792 research outputs found

    A Note on Effects of Sewage Effluent Irrigation on Specific Gravity and Growth Rate of White and Red Oaks

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    A 2.5-acre forested terrace of mixed hardwoods (predominately oak) in southern Missouri was sprinkler-irrigated with treated sewage effluent. Ninety-two oak trees were sampled (increment cores) at breast height. There were 41 white oaks and 52 red oaks. Growth rate increased significantly for white oaks and specific gravity increased significantly for red oaks

    Proposed test program and data base for LDEF polymer matrix composites

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    A survey of the polymer matrix composite materials that were flown on Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) is presented with particular attention to the effect of circumferential location (alpha) on the measured degradation and property changes. Specifically, it is known that atomic oxygen fluence (AO), VUV radiation dose, and number of impacts by micrometeoroids/debris vary with alpha. Thus, it is possible to assess material degradation and property damage changes with alpha for those materials that are common to three or more locations. Once the alpha-dependence functions were defined, other material samples will provide data that can readily be used to predict damage and property changes as a function of alpha as well. What data can be realistically obtained from these materials, how this data can be obtained, and the scientific/design value of the data to the user community is summarized. Finally, a proposed test plan is presented with recommended characterization methodologies that should be employed by all investigators to ensure consistency in the data base that will result from this exercise

    Extraction efficiency of drifting electrons in a two-phase xenon time projection chamber

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    We present a measurement of the extraction efficiency of quasi-free electrons from the liquid into the gas phase in a two-phase xenon time-projection chamber. The measurements span a range of electric fields from 2.4 to 7.1 kV/cm in the liquid xenon, corresponding to 4.5 to 13.1 kV/cm in the gaseous xenon. Extraction efficiency continues to increase at the highest extraction fields, implying that additional charge signal may be attained in two-phase xenon detectors through careful high-voltage engineering of the gate-anode region

    A note about the ground state of the H3+{\rm H}_3^+ hydrogen molecular ion

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    Three simple 7,(7+3),107-, (7+3)-, 10-parametric trial functions for the H3+{\rm H}_3^+ molecular ion are presented. Each of them provides subsequently the most accurate approximation for the Born-Oppenheimer ground state energy among several-parametric trial functions. These trial functions are chosen following a criterion of physical adequacy and includes the electronic correlation in the exponential form exp(γr12)\sim\exp{(\gamma r_{12})}, where γ\gamma is a variational parameter. The Born-Oppenheimer energy is found to be E=1.34034,1.34073,1.34159E=-1.340 34, -1.340 73, -1.341 59\,a.u., respectively, for optimal equilateral triangular configuration of protons with the equilibrium interproton distance R=1.65R=1.65\,a.u. The variational energy agrees in three significant digits (s.d.) with most accurate results available at present as well as for major expectation values.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, 3 table

    Benchmark Calculations of Electron Impact Electronic Excitation of the Hydrogen Molecule

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    We present benchmark integrated and differential cross-sections for electron collisions with H2_2 using two different theoretical approaches, namely, the R-matrix and molecular convergent close-coupling (MCCC). This is similar to comparative studies conducted on electron-atom collisions for H, He and Mg. Electron impact excitation to the b 3Σu+b \ ^3\Sigma_u^+, a 3Σg+a \ ^3\Sigma_g^+, $B \ ^1\Sigma_u^+,, c \ ^3\Pi_u,, EF \ ^1\Sigma_g^+,, C \ ^1\Pi_u,, e \ ^3\Sigma_u^+,, h \ ^3\Sigma_g^+,, B' \ ^1\Sigma_u^+and and d \ ^3\Pi_uexcitedelectronicstatesareconsidered.Calculationsarepresentedinboththefixednucleiandadiabaticnucleiapproximations,wherethelatterisshownonlyforthe excited electronic states are considered. Calculations are presented in both the fixed nuclei and adiabatic nuclei approximations, where the latter is shown only for the b \ ^3\Sigma_u^+$ state. Good agreement is found for all transitions presented. Where available, we compare with existing experimental and recommended data.Comment: 21 pages, 25 figure

    Webteaching: sequencing of subject matter in relation to prior knowledge of pupils

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    Two experiments are discussed in which the sequencing procedure of webteaching is compared with a linear sequence for the presentation of text material.\ud \ud In the first experiment variations in the level of prior knowledge of pupils were studied for their influence on the sequencing mode of text presentation. Prior knowledge greatly reduced the effect of the size of sequencing procedures.\ud \ud In the second experiment pupils with a low level of prior knowledge studied a text, following either a websequence or a linear sequence. Webteaching was superior to linear teaching on a number of dependent variables. It is concluded that webteaching is an effective sequencing procedure in those cases where substantial new learning is required

    An improved rovibrational linelist of formaldehyde, H₂¹²C¹⁶O

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    Published high-resolution rotation-vibration transitions of H₂¹²C¹⁶O the principal isotopologue of methanal, are analyzed using the MARVEL (Measured Active Rotation-Vibration Energy Levels) procedure. The literature results are augmented by new, high-accuracy measurements of pure rotational transitions within the ground, ν_{3}, ν_{4}, and ν_{6} vibrational states. Of the 16 596 non-redundant transitions processed, which come from 43 sources including the present work, 16 403 could be validated, providing 5029 empirical energy levels of H₂¹²C¹⁶O with statistically well-defined uncertainties. All the empirical rotational-vibrational energy levels determined are used to improve the accuracy of ExoMol’s AYTY line list for hot formaldehyde. The complete list of collated experimental transitions, the empirical energy levels determined, as well as the extended and improved line list are provided as Supplementary Material

    Phase transition in the collisionless regime for wave-particle interaction

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    Gibbs statistical mechanics is derived for the Hamiltonian system coupling self-consistently a wave to N particles. This identifies Landau damping with a regime where a second order phase transition occurs. For nonequilibrium initial data with warm particles, a critical initial wave intensity is found: above it, thermodynamics predicts a finite wave amplitude in the limit of infinite N; below it, the equilibrium amplitude vanishes. Simulations support these predictions providing new insight on the long-time nonlinear fate of the wave due to Landau damping in plasmas.Comment: 12 pages (RevTeX), 2 figures (PostScript

    An improved rovibrational linelist of formaldehyde, H212C16O

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    Published high-resolution rotation-vibration transitions of H212C16O, the principal isotopologue of methanal, are analyzed using the MARVEL (Measured Active Rotation-Vibration Energy Levels) procedure. The literature results are augmented by new, high-accuracy measurements of pure rotational transitions within the ground, ν3, ν4, and ν6 vibrational states. Of the 16 596 non-redundant transitions processed, which come from 43 sources including the present work, 16 403 could be validated, providing 5029 empirical energy levels of H212C16O with statistically well-defined uncertainties. All the empirical rotational-vibrational energy levels determined are used to improve the accuracy of ExoMol's AYTY line list for hot formaldehyde. The complete list of collated experimental transitions, the empirical energy levels determined, as well as the extended and improved line list are provided as Supplementary Material