14 research outputs found

    Revisitando conceitos antropológicos clássicos em um museu imaginado

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    This paper consists of an exercise of immersion in the fictitious “museum of anthropology” created by us. It is an invitation to an imaginative approach to the concepts and perspectives formulated by European and American anthropologists in the period between 1870 and 1950. The article also emphasizes the importance of museums in contemporary times in terms of promoting reflection on the value of human differences and, therefore, aims to contribute to the development of an attitude of respect for different cultures, peoples, social groups, and modes of being in the world.O presente trabalho consiste em um exercício de imersão no fictício “museu da antropologia” criado por nós. Trata-se de um convite para uma aproximação imaginosa aos conceitos e perspectivas formuladas por antropólogos europeus e norte-americanos no período compreendido entre 1870 e 1950. O artigo ressalta ainda a importância dos museus na contemporaneidade, em termos da promoção de reflexões sobre o valor das diferenças humanas e, por conseguinte, pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma atitude de respeito perante as diferentes culturas, povos, grupos sociais e modos de estar no mundo.El presente trabajo consiste en un ejercicio de inmersión en el ficticio "museo de la antropología" creado por nosotros. Se trata de una invitación para una aproximación imaginaria a los conceptos y perspectivas formuladas por antropólogos europeos y norteamericanos en el período comprendido entre 1870 y 1950. El artículo resalta aún la importancia de los museos en la contemporaneidad en términos de la promoción de reflexiones sobre el valor de las diferencias humanas y, por consiguiente, pretende contribuir al desarrollo de una actitud de respeto hacia las diferentes culturas, pueblos, grupos sociales y modos de estar en el mundo.&nbsp

    Wine, sustainability, and the dynamism of changing lifestyles

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    Economic globalization characterizes the 21st century. A digital world has replaced the analog world. “Time is money, and thinking is money.” Thinking and time are patentable. Branding is a metaphor for a lifestyle change. The “Big Brother” described by Orwell in his novel “1984” is relevant today. We have moved from a world of thoughtful synthesis to one of analysis mediated by “likes,” “thumbs-up,” and “opinion leaders.” Wine, a social marker and cultural base, is being diluted in an interconnected world where it is easy to lose identity, principles, and economic worth (Pareto’s ofelimity). The perception of the value of the wine is changing from a cultural symbol to mercantilism. The pandemic lockdown has shown many fragilities of the wine system, fueling e-commerce and digital search, creating an immediatist, identity-less, and easy-to-disinform society. In general, people talk about “Eco-friendly,” “sustainability,” “climate change,” “resilience,” and more very lightly and without awareness, limiting themselves to hashtags for viral dissemination, influencers, and the transmission of incomplete, easy sensationalism or false documents (fake news). It outlines Italian viticulture at the great crossroads between sustainability established on a value chain or that of semi-finished products and built on years of observation, possible with a paradigm based on years of statistical and empirically significant observation It outlines Italian viticulture at the great crossroads between sustainability established on a value chain or that of semi-finished products, built on years of observation, possible with a paradigm based on statistical and empirically significant observation. By leaving its specific place centered on typicity, wine can become a commodity product, sharing the same destiny as agricultural raw materials

    The Importance Of Landscape In Wine Quality Perception: An Integrated Approach Using Choice-Based Conjoint Analysis And Combination-Based Permutation Tests

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    This work\u2019s aim is to evaluate the importance of landscape in wine quality perception using a novel integrated approach based on two statistical techniques, i.e. choice-based conjoint analysis (Gustafsson et al., 2001) and combination-based permutation tests (Corain & Salmaso, 2004; Pesarin & Salmaso, 2009a). To this end we developed a preference choice experiment which was submitted to a sample of respondents during blind wine tasting meetings. The obtained results allow us to weigh up and emphasise the importance of an attractive landscape to the perception of a finer quality of wine. Indeed, we noticed that associating wine to an image of greater visual impact, i.e. an evocative landscape, induces a significantly higher preference for the tasted wine. Moreover, the integrated application of choice-based conjoint analysis and combination-based permutation tests allows us to identify the specific relationship each market segment has with landscape, price and wine quality

    The strategic alliance between clinical and molecular science in the war against SARS-CoV-2, with the rapid-diagnostics test as an indispensable weapon for front line doctors

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    Our work concerns the actual problem of spread of SARS- CoV-2 outbreak which requires fast and correct as possible answer. In current scenario, the need of rapid answer put away the imperative of proper methodology. We focus on the serogical immunoassay for diagnosis of Covid-19 as an important weapon not only for diagnostic purpose, but also for epidemiologic one. The right equilibrium between high speed, low cost and accuracy is obtained with easy-to-use decentralized point-of-care test as the colloidal gold-based immunochromatographic strip assay which detects IgM and IgG antibodies directed against SARS-CoV-2. As our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of Covid-19 rapid tests and of serological assays in real-life settings, we designed a research protocol aimed to establish how to use correctly these diagnostics, taking into account the different possible clinical and epidemiological scenarios

    Estimated oxygen extraction versus dynamic parameters of fluid-responsiveness for perioperative hemodynamic optimization of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial

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    Goal directed therapy (GDT) is able to improve mortality and reduce complications in selected high-risk patients undergoing major surgery. The aim of this study is to compare two different strategies of perioperative hemodynamic optimization: one based on optimization of preload using dynamic parameters of fluid-responsiveness and the other one based on estimated oxygen extraction rate (O2ER) as target of hemodynamic manipulation