219 research outputs found

    Postpartum Depression Screening in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)

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    For new parents, postpartum depression can be a significant problem. Patients at risk for postpartum depression are typically assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale, which is among the most accurate ways of identifying them. In recent years, there has been concern about the frequency with which birthing persons should undergo postpartum depression evaluations, as well as whether these evaluations are conducted in a culturally appropriate manner, considering that there are birthing persons of all races and ethnicities. This study is a secondary data analysis of clinic level data that was collected from 2012-2017. The data refers to 31,435 birthing persons who returned for postpartum care in Federally Qualified Health Centers. The purpose of this presentation is to describe postpartum depression screening practices for birthing persons in Federally Qualified Health Centers

    Yoga for the Pelvic Floor

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    A detailed, instructional guide to yoga that helps strengthen the pelvic floor

    Soziale Errungenschaften?

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    Формирование структуры сварного соединения теплостойкой стали 12Х1МФ в зависимости от режима термической обработки

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    Реферат Выпускная квалификационная работа – 84 страницы, 15 рисунков, 16 таблиц, 16 использованных источников. Ключевые слова: теплостойкая сталь 12Х1МФ, сварка, термическая обработка, зона термического влияния, микротвердость. Предметом исследования является изучение структуры наплавленного металла шва, структуры зоны термического влияния, механических свойств сварных образцов после воздействия различных режимов термической обработки. Объектом исследования являются сварные образцы теплостойкой стали 12Х1МФ. Целью данной работы является рекомендация наиболее рационального технологического процесса сварки труб 273 с толщиной стенки 26 мм из стали 12Х1МФ на основе анализа структуры сварных соединений после различных режимов предварительного подогрева и последующей термической обработки. В процессе работы исследовалась микроструктура, микротвердость и механические свойства сварных образцов, полученные при различных режимах подогрева и последующей термической обработке. Для достижения цели были произведены следующие мероприятия: • обзор литературы по теме, поставка задача и цель исследования; • подготовлены образцы и проведена их сварка по различным технологическим режимам; • анализ структуры наплавленного металла в зависимости от режимов ТО; • проведено механическое испытание сварных образцов; • анализ зоны термического влияния, построен профиль микротвердости; • анализ микротвердости области наплавленного металла шва в каждом проходе и зоны термического влияния в области третьего прохода; • по проделанной работе сделаны соответствующие выводы.Abstract Final qualifying work – 84 pages, 15 figures, 16 tables, 16 references. Key words: heat resistant steel 12KH1MF, welding, heat treatment, heat affected zone, microhardness. The subject of research is the study of the structure of the deposited weld metal, structure of the heat affected zone, mechanical properties of welded specimens after exposure to different heat treatment regimes. The object of the research are welded samples heat-resistant steel 12KH1MF. The aim of this work is to recommend the most rational technological process of welding pipe 273 with a wall thickness of 26 mm of 12KH1MF steel on the basis of the analysis of the structure of welded joints after different modes of preheating and subsequent heat treatment. In the process, the team studied the microstructure, microhardness and mechanical properties of welded samples obtained under different modes of heating and subsequent thermal treatment. To achieve the purpose the following operations were made: • a review of the literature on the subject, the delivery task and the purpose of the study; • prepared samples and performed welding on various technological modes; • analysis of the structure of the deposited metal depending on the modes; • conducted mechanical testing of welded samples; • analysis of the heat affected zone, built the profile of microhardness; • analysis of the microhardness region of the deposited weld metal in each pass and heat affected zone in the area of the third passage; • by the work done to draw appropriate conclusions

    Assessing the quality and communicative aspects of patient decision aids for early-stage breast cancer treatment: a systematic review

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    Purpose: Decision aids (DAs) support patients in shared decision-making by providing balanced evidence-based treatment information and eliciting patients’ preferences. The purpose of this systematic review was to assess the quality and communicative aspects of DAs for women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer. Methods: Twenty-one currently available patient DAs were identified through both published literature (MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, CENTRAL, and PsycINFO) and online sources. The DAs were reviewed for their quality by using the International Patient Decision Aid Standards (IPDAS) checklist, and subsequently assessed to what extent they paid attention to various communicative aspects, including (i) information presentation, (ii) personalization, (iii) interaction, (iv) information control, (v) accessibility, (vi) suitability, and (vii) source of information. Results: The quality of the DAs varied substantially, with many failing to comply with all components of the IPDAS criteria (mean IPDAS score = 64%, range 31–92%). Five aids (24%) did not include any probability information, 10 (48%) presented multimodal descriptions of outcome probabilities (combining words, numbers, and visual aids), and only 2 (10%) provided personalized treatment outcomes based on patients and tumor characteristics. About half (12; 57%) used interaction methods for eliciting patients’ preferences, 16 (76%) were too lengthy, and 5 (24%) were not fully accessible. Conclusions: In addition to the limited adherence to the IPDAS checklist, our findings suggest that communicative aspects receive even less attention. Future patient DA developments for breast cancer treatment should include communicative aspects that could influence the uptake of DAs in daily clinical practice