917 research outputs found

    Correction to Variations of Ice Bed Coupling Beneath and Beyond Ice Streams: The Force Balance

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    A geometrical force balance that links stresses to ice bed coupling along a flow band of an ice sheet was developed in 1988 for longitudinal tension in ice streams and published 4 years later. It remains a work in progress. Now gravitational forces balanced by forces producing tensile, compressive, basal shear, and side shear stresses are all linked to ice bed coupling by the floating fraction phi of ice that produces the concave surface of ice streams. These lead inexorably to a simple formula showing how phi varies along these flow bands where surface and bed topography are known: phi = h(O)/h(I) with h(O) being ice thickness h(I) at x = 0 for x horizontal and positive upslope from grounded ice margins. This captures the basic fact in glaciology: the height of ice depends on how strongly ice couples to the bed. It shows how far a high convex ice sheet (phi = 0) has gone in collapsing into a low flat ice shelf (phi = 1). Here phi captures ice bed coupling under an ice stream and h(O) captures ice bed coupling beyond ice streams

    The Jakobshanvs Effect

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    The Jakobshavns Effect may have been a significant factor in hastening the collapse of palaeo ice sheets with the advent of climatic warming after 18,000 years ago and may precipitate partial collapse of the present‐day Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets following CO2‐induced climatic warming in the decades ahead. The Jakobshavns Effect is observed today on Jakobshavns Glacier, which is located at 69°10′N on the west coast of Greenland. The Jakobshavns Effect is a group of positive feedback mechanisms which allow Jakobshavns Glacier to literally pull ice out of the Greenland Ice Sheet at a rate exceeding 7 km/a across a floating terminus 800 m thick and 6 km wide. The pulling power results from an imbalance of horizontal hydrostatic forces in ice and water columns at the grounding line of the floating terminus. Positive feedback mechanisms that sustain the rapid ice discharge rate are ubiquitous surface crevassing, high summer rates of surface melting, extending creep flow, progressive basal uncoupling, progressive lateral uncoupling, and rapid iceberg calving

    On the Disintegration of Ice Shelves: The Role of Fracture

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    Crevasses can be ignored in studying the dynamics of most glaciers because they are only about 20 m deep, a small fraction of ice thickness. In ice shelves, however, s urface crevasses 20 m deep often reach sealevel and bottom crevasses can move upward to sea-level (Clough, 1974; Weertman, 1980). The ice shelf is fractured completely through if surface and basal crevasses meet (Barrett, 1975; Hughes, 1979). This is especially likely if surface melt water fills surface crevasses (Weertman, 1973; Pfeffer, 1982; Fastook and Schmidt, 1982). Fracture may therefore play an important role i n the disintegration of ice shelves. Two fracture criteria which can be evaluated experimentally and applied to ice shelves, are presented. Fracture is then examined for the general strain field of an ice shelf and for local strain fields caused by shear rupture alongside ice streams entering the ice shelf, fatigue rupture along ice shelf grounding lines, and buckling up-stream from ice rises. The effect of these fracture patterns on the stability of Antarctic ice shelves and the West Antarctic ice sheet is then discussed

    The Weak Underbelly of the West Antarctic Ice-Sheet

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    Thermal Convection in Ice Sheets: We Look But Do Not See

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    Thermal convection in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets has been dismissed on the grounds that radio-echo stratigraphy is undisturbed for long distances. However, the undisturbed stratigraphy lies, for the most part, above the density inversion in polar ice sheets and therefore does not disprove convection. An echo-free zone is widespread below the density inversion, yet nobody has cited this as a strong indication that convection is indeed present at d�pth. A generalized Rayleigh criterion for thermal convection in e1astic-viscoplastic polycrystalline solids heated from below is developed and applied to ice-sheet convection. An infinite Rayleigh number at the onset of primary creep decreases with time and becomes constant when secondary creep dominates, suggesting that any thermal buoyancy stress can initiate convection but convection cannot be sustained below a buoyancy stress of about 3 kPa. An analysis of the temperature profile down the Byrd Station core hole suggests that about 1000 m of ice below the density inversion will sustain convection. Creep along the Byrd Station strain network, radar sounding in East Antarctica, and seismic sounding in West Antarctica are examined for evidence of convective creep superimposed on advective creep. It is concluded that the evidence for convection is there, if we look for it with the intention offinding it

    Variations of Ice Bed Coupling Beneath and Beyond Ice Streams: The Force Balance

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    A geometrical force balance that links stresses to ice bed coupling along a flow band of an ice sheet was developed in 1988 for longitudinal tension in ice streams and published 4 years later. It remains a work in progress. Now gravitational forces balanced by forces producing tensile, compressive, basal shear, and side shear stresses are all linked to ice bed coupling by the floating fraction phi of ice that produces the concave surface of ice streams. These lead inexorably to a simple formula showing how phi varies along these flow bands where surface and bed topography are known: phi = h(O)/h(I) with h(O) being ice thickness h(I) at x = 0 for x horizontal and positive upslope from grounded ice margins. This captures the basic fact in glaciology: the height of ice depends on how strongly ice couples to the bed. It shows how far a high convex ice sheet (phi = 0) has gone in collapsing into a low flat ice shelf (phi = 1). Here phi captures ice bed coupling under an ice stream and h(O) captures ice bed coupling beyond ice streams

    On the Pulling Power of Ice Streams

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    Gravity wants to pull an ice sheet to the center of the Earth, but cannot because the Earth\u27s crust is in the way, so ice is pushed out sideways instead. Or is it? The ice sheet sees nothing preventing it from spreading out except air, which is much less massive than ice. Therefore, does not ice rush forward to fill this relative vacuum; does not the relative vacuum suck ice into it, because Nature abhors a vacuum? If so, the ice sheet is not only pulled downward by gravity, it is also pulled outward by the relative vacuum. This pulling outward will be most rapid where the ice sheet encounters least resistance. The least resistance exists along the bed of ice streams, where ice-bed coupling is reduced by a basal water layer, especially if the ice stream becomes afloat and the floating part is relatively unconfined around its perimeter and unpinned to the sea floor. Ice streams are therefore fast currents of ice that develop near the margins of an ice sheet where these conditions exist. Because of these conditions, ice streams pull ice out of ice sheets and have pulling power equal to the longitudinal gravitational pulling force multiplied by the ice-stream velocity. These boundary conditions beneath and beyond ice streams can be quantified by a basal buoyancy factor that provides a life-cycle classification of ice streams into inception, growth, mature, declining and terminal stages, during which ice streams disintegrate the ice sheet. Surface profiles of ice streams are diagnostic of the stage in a life cycle and, hence, of the vitality of the ice sheet

    Theoretical Calving Rates from Glaciers Along Ice Walls Grounded in Water of Variable Depths

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    Calving has been studied for glaciers ranging from slow polar glaciers that calve on dry land, such as on Deception Island (63.0-degrees-S, 60.6-degrees-W) in Antarctica, through temperate Alaskan tide-water glaciers, to fast outlet glaciers that float in fiords and calve in deep water, such as Jakobshavns Isbrae (69.2-degrees-N, 49.9-degrees-W) in Greenland. Calving from grounded ice walls and floating ice shelves is the main ablation mechanism for the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, as it was along marine and lacustrine margins of former Pleistocene ice sheets, and is for tide-water and polar glaciers. Yet, the theory of ice calving is underdeveloped because of inherent dangers in obtaining field data to test and constrain calving models. An attempt is made to develop a calving theory for ice walls grounded in water of variable depth, and to relate slab calving from ice walls to tabular calving from ice shelves. A calving law is derived in which calving rates from ice walls are controled by bending creep behind the ice wall, and depend on wall height h, forward bending angle-theta, crevasse distance c behind the ice wall and depth d of water in front of the ice wall. Reasonable agreement with calving rates reported by Brown and others (1982) for Alaskan tide-water glaciers is obtained when c depends on wall height, wall height above water and water depth. More data are needed to determine which of these dependencies is correct. A calving ratio c/h is introduced to understand the transition from slab calving to tabular calving as water deepens and the calving glacier becomes afloat

    Geometrical Force Balance in Glaciology

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    The analytical force balance traditionally used in glaciology relates gravitational forcing to ice surface slope for sheet flow and to ice basal buoyancy for shelf flow. It is unable to represent stream flow as a transition from sheet flow to shelf flow by having gravitational forcing gradually passing from being driven by surface slope to being driven by basal buoyancy downslope along the length of an ice steam. This is a serious defect, because ice streams discharge up to 90% of ice from ice sheets into the sea. The defect is overcome by using a geometrical force balance that includes basal buoyancy, represented by the ratio of basal water pressure to ice overburden pressure, as a source of gravitational forcing. When combined with the mass balance, the geometrical force balance provides a holistic approach to ice flow in which resistance to gravitational flow must be summed upstream from the calving front of an ice shelf. This is not done in the analytical force balance, and it provides the ice-thinning rate required by gravitational collapse of ice sheets as interior ice is downdrawn by ice streams

    West Antarctic Ice Streams

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    Solar heat is the acknowledged driving force for climatic change. However, ice sheets are also capable of causing climatic change. This property of ice sheets derives from the facts that ice and rock are crystalline whereas the oceans and atmosphere are fluids and that ice sheets are massive enough to depress the earth\u27s crust well below sea level. These features allow time constants for glacial flow and isostatic compensation to be much larger than those for ocean and atmospheric circulation and therefore somewhat independent of the solar variations that control this circulation. This review examines the nature of dynamic processes in ice streams that give ice sheets their degree of independent behavior and emphasizes the consequences of viscoplastic instability inherent in anisotropic polycrystalline solids such as glacial ice. Viscoplastic instability and subglacial topography are responsible for the formation of ice streams near ice sheet margins grounded below sea level. As a result the West Antarctic marine ice sheet is inherently unstable and can be rapidly carved away by calving bays which migrate up surging ice streams. Analyses of tidal flexure along floating ice stream margins, stress and velocity fields in ice streams, and ice stream boundary conditions are presented and used to interpret ERTS 1 photomosaics for West Antarctica in terms of characteristic ice sheet crevasse patterns that can be used to monitor ice stream surges and to study calving bay dynamics