929 research outputs found

    Peer-Led Team Learning in Introductory Biology and Chemistry Courses: A Parallel Approach

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    Peer-Led Team Learning has been in use in Introductory Biology and Introductory Chemistry since Fall 1999 at the University of Portland. lts effect on improved conceptual understanding, retention of students, and improvement in study skills will be discussed. An ancillary, but no less important benefit in the development of interest in science teaching among the peer leaders, is also addressed

    Time-independent approximations for time-dependent optical potentials

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    We explore the possibility of modifying the Lewis-Riesenfeld method ofin-variants developed originally to find exact solutions for time-dependent quantum me-chanical systems for the situation in which an exact invariant can beconstructed, butthe subsequently resulting time-independent eigenvalue system is not solvable exactly.We propose to carry out this step in an approximate fashion, such as employing stan-dard time-independent perturbation theory or the WKB approximation, and subsequentlyfeeding the resulting approximated expressions back into the time-dependent scheme. Weillustrate the quality of this approach by contrasting an exactly solvable solution to oneobtained with a perturbatively carried out second step for two types of explicitly time-dependent optical potential

    Geometric relationships for homogenization in single-phase binary alloy systems

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    A semiempirical relationship is presented which describes the extent of interaction between constituents in single-phase binary alloy systems having planar, cylindrical, or spherical interfaces. This relationship makes possible a quick estimate of the extent of interaction without lengthy numerical calculations. It includes two parameters which are functions of mean concentration and interface geometry. Experimental data for the copper-nickel system are included to demonstrate the usefulness of this relationship

    Construction and measurements of a vacuum-swing-adsorption radon-mitigation system

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    Long-lived alpha and beta emitters in the 222^{222}Rn decay chain on (and near) detector surfaces may be the limiting background in many experiments attempting to detect dark matter or neutrinoless double-beta decay, and in screening detectors. In order to reduce backgrounds from radon-daughter plate-out onto the wires of the BetaCage during its assembly, an ultra-low-radon cleanroom is being commissioned at Syracuse University using a vacuum-swing-adsorption radon-mitigation system. The radon filter shows ~20×\times reduction at its output, from 7.47±\pm0.56 to 0.37±\pm0.12 Bq/m3^3, and the cleanroom radon activity meets project requirements, with a lowest achieved value consistent with that of the filter, and levels consistently < 2 Bq/m3^3.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of Low Radioactivity Techniques (LRT) 2013, Gran Sasso, Italy, April 10-12, 201

    Structures and materials technology issues for reusable launch vehicles

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    Projected space missions for both civil and defense needs require significant improvements in structures and materials technology for reusable launch vehicles: reductions in structural weight compared to the Space Shuttle Orbiter of up to 25% or more, a possible factor of 5 or more increase in mission life, increases in maximum use temperature of the external surface, reusable containment of cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen, significant reductions in operational costs, and possibly less lead time between technology readiness and initial operational capability. In addition, there is increasing interest in hypersonic airbreathing propulsion for launch and transmospheric vehicles, and such systems require regeneratively cooled structure. The technology issues are addressed, giving brief assessments of the state-of-the-art and proposed activities to meet the technology requirements in a timely manner

    A principled approach to the measurement of situation awareness in commercial aviation

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    The issue of how to support situation awareness among crews of modern commercial aircraft is becoming especially important with the introduction of automation in the form of sophisticated flight management computers and expert systems designed to assist the crew. In this paper, cognitive theories are discussed that have relevance for the definition and measurement of situation awareness. These theories suggest that comprehension of the flow of events is an active process that is limited by the modularity of attention and memory constraints, but can be enhanced by expert knowledge and strategies. Three implications of this perspective for assessing and improving situation awareness are considered: (1) Scenario variations are proposed that tax awareness by placing demands on attention; (2) Experimental tasks and probes are described for assessing the cognitive processes that underlie situation awareness; and (3) The use of computer-based human performance models to augment the measures of situation awareness derived from performance data is explored. Finally, two potential example applications of the proposed assessment techniques are described, one concerning spatial awareness using wide field of view displays and the other emphasizing fault management in aircraft systems

    Lewis–Riesenfeld invariants for PT-symmetrically coupled oscillators from two-dimensional point transformations and Lie algebraic expansions

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    We construct Lewis–Riesenfeld invariants from two-dimensional point transformations for two oscillators that are coupled to each other in space in a PT-symmetrical and time-dependent fashion. The non-Hermitian Hamiltonian of the model is conveniently expressed in terms of generators of the symplectic sp(4) Lie algebra. This allows for an alternative systematic approach to find Lewis–Riesenfeld invariants leading to a set of coupled differential equations that we solve by using time-ordered exponentials. We also demonstrate that point transformations may be utilized to directly construct time-dependent Dyson maps from their respective time-independent counterparts in the reference system

    Discovery of Five New Pulsars in Archival Data

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    Reprocessing of the Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey has resulted in the discovery of five previously unknown pulsars and several as-yet-unconfirmed candidates. PSR J0922-52 has a period of 9.68 ms and a DM of 122.4 pc cm^-3. PSR J1147-66 has a period of 3.72 ms and a DM of 133.8 pc cm^-3. PSR J1227-6208 has a period of 34.53 ms, a DM of 362.6 pc cm^-3, is in a 6.7 day binary orbit, and was independently detected in an ongoing high-resolution Parkes survey by Thornton et al. and also in independent processing by Einstein@Home volunteers. PSR J1546-59 has a period of 7.80 ms and a DM of 168.3 pc cm^-3. PSR J1725-3853 is an isolated 4.79-ms pulsar with a DM of 158.2 pc cm^-3. These pulsars were likely missed in earlier processing efforts due to their high DMs and short periods and the large number of candidates that needed to be looked through. These discoveries suggest that further pulsars are awaiting discovery in the multibeam survey data.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, accepted to Ap

    Spectrally equivalent time-dependent double wells and unstable anharmonic oscillators

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    We construct a time-dependent double well potential as an exact spectral equivalent to the explicitly time-dependent negative quartic oscillator with a time-dependent mass term. Defining the unstable anharmonic oscillator Hamiltonian on a contour in the lower-half complex plane, the resulting time-dependent non-Hermitian Hamiltonian is first mapped by an exact solution of the time-dependent Dyson equation to a time-dependent Hermitian Hamiltonian defined on the real axis. When unitary transformed, scaled and Fourier transformed we obtain a time-dependent double well potential bounded from below. All transformations are carried out non-perturbatively so that all Hamiltonians in this process are spectrally exactly equivalent in the sense that they have identical instantaneous energy eigenvalue spectra