368 research outputs found

    Variation in the growth parameters and biomass of Rhizophora mangle seedlings with distances from Playa Estrella, Bocas del Toro, Panama

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    Mangrove is a salt-tolerant, intertidal, tropical tree or shrub and make up a rich community of various organism. On the Caribbean coast of Panama, in Bocas del Toro, mangrove forests cover 28 km2 and are dominated by R. mangle, followed by L. racemosa and A. germinans. Simultaneously, Isla Colón, the most populated and developed among all islands in the Bocas del Toro Archipelago, is a tourist center. Unfortunately, tourism comes at the price of environmental degradation via alteration of natural habitats, solid and wastewater pollution. Therefore, this study aims to gain a preliminary understanding on how the growth parameters of R. mangle seedlings and dry biomass vary with distances from a tourism site, Playa Estrella, Bocas del Toro, Panama. Three sites with different linear distances from Playa Estrella were studied. Results showed that stem diameter and number of nodes were larger in Site 3, the furthest from Playa Estrella. Larger diameter and node count in Site 3 may indicate less impact by pollution created by human on the beach. However, no significant differences were found between total and stem heights across study sites. Thus, the lack of differences in total and stem height in this study may be accounted for the similarity in environmental condition between the sites, and the heights were not as sensitive as the stem diameter and node count. The first two to four internodal heights were larger in Site 1 and Site 2. It’s unclear why this was the case, but these differences may be accounted by variation in the availability of nutrients in the hypocotyl reserve, or the ability to of the seedlings to absorb nutrients to allocate to the stem. Furthermore, dry biomass analysis showed high allocation towards the hypocotyls and low leaf mass ratio (LMR). The result found is potentially a preliminary insight on the impact of human activities on Playa Estrella on the growth parameters of R. mangle seedlings. However, it is not sufficient to draw a holistic conclusion about human impact from Playa Estrella definitively. Future studies should consider not just environmental factors that may impact R. mangle seedlings growth, but also factors that are clearer proxy of human impact such as presence of trash, and nutrient enrichment from waste

    Radiocarbon dates from the Highland Jar and Coffin burial site of Phnom Khnang Peung, Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia

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    The Cardamom Mountain Jar and Coffin burial site of Phnom Khnang Peung is the most extensive example of the distinctive burial ritual first reported by Beavan et al. (2012a). The 40 intact Mae Nam Noi and late Angkorian-era ceramic jars used as burial vessels held a total of up to 152 individuals, representing the largest corpus of skeletal remains of any of the 10 known Jar and Coffin burial sites that have been discovered in the eastern ranges of the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia. We report here on the radiocarbon dating of this site and notable burial phenomena, using a Bayesian approach to model the start and end date of activity as well as its overall span. The results of the dating and Bayesian analyses indicate that the Phnom Khnang Peung site’s earliest burials began cal AD 1420–1440 (95% probability). Interestingly, the concen- tration of burial activity spans only 15–45 years (95% probability), despite the large number of inhumations at the site. The 14C chronology presented for the site places the Highland burial ritual coincident with a period of economic, political, and societal transformations in the lowland Angkorian polity, but the unique burial practice and trade relationships evidenced by the burial goods and maritime trade ware ceramics employed in the burial ritual suggest these Highland people were a culture apart from Angkorian cultural influences

    Nutrition Care and Cultural Humility for Healthcare Professionals

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    The purpose of this project is to create a module using the Health Meets Food platform that will teach students how to offer appropriate diet and nutrition counseling to patients identifying as African American, African immigrant, Asian, or Hispanic. The module will include a lesson about the common foods, cultural aspects of food, and attitudes and behaviors associated with food in prominent African American, African immigrant, Asian, and Hispanic cultures present in the United States. Students will be able to apply their learned skills with a nutrition-focused case study at the end of the lesson. Their skills and knowledge will be assessed using a quiz at the end. The students will practice cooking skills through appropriate recipes and connect them to the module lesson. The module will be available to healthcare professionals and students majoring or enrolled in a nutrition health class

    Persuasion in Mobile Financial Service: A Case Study with a Bank Savings Mobile Application

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    Financial institutions are undergoing a technology transformation. The digitization now drives the addition of new services and expectations. In this context, mobile has become a strategic channel to encourage users to adopt specific behaviors and change habits effortlessly. The research question underlying this study focuses on mobile banking applications and how they could support the adoption of savings behaviors. A qualitative study was conducted, in order to evaluate the persuasiveness embedded in a mobile bank saving app. Three experts in human-computer interaction (HCI) assessed the mobile app interfaces through a scientific grid of persuasive criteria to guide their heuristic inspection. Results confirm both a satisfactory level of persuasiveness of the mobile app and the dynamic application of persuasive criteria. The study shows that a mobile app involving certain specific features supports a positive banking customer’s experience related to savings. This study contributes to the user experience field, showing that mobile apps can support behavioral change when persuasiveness is embedded in the design process. Using a valid and reliable assessment method to establish the level of persuasiveness of a bank savings mobile app, this study confirms that the persuasion grid is applicable to mobile interfaces

    Buenas prácticas de transferencia del conocimiento en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    El estudio de la dinámica del agua en cuencas mediterráneas, la transferencia de método y conocimiento en el ámbito de zonas costeras, el trabajo continuo con la Agencia Andaluza del Agua y la transferencia de los resultados a empresas públicas y privadas son algunos de los ejes del proyecto, que también incluye la oferta de un master especializado en el tema. Se trata de una iniciativa cuya aplicación llega a la agricultura, el turismo, el desarrollo urbano, la calidad del agua y la conservación de los sistemas acuáticos

    Exploring the importance of employee incentives and their effectiveness in improving quality performance in a Cambodian public organization

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    The main purpose of this study is to identify the importance of incentives and their effectiveness in employee performance. The detail of this research will be conducted in an attempt to demonstrate whether incentives have a great potential to increase public employees’ motivation and work performance. The purpose of the research is also to illustrate to what extent incentives are used in the Cambodian public service sector. To fulfill the objective of the research as well as to obtain real and reliable data, a research study was conducted at the Cambodian Investment Board – CIB under the Council for the Development of Cambodia – CDC. The method of this research study was implemented with a qualitative analysis to investigate the work characteristic of Cambodian public employees, and to identify the correlation between the rewarding, recognition and employee work performance. In addition to the research method, the analysis of the qualitative interview data was to be done through the use of thematic analysis. After the qualitative research method was completely finished, the findings of the research study were much the same as those mentioned in the literature review. The data analysis proved a significant correlation between incentives in the form of rewards and recognition, and better work performance. Based on the findings of this research study, most of the public employees in the above mentioned organization commented that both financial and non-financial incentives are significantly important to encourage and motivate them for greater work performance. It also indicated that there was an absence of employee incentive particularly financial incentive. Meanwhile, the level of utilization of non-financial incentives is extremely poor. Therefore, within the limitations of the research study, it could be concluded that both financial and non-financial incentives have a potential effect on employee motivation and work performance in the public service organization of Cambodia

    Rôle de l'autophagie dans la dissémination du VIH-1 par les cellules dendritiques dérivées des monocytes circulants

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    Les cellules myéloïdes incluant les monocytes, les macrophages et les cellules dendritiques (DCs, dendritic cells) contribuent à la pathogénèse de l’infection à VIH-1 en participant à la dissémination du virus, mais également en représentant des réservoirs viraux potentiels. Leurs fonctions sont exploitées par le VIH-1 afin d’assurer sa propagation à travers l’organisme. Notamment, une infection à VIH-1 est associée à une altération de la présentation antigénique et la perte de lymphocytes T CD4+ spécifiques à des antigènes. L’autophagie est un processus catabolique universel impliqué dans la régulation de la présentation antigénique subséquente à la neutralisation/destruction du pathogène. Des études récentes suggèrent que le VIH-1 altère le mécanisme d’autophagie afin d’assurer sa survie. Le premier volet de ce projet de maîtrise a visé la caractérisation des effets du VIH-1 sur l’autophagie dans les DCs dérivées de monocytes circulants (MDDC, monocyte-derived dendritic cells) et l’identification des stratégies thérapeutiques pour contrecarrer ces effets. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été de : (i) caractériser l’expression de marqueurs de maturation sur des MDDC exposées au VIH-1 in vitro, (ii) quantifier l’expression des protéines liées à la régulation positive (i.e., ATG5, LC3, p62) et négative (i.e., mTOR) de l’autophagie dans les MDDC exposées au VIH, (iii) déterminer le rôle de l’autophagie dans la trans infection du VIH-1 aux lymphocytes T CD4+ et (iv) explorer l’impact de l’autophagie sur la présentation antigénique par les MDDC infectées à VIH-1 in vitro. Nos résultats démontrent qu’une exposition des MDDC au VIH-1 in vitro altère dramatiquement leur maturation et leur habileté à induire la prolifération des cellules T autologues en réponse à Staphylococcus aureus et Cytomegalovirus (CMV) mais pas la réponse induite par Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB). Nous démontrons que l’exposition des MDDC au VIH s’associe à une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine mTOR totale et de sa forme phosphorylée (phospho-mTOR) et de la protéine p62. Le traitement des MDDC à la rapamycine diminue l’expression de mTOR et réduit la capacité de trans infection du VIH-1 par les MDDC, sans toutefois restaurer leur potentiel immunogène. En effet, nous observons que la rapamycine réduit l’expression de CD83 par les MDDC et augmente l’expression de CCR7, indiquant ainsi que l’effet immunosuppresseur documenté de la rapamycine est associé à une défaillance de maturation des MDDC. Le second volet de ce projet de recherche s’est intéressé à la contribution des cellules myéloïdes à la persistance virale chez les sujets infectés par le VIH-1 sous thérapie antirétrovirale. Les objectifs spécifiques ont été : (i) d’évaluer la présence de différentes formes d’ADN viral dans les monocytes circulants de patients infectés par le VIH-1 et (ii) de mesurer l’intégration et la réplication virale dans des macrophages dérivés de monocytes (MDM) de patients infectés sous ART. Nos résultats indiquent que les monocytes portent des formes précoces de transcription virale inverse (ADN du VIH RU5) et que, malgré une charge virale plasmatique indétectable sous ART, les MDM supportent la réplication virale. Ces données très préliminaires apportent des évidences en faveur de la contribution des cellules myéloïdes à la persistance virale sous ART et représentent une ouverture pour un projet de recherche plus complexe dans le futur. En somme, nos résultats démontrent que le VIH-1 altère le potentiel immunogène des MDDC et que la rapamycine peut être employée pour limiter la trans infection des lymphocytes T CD4+ par les MDDC. Néanmoins, l’incapacité de la rapamycine à rétablir le potentiel immunogène des MDDC incite à identifier de nouvelles stratégies manipulant l’autophagie pour une restauration optimale de la compétence immunitaire chez les sujets infectés à VIH-1. Les cellules myéloïdes jouent un rôle primordial dans la dissémination et la persistance virale et doivent donc être ciblées par les stratégies actuelles d’éradication des réservoirs du VIH sous ART.Myeloid cells including monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells (DC) contribute to HIV-1 pathogenesis by participating in viral dissemination but also by representing potential viral reservoirs. Myeloid cells functions are exploited by HIV in order for the virus to spread throughout the organism. Notably, HIV-1 infection is associated with alterations in antigen presentation and the loss of pathogen-specific CD4+ T-cells. Autophagy is a universal catabolic process involved in the regulation of antigen presentation subsequent to pathogen neutralization/destruction. Recent studies suggest that HIV inhibits autophagy in DC so that it survives within the host. The goal of the main part of this master’s research project was to characterize the effects of the HIV exposure on the autophagy process in monocytes-derived DC (MDDC) and to identify therapeutic strategies to counteract these effects. The specific aims were to : (i) measure the expression of maturation markers on MDDC exposed to HIV-1 in vitro (ii) quantify the expression of proteins that positively (i.e., ATG5, LC3, p62) or negatively regulate autophagy (i.e., mTOR), (iii) determine autophagy role in HIV-1 trans infection to CD4+ lymphocytes T and (iv) explore the impact of autophagy on antigen presentation by in vitro HIV-infected MDDC. Our results demonstrated that exposure to HIV in vitro dramatically impaired MDDC maturation and their ability to induce proliferation of autologous CD4+ T-cells in response to Staphylococcus aureus and Cytomegalovirus (CMV) but not Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB). Exposition of MDDC to HIV-1 was associated with an increase of mTOR, phosphomTOR and p62 expression. Treatment of MDDC with rapamycin decreased mTOR expression and altered MDDC trans infection ability although it failed to restore MDDC immunogenic potential. Indeed, rapamycin diminished CD83 expression on MDDC surface and increased CCR7 expression, indicating that the documented immunosuppressive property of this drug is associated with an impaired MDDC maturation. The second part of this master’s research project focused on the contribution of myeloid cells to HIV-1 reservoir persistence under ART. The objectives were to: (i) evaluate the presence of different forms of viral DNA in circulating monocytes from HIV-1 infected subjects and (ii) determine the viral integration and replication in monocytes-derived macrophages (MDM) from infected individuals receiving viral suppressive ART. Our results show that monocytes harbor early products from viral transcription (RU5 HIV-DNA) and that MDM support viral replication. Together, these very preliminary findings bring evidences that monocytes contribute to viral persistence under ART. Overall, our results indicate that HIV alters the immunogenic potential of DC and that rapamycin limits HIV trans-infection by DC. However, the fact that rapamycin fails to restore the immunogenic potential of DC stresses the need to identify additional strategies to manipulate the autophagy process for an optimal restoration of immune competence in HIV-infected subjects. Myeloid cells play a crucial role in HIV persistence and dissemination and thus must be aimed at when elaborating an antiviral therapy

    Transformasi Pendidikan Abad 21 untuk Mengembangkan Pendidikan Dasar Bermutu dan Berkarakter

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    Transformasi Pendidikan Abad 21 untuk Mengembangkan Pendidikan Dasar Bermutu dan Berkarakte

    L'utilité, l'utilisabilité et l'utilisation des fonctionnalités d'un logiciel pour la prise de notes

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Diseño de una propuesta metodológica que contribuya a la sistematización de la elaboración de los reactivos para las olimpiadas de matemáticas en Yucatán

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    El presente trabajo, forma parte de un proyecto que tiene como objeto diseñar una propuesta metodológica que oriente la elaboración de reactivos para el examen del selectivo de secundarias, dentro de la fase estatal de la Olimpiada de las matemáticas, en Yucatán. Dicho proyecto está divido en dos etapas: la primera contempla una revisión de la literatura orientada hacia aspectos relacionados con las pruebas objetivas, en particular las de corte competitivo, así como, el análisis de los aspectos cognitivos y metodológicos que subyacen la estructura de los exámenes aplicados en los selectivos de secundaria de años anteriores, elementos que orientarán el diseño de la propuesta metodológica; y la segunda etapa comprende la implementación de dicha propuesta, seguimiento y rediseño (en su caso) de la misma. Los alcances del cartel reportado para este evento son solamente los de la primera etapa del proyecto
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