72 research outputs found

    Ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego i przyrodniczego podstawą zrównoważonego rozwoju nadmorskich gmin w Polsce na przykładzie gminy Rewal

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    Baltic coast in Poland is the most attractive tourist region. A third of a Polish accommodation potential is concentrated in the coastal zone which doesn’t cover even half percent of the country. Community living in this area obtains its income mainly from tourism business. Rewal Commune is one of the most popular tourism destinations at the Polish coast. Sandy beaches, picturesque cliff seasides and well-known monuments like the ruins of a church from Middle Ages at the edge of theseaside cliff, are the main attractions of the commune. Their expenses on protection of the natural environment you can count in millions of Euros. It’s all because of tourists. Tourism is by far the main source of income and the most important condition of the sustainable development in Rewal Commune. From the beginning of the self-government in Poland at the 1990s this commune is one of the country leaders in the field of investment expenditures. They’ve spent the money on a sewage treatment plant, water supply and gas networks and actions aimed to improve the image of the commune. Almost whole area of the Rewal Commune is within protected territories. There are Natura 2000 network areas, a waterfowl reserve on Liwia Łuża lake, and coastal protected space controlled by the Maritime Office. All together they strongly stipulate conditions and possibilities of makingany investments in the commune. This paper aims to show how much those restrictions seemingly threatening possibilities of development of the commune fated to live on tourism could be its chance to protect herself against negative impact of expansive mass tourism.Bałtyckie wybrzeże jest w Polsce jednym z najbardziej atrakcyjnych regionów turystycznych. Jedna trzecia zasobów polskiej bazy noclegowej znajduje się w strefie wybrzeża nie obejmującej nawet połowy procenta kraju. Społeczności żyjące na tym obszarze uzyskują przychody głównie z turystyki. Jednym z najpopularniejszych miejsc wypoczynku na polskim wybrzeżu jest gmina Rewal. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie na jej przykładzie, jak uwarunkowania związane ze zrównoważonym rozwojem mogą stać się szansą zachowania dotychczasowego bogactwa przed skutkami ekspansywnej turystyki masowej

    Consumer Financial Knowledge and Cashless Payment Behavior for Sustainable Development in Poland

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    Financial knowledge is the main element of financial literacy, which is important for the sustainable development of individuals and society. Sustainability is a complex concept that spans many fields, including financial knowledge for all ages. Financial knowledge requires significant scientific research showing its impact on individuals and the economy, including non-cash payments. Consumer payment knowledge and its association with consumer financial behavior have long been a matter of widespread interest by researchers, but no in-depth, empirically based scientific research has been completed for Poland. The objective of this study was to examine factors associated with cashless payment behavior with an emphasis on the role of consumer financial knowledge. A total of 1100 interviews were carried out with Polish nationals aged 15 and above. The collected data were analyzed with the use of statistical methods, including analysis of variances (ANOVA), in order to examine consumers’ financial knowledge by basic economic and non-economic factors. Additionally, a data-mining method known as Random Forests was implemented for finding the variable importance in correlations between consumer financial knowledge and preferred methods of payment. The results revealed the diversity of factors influencing consumer behavior. Among the consumers’ personal traits, financial knowledge was one of the most important determinants of their payment choices. The results have implications for the design of payment processes. The results can be used by central banks to determine the directions of financial inclusion, as well as for stakeholders in the payments market

    Palaeosurface reconstruction based on sedimentary record and in sea level evolution in the Guadiana Estuary (Southern Iberia)

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    The sedimentary infilling of the Guadiana estuary, in the Southern Iberian Peninsula, has been extensively studied using a variety of laboratory methods, namely geochemical and sedimentological analyses, foraminifera assemblages and palynological profiles, supported by 14C dating [1-3](...

    Regioselective Synthesis of Benzimidazolones via Cascade C–N Coupling of Monosubstituted Ureas

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    A direct method for the regioselective construction of benzimidazolones is reported wherein a single palladium catalyst is employed to couple monosubstituted urea substrates with differentially substituted 1,2-dihaloaromatic systems. In this method, the catalyst is able to promote a cascade of two discrete chemoselective C–N bond-forming processes that allows the highly selective and predictable formation of complex heterocycles from simple, readily available starting materials.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award GM58160)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Award GM099817)Lanxess CorporationMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Progra

    Protests' influence on South Korea's Democratization Process in 1970-1987

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    Poniższa praca „Wpływ protestów na proces demokratyzacji Korei Południowej w latach 1970-1987” zajmuje się analizą przyczyn i skutków protestów w południowokoreańskim społeczeństwie w latach siedemdziesiątych i osiemdziesiątych XX wieku. Celem pracy jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie czy i jak protesty wpłynęły na proces demokratyzacji Korei Południowej. W pracy dokonano analizy tego czym jest „protest”. Opisana została również geneza protestów i organizacji prodemokratycznych w Korei Południowej. Przybliżono rozwój i znaczenie ruchu studenckiego, związków zawodowych, a także Kościoła w ramach ruchu prodemokratycznego. W pracy przeanalizowane zostały również skutki polityczne oraz społeczne protestów po czerwcu 1987 roku. Praca powstała w oparciu o książki, artykuły naukowe oraz źródła internetowe.The following paper, "Protests' influence on South Korea's Democratization Process within years 1970-1987" deals with the analysis of the causes and effects of protests in South Korean society in the 1970s and 1980s. The purpose of the study is to answer the question of whether and how the protests affected the democratization process of South Korea. The paper analyzes the concept of a "protest". It characterizes the genesis of protests and pro-democracy organizations in South Korea. The paper outlines development and importance of the student movement, trade unions, and the Church within the pro-democracy movement. It also analyzes the political and social effects of the protests after June 1987. The paper was based on books, scholarly articles and Internet sources

    Coastal profiles (CLIFFREAT)

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    The data cover a survey timeline from November 2016 to June 2018. Thirty-nine topographic surveys (thirteen for each study site – namely Międzyzdroje, Bansin and Wicie) were conducted with Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) technology resulting in a point cloud. The results were filtered for beach and cliff areas as a profile lines with 50-m-wide spacing and are presented in a separate Excel sheet for each investigated site

    Fourth Republic of South Korea as an example of the system of bureaucratic authoritarianism

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    W ramach poniższej pracy „System biurokratycznego autorytaryzmu na przykładzie IV Republiki Korei Południowej” podjęłam się analizy konstytucji Yushin, okoliczności jej wprowadzenia oraz jej wpływu na sytuację polityczną ROK. Celem pracy jest udowodnienie, że system jaki wytworzyła zmiana konstytucji w 1972 roku nazwać można biurokratycznym autorytaryzmem. Praca definiuje biurokratyczny autorytaryzm oraz przygląda się ewolucji Korei Południowej w jego kierunku. Dodatkowo system IV Republiki Korei został zestawiony z przykładami biurokratycznego autorytaryzmu z innych krajów. Praca powstała w oparciu o analizę literatury, artykułów naukowych oraz aktów prawnych.As part of my thesis „Fourth Republic of South Korea as an example of the system of bureaucratic authoritarianism” I've analised the Yushin constitution, the circumstances of its introduction, and its influence on the political situation of the ROK. The goal of this thesis is proving, that the system which originated from the change of constitution in 1972 can be called a bureaucratic authoritarianism. The thesis defines bureaucratic authoritarianism and covers the evolution of South Korea into this system. Additionally, the system of the Fourth Republic of Korea was compared to foreign countries' examples of bureaucratic authoritarianism. The thesis was written and based on the analysis of works of literature, scientific articles and legal references


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    During the lifetime of Bach such disciplines as harmony and thoroughbass were realized directly at the keyboard by the student, providing a solid foundation for later and more elaborate improvisatory skills – skills which were mandatory for all clavier players of that period. Unfortunately, the great majority of today’s Baroque counterpoint classes rely on the more academic process of committing notes to paper, thereby subjugating aural and performance skills. In this article, I propose amending music theory curricula with topics in baroque improvisation. To that end I will employ one of the most accessible variation forms from common practice music: the passacaglia

    New estimates of potential impacts of sea level rise and coastal floods in Poland

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    Polish coastal zone is thought to be one of the most exposed to sea level rise in Europe. With mean sea levels expected to increase between 28 and 98 cm by the end of the century, and storms increasing in severity, accurate estimates of the consequences of those phenomena are needed. Recent advances in quality and availability of spatial data in Poland made possible the reassessment of previous estimates of inundation caused by sea level rise. Up-to-date, detailed information on land use, population and buildings was used here to calculate their exposure to floods at a broad range of scenarios. Inclusion of a high-resolution digital elevation model contributed to a further improvement in estimates. The results revealed that even by using a static ``bathtub fill'' approach, the amount of exposed land, population or assets is significantly smaller than indicated in previous assessments. In the perspective of the twenty-first century, direct damages caused by sea level rise will be small and adaptation costs will not be significant. However, the increase in the frequency of storm surges could elevate the risk to the population and economy, but cost-effective flood protection measures would be able to mitigate the risk. The exposure of different kinds of assets and sectors of the economy varies to a large extent, though the structural breakdown of potential losses is remarkably stable between scenarios.Hydraulic Structures and Flood Ris