7 research outputs found

    Colonization and development of Oribatida mite communities (Acari: Oribatida) in the forest reclaimed limestone mine dumps

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    In order to study the colonization and development of moss mites (Oribatida) communities in a Scots pine forest of a reclaimed limestone mine dump in Northern Poland, 3 plots from the dump were chosen. The selected plots differed in age, 5 years old, 35 and 50 years old. From a total of 30 samples 499 mites (Acari) were extracted in Tullgren funnel from which 262 were Oribatida. Abundance (N) was analyzed in all mites and after determining the species of both, juvenile and adult stages of oribatids, the following indices were analyzed: Abundance (N), Dominance (D), Species diversity (S), Species richness (s) and Shannon鈥檚 diversity index (H). Regarding to the results obtained; oribatid mites were dominant with the highest abundance in all assemblages (Plot 1: 139 Oribatida /299 Acari. Plot 2: 40/55 and Plot 3: 83/145). Tectocepheus velatus showed a very high dominance (45,99%) in plot 1; the highest value for Shannon鈥檚 diversity index belonged to plot 3. On the other hand, juvenile鈥檚 percentage was significantly higher than adult鈥檚 percentage, especially at plot 2 (95,02%). These results made us to conclude that the high abundance of oribatids in the youngest forest is due to T. velatus鈥檚 high abundance and that plot 3 is the best habitat for mites. Finally, the high occurrence of juvenile stages requires keeping on studying the area

    Colonization and development of Oribatida mite communities (Acari: Oribatida) in the forest reclaimed limestone mine dumps

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    In order to study the colonization and development of moss mites (Oribatida) communities in a Scots pine forest of a reclaimed limestone mine dump in Northern Poland, 3 plots from the dump were chosen. The selected plots differed in age, 5 years old, 35 and 50 years old. From a total of 30 samples 499 mites (Acari) were extracted in Tullgren funnel from which 262 were Oribatida. Abundance (N) was analyzed in all mites and after determining the species of both, juvenile and adult stages of oribatids, the following indices were analyzed: Abundance (N), Dominance (D), Species diversity (S), Species richness (s) and Shannon鈥檚 diversity index (H). Regarding to the results obtained; oribatid mites were dominant with the highest abundance in all assemblages (Plot 1: 139 Oribatida /299 Acari. Plot 2: 40/55 and Plot 3: 83/145). Tectocepheus velatus showed a very high dominance (45,99%) in plot 1; the highest value for Shannon鈥檚 diversity index belonged to plot 3. On the other hand, juvenile鈥檚 percentage was significantly higher than adult鈥檚 percentage, especially at plot 2 (95,02%). These results made us to conclude that the high abundance of oribatids in the youngest forest is due to T. velatus鈥檚 high abundance and that plot 3 is the best habitat for mites. Finally, the high occurrence of juvenile stages requires keeping on studying the area

    Expresi贸n del CD146 en el AAA e identificaci贸n de su forma circulante como biomarcador diagn贸stico de la enfermedad

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    L鈥檃neurisma d鈥檃orta abdominal 茅s una malaltia vascular caracteritzada per una dilataci贸 local de l鈥檃orta abdominal superior al 50% del di脿metre normal i que afecta el 5-8% de la poblaci贸 masculina major de 65 anys. 脡s un proc茅s degeneratiu que pot culminar en el trencament de la paret vascular fet que s鈥檃ssocia al 75% de mortalitat. No existeix cap tractament farmacol貌gic efectiu per a limitar la seva progressi贸 o evitar el seu trencament sent la cirurgia l鈥櫭簄ica ter脿pia disponible. 脡s una malaltia asimptom脿tica el que fa necessari la identificaci贸 de biomarcadors circulants que permetin el diagn貌stic i/o pron貌stic de la malaltia. Histol贸gicamente es caracteritza per una degeneraci贸 dels elements estructurals de la paret de l鈥檃orta i un remodelat de la mitjana, amb evid猫ncia d鈥檌nflamaci贸 cr貌nica, hipervascularizaci贸n, destrucci贸 de la l脿mina el脿stica i depleci贸 del m煤scul llis. En aquest remodelat de la paret vascular associat al desenvolupament del AAA les CMVL juguen un paper fonamental. El CD146 茅s una glicoprote茂na de membrana implicada en la uni贸 de les c猫l路lules vasculars a la MB. 脡s conegut com a receptor de la cadena 伪-4 de la laminina i correceptor del VEGFR2. Est脿 implicat en processos com l鈥檃dhesi贸, diferenciaci贸, migraci贸 i proliferaci贸 cel路lular, angiog茅nesis i inhibici贸 de l鈥檃poptosi i la seva expressi贸 i la de la seva forma circulant, sCD146, s鈥檋a associat amb patologies inflamat貌ries que presenten mal vascular. L鈥檕bjectiu principal d鈥檃questa tesi 茅s comparar l鈥檈structura de la paret de l鈥檃orta del AAA humana amb la de la AN i estudiar l鈥檈xpressi贸 i activitat del CD146 en el AAA, aix铆 com valorar la seva forma soluble com a possible biomarcador diagn貌stic de la malaltia. Hem observat que els teixits de AAA humana presenten alteracions en l鈥檈structura de la paret acompanyades de canvis dels nivells d鈥檈xpressi贸 del ARNm del DAG-1 i de les lamininas de la MB. de lLas cadenes 伪-2, 3, 4 de la laminina i del DAG-1 que es troben incrementats en el AAA mentre que la expresi贸ny de la cadena 伪5 que est脿 disminu茂da. Tamb茅 hem demostrat que l鈥檈xpressi贸 de CD146 a nivell de ARNm i prote茂na disminueix en el teixit patol貌gic degut majorit脿riament a la disminuci贸 de la seva expressi贸 en les CMVL de la capa mitjana. La p猫rdua d鈥檈xpressi贸 de CD146 en les CMVL s鈥檃ssocia amb la disminuci贸 de l鈥檈xpressi贸 de les prote茂nes del fenotip contr脿ctil, Calponina-1, TAGLN i SM-MHC i l鈥檌ncrement de l鈥檈xpressi贸 del marcador de fenotip desdiferenciado S100A4. Utilitzant cultius primaris de CMVL tractats amb TGF-尾1 vam demostrar que l鈥檈xpressi贸 de CD146 es correlaciona amb el fenotip contr脿ctil de les CMVL per貌 la sobreexpresi贸n de CD146 no regula el fenotip de les CMVL ni modifica la capacitat de migraci贸 i proliferaci贸 de les CMVL en cultiu. Per contra, la sobreexpresi贸n de CD146 augmenta la capacitat d鈥檃dhesi贸 de les c猫l路lules al substrat i disminueix l鈥檃poptosi indu茂da per citocines proinflamatorias. Finalment, els pacients amb AAA presenten nivells circulants de sCD146 m茅s baixos que els controls sans. En els pacients de AAA els nivells de sCD146 es correlacionen positivament amb els nivells de ARNm de CD146 en teixit i negativament amb el di脿metre de l鈥檃orta. L鈥檃n脿lisi estad铆stica indica que els nivells de sCD146 prediuen la pres猫ncia de AAA amb alta especificitat i sensibilitat. En conjunt, aquest treball demostra la import脿ncia de la interacci贸 de les CMVL amb la MB en el desenvolupament del AAA i que es produeix un canvi fenot铆pic de les CMVL que passen del fenotip contr脿ctil de l鈥檃orta sana a un fenotip desdiferenciado desdiferenciado de l鈥檃orta patol貌gica. D鈥檃ltra banda, proposa un biomarcador diagn貌stic amb possible utilitat cl铆nica per a detectar la pres猫ncia de AAA des de fases primerenques de la malaltia.El aneurisma de aorta abdominal (AAA) es una enfermedad vascular caracterizada por una dilataci贸n local de la aorta abdominal superior al 50% del di谩metro normal que afecta al 5-8% de la poblaci贸n masculina mayor de 65 a帽os. Es un proceso degenerativo que puede culminar en la rotura de la pared vascular hecho que se asocia al 75% de mortalidad. No existe ning煤n tratamiento farmacol贸gico efectivo para limitar su progresi贸n o evitar su rotura siendo la cirug铆a la 煤nica terapia disponible. Es una enfermedad asintom谩tica lo que hace necesario la identificaci贸n de biomarcadores circulantes que permitan el diagn贸stico y/o pron贸stico de la enfermedad. Histol贸gicamente se caracteriza por una degeneraci贸n de los elementos estructurales de la pared de la aorta y un remodelado de la media, con evidencia de inflamaci贸n cr贸nica, hipervascularizaci贸n, destrucci贸n de la l谩mina el谩stica y depleci贸n del m煤sculo liso. En este remodelado de la pared vascular las CMVL juegan un papel fundamental. El CD146 es una glicoprote铆na de membrana implicada en la uni贸n de las c茅lulas vasculares a la MB. Es conocido como receptor de la cadena 伪-4 de la laminina y correceptor del VEGFR2. Est谩 implicado en procesos como la adhesi贸n, diferenciaci贸n, migraci贸n y proliferaci贸n celular, angiog茅nesis e inhibici贸n de la apoptosis y su expresi贸n y la de su forma circulante, sCD146, est谩 asociada con patolog铆as inflamatorias que presentan da帽o vascular. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es comparar la estructura de la pared de la aorta del AAA humana con la de la AN y estudiar la expresi贸n y actividad del CD146 en el AAA, as铆 como valorar su forma soluble como posible biomarcador diagn贸stico de la enfermedad. Hemos observado que los tejidos de AAA presentan alteraciones en la estructura de la pared acompa帽adas de cambios de los niveles de expresi贸n del ARNm de las cadenas 伪-2, 3, 4 de la laminina y del DAG-1 que se encuentran incrementados en el AAA y de la cadena 伪5 que est谩 disminuida. Tambi茅n hemos demostrado que la expresi贸n de CD146 a nivel de ARNm y prote铆na disminuye en el tejido patol贸gico debido mayoritariamente a la disminuci贸n de su expresi贸n en las CMVL de la capa media. La p茅rdida de expresi贸n de CD146 en las CMVL se asocia con la disminuci贸n de la expresi贸n de las prote铆nas del fenotipo contr谩ctil, Calponina-1, TAGLN y SM-MHC y el incremento de la expresi贸n del marcador de fenotipo desdiferenciado S100A4. Utilizando cultivos primarios de CMVL tratados con TGF-尾1 demostramos que la expresi贸n de CD146 se correlaciona con el fenotipo contr谩ctil de las CMVL pero la sobreexpresi贸n de CD146 no regula el fenotipo de las CMVL ni modifica la capacidad de migraci贸n y proliferaci贸n de las CMVL en cultivo. Por el contrario, la sobreexpresi贸n de CD146 aumenta la capacidad de adhesi贸n de las c茅lulas al sustrato y disminuye la apoptosis inducida por citoquinas proinflamatorias. Finalmente, los pacientes con AAA presentan niveles circulantes de sCD146 m谩s bajos que los controles. En los pacientes de AAA los niveles de sCD146 se correlacionan positivamente con los niveles de ARNm de CD146 en tejido y negativamente con el di谩metro de la aorta. El an谩lisis estad铆stico indica que los niveles de sCD146 predicen la presencia de AAA con alta especificidad y sensibilidad. En conjunto, este trabajo demuestra la importancia de la interacci贸n de las CMVL con la MB en el desarrollo del AAA y que se produce un cambio fenot铆pico de las CMVL que pasan del fenotipo contr谩ctil de la aorta sana a un fenotipo desdiferenciado de la aorta patol贸gica. Por otro lado, propone un biomarcador diagn贸stico con posible utilidad cl铆nica para detectar la presencia de AAA desde fases tempranas de la enfermedad.Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a vascular disease characterized by a focal dilatation of the abdominal aorta larger than 50% of the normal diameter, and affects 5-8% of male over 65 years old. It is a degenerative process and it can culminate in a vascular wall鈥檚 rupture, which is associated with 75% of death. To date, there is no pharmacological treatment to limit an aneurysm progression or to prevent its rupture, and surgery is the only available therapy. AAA is usually asymptomatic until it ruptures, which emphasizes the need to identify new circulating biomarkers that facilitate the diagnosis and/or the prognosis of the disease. Histologically, AAAs are characterized by destruction of the structural elements of the aortic wall and remodeling of the media, along with a chronic inflammatory process, hypervascularization, destruction of the elastic lamina and smooth muscle depletion. In this remodeling of the vascular wall related to AAA development, vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) play a crucial role. CD146 is a membrane glycoprotein implicated in the adhesion of vascular cells to the basal membrane (BM). It is known to act as a receptor of the 伪-4 laminin subunit as well as cor-receptor of VEGFR2. Moreover, it is involved in processes such as adhesion, cellular differentiation, migration and proliferation, angiogenesis, and apoptosis inhibition. Besides, CD146 expression and the expression of its circulating form, sCD146, have been associated with inflammatory pathologies that present vascular remodeling. The aim of the present work is to compare the aortic wall structure of human AAA and NA tissues and to study CD146 expression and activity in the AAA tissue, as well as to analyze its circulating form as a putative diagnostic biomarker of the disease. We have observed that human AAA tissues present structural alterations in the aortic wall accompanied with changes in BM鈥檚 DAG-1 and laminin mRNA expression levels. 伪-2, 3 and 4 subunits of laminins and DAG-1 are overexpressed in AAA, while 伪-5 subunit is downregulated. Comparing human AAA and NA tissues, we have also demonstrated that CD146 mRNA and protein expression is downregulated in the pathological tissue, mostly due to the loss of its expression in VSMC from the media layer. Likewise, the loss of CD146 expression in VSMC is associated with downregulation of the VSMC鈥檚 contractile phenotype鈥檚 markers Calponina-1, TAGLN and SM-MHC, while it associates with upregulation of the de-differentiated phenotype鈥檚 marker S100A4. By using primary culture of VSMCs treated with TGF-尾1, we have demonstrated that CD146 expression correlates with VSMC鈥檚 contractile phenotype. However, CD146 upregulation does not regulate cell phenotype or cell migration and proliferation capability in vitro. Conversely, CD146 upregulation increases cell adhesion to the substrate and decreases pro-inflammatory cytokine鈥檚 induced cell apoptosis. Finally, AAA patients present lower circulating sCD146 expression levels than healthy controls. In AAA patients, sCD146 levels positively correlate with CD146 mRNA tissue levels and show an inverse correlation with the diameter of the aorta. Statistical analyses indicate that sCD146 levels predict AAA presence with a high specificity and sensitivity. Overall, this work demonstrates the importance of VSMC and BM interaction in AAA development and suggests that VSMC modulate their phenotype during the disease process, from a contractile phenotype of the healthy aorta to a de-differentiated or synthetic phenotype of the pathologic aorta. On the other hand, it proposes a diagnostic biomarker with a possible clinical use to detect AAA presence at early stages.Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona. Programa de Doctorat en Bioqu铆mica, Biologia Molecular i Biomedicin

    Circulating CCL20 as a New Biomarker of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

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    Autoimmunity appears to play a role in abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) pathology. Although the chemokine CCL20 has been involved in autoimmune diseases, its relationship with the pathogenesis of AAA is unclear. We investigated CCL20 expression in AAA and evaluated it as a potential biomarker for AAA. CCL20 was measured in plasma of AAA patients (n = 96), atherosclerotic disease (AD) patients (n = 28) and controls (n = 45). AAA presence was associated with higher plasma levels of CCL20 after adjustments for confounders in the linear regression analysis. Diagnostic performance of plasma CCL20 was assessed by ROC curve analysis, AUC 0.768 (CI:0.678-0.858; p<0.001). Classification and regression tree analysis classified patients into two CCL20 plasma level groups. The high-CCL20 group had a higher number of AAA than the low-CCL20 group (91% vs 54.3%, p< 0.001). mRNA of CCL20 and its receptor CCR6 were higher in AAA (n = 89) than in control aortas (n = 17, p<0.001). A positive correlation was found between both mRNA in controls (R = 0674; p = 0.003), but not in AAA. Immunohistochemistry showed that CCR6 and CCL20 colocalized in the media and endothelial cells. Infiltrating leukocytes immunostained for both proteins but only colocalized in some of them. Our data shows that CCL20 is increased in AAA and circulating CCL20 is a high sensitive biomarker of AA

    Targeting the extra domain A of fibronectin for cancer therapy with CAR-T cells

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    Background One of the main difficulties of adoptive cell therapies with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells in solid tumors is the identification of specific target antigens. The tumor microenvironment can present suitable antigens for CAR design, even though they are not expressed by the tumor cells. We have generated a CAR specific for the splice variant extra domain A (EDA) of fibronectin, which is highly expressed in the tumor stroma of many types of tumors but not in healthy tissues. Methods EDA expression was explored in RNA-seq data from different human tumor types and by immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded tumor biopsies. Murine and human anti-EDA CAR-T cells were prepared using recombinant retro/lentiviruses, respectively. The functionality of EDA CAR-T cells was measured in vitro in response to antigen stimulation. The antitumor activity of EDA CAR-T cells was measured in vivo in C57BL/6 mice challenged with PM299L-EDA hepatocarcinoma cell line, in 129Sv mice-bearing F9 teratocarcinoma and in NSG mice injected with the human hepatocarcinoma cell line PLC. Results EDA CAR-T cells recognized and killed EDA-expressing tumor cell lines in vitro and rejected EDA-expressing tumors in immunocompetent mice. Notably, EDA CAR-T cells showed an antitumor effect in mice injected with EDA-negative tumor cells lines when the tumor stroma or the basement membrane of tumor endothelial cells express EDA. Thus, EDA CAR-T administration delayed tumor growth in immunocompetent 129Sv mice challenged with teratocarcinoma cell line F9. EDA CAR-T treatment exerted an antiangiogenic effect and significantly reduced gene signatures associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition, collagen synthesis, extracellular matrix organization as well as IL-6-STAT5 and KRAS pathways. Importantly, the human version of EDA CAR, that includes the human 41BB and CD3 zeta endodomains, exerted strong antitumor activity in NSG mice challenged with the human hepatocarcinoma cell line PLC, which expresses EDA in the tumor stroma and the endothelial vasculature. EDA CAR-T cells exhibited a tropism for EDA-expressing tumor tissue and no toxicity was observed in tumor bearing or in healthy mice. Conclusions These results suggest that targeting the tumor-specific fibronectin splice variant EDA with CAR-T cells is feasible and offers a therapeutic option that is applicable to different types of cancer

    Targeting the extra domain A of fibronectin for cancer therapy with CAR-T cells

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    Background One of the main difficulties of adoptive cell therapies with chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells in solid tumors is the identification of specific target antigens. The tumor microenvironment can present suitable antigens for CAR design, even though they are not expressed by the tumor cells. We have generated a CAR specific for the splice variant extra domain A (EDA) of fibronectin, which is highly expressed in the tumor stroma of many types of tumors but not in healthy tissues. Methods EDA expression was explored in RNA-seq data from different human tumor types and by immunohistochemistry in paraffin-embedded tumor biopsies. Murine and human anti-EDA CAR-T cells were prepared using recombinant retro/lentiviruses, respectively. The functionality of EDA CAR-T cells was measured in vitro in response to antigen stimulation. The antitumor activity of EDA CAR-T cells was measured in vivo in C57BL/6 mice challenged with PM299L-EDA hepatocarcinoma cell line, in 129Sv mice-bearing F9 teratocarcinoma and in NSG mice injected with the human hepatocarcinoma cell line PLC. Results EDA CAR-T cells recognized and killed EDA-expressing tumor cell lines in vitro and rejected EDA-expressing tumors in immunocompetent mice. Notably, EDA CAR-T cells showed an antitumor effect in mice injected with EDA-negative tumor cells lines when the tumor stroma or the basement membrane of tumor endothelial cells express EDA. Thus, EDA CAR-T administration delayed tumor growth in immunocompetent 129Sv mice challenged with teratocarcinoma cell line F9. EDA CAR-T treatment exerted an antiangiogenic effect and significantly reduced gene signatures associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition, collagen synthesis, extracellular matrix organization as well as IL-6-STAT5 and KRAS pathways. Importantly, the human version of EDA CAR, that includes the human 41BB and CD3 zeta endodomains, exerted strong antitumor activity in NSG mice challenged with the human hepatocarcinoma cell line PLC, which expresses EDA in the tumor stroma and the endothelial vasculature. EDA CAR-T cells exhibited a tropism for EDA-expressing tumor tissue and no toxicity was observed in tumor bearing or in healthy mice. Conclusions These results suggest that targeting the tumor-specific fibronectin splice variant EDA with CAR-T cells is feasible and offers a therapeutic option that is applicable to different types of cancer