54 research outputs found

    Risks of Chest X-ray Examination for Students

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    Chest X-ray (CXR) examination is considered essential for health checkups of students;thus, it is important to objectively assess the CXR for a better understanding of the appropriate X-ray exposure dose, and the risks such an examination entails. Accordingly, we performed a multi-institutional study regarding students' CXR exposure, during a 6year-period from 2002 (partially including 2001) to 2007, with the collaboration of national, municipal, and private universities and colleges in Japan. A glass badge was worn by the students at the time of CXR screening examination. These glass badges were collected, and their X-ray exposure doses were measured. The results indicated a tendency of decreasing exposure dose over the 6 years, though the difference was not significant. In a comparison of the chest X-ray systems within institutions (own X-ray equipmentinside systems) with those outside the institution (mobile X-ray equipmentoutside systems), the average exposure dose with the outside systems exceeded that of the inside systems. Both inside and outside systems included a few X-ray machines with which the exposure was more than 1mSv. Based on these facts, individuals in charge of student health checkups should be aware of the exposure dose of each chest fluorographic system at their institution.</p

    A Case of Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome Associated with Acute Pancreatitis

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    A 52-year-old man was admitted to our department for acute pancreatitis. He developed adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) on the 2nd hospital day, and was treated with respiratory management using positive endexpiratory pressure (PEEP) in addition to pharmacologic therapy for pancreatitis. The treatment was very effective, and he was discharged on the 72nd hospital day

    The Echogenic Patterns of the Pancreatic Parenchyma in the Endoscopic Ultrasonography

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    Using the pancreas of the Japanese Macaque and human pancreas from autopsy cases, the echogenic patterns of the pancreatic parenchyma obtained by the ultrasonic endoscopy were compared with the histological findings. The parenchyma of the normal pancreas was observed as an echogenic pattern with homogeneous accumulation of small granular echoes. Such granular echoes are suggested to represent pancreatic acini on comparison with the tissue structure. This was confirmed by widening the pancreatic interstitium by infusing physiological saline into the main pancreatic duct. Such granular echoes became indistinct in the pancreas from autopsy cases due to autolysis. In the experimental pancreatic lesion produced by local injection of 1 % deoxycholic acid into the pancreas of Japanese Macaque, hemorrhage and fibrosis were noted 1 week later and fibrosis appears after 2 to 3 weeks. Hemorrhagic lesions were appeared as an area of high echogenicity, and fibrosis was appeared as an area of low echogenicity, with irregularity of the granular structure seen in the normal tissue

    Multifractality of the quantum Hall wave functions in higher Landau levels

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    To probe the universality class of the quantum Hall system at the metal-insulator critical point, the multifractality of the wave function ψ\psi is studied for higher Landau levels, N=1,2N=1,2, for various range (σ)(\sigma ) of random potential. We have found that, while the multifractal spectrum f(α)f(\alpha) (and consequently the fractal dimension) does vary with NN, the parabolic form for f(α)f(\alpha) indicative of a log-normal distribution of ψ\psi persists in higher Landau levels. If we relate the multifractality with the scaling of localization via the conformal theory, an asymptotic recovery of the single-parameter scaling with increasing σ\sigma is seen, in agreement with Huckestein's irrelevant scaling field argument.Comment: 10 pages, revtex, 5 figures available on request from [email protected]

    Extreme Nature of Four Blue-excess Dust-obscured Galaxies Revealed by Optical Spectroscopy

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    We report optical spectroscopic observations of four blue-excess dust-obscured galaxies (BluDOGs) identified by the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam. BluDOGs are a subclass of dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs; defined with the extremely red color (i − [22])AB ≥ 7.0; Toba et al., showing a significant flux excess in the optical g and r bands over the power-law fits to the fluxes at the longer wavelengths. Noboriguchi et al. have suggested that BluDOGs may correspond to the blowing-out phase involved in a gas-rich major-merger scenario. However, the detailed properties of BluDOGs are not understood because of the lack of spectroscopic information. In this work, we carry out deep optical spectroscopic observations of four BluDOGs using Subaru/FOCAS and VLT/FORS2. The obtained spectra show broad emission lines with extremely large equivalent widths, and a blue wing in the C iv line profile. The redshifts are between 2.2 and 3.3. The averaged rest-frame equivalent widths of the C iv lines are 160 \ub1 33 \uc5, ∼7 times higher than the average of a typical type 1 quasar. The FWHMs of their velocity profiles are between 1990 and 4470 km s−1, and their asymmetric parameters are 0.05 and 0.25. Such strong C iv lines significantly affect the broadband magnitudes, which are partly the origin of the blue excess seen in the spectral energy distribution of BluDOGs. Their estimated supermassive black hole masses are 1.1 7 108 &lt; M BH/M ⊙ &lt;5.5 7 108. The inferred Eddington ratios of the BluDOGs are higher than 1 (1.1 &lt; λ Edd &lt; 3.8), suggesting that the BluDOGs are in a rapidly evolving phase of supermassive black holes

    Genetic Polymorphisms of the Human PNPLA3 Gene Are Strongly Associated with Severity of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Japanese

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    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) includes a broad range of liver pathologies from simple steatosis to cirrhosis and fibrosis, in which a subtype accompanying hepatocyte degeneration and fibrosis is classified as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). NASH accounts for approximately 10-30% of NAFLD and causes a higher frequency of liver-related death, and its progression of NASH has been considered to be complex involving multiple genetic factors interacting with the environment and lifestyle.To identify genetic factors related to NAFLD in the Japanese, we performed a genome-wide association study recruiting 529 histologically diagnosed NAFLD patients and 932 population controls. A significant association was observed for a cluster of SNPs in PNPLA3 on chromosome 22q13 with the strongest p-value of 1.4 × 10(-10) (OR = 1.66, 95%CI: 1.43-1.94) for rs738409. Rs738409 also showed the strongest association (p = 3.6 × 10(-6)) with the histological classifications proposed by Matteoni and colleagues based on the degree of inflammation, ballooning degeneration, fibrosis and Mallory-Denk body. In addition, there were marked differences in rs738409 genotype distributions between type4 subgroup corresponding to NASH and the other three subgroups (p = 4.8 × 10(-6), OR = 1.96, 95%CI: 1.47-2.62). Moreover, a subgroup analysis of NAFLD patients against controls showed a significant association of rs738409 with type4 (p = 1.7 × 10(-16), OR = 2.18, 95%CI: 1.81-2.63) whereas no association was obtained for type1 to type3 (p = 0.41). Rs738409 also showed strong associations with three clinical traits related to the prognosis of NAFLD, namely, levels of hyaluronic acid (p = 4.6 × 10(-4)), HbA1c (p = 0.0011) and iron deposition in the liver (p = 5.6 × 10(-4)).With these results we clearly demonstrated that Matteoni type4 NAFLD is both a genetically and clinically different subset from the other spectrums of the disease and that the PNPLA3 gene is strongly associated with the progression of NASH in Japanese population


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