1,383 research outputs found

    Innovative model of business process reengineering at machine building enterprises

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    The paper provides consideration of business process reengineering viewed as a managerial innovation accepted by present day machine building enterprises, as well as ways to improve its procedure. A developed innovative model of reengineering measures is described and based on the process approach and other principles of company management

    Alignment of galaxies relative to their local environment in SDSS-DR8

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    We study the alignment of galaxies relative to their local environment in SDSS-DR8 and, using these data, we discuss evolution scenarios for different types of galaxies. We defined a vector field of the direction of anisotropy of the local environment of galaxies. We summed the unit direction vectors of all close neighbours of a given galaxy in a particular way to estimate this field. We found the alignment angles between the spin axes of disc galaxies, or the minor axes of elliptical galaxies, and the direction of anisotropy. The distributions of cosines of these angles are compared to the random distributions to analyse the alignment of galaxies. Sab galaxies show perpendicular alignment relative to the direction of anisotropy in a sparse environment, for single galaxies and galaxies of low luminosity. Most of the parallel alignment of Scd galaxies comes from dense regions, from 2...3 member groups and from galaxies with low luminosity. The perpendicular alignment of S0 galaxies does not depend strongly on environmental density nor luminosity; it is detected for single and 2...3 member group galaxies, and for main galaxies of 4...10 member groups. The perpendicular alignment of elliptical galaxies is clearly detected for single galaxies and for members of < 11 member groups; the alignment increases with environmental density and luminosity. We confirm the existence of fossil tidally induced alignment of Sab galaxies at low z. The alignment of Scd galaxies can be explained via the infall of matter to filaments. S0 galaxies may have encountered relatively massive mergers along the direction of anisotropy. Major mergers along this direction can explain the alignment of elliptical galaxies. Less massive, but repeated mergers are possibly responsible for the formation of elliptical galaxies in sparser areas and for less luminous elliptical galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Galaxy filaments as pearl necklaces

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    Context. Galaxies in the Universe form chains (filaments) that connect groups and clusters of galaxies. The filamentary network includes nearly half of the galaxies and is visually the most striking feature in cosmological maps. Aims. We study the distribution of galaxies along the filamentary network, trying to find specific patterns and regularities. Methods. Galaxy filaments are defined by the Bisous model, a marked point process with interactions. We use the two-point correlation function and the Rayleigh Z-squared statistic to study how galaxies and galaxy groups are distributed along the filaments. Results. We show that galaxies and groups are not uniformly distributed along filaments, but tend to form a regular pattern. The characteristic length of the pattern is around 7 Mpc/h. A slightly smaller characteristic length 4 Mpc/h can also be found, using the Z-squared statistic. Conclusions. We find that galaxy filaments in the Universe are like pearl necklaces, where the pearls are galaxy groups distributed more or less regularly along the filaments. We propose that this well defined characteristic scale could be used to test various cosmological models and to probe environmental effects on the formation and evolution of galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    Exciton coherence lifetimes from electronic structure

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    We model the coherent energy transfer of an electronic excitation within covalently linked aromatic homodimers from first-principles, to answer whether the usual models of the bath calculated via detailed electronic structure calculations can reproduce the key dynamics. For these systems the timescales of coherent transport are experimentally known from time-dependent polarization anisotropy measurements, and so we can directly assess the whether current techniques might be predictive for this phenomenon. Two choices of electronic basis states are investigated, and their relative merits discussed regarding the predictions of the perturbative model. The coupling of the electronic degrees of freedom to the nuclear degrees of freedom is calculated rather than assumed, and the fluorescence anisotropy decay is directly reproduced. Surprisingly we find that although TDDFT absolute energies are routinely in error by orders of magnitude more than the coupling energy, the coherent transport properties of these dimers can be semi-quantitatively reproduced from first-principles. The directions which must be pursued to yield predictive and reliable prediction of coherent transport are suggested.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Discovery of a massive supercluster system at z∼0.47z \sim 0.47

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    Superclusters are the largest relatively isolated systems in the cosmic web. Using the SDSS BOSS survey we search for the largest superclusters in the redshift range 0.43<z<0.710.43<z<0.71. We generate a luminosity-density field smoothed over 8h−1Mpc8 h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc} to detect the large-scale over-density regions. Each individual over-density region is defined as single supercluster in the survey. We define the superclusters in the way that they are comparable with the superclusters found in the SDSS main survey. We found a system we call the BOSS Great Wall (BGW), which consists of two walls with diameters 186 and 173 h−1h^{-1}Mpc, and two other major superclusters with diameters of 64 and 91 h−1h^{-1}Mpc. As a whole, this system consists of 830 galaxies with the mean redshift 0.47. We estimate the total mass to be approximately 2×1017h−1M⊙2\times10^{17}h^{-1}M_\odot. The morphology of the superclusters in the BGW system is similar to the morphology of the superclusters in the Sloan Great Wall region. The BGW is one of the most extended and massive system of superclusters yet found in the Universe.Comment: 4 pages, accepted as a letter in A&

    Disentangling Instrumental Features of the 130 GeV Fermi Line

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    We study the instrumental features of photons from the peak observed at Eγ=130E_\gamma=130 GeV in the spectrum of Fermi-LAT data. We use the {\sc sPlots} algorithm to reconstruct -- seperately for the photons in the peak and for background photons -- the distributions of incident angles, the recorded time, features of the spacecraft position, the zenith angles, the conversion type and details of the energy and direction reconstruction. The presence of a striking feature or cluster in such a variable would suggest an instrumental cause for the peak. In the publically available data, we find several suggestive features which may inform further studies by instrumental experts, though the size of the signal sample is too small to draw statistically significant conclusions.Comment: 9 pages, 22 figures; this version includes additional variables, study of stat sensitivity, and modification to the chi-sq calculatio

    Serologisch onderzoek bij Fusarium oxysporum

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    Rabbits were immunized with different preparations of F. oxysporum.Antibodies against culture fluid, homogenized mycelium, mycelial extracts and microconidial suspensions reacted in precipitin tests with both culture fluids and mycelium extracts.Cross reactions between formae speciales were very common. The gel diffusion precipitin test proved most suitable to differentiate formae speciales . Most sera did not specifically differentiate formae speciales . However some reacted highly specifically.Concerning the character of the antigens it was concluded that the mycelium contained glycoproteins. The glycoproteins split up into polysaccharides and various proteins both during autolysis in the cultures and during extraction of the mycelium.Rabbits only produced antibodies against proteins after injection with culture liquids or with saline extracts of mycelium. These proteins varied widely in physical properties and it was very difficult to reproduce the same proteins, even by the same extraction procedure. The polysaccharides were much more stablebut antibodies against them could be obtained only by immunization with microconidia. Probably these polysaccharides were present on the surface of the cell wall of the microconidia.The study demonstrated that the polysaccharides from the glycoproteins of Fusarium oxysporum were haptens
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