620 research outputs found

    Upaya Mengembangkan Kemampuan Berbahasa Anak Melalui Metode Bercerita Dengan Gambar Seri Pada Kelompok B Di TK Aisiyah Joton III Jogonalan Klaten Tahun 2012/2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa anak melalui metode bercerita dengan gambar seri pada kelompok B di TK Aisiyah Joton III Jogonalan Klaten Tahun 2012/2013. Metode bercerita dengan gambar seri dibatasi pada 4-6 gambar. Kemampuan berbahasa anak dibatasi pada bercerita. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak kelompok B TK Aisiyah Joton III Jogonalan Klaten yang berjumlah 32 anak dan guru yang berjumlah 4 orang. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan secara kolaboratif antara Kepala Sekolah, guru dan peneliti yang meliputi empat tahap yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengumpulan data dan analisa data. Data kemampuan berbahasa anak dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan catatan lapangan. Analisa data dilakukan dengan analisa komparatif dan analisa interaktif. Analisa komparatif yaitu membandingkan hasil pencapaian anak dengan indikator yang ditargetkan. Analisa interaktif dilakukan dilakukan dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi, display dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil analisa data menunjukkan bahwa anak terjadi pengembangan kemampuan berbahasa anak melalui metode bercerita dengan gambar seri. Hal ini dapat diketahui pada peningkatan setiap siklus yaitu siklus I 73,24% dan siklus II 91,02%. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah metode bercerita dengan gambar seri dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa anak

    Capacity Building In Information And Communication Management (ICM) Towards Food Security

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    This paper addresses capacity strengthening needs in the area of ICM to support food security initiatives. It fully acknowledges that FS is a state of assuring physical availability and economic accessibility to enough food in terms of quantity (amount, distribution, calories), quality (safe, nutritious, balanced) and cultural acceptability for all people at all times for a healthy and active life. It starts by outlining how ICM can support strategies to ensure availability, access, acceptability, adequacy, and agency and it highlights key information needs in each case. A FS Information and Communication Web is developed basing on a generic conceptual framework of determinants of food security. The web delineates information needs that would support strategies to ensure adequacy of food, stability of supply, and access – physical and economical. The paper then articulates capacity strengthening needs in line with the three dimensions or levels of food security: national, community and household. Four case studies: (i) Uganda’s ICT policy and Food Security (ii) Human Resources needs at community level drawing experiences from Africa and Asia (iii) HR Capacity Development Needs in Africa by the IMF (iv) Audio visual and farmer skills in Mali – serve to demonstrate grassroots ICM applications that support food security initiatives, and in each case it points to theme specific capacity strengthening needs. The studies, as a result, demonstrate how enhanced ICM capacity can support food security through: developing suitable ICT policies, empowering communities with ICM knowledge, improving development planning, enhancing agricultural productivity, supporting marketing systems, improving natural resources management and conservation, and through effective execution of early warning systems – all having implications for food security. The paper concludes by presenting a summary of capacity strengthening needs. These range from sensitization of regional and national policy makers, down to technical skills required by data collectors, analysts and information generators, knowledge disseminators and also knowledge users. To achieve the above the paper proposes roles that may be played by governments, NGOs, education sector, research and development institutions, regional and international organizations, and CTA.Capacity Building, Food Security, ICM, Tanzania

    On My Friends

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    Undergraduate Winner: 2nd Place, 2005. 18th Annual Carl Neureuther Student Book Collection Competition

    Efforts Towards Gender Equity in Academic and Employment Opportunities in The Open University of Tanzania

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    Education and employment opportunities are complementary concepts. Education opens the doors of knowledge, skills and empowerment, which in turn unlocks the opportunities for employment. The higher and varied are the educational opportunities, the more enhanced are the opportunities for varied and prestigious job opportunities. Job-opportunities specify educational levels, types and quality, which an applicant must have to secure the job opportunity. As such, one cannot discuss employment opportunities without touching on educational requirements and efforts towards combating HIV/AIDS at national and contextual levels because the latter impact negatively on recipients of education and beneficiaries of job opportunities. This paper describes and analyses how The Open University of Tanzania has endeavoured to bring about progress in narrowing down the gap between female and male university students’ enrolment in academic programmes and academics, technical and administrative staff in employment opportunities. The paper starts by highlighting the roles of education as a means of transmitting “knowledge, attitudes and values but focuses on the liberation and the transformative role it plays against physical and mental enslavement because it is dynamic, and the engine that brings about development of oneself and that of the nation at large. The establishment of The Open University of Tanzania was meant to democratize tertiary and university education so that those needing it, the marginalized groups can access it. Measures taken by OUT to reduce gender gap in academic and employment opportunities and students enrolment at non-degree, graduate and post graduate programmes include: the Charter and Rules, other legal provisions, the admission policy, the establishment of gender unit and the technical committee to spearhead its day to day activities. The committee also oversees adherance to the legal and regulatory provisions regarding the composition of decision making organs as far as gender is concerned. Staff development and succession plan, and conditionalities pertaining to the institution; the recruitment and employment policies, institutional and individual efforts all aimed at enhancing female enrolment. There is no doubt that a lot of progress has been made though efforts to realize gender parity in academic and employment at OUT has a long way to go. The legal and democratic instruments, policies and organs are in place, observed and are working relatively well though a lot more determination and practical action are required to fast track the process. There is a need  to enhance the national institutions’ capacity to perform and deliver quality outputs which constitute the inputs to OUT. It is high time that a study be carried out on how to improve increased enrolment of women in The Open University of Tanzania.Descriptors: gender equity, academics, job opportunities, tertiary and  higher education and transformative education

    A Comparative Economic Analysis of Tobacco and Groundnut Farming in Urambo District, Tabora Region, Tanzania

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    Using 2007/2008 cropping season survey, data on 121 randomly selected smallholder farmers from three villages, this study provides a comparative economic analysis for tobacco and groundnut farming systems. Cross-sectional research design was adopted and was completed by household interviews based on a structured questionnaire. Purposive, multistage and random samplings were carried out. A Random sampling procedure was used to obtain a sample size of 121 respondents of which 60 were tobacco farmers and 61 groundnut farmers. Cobb-Douglas production function, gross margin analysis and descriptive statistics; and independent samples t-test statistics were used as analytical tools. Results revealed that a gross margin per acre for groundnut was lower than that of tobacco by 569 231.90 TZS equivalent to $ 497.62. However, result revealed no significance difference in profitability yielded by the two farming while a comparison of household income contribution by tobacco and groundnut enterprises gave a significance difference with p-value <0.000 in terms of income generated by the two crops. In this study, an increasing return to scale exists in both farming systems. Therefore, an increase in all inputs by one percent increases tobacco and groundnut by more than one percent. However, by comparing the two cropping enterprises, if all factor inputs are varied by the same proportion, the percentage by which output will increase in tobacco was larger than that of groundnut. The study concluded that tobacco farming activity was more profitable enterprise than groundnut farming. It also contributed more income to farmer than what groundnut farming it does. In tobacco farming hired labour revealed the negative relationship with the output; however this had a positive relationship in groundnut farming. Contrary to tobacco, groundnut seed varieties had the negative response in groundnut output. Key Words: Income, Profitability analysis, Cobb-Douglas production functio

    Vocational Education and Skills Training in Mainland Tanzania for National Development: A Review of the Literature from a Historical Perspective

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    The development of any country Tanzania included depends on availability and effective utilization of human resources, which in turn are predicated on the level, quantity and quality of education, especially vocational andtechnical education and skills attained through formal and informal education, living and working contexts which have the role of improving productivity and enhancing per-capita income of the individual and the nation at large. Human resources transform the economy as well as the society itself through wealth creation and value added to primary produce. Vocational training develops skills of the individual human being  culminating into the accumulated knowledge and technical skills that are needed for national development. Skilled personnel constitute the most important resource for national development. This paper has traced the development of vocational education and skills training and acquisitionin Tanzania and its contribution to the development of Tanzania. Starting from the colonial governments (the German and British administration) the missionaries provided both vocational education and skills training; a role carried over to the post-independence period during which policies for improvement of vocational education and skills training were given even greater emphasis by the newly acquired national government. This paper assesses the influence vocational education has contributed to the  development of Tanzania. Prior to independence, initiatives for vocational education and skills provision came largely from both the government and the various religious denominations. The goals for establishment of vocational education were to construct and service their respective premises for various activities including their own accommodation, churches for religious ceremonies, conference halls, and workshops halls, as well as for the benefit of trainees own houses. The colonial government’s interest in vocational education and skills training focused more on the construction and provision of equipment for Government premises, road repairs  including bridges which were termed public works. The thrust for vocational education and skills expansion took place after independence especially after the policy of Education for Self-Reliance; which was fully backed by both the government and the Rulling Party as reflected in the Musoma resolution as well as the policy of liberalization of Education and in theEducation and Training Policy of 1995. The ESR Policy led to the  establishment of Post Primary Technical Centrers, Folk Development  Colleges, Diversification of Secondary Education Curricula while  liberalization of education encouraged private sector providers of vocational education and skills training especially for profit making. The  establishment of VETA to register all institutions providing vocational education to follow identified curricula and standardizing the assessment served to improve the quality of Vocational Education and Skills acquisition. As per 2010/2011 Tanzania can be proud of having attained gender parity in Folk and Vocational education training. Despite challenges there aregood prospects for sustained vocational education provision and skills acquisition for national development. Keywords: Vocational Education and Skills Training, Diversification, productivity, skilled personnel, lessons, Human Resources, Post Primary Technical Centres, Apprenticeships, Folk Development Colleges and Diversified Secondary Education Curricula

    Burns in Tanzania: Morbidity and Mortality, Causes and Risk Factors: A Review.

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    Burn injuries in low and middle income countries still remain a significant health problem, even though numbers of burn injuries in high income countries have decreased showing that such events are not "accidents" but are usually preventable. WHO states that the vast majority (over 95%) of fire-related burns occur in low and middle income countries. Burn injuries are a major cause of prolonged hospital stays, disfigurement, disability, and death in Africa Region. Evidence shows that prevention strategies can work. However prevention strategies need to be tailored to the specific environment taking into account local risk factors and available resources. An examination of the patterns and causes of burns should allow site specific recommendations for interventions. This literature review, specific to the United Republic of Tanzania, was conducted by researching PubMed, SafetyLit, and African Journals on Line data bases for primary sources using key words <Tanzania> plus <burns, suicide, homicide, injury mortality, injury morbidity>. Two sets of student data collected as part of Bachelor's degree final dissertations at Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences were used. In all, twenty two primary sources were found. Risk factors for burn morbidity in Tanzania are: 1/ a young age, especially years 1-3, 2/ home environment, especially around cooking fires, 3/ epilepsy, during seizures, and 4/ perceived inevitability of the incident. It was expected that ground level cooking fires would be found to be a risk factor, but several studies have shown non-significant results about raised cooking fires, types of fuel used, and cooking appliances. Risk factors for burn mortality are: being male, between 20-30 years of age, and being punished for alleged thieving by community mobs. An important factor in reducing burn morbidity, especially in children, is to educate people that burns are preventable in most cases and that most burns occur in the home around cooking fires. Children need to be kept away from fires. Epileptics should be monitored for medication and kept away from cooking fires as well. Community members need to be encouraged to bring wrong doers to the police
