344 research outputs found

    Is the employer compelled to provide safe working conditions to employees during a violent strike?

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    The law entrusts employers with a duty to provide employees with safe and healthy working conditions. However, it becomes challenging to discharge this duty if employees embark on a violent strike. The violence is usually directed or instigated against non-striking workers and replacement labour. Since violence during strikes has become a norm in the South Africa and affects both the way employers conduct their business and the staff that are not on strike, the article suggests that employers should arm and prepare themselves for the worse conditions. The non-striking employees become vulnerable to attacks by fellow striking employees. The result is that production or the delivery of services is interrupted or does not occur. The law is not clear on what should happen to employees who do not discharge their duties as a result of fearing for their lives. The article submits that due to fragile conditions during a violent strike, the employer should provide employees with unpaid leave to protect them from violence. This may alleviate fears that such employees might lose their employment due to absence from work. The article further suggests that unions should demonstrate a form of social responsibility when negotiating with the employer

    The role of microglia in the olfactory bulb

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    Les microglies sont petites cellules gliales du système nerveux centrale (SNC) considérées comment les cellules immunitaires pour la ressemblance avec les macrophages et la capacité de phagocyter. Bien quelles sont distribués partout le SNC, la densité, la morphologie et l’état d’activation de la microglie diffère selon la région du cerveau. Il a été signalé récemment que les microglies sont fortement activées dans le bulbe olfactif (OB) des souris saines. C’est cet état constant d’activation qui nous suggère que les microglies peuvent jouer un rôle crucial dans l'OB. Dans cette étude, nous avons cherché à expliquer le rôle de la microglie en l’OB. Nous avons évalué les changements survenus dans la densité et le niveau d’activation de la microglie avec: l’abolition de la neurogenèse, la deprivation sensorielle et la présentation des molécules d’odeur. Fait intéressant, en utilisant des souris transgéniques portant le gène de la luciférase sous le contrôle transcriptionnel du promoteur de TLR2, nous avons observé que la présentation d’odeur a induit une activation de la microglie. Nos résultats suggèrent que les microglies dans l'OB peuvent être impliqués dans le traitement sensoriel et jouer donc un rôle important dans le comportement animal. Mots clé: microglie, bulbe olfactif, neurogenèse adulte, olfaction.Microglia are small glial cells present in the central nervous system (CNS) that are considered as resident immune cells because of their resemblance with macrophages and capacity to phagocyte. Although they are distributed throughout all the CNS, the density, morphology and state of activation of microglia vary according to brain region. It has been recently reported that microglia are highly activated in the olfactory bulb (OB) of healthy mice. It remains however unclear why these cells are present in the activated alert state in the OB and what is their role in the bulbar network stability and/or function. In this study we aimed to examine the role of microglia in the OB. We evaluated changes in the density and level of activation of microglia following: ablation of adult neurogenesis, sensory deprivation as well as presentation of odor molecules. Interestingly, using a transgenic mouse bearing the luciferase gene under the transcriptional control of a murine TLR2 promoter, we observed that odor presentation induces a dramatic increase in the microglia activation. Our findings suggest that microglia in the OB may be involved in the sensory processing and play thus an important role in animal behaviour. Keywords: Microglia, olfactory bulb, adult neurogenesis, olfaction

    The effectiveness of public service delivery : evidence from the uBuhlebezwe Local Municipality waste management system.

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    Master of Public Management in Management Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2017.The global campaign around the sustainability of the environment has resulted in much emphasis being placed on actions that can save people and the environment. Waste management is vital in this era of sustainability and is of utmost importance to ensure a livable environment for the flora and fauna. The need to create a livable environment has continuously resulted in service delivery protests in South Africa. At the municipal level, there are increasing media reports of service delivery protests over the provision of basic utilities. Against this backdrop, the study examined the effectiveness of the service delivery at the local government level, with specific reference to refuse waste management. The focus area of the study was the uBuhlebezwe Local Municipality (BLM). The aim and objective of the study was to review the waste management practices at the BLM, highlighting the shortcomings/challenges and the discrepancies between policy implementation and management practices. The data for the study was collected through one-on-one interviews and focus group discussions. The face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions were used to elicit information from the municipal officials and community members respectively, to address the research questions and objectives. A total number of five municipal officials were interviewed, while a total number of 45 households were involved in the focus group discussions. In gathering information, the researcher compiled an interview guide: a set of questions that guided the interviews. Content analysis, which involved the use of coding, themes, and clusters, was used for the interpretation and analysis of the data; and the findings from the primary data were supported by the findings from the secondary data. The findings of the study indicated some degree of inefficiency in the municipal refuse management logistics system, which sometimes resulted in illegal dumping. The illegal dumping occurred as a result of the inability of the municipality to purchase a dumping site, due to financial constraints. The study also revealed the unreliability of the transport system in the municipality as a result of the frequent breakdown of the municipal vehicles. The lack of an efficient community participatory platform was also determined, and found to result in service delivery protests. The study recommends the need for educational awareness regarding health hazards, and a ‘reduce/reuse/recycle’ approach to refuse waste

    Gestión de la comunicación en el entorno educativo a través de las redes socciales

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    El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la comunicación y su impacto en la sociedad propone nuevos retos educativos y comunicativos en los centros de formación. La virtualidad, la inmediatez, y la permanente necesidad de estar conectados impulsan a los alumnos de nuestras universidades y centros educativos a tener que responder a las demandas del entorno de forma activa y responsable. Este trabajo se propone analizar de qué forma se introduce en el currículo educativo el uso pedagógico y corporativo de las redes sociales, con el fin de valorar la necesidad de incorporar y formar profesionales de la comunicación en el ámbito educativo para desarrollar esta actividad. A partir de la reflexión y la experiencia en el ámbito educativo del profesional de la comunicación, se analizarán los entornos mediáticos en los que se insertan los integrantes del medio educativo. Se trabajará de forma cualitativa la percepción que los propios alumnos tienen de las redes sociales y qué uso corporativo se realiza desde las mismas en el ámbito educativo. Las conclusiones del trabajo reflejan el uso que los alumnos hacen de las redes de comunicación social y la importancia de la interactividad en el ámbito educativo. Se constata el dinamismo que las redes sociales adquieren como elementos corporativos de la entidad educativa a partir de su gestión por parte de profesionales de la comunicación instruidos en el uso eficiente de las mismas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Planning for sustainability : the green transport policy

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    Papers presented virtually at the 41st International Southern African Transport Conference on 10-13 July 2033Emissions from the transport sector in South Africa account for 13.3%, an increase from 10.8% in 2018, of the country’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, making them the second largest after energy. There are also indirect emissions mainly from production, refining and transportation of fuels themselves The Green Transport Strategy (GTS), approved by Cabinet in 2018, commits the country to significantly reducing GHG emissions in the economy, primarily driven by the globally accepted sustainable development principles, for both mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation is more imminent. The list of opportunities include: Implementation of the modal shift of rail friendly cargo from road; demand reduction measures; more efficient vehicle technologies; and alternative / lower-carbon fuels. On the adaptation side, the most challenging global externalities in transportation, for South Africa today are two-fold; the direction the whole world is taking, putting emphasis, for example on NEV (new energy vehicles) and the pressures of the triple challenge of unemployment, poverty and income inequality. Rural development and capacity building, within the careful guidance of just transition, can play meaningful and significant roles in advancing the overall objective of the GTS. Since its approval and publication, the GTS has been implemented in various forms and at different level of government. There is also growing co-operation in planning with the OEMs (original equipment manufacturers) as more EVs (electric vehicles) powered by lithium batteries and by hydrogen fuel cells are being produced. Neatly divided into ten ‘pillars’ that make it easy to track and trace impacts, the GTS is the cornerstone, a first point of reference for guidance on greening of the transport sector. Whether it has been successful or not in realising its immediate and short-term goals, remains to be tested, in the near future

    Problemática registral de los préstamos hipotecarios tras la L. 5/2019

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    [eng] L. 5/2019, of 15 March, relating to credit agreements on residential immovable property has proved to be problematic from the point of view of the Land Registry during the nearly three years since it came into force. These problems are due to the limited means of register qualification, especially with regard to the preliminary act, or the unsuitable design of the Register of Contractual General Terms and Conditions. More specifically, the existence of mortgage loans that include life insurance, the mandatory nature of Art. 24, regarding early maturity, and Art. 25, regarding interest for late payment, or the scant regulation of novations, are clear examples of the need to articulate an adequate legal response. It is also worth clarifying the exclusion relating to bank employees, as well as clarifying mixed cases, while also implementing specific protection measures for the household residence, reverse mortgages, vulnerable consumers and SMEs. Moreover, there is clearly a loss of legal certainty resulting from the declaration of nullity of foreclosures as a consequence of the abusive nature of early maturity clauses.[spa] La aplicación de la L. 5/2019, de 15 de marzo, reguladora de los contratos de crédito inmobiliario a lo largo de estos casi tres años de vigencia se ha revelado problemática desde el punto de vista del Registro de la Propiedad. En ello inciden la limitación en los medios de calificación registral, especialmente en cuanto al acta previa, o la inadecuada configuración del Registro de Condiciones Generales de la Contratacion. Más concretamente, la existencia de préstamos hipotecarios que engloban el seguro de vida, la imperatividad del art. 24, a propósito del vencimiento anticipado, y el art. 25, en cuanto a los intereses de demora, o la parca regulación en materia de novaciones, son claros ejemplos de la necesidad de articular una respuesta legal adecuada. Asimismo, se aprecia la conveniencia de matizar la exclusión relativa a los empleados de banca, clarificar los casos mixtos, e implementar medidas de tutela específica para la vivienda familiar, las hipotecas inversas, el consumidor vulnerable o las pymes. Por último, es clara la merma de seguridad jurídica derivada de la declaración de nulidad de las ejecuciones hipotecarias como consecuencia de la abusividad de las cláusulas de vencimiento anticipado.[cat] L'aplicació de la L. 5/2019, del 15 de març, reguladora dels contractes de crèdit immobiliari al llarg d'aquests gairebé tres anys de vigència s'ha revelat problemàtica des del punt de vista del Registre de la Propietat. Hi incideixen la limitació en els mitjans de qualificació registral, especialment quant a l'acta prèvia, o la inadequada configuració del Registre de Condicions Generals de la Contractació. Més concretament, l‟existència de préstecs hipotecaris que inclouen l’assegurança de vida, la imperativitat de l’art. 24, a propòsit del venciment anticipat, i l'art. 25, quant als interessos de demora, o la parca regulació en matèria de novacions, són exemples clars de la necessitat d'articular una resposta legal adequada. Així mateix, s'aprecia la conveniència de matisar l'exclusió relativa als empleats de banca, aclarir els casos mixtos i implementar mesures de tutela específica per a l'habitatge familiar, les hipoteques inverses, el consumidor vulnerable o les pimes. Finalment, és clara la minva de seguretat jurídica derivada de la declaració de nul·litat de les execucions hipotecàries com a conseqüència de l'abusivitat de les clàusules de venciment anticipat

    Assessing the provision of interim services role in prom oting livelihood strategies in informal settlements: case of aMaoti-Mozambique in iNanda.

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    Masters of Housing in Development Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2018.Rapid urbanisation, especially in developing countries, has led to the mushrooming of informal settlements that lack basic services such as water, sanitation and electricity. This study assesses the extent to which the provision of interim basic services to informal settlements that are due for incremental upgrading or relocation promotes livelihood strategies, using aMaoti-Mozambique in iNanda, eThekwini Municipality, as a case study. The study’s objectives included exploring the nature of the livelihood strategies that could be adopted given the provision of interim services; the challenges associated with providing such services; the role players in the provision of interim services; and lessons for policy and practice. A qualitative research approach was adopted and a questionnaire, in-depth interviews and observation were used to gather data. The study revealed that aMaoti-Mozambique was provided with electricity, water, sanitation, waste management, and roads. Community members expressed satisfaction with these services. In terms of livelihood strategies, it was found that some residents opted not to receive government-funded housing as they have already developed their homes. The freedom to self-build with the provision of interim services has created sustainable livelihoods for future generations. Furthermore, residents have utilised the interim services provided to start numerous small businesses that serve the local community. In order to build on this success, the study recommends that a bottom-up approach be adopted and that community participation be strengthened. This would ensure that such projects meet residents’ needs and promote local custodianship of the infrastructure and services provided. It is also recommended that basic services such as water and sanitation should be provided inside households. Finally, innovative, cost-effective new technologies should be harnessed to improve living conditions in informal settlements
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