607 research outputs found

    Aktualisasi Misi dan Pemuridan Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Era Disrupsi

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    Christian Religious Education teachers play a significant role in determining the spiritual increase of students. However, there are still many who do not realize and respond to the current state of disruption. They are less focused on students and prioritize cognitive only so that efforts to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus are less significant results or developments in this era of disruption. To further discuss the actualization of the mission and discipleship of Christian Religious Education teachers in the era of disruption, the author uses the library research method in this discussion. The role of Christian religious education teachers in Mission and Discipleship must be the main goal through education that prioritizes and cares for the generation of the era of disruption. By equipping the understanding of God's Great Commission in mission education for Christian Religious Education teachers, they can be encouraged to improve teaching and learning methods. The purpose of this discussion is that the actualization of the mission and discipleship of Christian Religious Education teachers in an era of disruption can bring growth and development for the progress of God's church to be filled with true disciples of Christ.AbstrakGuru Pendidikan Agama Kristen memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam menentukan meningkatnya kerohanian peserta didik, tetapi masih banyak yang belum menyadari dan meresponi keadaan era disrupsi saat ini.Mereka kurang berfokus kepada peserta didik dan cenderung mengutamakan kognitif saja, sehingga upaya pemenuhan Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus kurang diperoleh hasil atau perkembangan yang signifikan dalam era disrupsi ini. Guna membahas lebih dalam mengenai aktualisasi misi dan pemuridan guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam era disrupsi, pembahasan ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka. Peranan Guru pendidikan agama Kristen dalam Misi dan Pemuridan harus menjadi tujuan utama melalui pendidikan yang mengutamakan pertumbuhan rohani dan peduli kepada generasi era disrupsi. Dengan membekali pemahaman Amanat Agung Tuhan dalam pendidikan misi bagi guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen, mereka dapat didorong pada peningkatan kualitas pengajaran maupun secara metode pembelajaran. Tujuan pembahasan ini, diharapkan aktualisasi misi dan pemuridan guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam era disrupsi dapat membawa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bagi kemajuan gereja Tuhan dipenuhi dengan murid-murid Kristus yang sejati


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    Budaya-budaya asing cenderung membuka ruang pada asimilasi dan kultur budaya dunia. Situasi dan kondisi sosiologis yang terjadi menunjukkan terjadinya pergeseran nilai pada hampir setiap bidang dan sendi kehidupan manusia, terutama bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan karakter menjadi urgen sebagai upaya pembangunan karakter bangsa. Pendidikan karakter yang dimaksud adalah pendidikan karakter yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai budaya luhur bangsa. Berawal dari nilai-nilai yang diciptakan manusia berupa nilai beragama, nilai ekonomi, nilai politik, nilai praktik, nilai subjektif, nilai estetika, nilai sosial, nilai seni, nilai ilmu pengetahuan, serta nilai dasar. Kemudian Nilai-nilai yang membangun karakter manusia berupa nilai filosofis, nilai budaya, nilai agama, nilai tujuan. Lalu Nilai-nilai budaya yang berpengaruh terhadap peradaban diantaranya kombinasi konsep nilai individu dan masyarakat, dan kombinasi konsep nilai spiritual dan material. Sementara Nilai-nilai menurut Islam yang membangun peradaban adalah nilai akhlak.Maka pendidikan sebagai lembaga sosial yang berfungsi dalam pembentukan karakter manusia yang berbudaya dan melakukan proses pembudayaan nilai-nilai, perlu adanya upaya peningkatan kualitas hidup manusia, pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Antara pendidikan dan kebudayaan dapat menjadi dua komponen yang mendeterminasi satu sama lain. Hubungan ketergantungan di antara keduanya mengandung pengertian bahwa kualitas pendidikan akan menunjukkan kualitas budaya. Demikian juga selanjutnya, kualitas kebudayaan akan menunjukkan kualitas manusia yang berperadaban. Dengan demikian pendidikan karakter yang berbudaya yang mamapu menciptakan peradaban yang beradab tercermin dari nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh bangsanya sendiri

    Women\u27s Work in Law Enforcement

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    Women\u27s Work in Law Enforcement

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    A Context Free Rule System For Parsing Japanese

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    The Implementation of Research Based Learning Materials on Student Learning Competency in Islamic Higher Institution

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    The study on research-based learning material needs to be introduced in universities in order to achieve student competence. The purpose of this study is to investigate the contribution of teaching materials for Islamic Studies courses to be internalized in order to achieve the competence of English literature study program. This research applied qualitative method using an action research approach. Data were collected using tests, observations and interviews. The data were analyzed in the form of student learning performance. Their performance included students' thinking styles, patterns of processing information, attitudes and their work. Based on Thorndike's theory of connectionism, it was found that the draft teaching materials implemented through the classroom learning process in the form of thinking styles and ways of processing information were in accordance with their competencies. The implementation of the learning process was carried out through the internalization of Islamic educational values which can be seen in the attitude of students' politeness and the work they obtained

    There Is Always a Need: The Necessity Doctrine and Class Certification Against Government Agencies

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    On its face, Rule 23(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure seems tailor-made for lawsuits against government. Rule 23(b)(2) allows a class action when the party opposing the class has acted or refused to act on grounds generally applicable to the class, thereby making appropriate final injunctive relief or corresponding declaratory relief with respect to the class as a whole. This situation arises frequently in people\u27s dealings with government agencies: recipients of public benefits and consumers using public utilities, for example, constitute large groups of people all subject to identical government policies who might seek injunctive relief. Litigants attempting to invoke Rule 23(b)(2) against government agencies have encountered an unforeseen obstacle, however, often referred to as the necessity doctrine. Many courts have declined to certify classes when [n]o useful purpose would be served by permitting [the] case to proceed as a class action. These denials of class certification are premised on the idea that all putative plaintiffs would benefit from a favorable finding and the resulting injunctive or declaratory relief, and thus class certification is unnecessary. For example, one court denied class certification because [t]he court could reasonably assume the good faith of a defendant such as the Chief Clerk of a state court especially given his express willingness to follow the court\u27s injunction. Dependence on the good faith of the defendant creates a problem for future potential litigants. If rulings are limited to the individual litigants in the case, those who are not parties to the original lawsuit cannot invoke the judgment, but must instigate new proceedings if the defendant does not adhere to the ruling. Particularly for people whose resources and access to the legal system are limited, the costs of beginning new proceedings can be prohibitive. In addition, even litigants with the resources to begin new proceedings can encounter difficulties enforcing judgments against government entities

    Crafting the Carolopolis Award: Expansion of the Physical Characteristics of Award Winners and the Preservation Society of Charleston\u27s Published Announcements of the Award Since 1953

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    In Charleston, the preservation movement has broadened its scope, including a varied and wider range of construction periods, architectural categories, and geographic locations. This study shows that the local preservation movement, as witnessed through the lens of the Carolopolis Award Program, has re-focused its preservation ethic to be more inclusive of a more diverse array of properties. The nation’s oldest municipal preservation organization was founded in Charleston in 1920 as the Society for the Preservation of Old Dwellings. After three decades, the society changed its name to fit a more generalized view of preservation: the Preservation Society of Charleston. In 1953, the organization began awarding the Carolopolis Award to excellent preservation around the city. Until now, the Carolopolis Award Program has never been investigated as to how it relates to the larger, national trends of a broadening preservation. In the last sixty-five-years , the award has been conferred upon more than 1,200 properties. Some properties have even won the merit multiple times for continued excellent preservation efforts. Using GIS mapping, analyses of the organization’s published announcements of winners, and the physical traits of those awarded properties, such as their architectural category, degree of embellishment, period of construction, and period of preservation, a parallel between the national preservation movement’s broadening professionalization and ethos in regards to what to save is demonstrated through the master list of Carolopolis Award winners over the last sixty-five-years

    Penetapan Rasio Bagi Hasil Akad Mudharabah dan Musyarakah (Studi Kasus di Bni Syariah)

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    This study is a descriptive case study analysis in PT. Bank BNI Syariah using primary data and secondary data. This study rejects the results of research Mawardi (2005) and Vustany (2006) which states that the granting of a return to the Islamic banking results are influenced by interest rates. The interest rate is only a reference in determining the level of expected return for the customer to determine the ratio of the results. Calculation of profit sharing between users and customers BNI Syariah funds made by the actual return earned business profits, and distribution of the proceeds among the owners BNI Syariah customer funds carried with the actual return earned by the bank. Determination of the ratio between BNI Syariah results with user customer funds made by setting the level of expected return and the bank's expected return rate of user client funds. Bank's expected return level is calculated based customer's of fund provider's expected return estimation, the estimated overhead cost, estimation of risk level, and the expected net profit of the bank. While the level of expected return customers entrepreneur is the difference between the projected benefit the customer's business and the expected return rate of the bank
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