25 research outputs found
Tea Time at Wonderland. Domestic models and family relationships over the looking glass
The character of Alice, the English “dream child” of the second half of the 19th century, was born from the fantasy of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, best known with the nom de plume Lewis Carroll. In her travels Alice does not look for a new fami-ly to substitute hers, but for her own freedom of being and knowing herself through an initiation path. Alice – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found (1871) – is a masterpiece of nonsense only on its surface, because actually it has an underground, which makes it able to see from a child’s point of view and to understand what being a child means in a world ruled by petulant, unreliable and rude adults. Alice repre-sents the great metaphor of the escape; she leaves her family through escaping to somewhere else, which brings her to an inner adventure in the depths of being. In the novels of Carroll the reader can find everyday life themes, such as the domes-ticity, being a mother and taking care, but in an upside-down and paradoxical way
Image and imagination in education. Visual narrative through children’s literature
When we talk about picturebooks, by now we refer to visual narrative, i.e. to that publishing production of books made up of text and pictures or just pictures – silent books or wordless books. The research, through a short historic excursus, ranges between the literary field – the stories – and the iconographic field – illustrations – in which epic tales, myths, traditional and folk tales, figures of the imagination and “fictions” originate. Therefore, we will analyse mostly literary works that include written tales and printed illustrations, critical references and compendia on pedagogical studies. In particular, we will privilege picturebooks for children that have been published both on a national and on an international level
Jenseits des Secret Garden. Der arkadische Roman von Frances Hodgson Burnett
The article examines the life and works of the famous children' s author Frances Hodgson Burnett, whose stories – Little Lord Fauntleroy, A Little Princess, The Secret Garden – oscillate between high and low, between rags and opulence, "between the stars and the stables." The article considers the Cinderella Theme and the different protagonists of her novels in their various meanings, from the figure of the Beautiful Child to the spoiled and petulant anti-heroine. Special attention is devoted to women's roles present in her famous arcadian work The Secret Garden, specifically the concept of female childhood and the representations of family in the Victorian Age, both of which emerge through the author's stories. From the ancient relationship with the benign and motherly nature, we see that only children - often orphaned - have the ability to bring a new light in the family circle, becoming an integral part, which is essential to a new rebirth
Tea Time at Wonderland. Domestic models and family relationships over the looking glass
The character of Alice, the English “dream child” of the second half of the 19th century, was born from the fantasy of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, best known with the nom de plume Lewis Carroll. In her travels Alice does not look for a new fami-ly to substitute hers, but for her own freedom of being and knowing herself through an initiation path. Alice – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found (1871) – is a masterpiece of nonsense only on its surface, because actually it has an underground, which makes it able to see from a child’s point of view and to understand what being a child means in a world ruled by petulant, unreliable and rude adults. Alice repre-sents the great metaphor of the escape; she leaves her family through escaping to somewhere else, which brings her to an inner adventure in the depths of being. In the novels of Carroll the reader can find everyday life themes, such as the domes-ticity, being a mother and taking care, but in an upside-down and paradoxical way
Families Stories. Depictions of Families in Children's literature in Europe and in United States
In questa tesi dottorale viene preso in analisi il tema della famiglia, uno degli elementi fondanti della riflessione pedagogica, crocevia di una molteplicità di nuclei interpretativi con diramazioni e contaminazioni, con mutamenti attraverso le epoche storiche, rappresentati in pagine contenute nei Classici della letteratura per l’infanzia e nei migliori libri di narrativa contemporanea.
Si tratta di un tema di grande ampiezza che ha comportato una scelta mirata di Autori che, nei loro romanzi hanno trattato questioni riguardanti la famiglia nelle sue pluralitĂ delle sue tante accezioni, dalla vita familiare agli abbandoni, dalle infanzie senza famiglia alle famiglie altre. Nelle diverse epoche storiche, le loro narrazioni hanno lasciato un segno per l'originalitĂ interpretativa che ancora oggi ci raccontano storie di vie familiale
Dai romanzi ottocenteschi alle saghe fantasy degli ultimi cinquant’anni, fino ai picturebook, destinati ai più piccoli, le families stories possono costituire un materiale pedagogico privilegiato, sia offrendo occasioni di scoperta e conoscenza di sé e del mondo, attraverso le quali i lettori bambini, enigmatici frontalieri, varcano soglie verso altrovi misteriosi, sia fornendo spunti agli studiosi per approfondire tematiche multiple e complesse.
Le families stories riflettono spesso in maniera critica le divergenze che possono manifestarsi tra le prassi individuate e studiate dalle scienze umane e sociali e le metafore narrative proposte dai numerosi Autori della letteratura per l’infanzia. Proponendo una prospettiva spesso spiazzante, esse interpretano la realtà a fondo, cogliendo i più piccoli ed inosservati particolari che, invece, hanno la capacità di rompere gli schemi socio-educativi dell’epoca storica in cui le storie prendono vita.This doctoral dissertation analyzes the theme of the Family, one of the founding elements of pedagogical reflection, crossroads of a multiplicity of interpretive nucleuses with branching and contaminations, with Changes across historical periods represented in the pages of Classics of Children's literature and in the best contemporary's fiction books. It is a subject of great amplitude that entailed a choice of Authors who, in their novels have dealt with issues relating to the family in its plurality of its many meanings, from family life to the abandoned child, from childhoods without family to others families. In different historical epochs, their narratives have left an originality of interpretation that still tell stories of 'vie familiale'. From 19th-century's novels to sagas of fantasy's novels of the past fifty years, until the picturebook, the families’ stories may constitute a privileged educational and pedagogical material, that offers opportunities for discovery and knowledge of oneself and of the world, through which children's readers, cross the threshold to the mysterious everywhere, and also provides insights to scholars to study multiple and complex issues. The families’ stories often reflect critically the variations that can occur between the practices identified and studied by the humanities and social sciences and the metaphors offered by numerous narrative's Authors of children's literature. Offering a perspective often unsettling, they interpret reality thoroughly, taking the smaller and unnoticed details that have the ability to break the mold of socio-educational historical epoch in which the stories come to life
Demokratie und Partizipation in der Begegnung mit Kinderliteratur an der Freien Universität Bozen
Literatur bietet sich wie kaum ein anderes Medium an, bereits im (früh-)pädagogischen Kontext des Kindergartens und der Grundschule mit Kindern demokratische Formen des Miteinanders nicht nur zum Gesprächsthema zu machen, sondern in der Gesprächsgestaltung auch partizipativ umzusetzen. Für die Eröffnung literarischer Partizipationsspielräume braucht es in der Professionalisierung von Kindheitspädagog:innen und Lehrer:innen literarische Orte wie etwa Hochschullernwerkstätten an der Universität, ausgestattet mit vielfältigen Medien (multimodal, mehrsprachig, intermedial) für vielfältige Rezeptionsformen. Dieser Beitrag gibt einen exemplarischen Einblick in einen solchen Ort, die KinderLiteraturWerkstatt an der Freien Universität Bozen, und eine Auswahl an literarästhetisch anregender, aktueller Kinderliteratur zum Thema Demokratie und Partizipation aus verschiedenen sprachlich-kulturellen Kontexten. (DIPF/Orig.
Immagini? Image and imagination between representation, communication, education and psychology
Il 27 e il 28 novembre 2017 si è tenuto a Bressanone, presso la Facoltà di Scienze del-la Formazione della Libera Università di Bolzano, il convegno internazionale e inter-disciplinare IMMAGINI? Image and imagi-nation between representation, communica-tion, education and psychology / On 27 and 28 November 2017, the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Boz-en-Bolzano held in Brixen-Bressanone the international and interdisciplinary confer-ence IMMAGINI? Image and imagination between representation, communication, ed-ucation and psychology
La "leggerezza" e il volo nella letteratura per l'infanzia
Attraverso l'analisi delle contaminazioni tra i classici della letteratura per l'infanzia e i meravigliosi film di animazione del regista giapponese Hayao Miyazaki dello Studio Ghibli, in questo saggio viene messo in evidenza come l'infanzia possieda quella capacit\ue0 di guardare il mondo da una posizione altra rispetto alla terra, distanziandosi, arrampicandosi, librandosi in volo, ponendosi, come afferma Calvino nelle sue Lezioni americane, in una nuova "dimensione esistenziale" di Leggerezza
Hayao Miyazaki. Sguardi oltre la nebbia
Cinema d\u2019animazione, fumetto e letteratura per l\u2019infanzia si intrecciano in modo sorprendente nella trama del volume attraverso l\u2019analisi delle pi\uf9 importanti metafore d\u2019infanzia. Oggetto dello studio \ue8 il grande maestro giapponese di anime Hayao Miyazaki \u2013 fumettista, sceneggiatore, animatore, regista e produttore \u2013, ormai consacrato tra i principali narratori mondiali dell\u2019animazione, le cui opere aprono una porta su un mondo di storie dedicato interamente all\u2019infanzia e all\u2019adolescenza. La qualit\ue0 e le potenzialit\ue0 pedagogiche di questo autore sono tutte giocate sull\u2019attenzione che pone alle varie fasi della vita e all\u2019importanza che ogni momento di crescita e di apprendimento rappresenta nel percorso di tutti i suoi personaggi. Rivoluzionando le categorie tradizionali dell\u2019animazione, spinto dal desiderio di esplorare e scoprire ci\uf2 che c\u2019\ue8 \u201coltre la nebbia\u201d della contemporaneit\ue0, Miyazaki propone realt\ue0 alternative e originali modelli d\u2019infanzia e di comunicazione. Eroine ed eroi non restano avvolti nella nebbia, ma varcano con leggerezza, spesso in volo, le soglie di mondi incantati ad altri preclusi