13 research outputs found


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    Gluteninski lokusi korišteni su za procjenu varijabilnosti 50 sorti heksaploidne ozime pšenice porijeklom iz pet hrvatskih oplemenjivačkih centara. Primijenjena je poliakrilamid gel elektroforeza (PAGE) u prisutnosti natrijeva dodecil sulfata (SDS-sodium dodecyl sulphate) za utvrđivanje visokomolekularnih glutenina (HMWGS). Broj alela po lokusu kretao se od 3, na Glu-A1, do 5, na Glu-B1 i Glu-D1, te je prosječni broj alela iznosio 4,33. Najveća genetska različitost utvrđena je na lokusu Glu-B1 . Najčešća podjedinica na lokusu Glu-A1 bila je 2* (56%). Na lokusu Glu-B1 najzastupljenija je bila kombinacija podjedinica 7+8 s 40% te na lokusu Glu-D1 5+10 sa 68%. U ispitivanju su definirane i visokokvalitetne sorte s najvećim brojem Glu–bodova. Rezultati dobiveni u ovom istraživanju omogućuju daljni razvoj ciljanih oplemenjivačkih programa za podizanje kvalitete ozime pšenice i formiranje sorti poboljšivača.Glutenins loci were used for variability estimation in 50 varieties of hexaploid winter wheat originated from Croatian breeding centres. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was used for determination of high molecular weight glutenins (HMW-GS). Number of allels per loci ranged from 3 at Glu-A1 to 5 at Glu-B1 and Glu-D1, the average number of allels was 4.33. The highest genetic diversity was found at loci Glu-B1 (He=0.687). The most frequent subunit at loci Glu-A1 was 2* (56%). At loci Glu-B1 the most common combination of subunits was 7+8 with 40%, and at loci Glu-D1 5+10 with 68%. The study also defines high quality varieties with largest number of Glu-scores. The results attained from this study allow further development of specific breeding programs for winter wheat quality improvement and improvers creation


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    Kod 50 sorti heksaploidne ozime pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.) porijeklom iz Republike Hrvatske utvrđena je i analizirana kompozicija ω – glijadina. Poliakrilamid gel elektroforeza (PAGE) u prisutnosti natrijeva dodecil sulfata (SDS – sodium dodecyl sulphate) korištena je za identifikaciju podjedinica na Gli-B1 i Gli-D1 genlokusima. Utvrđena je najčešća kombinacija podjedinica 63+67 s frekvencijom od 64% na genlokusu Gli-B1, zatim podjedinica 66 sa frekvencijom od 16%, te nulti alel (N) s frekvencijom od 14%. Na lokusu Gli-D1 najzastupljenija podjedinica je bila 55 s frekvencijom od 94%. Broj alela po lokusu kretao se od 3 (Gli-D1) do 7 (Gli-B1), veća genetska različitost (He=0,557) kao i veći PIC (0,529) utvrđeni su na lokusu Gli-B1, dok je znatno manja genetska različitost utvrđena na lokusu Gli-D1 (He=0,114) kao i PIC (0,110).The composition of ω – gliadins was identified and analyzed in 50 varieties of hexaploid winter wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp. vulgare L.) originated from the Republic of Croatia. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) in presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used for determination of subunits at Gli-B1 i Gli-D1 genloci. The most common combination of subunits at genloci Gli-B1 was 63+67 with frequency of 64%, then subunit 66 with frequency of 16% and null allele (N) with frequency of 14%. At Gli-D1 loci the most frequent subunit was 55 with presence at 94% in tested varieties. Number of allels per loci was from 3 (Gli-D1) to 7 (Gli-B1), high genetic diversity (He = 0,557) and high PIC (0,529) were estimated at loci Gli-B1, while significantly lower genetic diversity was estimated at loci Gli-D1 (He = 0,114) and PIC (0,110)

    Common genetic architecture underlying young children's food fussiness and liking for vegetables and fruit

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    Background: Food fussiness (FF) is common in early childhood and is often associated with the rejection of nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables and fruit. FF and liking for vegetables and fruit are likely all heritable phenotypes; the genetic influence underlying FF may explain the observed genetic influence on liking for vegetables and fruit. Twin analyses make it possible to get a broad-based estimate of the extent of the shared genetic influence that underlies these traits. Objective: We quantified the extent of the shared genetic influence that underlies FF and liking for vegetables and fruit in early childhood with the use of a twin design. Design: Data were from the Gemini cohort, which is a populationbased sample of twins born in England and Wales in 2007. Parents of 3-y-old twins (n = 1330 pairs) completed questionnaire measures of their children's food preferences (liking for vegetables and fruit) and the FF scale from the Children's Eating Behavior Questionnaire. Multivariate quantitative genetic modeling was used to estimate common genetic influences that underlie FF and liking for vegetables and fruit. Results: Genetic correlations were significant and moderate to large in size between FF and liking for both vegetables (20.65) and fruit (20.43), which indicated that a substantial proportion of the genes that influence FF also influence liking. Common genes that underlie FF and liking for vegetables and fruit largely explained the observed phenotypic correlations between them (68-70%). Conclusions: FF and liking for fruit and vegetables in young children share a large proportion of common genetic factors. The genetic influence on FF may determine why fussy children typically reject fruit and vegetables

    Zerspanung mit Industrierobotern

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    Additives Auftragschweißen bietet eine sehr gute Ausgangssituation für die Zerspanung mit Industrierobotern. Durch die additive, endkonturnahe Fertigung wird das Zerspanungsvolumen reduziert. So können Spandicken verringert und die Zerspanungskräfte verkleinert werden. Die Kombination der beiden robotergestützten Technologien zu einer hybriden Fertigung ermöglicht eine signifikante Steigerung der Oberflächengüte sowie der Bearbeitungsgenauigkeit nahe der Wiederholgenauigkeit von Industrierobotern. Robot machining – Hybrid manufacturing with industrial robots in tool and die constructions Additive manufacturing offers a good starting point for machining with industrial robots. Additive, near-net-shape manufacturing allows decreasing chip thickness, which leads to a reduction of cutting forces. The combination of the two robot-based technologies for hybrid manufacturing thus enables a significant improvement of surface quality and increases machining accuracy to come close to the repeatability accuracy of industrial robots

    Robotergestützte hybride Fertigung mittels Reibauftragschweißen

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    Dieser Beitrag stellt einen Ansatz zur robotergestützten hybriden Fertigung von Leichtbaustrukturen für den Flugzeugbau vor. Das Reibauftragschweißen bietet die Möglichkeit, mit geringer Prozesskomplexität Material aufzutragen und so artungleiche Metalle miteinander zu verbinden. In den in diesem Beitrag vorgestellten Versuchen wurde auf ein Substrat aus Titan durch den Reibauftragschweißprozess Aluminium einlagig und mehrlagig aufgetragen. Die erzeugten Beschichtungen wurden anschließend metallografisch untersucht

    Robot-Based Hybrid Production Concept

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    The increased use of high-performance materials and ever-more com-plex component structures are challenges for manufacturing companies in need to find resource saving processes. Development potential can be found in the re-duction of production time, media reduction, suitable tools and the design of the processing machine itself. The avoidance of transport routes offers potential as well. Focussing on those potentials, the combination of additive and subtractive processes being based on an industrial robot in a hybrid production concept rep-resents an innovative approach. Using wire-based laser cladding, cold metal transfer welding as well as metal friction-surfacing enhances near net shape man-ufacturing saving additional resources. With the assist of qualified CAM tools and interposed laser line scanning, this process chain improves the production of lightweight components especially for the aerospace industry. In this publication robot-based hybrid manufacturing techniques and a method for increasing the machining quality by implementing a compliance compensation are introduced

    Bessere Qualitätsschleifen

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    Klare Linien und aufwendige Geometrien prägen derzeit das Design im Automobilbau. Das stellt hohe Anforderungen auch an die Presswerkzeuge. Das Forschungsprojekt PROGEN untersucht, ob der Einsatz von Robotern zu mehr Effizienz in der Qualitätsschleife beiträgt

    Optimal design for compliance modeling of industrial robots with bayesian inference of stiffnesses

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    In this paper a cost and time efficient approach to setup a compliance model for industrial robots is presented. The compliance model is distinctly determined by the gear's stiffness parameters which are tuned by an optimal design of experiments approach. The experimental setup consists of different poses of the robot's axes together with the applied force at the tool center point (TCP). These robot poses represent together with defined forces the experimental setup where the deviation of the robot under defined force is measured. Based on measurements of the displacement of the TCP the stiffness parameters for the compliance model are estimated and afterwards validated in new experiments. The efficiency of this approach lies in the reduced amount of experiments that are needed to identify the stiffness parameters that are parameters inherent to the compliance and the less complex experimental setup

    Datengetriebene Produktion zum Anfassen: Aufbau eines KI-basierten Demonstrators zur Echtzeitspindelüberwachung

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    Die Implementierung von Lösungen der datengetriebenen Produktion in KMU stellt oftmals eine große Hürde dar, da häufig das notwendige Know-how nicht vorhanden ist. Mit dem Projekt "Plattform dataPro" werden eine Transferumgebung zum Domänenwissen und Implementierungsansätze im Bereich der datengetriebenen Produktion geschaffen. Die Grundlage bilden Demonstratoren. Am PTW der TU Darmstadt wurde ein solcher Demonstrator zur KI-basierten Echtzeitüberwachung einer Motorspindel entwickelt, der Domänenwissen in einem anschaulichen Anwendungsfall darstellt