treatment. Search part Aim: The aim of the search part was to analyze the possibilities of DM type 1 pharmacotherapy with the focus on the comparison of the treatment of CSII (continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion) and MDI (multiple daily injections) in adult diabetics with DM type 1 and the possibility of use of some..

    Tvorba zájezdu

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    V bakalářské práci jsou popsány činnosti spojené s přípravou zájezdu. Jde o lyžařský zájezd do italských hor Dolomity. Obsahem práce je výběr jednotlivých poskytovatelů služeb, které dohromady tvoří zájezd. Součástí je také průzkum spokojenosti klientů, kteří se tohoto zájezdu již zúčastnili. Dále práce obsahuje cenové strategie cestovní kanceláře, kalkulaci zájezdu, stanovení ceny. V závěru jsou porovnány původní plány a cíle, jenž si cestovní kancelář stanovila, a skutečné údaje již uskutečněného zájezdu

    Tvorba zájezdu

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    V bakalářské práci jsou popsány činnosti spojené s přípravou zájezdu. Jde o lyžařský zájezd do italských hor Dolomity. Obsahem práce je výběr jednotlivých poskytovatelů služeb, které dohromady tvoří zájezd. Součástí je také průzkum spokojenosti klientů, kteří se tohoto zájezdu již zúčastnili. Dále práce obsahuje cenové strategie cestovní kanceláře, kalkulaci zájezdu, stanovení ceny. V závěru jsou porovnány původní plány a cíle, jenž si cestovní kancelář stanovila, a skutečné údaje již uskutečněného zájezdu

    A cancer-derived mutation in the PSTAIRE helix of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 alters the stability of cyclin binding

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    Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (cdk2) is a central regulator of the mammalian cell cycle. Here we describe the properties of a mutant form of cdk2 identified during large-scale sequencing of protein kinases from cancerous tissue. The mutation substituted a leucine for a proline in the PSTAIRE helix, the central motif in the interaction of the cdk with its regulatory cyclin subunit. We demonstrate that whilst the mutant cdk2 is considerably impaired in stable cyclin association, it is still able to generate an active kinase that can functionally complement defective cdks in vivo. Molecular dynamic simulations and biophysical measurements indicate that the observed biochemical properties likely stem from increased flexibility within the cyclin-binding helix