39 research outputs found

    Effect of the Dietary Royal Jelly Supplementation in Ewes of Bulgarian Dairy Synthetic Population on the Body Weight of the Lambs and the Milk Composition

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    The aim of the experiment was to assess the effect of the royal jelly supplementation in the diet of ewes from Bulgarian Dairy Synthetic Population on the body weight of the lambs and the milk composition. The trial was carried out with 20 ewes and their lambs, reared in the experimental sheep farm of the Institute of Animal Science- Kostinbrod, Bulgaria and lasted 30 days during the suckling period. The animals had the same date of lambing and lambs body weight, and were divided into two groups, each containing 10 ewes. The feeding was according to the standards for this category of ruminants with ad libitum access to water, as each ewe from the supplemented group received twice a week 300 mg freeze dried royal jelly. The body weight of the lambs was controlled at the beginning and at the end of the trial period, and the weight gain was calculated. The chemical and the fatty acid composition of the milk was measured in individual samples. The fatty acid composition was used to calculate the atherogenic (AI) and thrombogenic (TI) indices. The live weight (LW) and the average daily gain (ADG) differed between the groups of lambs according to the dietary royal jelly supplementation. The lambs of the ewes that had received the supplement displayed higher LW (P%253D0.0138) and ADG (P%253D0.0062). The physicochemical composition of the milk showed lower fat content (P%253D0.0142) and higher density (P%253D0.0200) in the ewes receiving royal jelly. Significant increase of C18%253A0 and decrease of C17%253A1 proportion was observed. Additionally, the contents of the polyunsaturated С20%253A4n-6, С22%253A5n-3 and C22%253A6n-3 was considerably diminished in the milk of the group that received royal jelly. The results so far demonstrated the potential of the royal jelly to manipulate the fatty acid profile of the ewes milk

    A meta-analysis of the effect of pasture access on the lipid content and fatty acid composition of lamb meat

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    A meta-analysis on the influence of the pasture on the lipid content and fatty acid profile in lamb meat was conducted. A total of 20 studies were selected and data on total lipid content, saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids in lamb meat were extracted for two population groups, indoors, and pastured. Due to the high between-study heterogeneity, separate random-effects models were applied to the raw mean difference (effect size parameterization) for each of the outcomes. The results of the meta-analysis pointed that access to pasture tended to decrease the fat content in lamb, while increasing the saturated fatty acids (P < 0.05). The amounts of monounsaturated and n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids were decreased (P < 0.05). On the other hand, grazing led to substantial increase in the content of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and decrease (P < 0.01) of the ratio n-6/n-3 in lamb meat, thus suggesting that pasture rearing can be recommended for improvement of meat dietetic quality.by the Erasmus + Programme, Key Action 1: Learning mobility for individuals, administered by the European Union (№ 2014-1- BG01-KA103-000110). Dr. Gonzales-Barron wishes to acknowledge the financial support provided by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the award of five-year Investigator Fellowship (IF) in the mode of Development Grants (IF/00570).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) meals on the meat quality in broilers

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    The experiment aimed to assess the effect of dietary inclusion of meals derived from Black soldier fly (BSF) larvae on the meat quality in broilers. The birds were divided into three groups according to the formulated diets: control (CON)– receiving standard diet, Т1 – receiving 5% partially defatted and Т2 – receiving 5% full fat BSF meal during the finishing period (14–35 d). At the age of 35 days, 10 broilers from each group were slaughtered for meat quality evaluation. The dietary inclusion of the BSF meals was associated with decrease of pH and lighter colour of the meat. The total amount of the saturated fatty acids (SFA) and atherogenic index (AI) were increased, while polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), the ratios between PUFA and SFA (P/S), n-6/n-3 PUFA and hypo/hypercholesterolemic fatty acids (h/H) were decreased in the meat of the broilers consuming insect meals. The results of the study suggest good prospective for further research with the examined BSF meals for broiler nutrition to formulate feeding strategies that will not alter negatively meat quality and its healthy value

    Митоинхибиращ и кластогенен ефект на води от антропогенно повлияни зони

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    The present study aims to analyse the effect of waters, anthropogenically influenced by various pollutants, on the mitotic division and chromosomal apparatus of cells by establishing their potential mitoinhibitory and clastogenic effect. The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of contaminated water was examined by the application of the Allium cepa test system. Mitotic depression has been established for samples with available anthropogenic contamination. Microscopic analysis showed an increased incidence of chromosomal aberrations in the test samples compared to the control, resulting from the genotoxic effect available. Chromosomal abnormalities of the type of lagging and ‘vagrant’ chromosomes, chromosomal fragments, anaphase and telophase bridges, micronuclei, as well as deviations from normal cell division such as K-mitoses and asynchronous mitoses have been observed. The analysis of the spectrum of chromosomal aberrations shows some differences in the frequency of occurrence of the different types of disorders, which reflects the specificity of the genotoxic effect of the water samples from the surveyed areas.Настоящото проучване има за цел да анализира влиянието на антропогенно повлияни от различни замърсители води върху митотичното делене и хромозомния апарат на клетките чрез установяване на потенциалния им митоинхибиращ и кластогенен ефект Чрез прилагане на Allium cepa тест-системата е проучено цитотоксичното и мутагенното действие на замърсените води. Констатирана е митотична депресия за пробите с налично антропогенно замърсяване. Микроскопският анализ показва увеличена честота на хромозомните аберации в опитните проби в сравнение с контролната, което е резултат от наличен генотоксичен ефект. Констатирани са хромозомни аномалии от типа на изоставащи и „скитащи” хромозоми, хромозомни фрагменти, анафазни и телофазни мостове, микроядра, както и отклонения от нормалното клетъчно делене като К-митози и асинхронни митози. Анализът на спектъра на хромозомните аберации показва известни различия в честотата на срещане на отделните типове нарушения, което отразява спецификата на генотоксичното действие на водните проби от проучваните зони

    Quality Characteristics and Chemical Composition of M. Longissimus thoracis in Crossbred Pigs

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    The study aimed to compare the quality characteristics and chemical composition of m. Longissimus thoracis (m. LT) in two-way pig crosses ndash%253B Duroc x Landrace (D x L) and Pietrain x Landrace (P х L). The differences in the quality parameters of the examined groups were insignificant. The moisture and protein content tended to be lower in the muscles of D x L compared to P x L. Furthermore, the fat content of the Duroc cross also appeared to be higher, however the differences were insignificant. The quality traits of m. LT, including pH 45, pH24, water-holding capacity (WHC) and colour were within the optimal range and did not show any deviation from the standards for the normal meat

    Spectral analyses of fresh and dry Hypericum perforatum L. Effects with colloidal nano silver 30 ppm

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    Spectral analyses of 1% water extracts of fresh and dry Hypericum perforatum L. and 1% dry H. perforatum with colloidal nano silver (NSPs) 30 ppm were conducted. The nano silver is standardised and patented by the Swiss company Evodrop. Non-equliblrium energy spectrum (NES) and Differential non-equliblrium energy spectrum (DNES) methods were used for the spectral analysis. A comparative analysis of 1% extracts of fresh and dry H. perforatum was performed in order to determine the local extremums for effects of nerve tissue conductivity at (-0.1112) eV, anti-inflammatory (-0.1212) eV, anti-tumor effects (-0.1387) eV. The results showed stimulating effect on the nervous system and improvement of nerve conduction (local extremums E=-0.1112 eV)(?=11.15 ?m) (?=897 cm-1), as well as anti-inflammatory effect (E = -0.1212 eV)( ?=10.23 ?m) (?=978 cm-1) and inhibition of development of tumor cells at a molecular level (E=-0.1387 eV) (?=8.95 ?m) (?=1117 cm-1). It was found that clusters of 16 and 15 water molecules are formed in the water herbal extracts of fresh H. perforatum and of dry H. perforatum with AgNPs 30 ppm. The fresh plant showed better results then the dry one. The addition of colloidal nano silver 30 ppm led to better results of the drug

    Carcass and Meat Composition in F1 Crosses of Two Lines of Slow-Growing Chickens Reared in Conventional or Alternative System with Access to Pasture

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    The study was carried out to compare the carcass quality, meat chemical composition and its fatty acid profile in two slow-growing crosses obtained from La Belle (LB) and Bresse Gauloise (BB) parents, reared in conventional or alternative system with pasture access. At the age 12 weeks, male chickens (n%253D6) of each cross were slaughtered. Two-way ANOVA was used to assess the effect of the rearing strategies as well as the crossbreed on the carcass quality and meat chemical and fatty acid composition. The live and carcass weight of both crosses, as well as the dressing percentage were influenced mostly by the rearing system, showing advantage of the indoors grown birds. Despite the reduced values of these parameters, no deposition of abdominal fat was detected in the pastured birds from both crosses, which is a positive influence of the outdoors system observed in the particular crosses. In regard to the chemical composition of the meat, the pasture access decreased the protein content in both breast and thigh meat (Plt%253B0.001) but increased the moisture (Plt%253B0.001). The cross and the rearing system had different effect on the fatty acid composition of the meat and the related lipid indices, associated with its dietetic quality. While the thigh meat was mostly affected by the cross of the chickens, showing higher content of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) (Plt%253B0.01) but lower in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (Plt%253B0.05) in the ♂BBx♀LB birds, the fatty acid of the breast meat, showed different response according to the crossbreed and the rearing system. The differences were more pronounced in the ♂LBx♀BB, indicating certain advantage of the pastured chickens from this cross with lower content of saturated fatty acids (SFA) but higher of PUFA and improved values of the polyunsaturated%252Fsaturated fatty acids (P%252FS) and n-6%252Fn-3 PUFA ratios

    Comparison of the Fatty Acid Composition and Lipid Nutritional Indices of Meat in Two Lines of Slow-Growing Chickens and Their F1 Crosses

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    The study was carried out to compare the fatty acid profile and related lipid nutritional indices in the breast and thigh meat of two slow-growing lines of chickens La Belle (LB) and Bresse Gauloise (BB) and their crosses (♂LBx♀BB, ♂BBx♀LB). The birds were reared indoors in the experimental poultry farm of the Institute of Animal Science ndash%253BKostinbrod, Bulgaria. At the age of 12 weeks, 6 male chickens of each line were slaughtered and lipid analysis of the breast and thigh meat was done. The differences in the fatty acid profile and related nutritional indices of the meat between the lines were assessed by one-way ANOVA. The fatty acid composition was affected by the crossing of the lines but to a different extent in breast and thigh meat. The highest amount of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was observed in the meat of ♂BBx♀LB chickens due to the significant increase of C16%253A1n-7 in breast and C18%253A1n-9 in the thigh of these birds. On the other hand, this crossbred line exhibited the lowest levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Furthermore, the lowest content of MUFA was observed in the breast of the pure lines and thigh in BB and ♂LBx♀BB, while the highest PUFA level was determined in the breast of LB and thigh of ♂LBx♀BB. The differences in the meat dietetic quality described by the lipid indices showed no consistent patterns in the pure and crossbred lines depending on the type of meat. When compared with the rest, the breast meat of the LB male chickens showed significantly higher polyunsaturated%252Fsaturated fatty acids (P%252FS) ratio, while lowest n-6%252Fn-3 PUFA and thrombogenic index (TI). The values of the atherogenic index (AI) and the ration between the hypo-and hypercholesterolemic fatty acids (h%252FH) were also improved in this line. Thigh meat however, showed best characteristics in terms of P%252FS and n-6%252Fn-3 in the ♂LBx♀BB cross

    Fatty Acid Composition of Thigh Meat in Two Lines of Slow-Growing Chickens as Affected by the Access to Pasture

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    The study was carried out to examine the effect of the pasture access vs. conventional rearing on the fatty acid composition an of the thigh meat in two lines of slow growing chickens - La Belle (LB) and Bresse Gauloise (BB). Additionally differences between the lines were also examined. The influence of both factors on the lipid profile were assessed through two-way ANOVA. The effect of pasture was more pronounced than the line and was associated with lower contents of the saturated (SFA) (Plt%253B0.001), and significant increase (Plt%253B0.001) of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Such changes in the fatty acids of the thigh meat in the chickens having access to pasture induced considerably lower atherogenic (AI) and thrombogenic (TI) indices. Furthermore, the n-6%252Fn-3 ratio was reduced (Plt%253B0.001), while the ratios between the poly- and saturated fatty acids (P%252FS), as well as the hypo- and hypercholesterolemic (h%252FH) (Plt%253B0.001) were increased in the pastured lines. Differences in the fatty acid composition of the thigh meat due to the line of the birds, were not observed, however the BB birds reared conventionally tended to have higher content of C18%253A2n-6 and C18%253A3n-3

    Compositional attributes and fatty acid profile of lamb meat from Iberian local breeds

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    This study aimed to compare lamb meat composition from five Iberian breeds raised in their typical rearing systems and to reveal trends in compositional meat attributes due to breed or production system. The meat quality of 153 animals was analysed. The combined effect of breed × production system produced significant differences in lamb meat quality. Meat from the extensively-reared Bordaleira-de-Entre-Douro-e-Minho (BEDM) and Gallega breeds had elevated amounts of n-3 PUFAs, tocopherol content and favourable n-6/n-3 ratio. Meat from lambs grown under extensive and semi-extensive systems presented higher content of conjugated linoleic acid than the two breeds reared intensively. The meat of commercial breed (INRA401) was characterised by higher content of protein and MUFAs and lower atherogenic potential than the breeds reared in extensive and semi-extensive systems. Principal component analysis demonstrated that meat from extensively raised lambs was associated to higher SFA, CLA, α-tocopherol, n-3, atherogenic index and cholesterol content, but lower intramuscular fat and retinol content, MUFA and n-6/n-3.The authors are grateful to EU ERA-NET programme and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for funding the project “EcoLamb–Holistic Production to Reduce the Ecological Footprint of Meat (SusAn/0002/2016). CIMO authors are grateful to FCT and FEDER under Programme PT2020 for financial support to CIMO (UIDB/00690/2020). Dr. Gonzales-Barron acknowledges the national funding by FCT, P.I., through the Institutional Scientific Employment Programme contract. Jos´e M. Lorenzo is member of the HealthyMeat network, funded by CYTED (ref. 119RT0568).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio