15 research outputs found

    Determination of sex and morphological characteristics of fat dormouse (Glis glis) from the area of Dalmatian hinterland

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    Sivi puh (Glis glis L.) je najveći pripadnik porodice puhova. Arborealna je i nokturnalna životinja koja je autohtona vrsta divljači u Hrvatskoj. U radu su obrađeni morfološki parametri, kao što su mase (tijelo s repom, tijelo bez repa, glava, rep, jetra, bubreg, srce, pluća, puno probavilo i radman) i duljine pojedinih dijelova tijela (tijelo s repom, tijelo bez repa, rep te raspon prednjih i stražnjih udova), izmjereni na 32 adultne jedinke (18 ženki i 14 mužjaka) ulovljenim tijekom lovne sezone 2017./2018.) na području Dalmatinske zagore. Statistički značajna razlika između mužjaka i ženki utvrđena je u duljini tijela bez repa (p=0,049) i masi repa (p= 0,041), mužjaci imaju veće vrijednosti za obje značajke. Ostali izmjereni parametri nisu pokazali statitistički značajnu razliku između spolova. Spolni dimorfizam kod ovog glodavca nije izražen, iako mužjaci u prosjeku imaju nešto veću masu od ženki. Na temelju boje krzna i veličine tijela nije moguće razlikovati adultne od juvenilnih jedinki. Izmjereni morfološki parametri uglavnom se podudaraju s rezultatima sličnih istraživanja.Edible dormouse (Glis glis L.) is the largest dormouse species. The edible dormouse is autochthonous game species in Croatia, and arboreal animal that is active at night. During the hunting season 2017./2018. we have collected 32 adult individuals (18 females and 14 males), on the area Dalmatian hinterland. Following sex determination, the following morphological parameters were measured: mass (total mass including tail, total mass without tail , head, tail, liver, kidney, heart, lung, digestive system and radman) and body length measurements (body length including tail, body length without tail, front and back width of the puck and tail length). Statistically significant difference between males and females was found in  the length of the body without the tail (p = 0.049) and tail mass (p = 0.041), with males displaying greater values for both of these features. The other measured parameters did not show significant differences between sexes. Sexual dimorphism in this rodent is not pronounced, though on average males tend to be larger and heavier than females. It was not possible to differentiate adults and juveniles based on the color of the fur and the body size. Measured morphological parameters mostly coincide with results of similar research. Edible part of internal organs constitutes 5.1% of live weight (heart and lungs 1.8%, livers 2.43% and kidneys 0.8%). Non-edible part includes stomach and intestines (12.3%), head (11.78%), tail (4%) and skin and metapodia (11.21%). Sex of an individual Edible dormouse can be safely determined by looking at the external sex organs. Body length and total mass of Edible dormouse in Dalmatian hinterland is similar to the population in the Gorski Kotar region. Although we have established a statistically significant difference in the length of the body without the tail and the mass of the tail of the males compared to the same indicators in females, they are not sufficient for the use in recognizing sex of Edible dormouse

    Application of the geometric morphometrics approach in the discrimination of morphological traits between brown trout lineages in the Danube Basin of Croatia

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    Brown trout is a salmonid fish with a natural range extending throughout western Eurasia and North Africa. Due to its commercial value, it has also been introduced worldwide. In continental Croatia, introduced trout of the Atlantic lineage hybridizes with native trout of the Danubian lineage, threatening the native genetic diversity. The geometric morphometrics approach was used in this study to analyse changes in shape between native trout, introduced trout and their hybrids, classified a priori by molecular phylogenetic analyses. A total of 19 landmarks and semi-landmarks were used to capture the shape of 92 trout individuals belonging to two lineages and their hybrids. Canonical variate analysis and discriminant function analysis were used to analyse and describe shape variation. A significant difference was found between the shape of the Atlantic lineage trout and both Danubian lineage trout and hybrids, with the most prominent differences in body depth, head length and eye size. No statistically significant shape differences were observed between Danubian lineage trout and the hybrids. The observed significant differences in shape could be the result of genetic diversity or trout phenotypic plasticity. Further studies are needed to clarify the origin of this variation in shape

    An assessment of regulation, education practices and socio-economic perceptions of non-native aquatic species in the Balkans

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    Alongside climate change, the introduction of non-native species (NNS) is widely recognized as one of the main threats to aquatic biodiversity and human wellbeing. Non-native species and biodiversity are generally low priority issues on the political agendas of many countries, particularly in European countries outside the European Union (EU). The objectives and tasks of this study were to address the policy regulation, education level, education practices, and socioeconomic perceptions of NNS in the Balkans. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Turkey (Balkan EU candidate and potential candidate members), in Croatia and Greece (Balkan EU Member States) and Italy (non-Balkan EU Member State). The EU Alien Regulation (1143/2014) concerning NNS is implemented in EU Member States and Montenegro, whereas Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey have not reported specific policy regulations for NNS. Permanent monitoring programmes specifically designed for NNS have not yet been established in the EU Member States. Most countries tackle the issue of NNS through educational activities as part of specific projects. Education level is indicative of the implementation of NNS policy regulation, and efforts are needed for the proper development of relative study programmes. Public awareness and educational preparedness concerning NNS in the Balkans were identified as poor. Strong programmes for management and education should be developed to increase public awareness to prevent further biodiversity losses in the Balkan region

    Behaviour of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the presence of predators

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    Divokoze spadaju u podred preživača (Bovidae), potporodicu koza (Caprinae) i rod divokoza (Rupicapra). Staništa divokoza uglavnom su otvorena područja na granici vegetacije, no divokoze mogu obitavati i u šumskim staništima. Ponašanja i obrasci aktivnosti populacija divokoza koje nastanjuju šumska staništa uz prisutnost velikih predatora, nisu još uvijek dovoljno istražena. Istraživanje se provodilo na populaciji divokoza koje nastanjuju područje Gorkog Kotara. Populacija obitava u šumskom staništu uz prisutnost tri velika predatora: sivi vuk (Canis lupus), smeđi medvjed (Ursus arctos) i euroazijski ris (Lynx lynx). Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj predatora na obrasce ponašanja divokoza, te zatim prikazati dnevnu i mjesečnu aktivnosti divokoza, kao i preklapanja aktivnosti s predatorima. Praćeno je pet vrsta ponašanja: hranjene, kretanje, socijalizacija, češkanje i promatranje. Snimanje je provedeno od ožujka 2017. godine do svibnja 2018. godine pomoću senzornih kamera. Postavljeno je 13 kamera u šumskom staništu, na lokacijama gdje su prisutna solišta za divljač. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su vrhunac aktivnosti divokoza tijekom ranih jutarnjih sati u vremenskom intervalu od 06:00 – 08:00 h u toplijem dijelu godine, dok je vrhunac aktivnosti tijekom zime i jeseni u vremenskom intervalu od 10:00 – 12:00 h. Preklapanje aktivnosti divokoza i predatora bilo je tijekom veljače. Divokoze su tijekom dana prosječno potrošile55 % vremena na hranjenje, 28 % vremena na promatranje, 11 % na kretanje, 4 % na češkanje i 2 % na socijalizaciju. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se upoznali obrasci aktivnosti divokoza koje nastanjuju šumska staništa, s naglaskom na prisutnost predatora.Chamois belong to the family of ruminants (Bovidae), the subfamily the goat (Caprinae) and the genus Rupicapra. The species’ habitats include open and forest areas. Some habitats inhabited by chamois populations are distinguished from others by a variety of potential predators. There has been a lack of study in the behavior and patterns of activity of chamois that inhabit forests in the presence of large predators. Population of chamois inhabiting the area of Gorski Kotar was investigated. The population lives in a forest habitat in the presence of three large predators: gray wolf (Canis lupus), brown bear (Ursus arctos) and Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of these predators on the behavior of the chamois. This study explored the patterns of monthly and daily activity of chamois during the four seasons and their activity overlap with predators. Five types of behaviour were recorded and analysed: feeding, moving, socializing, grooming and vigilance. The recording was conducted from March 2017 to May 2018 using 13 motion sensor cameras. Chamois spent 55% of the time eating, 28% on vigilance, 11% on moving, 4% on grooming and 2% on socializing. The peak in chamois activity was between 06:00 − 08:00 h in the warmer period of the year, while the peak of activity during the winter and autumn was from 10:00 − 12:00 h. The overlap in chamois and predator activity was highest during February. Further research is needed to understand the patterns of chamois behaviour inhabiting forests, with an emphasis on the presence of predators

    Modifikacije u oslikavanju plućnih infekcija kod bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om

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    Navedeni rad usmjeren je na modifikacije u oslikavanju plućnih infekcija kod bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om. HIV je skraćenica za naziv virusa- humane imunodeficijencije (engl. Human Immunodeficiency Virus) koji uzrokuje sindrom stečene imunodeficijencije (engl. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-AIDS). AIDS je stanje organizma u kojemu počinje pad imuniteta i biva podložan različitim infekcijama koje su opasne po život. Simptomi zaraze HIV-om ovise o tome u kojoj je fazi infekcije pacijent testiran i bolest dokazana. Pacijent je najinfektivniji u prvim tjednima zaraze. Zaraza se prenosi rizičnim spolnim odnosima, zaraženom krvlju i rjeđe drugim tjelesnim tekućinama te vertikalno, s majke na dijete. Početni simptomi su slični gripi ili prehladi kao što su vrućica, glavobolja i kašalj, a kasnije kako bolest postaje sve progresivnija, javljaju se simptomi zahvaćenosti brojnih organskih sustava. Jedna od čestih komplikacija je infekcija dišnog sustava. Može se manifestirati kao nespecifična pneumonija, specifična pneumonija te različiti oblici malignih bolesti plućnog parenhima. U ovom radu opisati ću mehanizam nastanka, kliničke i radiološke karakteristike, kao i diferencijalnu dijagnozu plućnih infekcija kod bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om. Također ću opisati primjenu standardnih metoda i različitih modifikacija u oslikavanju

    Behaviour of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the presence of predators

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    Divokoze spadaju u podred preživača (Bovidae), potporodicu koza (Caprinae) i rod divokoza (Rupicapra). Staništa divokoza uglavnom su otvorena područja na granici vegetacije, no divokoze mogu obitavati i u šumskim staništima. Ponašanja i obrasci aktivnosti populacija divokoza koje nastanjuju šumska staništa uz prisutnost velikih predatora, nisu još uvijek dovoljno istražena. Istraživanje se provodilo na populaciji divokoza koje nastanjuju područje Gorkog Kotara. Populacija obitava u šumskom staništu uz prisutnost tri velika predatora: sivi vuk (Canis lupus), smeđi medvjed (Ursus arctos) i euroazijski ris (Lynx lynx). Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj predatora na obrasce ponašanja divokoza, te zatim prikazati dnevnu i mjesečnu aktivnosti divokoza, kao i preklapanja aktivnosti s predatorima. Praćeno je pet vrsta ponašanja: hranjene, kretanje, socijalizacija, češkanje i promatranje. Snimanje je provedeno od ožujka 2017. godine do svibnja 2018. godine pomoću senzornih kamera. Postavljeno je 13 kamera u šumskom staništu, na lokacijama gdje su prisutna solišta za divljač. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su vrhunac aktivnosti divokoza tijekom ranih jutarnjih sati u vremenskom intervalu od 06:00 – 08:00 h u toplijem dijelu godine, dok je vrhunac aktivnosti tijekom zime i jeseni u vremenskom intervalu od 10:00 – 12:00 h. Preklapanje aktivnosti divokoza i predatora bilo je tijekom veljače. Divokoze su tijekom dana prosječno potrošile55 % vremena na hranjenje, 28 % vremena na promatranje, 11 % na kretanje, 4 % na češkanje i 2 % na socijalizaciju. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se upoznali obrasci aktivnosti divokoza koje nastanjuju šumska staništa, s naglaskom na prisutnost predatora.Chamois belong to the family of ruminants (Bovidae), the subfamily the goat (Caprinae) and the genus Rupicapra. The species’ habitats include open and forest areas. Some habitats inhabited by chamois populations are distinguished from others by a variety of potential predators. There has been a lack of study in the behavior and patterns of activity of chamois that inhabit forests in the presence of large predators. Population of chamois inhabiting the area of Gorski Kotar was investigated. The population lives in a forest habitat in the presence of three large predators: gray wolf (Canis lupus), brown bear (Ursus arctos) and Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of these predators on the behavior of the chamois. This study explored the patterns of monthly and daily activity of chamois during the four seasons and their activity overlap with predators. Five types of behaviour were recorded and analysed: feeding, moving, socializing, grooming and vigilance. The recording was conducted from March 2017 to May 2018 using 13 motion sensor cameras. Chamois spent 55% of the time eating, 28% on vigilance, 11% on moving, 4% on grooming and 2% on socializing. The peak in chamois activity was between 06:00 − 08:00 h in the warmer period of the year, while the peak of activity during the winter and autumn was from 10:00 − 12:00 h. The overlap in chamois and predator activity was highest during February. Further research is needed to understand the patterns of chamois behaviour inhabiting forests, with an emphasis on the presence of predators

    Modifikacije u oslikavanju plućnih infekcija kod bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om

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    Navedeni rad usmjeren je na modifikacije u oslikavanju plućnih infekcija kod bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om. HIV je skraćenica za naziv virusa- humane imunodeficijencije (engl. Human Immunodeficiency Virus) koji uzrokuje sindrom stečene imunodeficijencije (engl. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome-AIDS). AIDS je stanje organizma u kojemu počinje pad imuniteta i biva podložan različitim infekcijama koje su opasne po život. Simptomi zaraze HIV-om ovise o tome u kojoj je fazi infekcije pacijent testiran i bolest dokazana. Pacijent je najinfektivniji u prvim tjednima zaraze. Zaraza se prenosi rizičnim spolnim odnosima, zaraženom krvlju i rjeđe drugim tjelesnim tekućinama te vertikalno, s majke na dijete. Početni simptomi su slični gripi ili prehladi kao što su vrućica, glavobolja i kašalj, a kasnije kako bolest postaje sve progresivnija, javljaju se simptomi zahvaćenosti brojnih organskih sustava. Jedna od čestih komplikacija je infekcija dišnog sustava. Može se manifestirati kao nespecifična pneumonija, specifična pneumonija te različiti oblici malignih bolesti plućnog parenhima. U ovom radu opisati ću mehanizam nastanka, kliničke i radiološke karakteristike, kao i diferencijalnu dijagnozu plućnih infekcija kod bolesnika zaraženih HIV-om. Također ću opisati primjenu standardnih metoda i različitih modifikacija u oslikavanju

    Behaviour of chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) in the presence of predators

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    Divokoze spadaju u podred preživača (Bovidae), potporodicu koza (Caprinae) i rod divokoza (Rupicapra). Staništa divokoza uglavnom su otvorena područja na granici vegetacije, no divokoze mogu obitavati i u šumskim staništima. Ponašanja i obrasci aktivnosti populacija divokoza koje nastanjuju šumska staništa uz prisutnost velikih predatora, nisu još uvijek dovoljno istražena. Istraživanje se provodilo na populaciji divokoza koje nastanjuju područje Gorkog Kotara. Populacija obitava u šumskom staništu uz prisutnost tri velika predatora: sivi vuk (Canis lupus), smeđi medvjed (Ursus arctos) i euroazijski ris (Lynx lynx). Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi utjecaj predatora na obrasce ponašanja divokoza, te zatim prikazati dnevnu i mjesečnu aktivnosti divokoza, kao i preklapanja aktivnosti s predatorima. Praćeno je pet vrsta ponašanja: hranjene, kretanje, socijalizacija, češkanje i promatranje. Snimanje je provedeno od ožujka 2017. godine do svibnja 2018. godine pomoću senzornih kamera. Postavljeno je 13 kamera u šumskom staništu, na lokacijama gdje su prisutna solišta za divljač. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su vrhunac aktivnosti divokoza tijekom ranih jutarnjih sati u vremenskom intervalu od 06:00 – 08:00 h u toplijem dijelu godine, dok je vrhunac aktivnosti tijekom zime i jeseni u vremenskom intervalu od 10:00 – 12:00 h. Preklapanje aktivnosti divokoza i predatora bilo je tijekom veljače. Divokoze su tijekom dana prosječno potrošile55 % vremena na hranjenje, 28 % vremena na promatranje, 11 % na kretanje, 4 % na češkanje i 2 % na socijalizaciju. Potrebna su dodatna istraživanja kako bi se upoznali obrasci aktivnosti divokoza koje nastanjuju šumska staništa, s naglaskom na prisutnost predatora.Chamois belong to the family of ruminants (Bovidae), the subfamily the goat (Caprinae) and the genus Rupicapra. The species’ habitats include open and forest areas. Some habitats inhabited by chamois populations are distinguished from others by a variety of potential predators. There has been a lack of study in the behavior and patterns of activity of chamois that inhabit forests in the presence of large predators. Population of chamois inhabiting the area of Gorski Kotar was investigated. The population lives in a forest habitat in the presence of three large predators: gray wolf (Canis lupus), brown bear (Ursus arctos) and Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of these predators on the behavior of the chamois. This study explored the patterns of monthly and daily activity of chamois during the four seasons and their activity overlap with predators. Five types of behaviour were recorded and analysed: feeding, moving, socializing, grooming and vigilance. The recording was conducted from March 2017 to May 2018 using 13 motion sensor cameras. Chamois spent 55% of the time eating, 28% on vigilance, 11% on moving, 4% on grooming and 2% on socializing. The peak in chamois activity was between 06:00 − 08:00 h in the warmer period of the year, while the peak of activity during the winter and autumn was from 10:00 − 12:00 h. The overlap in chamois and predator activity was highest during February. Further research is needed to understand the patterns of chamois behaviour inhabiting forests, with an emphasis on the presence of predators

    Climate change may exacerbate the risk of invasiveness of non-native aquatic plants: the case of the Pannonian and Mediterranean regions of Croatia

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    Non-native aquatic plants are amongst the major threats to freshwater biodiversity and climate change is expected to facilitate their further spread and invasiveness. To date, in Croatia, no complete list of non-native extant and horizon aquatic plants has been compiled nor has a risk screening been performed. To address this knowledge gap, 10 extant and 14 horizon aquatic plant species were screened for their risk of invasiveness in the Pannonian and Mediterranean regions of Croatia under current and predicted (future) climate conditions. Overall, 90% and 60% of the extant species were classified as high risk for the Pannonian and Mediterranean regions, respectively, under both climate scenarios. Of the horizon species, 42% were classified as high risk under current conditions and, under climate change, this proportion increased to 78%. The ‘top invasive’ species (i.e. scored as very high risk) under both climate conditions and for both regions were extant Elodea nuttallii and horizon Lemna aequinoctialis. The horizon Hygrophila polysperma was very high risk for the Mediterranean Region under current climate conditions and for both regions under projected climate conditions. Azolla filiculoides, Elodea canadensis, Egeria densa and Utricularia gibba were also classified as high risk under current climate conditions and, after accounting for climate change, they became of very high risk in both regions. Further, Gymnocoronis spilanthoides and Lemna minuta were found to pose a very high risk under climate change only for the Pannonian Region. It is anticipated that the outcomes of this study will contribute to knowledge of the invasiveness of aquatic plants in different climatic regions and enable prioritisation measures for their control/eradication

    Steps of DNA extraction for molecular analysis of microalgae communities - a simple guide for beginners

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    One of the biggest challenges in the microalgae industry is the lack of reliable methods to detect and avoid biological contaminants, including parasites, which can affect cell growth and consequently lead to crash of the culture. In recent years, the metabarcoding approach has been widely used to study diversity and distribution of microalgae communities and is also a promising tool for contaminant detection in routine biomonitoring. The aim of this article presents steps of DNA extraction for molecular analysis of microalgae communities