329 research outputs found

    Whiff of Black Ice

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    This document is a concentration of thoughts, peripheral and direct, that occurred around the making of my thesis exhibition at the Anderson Gallery, Whiff Of Black Ice. While these thoughts meekly occupy space on the following pages, I assure the reader that they are quite physical, even extending three-dimensionality to them. My awareness of their form and their containment within the inner space of the mind, which also extends to the body, becomes central to understanding their meaning and, finally, knowing them

    North America\u27s Most Ambitious No-Fault Law: Quebec\u27s Auto Insurance Act

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    In this Article, the authors describe the Automobile Insurance Act of Quebec, its provisions for damages, and its exceptions

    Interpolating Bremsstrahlung function in ABJM

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    In ABJM theory, enriched RG flows between circular 1/6 BPS bosonic and 1/2 BPS fermionic Wilson loops have been introduced in arXiv:2211.16501. These flows are triggered by deformations corresponding to parametric 1/6 BPS fermionic loops. In this paper we revisit the study of these operators, but instead of circular contours we consider an interpolating cusped line and a latitude and study their RG flow in perturbation theory. This allows for the definition of a Bremsstrahlung function away from fixed points. We generalize to this case the known cusp/latitude correspondence that relates the Bremsstrahlung function to a latitude Wilson loop. We find that away from the conformal fixed points the ordinary identity is broken by the conformal anomaly in a controlled way. From a defect perspective, the breaking of the correspondence can be traced back to the appearance of an anomalous dimension for fermionic operators localized on the defect. As a by-product, we provide a brand new result for the two-loop cusp anomalous dimension of the 1/6 BPS fermionic and the 1/6 BPS bosonic Wilson lines

    Stepping Off The Conveyor Belt: Gap Year Effects on the First Year College Experience

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    Thesis advisor: Karen D. ArnoldTaking a gap year between high school and college has become more common in the United States in recent years, yet little research attempts to describe or analyze the experience of the students who arrive on college campuses after such a year out. This qualitative study followed 12 first-year students attending highly-selective private institutions in the northeastern U.S. as they experienced the transitions from high school to gap year to college. With varying levels of family support and high levels of personal motivation, the students participated in a wide range of gap-year endeavors. The findings indicate that students were heavily influenced by their encounters during the gap year, leading to strong evidence of self-authorship among the participants, which in turn shaped the way students pursued their goals when they arrived at college. Particularly influential were encounters that involved independent problem-solving, participating in multigenerational relationships, and immersion in new cultural settings. The students' transitions to college during the first year were marked by patterns of Sovereign Engagement with regard to learning, relationships, and decision-making. Commonly marked by internalized goals, authenticity in relationships, and greater individual agency, "Sovereign Engagement" captures the self-authored perspective that these students brought to their college experience. Contrary to suggestions in the popular media, not all gap-year students found the transition to be seamless; nor were they uniformly motivated to earn good grades. As a summary of the findings, the Gap Year Impact Model provides an important frame of reference for understanding the experiences, needs, and sovereign decision-making patterns of gap-year students. The results offer students, parents, colleges and universities an introduction to the lived experiences of gap-year students, who are arriving on campus in increasing numbers each year.Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015.Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education.Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education

    Conformal and non-conformal hyperloop deformations of the 1/2 BPS circle

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    We construct new large classes of BPS Wilson hyperloops in three-dimensional N=4 quiver Chern-Simons-matter theory on S3. The main strategy is to start with the 1/2 BPS Wilson loop of this theory, choose any linear combination of the supercharges it preserves, and look for deformations built out of the matter fields that still preserve that supercharge. This is a powerful generalization of a recently developed approach based on deformations of 1/4 and 1/8 BPS bosonic loops, which itself was far more effective at discovering new operators than older methods relying on complicated ansatze. We discover many new moduli spaces of BPS hyperloops preserving varied numbers of supersymmetries and varied subsets of the symmetries of the 1/2 BPS operator. In particular, we find new bosonic operators preserving 2 or 3 supercharges as well as new families of loops that do not share supercharges with any bosonic loops, including subclasses of both 1/8 and 1/4 BPS loops that are conformal

    Entropia de emaranhamento em Teorias de calibre

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Física, 2017.Neste trabalho, começa-se um estudo sistemático de emaranhamento em teorias de gauge. Adota-se a teoria de Yang-Mills no cilindro como modelo principal. Parte-se da Lagrangiana de Yang-Mills e obtém-se que, resolvendo o vínculo da lei de Gauss, a dinâmica do sistema pode ser reduzida àquela de uma partícula livre movendo-se ao longo da variedade do grupo de gauge. Isso significa que o sistema apresenta somente um grau de liberdade físico. Portanto, não é possível que haja emaranhamento. Acopla-se então a teoria de YangMills à uma partícula livre não-relativística. Uma primeira abordagem é feita considerando o caso abeliano. Obtém-se que o sistema apresenta não só emaranhamento, mas também degenerescência e anomalia axial. Com respeito à anomalia, cálculos analíticos são feitos e sua dependência com relação a outros parâmetros, como energia e degenerescência, é analisada. Com relação ao emaranhamento, cálculos numéricos de entropia de emaranhamento são feitos considerando o estado fundamental. Guiado pelo projeto acima delineado, essa dissertação tem também um objetivo pedagógico, no sentido de introduzir os conceitos de teoria de gauge, teoria de vínculo e teoria de grupos de Lie.In this work a systematic study of entanglement in gauge theories is started. The Yang-Mills theory on a cylinder is adopted as the main model. Starting from the Yang-Mills Lagrangian one obtains that, by solving the Gauss law constraint, the dynamics of the system can be reduced to that of a free particle moving along the gauge group manifold. This means that the system has only one physical degree of freedom. Therefore, the system does not present entanglement. The Yang-Mills theory is then coupled to a non-relativistic free particle. A first approach is made considering the abelian case. One obtains that the system presents not only entanglement, but also degeneracy and axial anomaly. With respect to anomaly, analytical calculations are carried out and its dependence on other parameters, such as energy and degeneracy, is analysed. Concerning entanglement, numerical calculations of entanglement entropy are made considering the ground-state. Guided by the project outlined above, this dissertation also has a pedagogical purpose, in the sense that it introduces concepts of gauge theory, constrained systems and Lie group theory

    Classifying BPS bosonic Wilson loops in 3d N=4 Chern-Simons-matter theories

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    We study the possible BPS Wilson loops in three-dimensional N = 4 Chern-Simons-matter theory which involve only the gauge field and bilinears of the scalars. Previously known examples are the analogues of the Gaiotto-Yin loops preserving four supercharges and “latitude” loops preserving two. We carry out a careful classification and find, in addition, loops preserving three supercharges, further inequivalent classes of loops preserving two supercharges and loops preserving a single supercharge. For each of the classes of loops, we present a representative example and analyse their full orbit under the broken symmetries

    Romanikielen pohjoismurteiden variaatio

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    Itämeren alueen romanikielen murteissa esiintyy vaihtelua. Tätä vaihtelua on pyritty historiallisesti liittämään murteiden geneettisellä suhteella tai murrepiirteiden maantieteellisellä diffuusiolla. Tässä artikkelissa esittelemme Itämeren alueen romanikielen murteiden vaihtelun analyysin olemassa olevien lähteiden perusteella ja argumentoimme maantieteellisen diffuusion puolesta