5 research outputs found
Biochemical and chemical characterization of basil extracts and influence of pharmaceutical technological formulations on the glycemic, lipid and oxidative status in experimental animals
Bosiljak (Ocimum basilicum L.) pripada familiji Lamiaceae i jedna je od najrasprostranjenijih i najčešće gajenih biljaka širom sveta. Njegova upotreba je široko rasprostranjena zbog bogatog sadržaja i skladnog odnosa vitamina, minerala kao i različitih fenolnih jedinjenja kao glavnih nosilaca antioksidativne aktivnosti. Poslednjih godina velika pažnja je usmerena ka fenolnim fitokomponentama kao potencijalnim promoterima zdravlja. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su ispitivanje kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih karakteristika, kao i biohemijskih aktivnosti ekstrakata bosiljka dobijenih različitim rastvaračima, kao i ispitivanje uticaja farmaceutsko-tehnološke formulacije u obliku mikrovezikula ekstrakta bosiljka na glikemijski, lipidni i oksido-redukcioni status kod oglednih životinja, u odnosu na vodeni ekstrakt. In vitro ispitivanja su uključivala analizu 100 ekstrakata dobijenih različitim rastvaračima i stepenom usitnjenosti. Ukupni fenolni i flavonoidni sadržaj, kao i antioksidativna aktivnost određena je spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Takođe, kvantifikovane i kvalifikovane su fenolne komponente (fenolne kiseline i flavonoidi) primenom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije (HPLC). In vivo ispitivanje je rađeno na 84 albino laboratorijska pacova soja Wistar. Per os su primenjivani vodeni ekstrakt bosiljka, rastvor natrijumove soli monoketoholne kiseline, njihove kombinacije, kao i ekstrakt u obliku farmaceutsko-tehnološke formulacije, mikrovezikula. Posle sedmodnevnog tretmana, merene su koncentracije glukoze u krvi, a nakon žrtvovanja, u serumu su određeni parametri lipidnog statusa i antioksidativnog stresa. Ex vivo analizama procenjivani su efekti ekstrakta bosiljka na enzimske i neenzimske parametre antioksidativnog odbrambenog sistema i oksidativne modifikacije lipida. Praćen je i uticaj tretmana na akutno oštećenje jetre usled primene paracetamola. Svi analizirani ekstrakti bosiljka su pokazali prisustvo velikog broja fenolnih jedinjenja iz klase fenolnih kiselina i flavonoida. Detektovane i kvantifikovane aktivne komponente bile su fenolne kiseline: hlorogenska, p-hidroksibenzoeva, kafena, vanilinska, ferulna, rozmarinska i cimetna, kao i apigenin, kvercetin, naringenin i rutin kao predstavnici flavonoidnih jedinjenja. Primena ekstrakta bosiljka i natrijumove soli monoketoholne kiseline, same ili u kombinaciji, a takođe i u farmaceutsko-tehnološkoj formulaciji, pokazale su smanjenja oštećenja tokom oksidativnog stresa, značajno antidijabetesno delovanje, povoljan uticaj na lipidni status i protektivni efekat na funkcije jetre i bubrega. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da ekstrakt bosiljka sadrži značajnu količinu fenolnih jedinjenja odgovornih za antioksidativnu aktivnost. Vodeni ekstrakt bosiljka, sam ili u kombinaciji sa monoketoholnom kiselinom, i u obliku farmaceutsko-tehnološke formulacije snižava nivo glukoze u krvi, ubrzava obnovu β ćelija, ima povoljan efekat na lipidni status i ne dovodi do toksičnih promena na jetri i bubrezima kod eksperimentalnih životinja.Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) belongs to the family Lamiaceae and represents one of the most widespread and most commonly cultivated plant worldwide. Its use is widespread due to its rich content and harmonious relationship of vitamins, minerals and various phenolic compounds which are responsible for the antioxidant activity. In recent years, great attention is directed to phenolic phytocomponents as potential promoters of health. The objectives of this study were to test the qualitative and quantitative characteristics, as well as the biochemical activity of basil extracts obtained by various solvents and investigate the impact of pharmaceutical technological formulation of basil extract on glycemic, lipid and oxidation-reduction status of the aqueous extract in the experimental animals. In vitro studies have included 100 extracts obtained by various solvents and degrees of fragmentation. Total phenolic and flavonoid content, as well as antioxidant activity was determined by spectrophotometric method. Also, phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) were qualified and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In vivo testing was performed on 84 laboratory albino Wistar rats. The aqueous extract of basil, a solution of sodium salt of monoketocholic acid, their combinations, as well as an extract in the form of the pharmaceutical technological formulation were administered per os. After seven-day-treatment, the concentrations of glucose were measured in the blood and after sacrificing of animals, the lipid and antioxidative parameters were determined in serum. Ex vivo analysis assessed the effect of the extract of basil on the parameters of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defense system and the oxidative modification of lipids. The effect of paracetamol on acute liver injury was also monitored. All analyzed basil extracts showed the presence of the large number of phenolic compounds from the class of phenolic acids and flavonoids. Chlorogenic, p-hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, vanillic, ferulic, rosmarinic, and cinnamic acid, as well as apigenin, quercetin, naringenin and rutin were detected and quantified. The application of basil extracts and the sodium salt of monoketocholic acid, either alone or in combination, and also in pharmaceutical technological formulation of microvesicles has shown a reduction in damage during oxidative stress, then a significant antidiabetic activity, favorable effect on the lipid profile and protective effect on the liver and kidney function. Based on these results it can be concluded that basil extract contains significant amounts of phenolic compounds responsible for antioxidant activity. The aqueous extract of basil, alone or in combination with monoketocholic acid, and in the form of the pharmaceutical technological formulations lowers glucose levels in the blood, accelerates the restoration of β cells, has a favorable effect on the lipid status and does not lead to toxic changes in the liver and kidneys in experimental animals
Diet and lifestyle patterns among students in Novi Sad
Studentsko doba predstavlja važan period pojedinca i prijelaz od adolescencije do odrasle dobi. Studenti često imaju lošu prehranu. Uočavaju se nepovoljne navike poput preskakanja doručka, nedostatne konzumacije voća, povrća i mliječnih proizvoda, te učestale konzumacije brze hrane i konzumacije alkohola. Razina tjelesne aktivnosti se smanjuje, a sedentarni životni stil počinje dominirati, što dovodi do povećanog rizika za razvoj pretilosti i drugih kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti. Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati prehrambene i životne navike među studentima u Novom Sadu. Specifični ciljevi rada bili su utvrditi prehrambene navike, fizičku aktivnost i konzumaciju cigareta, alkohola i dodataka prehrani studenata novosadskih Univerziteta. Istraživanje provedeno po principu presječnog obuhvatilo je 514 studenta s 4 različita fakulteta u Novom Sadu a za prikupljanje podataka korišten je posebno osmišljeni anonimni anketni upitnik. Rezultati ukazuju na neuravnoteženu prehranu i nepoželjan životni stil u istraživanoj populaciji te ukazuju na potrebu edukacije s ciljem unaprjeđenja javnog zdravlja.The study period represents an important period of an individual as well as the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Students often have inproper dietary habits. The most unfavorable habits reported for student population are skipping of breakfast, lack of fruit, vegetables and dairy products as well as frequent fast food and alcohol consumption. The level of physical activity is reduced and sedentary lifestyle is increased. That kind of lifestyle leads to obesity and other chronic diseases. The main aim of this study was to examine dietary habits and lifestyle factors among the students in Novi Sad. The specific aims were to determine the dietary habits, physical activity and consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and dietary supplements among students of Novi Sad. In this study, an original anonymous questionnaire was used, and the study included 514 students in Novi Sad from 4 different faculties. Results indicate unbalanced nutrition and unhealthy lifestile in studied population and therefore implicate the necessity of education aimed to increase in public health
Biochemical and chemical characterization of basil extracts and influence of pharmaceutical technological formulations on the glycemic, lipid and oxidative status in experimental animals
Bosiljak (Ocimum basilicum L.) pripada familiji Lamiaceae i jedna je od najrasprostranjenijih i najčešće gajenih biljaka širom sveta. Njegova upotreba je široko rasprostranjena zbog bogatog sadržaja i skladnog odnosa vitamina, minerala kao i različitih fenolnih jedinjenja kao glavnih nosilaca antioksidativne aktivnosti. Poslednjih godina velika pažnja je usmerena ka fenolnim fitokomponentama kao potencijalnim promoterima zdravlja. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su ispitivanje kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih karakteristika, kao i biohemijskih aktivnosti ekstrakata bosiljka dobijenih različitim rastvaračima, kao i ispitivanje uticaja farmaceutsko-tehnološke formulacije u obliku mikrovezikula ekstrakta bosiljka na glikemijski, lipidni i oksido-redukcioni status kod oglednih životinja, u odnosu na vodeni ekstrakt. In vitro ispitivanja su uključivala analizu 100 ekstrakata dobijenih različitim rastvaračima i stepenom usitnjenosti. Ukupni fenolni i flavonoidni sadržaj, kao i antioksidativna aktivnost određena je spektrofotometrijskom metodom. Takođe, kvantifikovane i kvalifikovane su fenolne komponente (fenolne kiseline i flavonoidi) primenom visokoefikasne tečne hromatografije (HPLC). In vivo ispitivanje je rađeno na 84 albino laboratorijska pacova soja Wistar. Per os su primenjivani vodeni ekstrakt bosiljka, rastvor natrijumove soli monoketoholne kiseline, njihove kombinacije, kao i ekstrakt u obliku farmaceutsko-tehnološke formulacije, mikrovezikula. Posle sedmodnevnog tretmana, merene su koncentracije glukoze u krvi, a nakon žrtvovanja, u serumu su određeni parametri lipidnog statusa i antioksidativnog stresa. Ex vivo analizama procenjivani su efekti ekstrakta bosiljka na enzimske i neenzimske parametre antioksidativnog odbrambenog sistema i oksidativne modifikacije lipida. Praćen je i uticaj tretmana na akutno oštećenje jetre usled primene paracetamola. Svi analizirani ekstrakti bosiljka su pokazali prisustvo velikog broja fenolnih jedinjenja iz klase fenolnih kiselina i flavonoida. Detektovane i kvantifikovane aktivne komponente bile su fenolne kiseline: hlorogenska, p-hidroksibenzoeva, kafena, vanilinska, ferulna, rozmarinska i cimetna, kao i apigenin, kvercetin, naringenin i rutin kao predstavnici flavonoidnih jedinjenja. Primena ekstrakta bosiljka i natrijumove soli monoketoholne kiseline, same ili u kombinaciji, a takođe i u farmaceutsko-tehnološkoj formulaciji, pokazale su smanjenja oštećenja tokom oksidativnog stresa, značajno antidijabetesno delovanje, povoljan uticaj na lipidni status i protektivni efekat na funkcije jetre i bubrega. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da ekstrakt bosiljka sadrži značajnu količinu fenolnih jedinjenja odgovornih za antioksidativnu aktivnost. Vodeni ekstrakt bosiljka, sam ili u kombinaciji sa monoketoholnom kiselinom, i u obliku farmaceutsko-tehnološke formulacije snižava nivo glukoze u krvi, ubrzava obnovu β ćelija, ima povoljan efekat na lipidni status i ne dovodi do toksičnih promena na jetri i bubrezima kod eksperimentalnih životinja.Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) belongs to the family Lamiaceae and represents one of the most widespread and most commonly cultivated plant worldwide. Its use is widespread due to its rich content and harmonious relationship of vitamins, minerals and various phenolic compounds which are responsible for the antioxidant activity. In recent years, great attention is directed to phenolic phytocomponents as potential promoters of health. The objectives of this study were to test the qualitative and quantitative characteristics, as well as the biochemical activity of basil extracts obtained by various solvents and investigate the impact of pharmaceutical technological formulation of basil extract on glycemic, lipid and oxidation-reduction status of the aqueous extract in the experimental animals. In vitro studies have included 100 extracts obtained by various solvents and degrees of fragmentation. Total phenolic and flavonoid content, as well as antioxidant activity was determined by spectrophotometric method. Also, phenolic compounds (phenolic acids and flavonoids) were qualified and quantified using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In vivo testing was performed on 84 laboratory albino Wistar rats. The aqueous extract of basil, a solution of sodium salt of monoketocholic acid, their combinations, as well as an extract in the form of the pharmaceutical technological formulation were administered per os. After seven-day-treatment, the concentrations of glucose were measured in the blood and after sacrificing of animals, the lipid and antioxidative parameters were determined in serum. Ex vivo analysis assessed the effect of the extract of basil on the parameters of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant defense system and the oxidative modification of lipids. The effect of paracetamol on acute liver injury was also monitored. All analyzed basil extracts showed the presence of the large number of phenolic compounds from the class of phenolic acids and flavonoids. Chlorogenic, p-hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, vanillic, ferulic, rosmarinic, and cinnamic acid, as well as apigenin, quercetin, naringenin and rutin were detected and quantified. The application of basil extracts and the sodium salt of monoketocholic acid, either alone or in combination, and also in pharmaceutical technological formulation of microvesicles has shown a reduction in damage during oxidative stress, then a significant antidiabetic activity, favorable effect on the lipid profile and protective effect on the liver and kidney function. Based on these results it can be concluded that basil extract contains significant amounts of phenolic compounds responsible for antioxidant activity. The aqueous extract of basil, alone or in combination with monoketocholic acid, and in the form of the pharmaceutical technological formulations lowers glucose levels in the blood, accelerates the restoration of β cells, has a favorable effect on the lipid status and does not lead to toxic changes in the liver and kidneys in experimental animals
Diet and lifestyle patterns among students in Novi Sad
Studentsko doba predstavlja važan period pojedinca i prijelaz od adolescencije do odrasle dobi. Studenti često imaju lošu prehranu. Uočavaju se nepovoljne navike poput preskakanja doručka, nedostatne konzumacije voća, povrća i mliječnih proizvoda, te učestale konzumacije brze hrane i konzumacije alkohola. Razina tjelesne aktivnosti se smanjuje, a sedentarni životni stil počinje dominirati, što dovodi do povećanog rizika za razvoj pretilosti i drugih kroničnih nezaraznih bolesti. Osnovni cilj ovog rada bio je ispitati prehrambene i životne navike među studentima u Novom Sadu. Specifični ciljevi rada bili su utvrditi prehrambene navike, fizičku aktivnost i konzumaciju cigareta, alkohola i dodataka prehrani studenata novosadskih Univerziteta. Istraživanje provedeno po principu presječnog obuhvatilo je 514 studenta s 4 različita fakulteta u Novom Sadu a za prikupljanje podataka korišten je posebno osmišljeni anonimni anketni upitnik. Rezultati ukazuju na neuravnoteženu prehranu i nepoželjan životni stil u istraživanoj populaciji te ukazuju na potrebu edukacije s ciljem unaprjeđenja javnog zdravlja.The study period represents an important period of an individual as well as the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Students often have inproper dietary habits. The most unfavorable habits reported for student population are skipping of breakfast, lack of fruit, vegetables and dairy products as well as frequent fast food and alcohol consumption. The level of physical activity is reduced and sedentary lifestyle is increased. That kind of lifestyle leads to obesity and other chronic diseases. The main aim of this study was to examine dietary habits and lifestyle factors among the students in Novi Sad. The specific aims were to determine the dietary habits, physical activity and consumption of cigarettes, alcohol and dietary supplements among students of Novi Sad. In this study, an original anonymous questionnaire was used, and the study included 514 students in Novi Sad from 4 different faculties. Results indicate unbalanced nutrition and unhealthy lifestile in studied population and therefore implicate the necessity of education aimed to increase in public health
Analysis of operating variables for Yerba mate leaves supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
Given the increasing demand for potassium in Brazil, the mining and use of carnallite is becoming increasingly important, because the current source of potassium, sylvinite, is being depleted and there is a risk of shortages. Based on theoretical and practical data available in existing literature, this work describes the development, simulation, and economic feasibility of a process for dissolution and crystallization of potassium chloride from carnallite ore. Positive results were obtained following the application of the Hoffman diagram and determination of the corresponding equation. The proposed process provided over 85% potassium chloride crystallization, demonstrating its superior performance, compared to existing procedures