115 research outputs found

    An Inverse Approach to Windows' Resource-Based Permission Mechanism for Access Permission Vulnerability Detection

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    In organizations, employees work with information stored in files according to their duties and responsibilities. Windows uses resource-based access permissions that any permission for any user has to be set separately per resource. This approach gets complicated as the number of resources and users increase, and causes oversights in assigning permissions. Therefore, a special mechanism is required to scrutinize what permissions any employee has on any set of resources. This requirement is circumvented by reversing the Windows approach in terms of user-accessible resources. This approach is implemented by a program allowing quick and easy examination of any type of permissions granted or denied to active directory users on any folder. In this way, administrators can make sure there is no any missing or overlooked setting that could cause a security vulnerability. This approach can easily be extended to scrutinize other resources, and for other local or active directory objects

    Beden eğitimi ve sporda zihin haritası tekniği: Bilişsel ve psikomotor yetenek gelişimi

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    This study aimed to measure the success of teaching volleyball in the physical education course with the mind map technique. The study employed a quasi-experimental pre-posttest design with an experimental group and a control group. The study was completed with a total of 66 students, including 33 students in the experimental group and 33 in the control group. A pretest was administered to the groups to explore the cognitive and psychomotor skill levels of the students in relevant subjects to be taught. The experimental group was taught using mind maps in 40-min classes every week for 9 weeks, while the control group was taught using conventional teaching methods. At the end of the 9-week period, the tests were administered again. To collect data, a Volleyball Knowledge Test and a Volleyball Skill Test were used. The posttest results showed that the cognitive domain, overhead pass, and bump pass scores of the experimental group were higher. In the comparisons of the cognitive and psychomotor skill levels of the two groups, a statistically significant difference was found in favor of the experimental group in the cognitive and psychomotor domains.Bu araştırmanın amacı, zihin haritası tekniği ile işlenen beden eğitimi dersinin voleybol ünitesindeki başarısını incelemektir. Araştırma deney ve kontrol gruplu yarı deneysel desenden oluşmaktadır. Çalışma, 33 deney 33 kontrol grubu olmak üzere toplamda 66 öğrenci ile tamamlanmıştır. Deney ve kontrol gruplarının bilişsel ve psikomotor düzeylerini ölçmek amacıyla öğretilecek konulara yönelik ön test uygulaması yapılmıştır. 9 hafta boyunca deney grubu haftada 40 dakika Zihin Haritası Tekniği ile ders işlerken kontrol grubu geleneksel öğretim yöntemiyle derslerini işlemeye devam etmiştir. 9 haftanın bitiminde deney ve kontrol grubunun bilişsel ve psikomotor düzeylerini ölçmek amacıyla testler tekrar uygulanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında Voleybol Bilgi Testi ile Voleybol Beceri Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın son test sonuçlarında; bilişsel alan, parmak pas ve manşet pas becerilerinin deney grubu lehine anlamlı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak; Her iki grubun bilişsel ve psikomotor alan düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında, bilişsel ve psikomotor alanda deney grubu lehine istatistiksel açıdan anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur

    Investigation of the mechanical properties of tensile test samples produced in different colors and different infill patterns with a 3D printer

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    Erimiş yığma modellemesi (FDM), makul bir süre içinde karmaşık şekillere sahip işlevsel parçalar oluşturma yeteneği nedeniyle hızla büyüyen bir hızlı prototipleme teknolojisidir. FDM yöntemiyle üretim yapan 3 boyutlu yazıcılarla üretilen ürünlerin mekanik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve geliştirilmesi, bu imalat yönteminin kullanımının yaygınlaşması açısından büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmada; Ultimaker 2 Extended 3B yazıcı ile ABS ve PLA malzeme kullanılarak farklı renklerde ve farklı dolgu desenlerinde çekme test numuneleri üretilmiştir. Filament renginin ve dolgu deseninin mekanik özellikler üzerindeki etkileri deneysel olarak araştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, kullanılan filament renginin, 3 boyutlu yazıcı ile üretilen çekme numunelerinin mekanik özellikleri üzerinde kayda değer bir etkisinin olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Kullanılan dolgu desenleri arasından en yüksek çekme mukavemeti değerlerinin “Concentric” dolgu deseniyle üretilen numunelerde olduğu belirlenmiştir.Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is a rapidly growing rapid prototyping technology due to its ability to create functional parts with complex shapes in a reasonable time. Determining and improving the mechanical properties of the products produced by 3D printers using the FDM method is of great importance for the widespread use of this manufacturing method. In this study; tensile test specimens have been produced in different colors and different infill patterns using ABS and PLA materials with the Ultimaker 2 Extended 3D printer. The effects of filament color and infill pattern on mechanical properties have been investigated experimentally. As a result, it has been determined that the filament color used has no significant effect on the mechanical properties of the tensile samples produced by 3D printer. Among the infill patterns used, it has been determined that the highest tensile strength values are in the samples produced with the "Concentric" infill pattern

    The Significance of Serum C-Reactive Protein and Neutrophil–Lymphocyte Ratio in Predicting the Diagnostic Outcomes of Renal Mass Biopsy Procedure

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    This study aimed to investigate the predictive role of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) on renal mass biopsy outcomes. A total of 71 patients with suspected kidney masses who underwent renal mass biopsy procedure between January 2017 and January 2021 were retrospectively evaluated. Pathological results after the procedure were obtained and pre-procedural serum CRP and NLR levels were extracted from the patients’ data. The patients were grouped into benign and malignant pathology groups according to the histopathology results. The parameters were compared between the groups. Diagnostic role of the parameters in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values was also determined. Additionally, Pearson correlation analysis, and univariate and multivariate cox proportional hazard regression analyses were also performed to investigate the above association with tumor diameter and pathology results, respectively. At the end of the analyses, a total of 60 patients had malignant pathology on histopathological investigations of the mass biopsy specimens, whereas the remaining 11 patients had a benign pathological diagnosis. Significantly higher CRP and NLR levels were detected in the malignant pathology group. The parameters positively correlated with the malignant mass diameter, as well. Serum CRP and NLR determined the malignant masses before the biopsy with sensitivity and specificity of 76.6 and 81.8%, and 88.3 and 45.4%, respectively. Moreover, univariate and multivariate analyses showed that serum CRP level had a significant predictive value for malignant pathology (HR: 0.998, 95% CI: 0.940–0.967, P < 0.001 and HR: 0.951, 95% CI: 0.936–0.966, P < 0.001, respectively). In conclusion, serum CRP and NLR levels were significantly different in patients with malignant pathology after renal mass biopsy compared to the patients with benign pathology. Serum CRP level, in particular, diagnosed malignant pathologies with acceptable sensitivity and specificity values. Additionally, it had a substantial predictive role in determining the malign masses prior the biopsy. Therefore, pre-biopsy serum CRP and NLR levels may be used to predict the diagnostic outcomes of renal mass biopsy in clinical practice. Further studies with larger cohorts can prove our findings in the future

    Velid Ebuzziya’nın mektuplarına göre Lozan

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    ÖZETLozan Konferansı, Osmanlı Devleti’nin dağılmasından sonra kurulmuş olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin uluslararası platformda tanınmasına vesile olmuştur. Yani bu konferans ve neticesindeki antlaşmayla yeni Türkiye Devleti’nin varlığının birçok dünya devletince kabul edildiği bir atlaşma özelliğine sahiptir. Çünkü bu antlaşmayla yeni Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti’yle muhatapları olan diğer ülkeler arasındaki adlî, iktisadî, mâlî vb. birçok önemli alandaki ilişkileri düzenlenmiş, devletin bu ülkelerle başlayacak olan ilişkilerinin temelleri atılmıştır.Bizim yapmış olduğumuz bu çalışma da, bir devletin başlangıcı ve geleceği için bu derece öneme sahip bir antlaşmanın görüşmelerinin yapıldığı ve sonuca bağlanmış olduğu bu Konferans’a delegelerle beraber katılmış bir gazeteci olan Velid Ebuzziya’nın konferansın devam etiği esnada orada yazıp Türkiye’ye göndermiş olduğu mektuplardır.Tevhid-i Efkar Gazetesi’nin sahibi ve yazı işleri sorumlusu olan Velid Bey, 23 Nisan 1923’te başlayan ikinci Lozan Konferansı’na katılan gazetecilerden birisidir. Velid Bey yola çıkıldıktan sonra ve konferans devam ettiği sırada yazmış olduğu mektuplarını Tevhid-i Efkar Gazetesi’ne göndermiş ve bu mektuplar gazetede muhtelif günlerde “ Lozan Mektupları ” başlığıyla 95 adet olarak yayınlanmıştır.Yapmış olduğumuz bu çalışma, ülkemizin tarihinde çok önemli bir yeri olan Lozan Antlaşması’nın, bu antlaşmanın canlı şahitliğini yapmış olan bir gazetecinin kaleminden yorumlanmasıdır. Bu çalışmamızın araştırmacılara ve özellikle Lozan Konferansı üzerinde çalışmalar yapan tarihçilerimize faydalı olacağı kanaatindeyiz ve böyle olmasını temenni ediyoruz.Lozan Mektupları toplam 95 adet olup bunlardan 6 ve 67 mektuplara ulaşılamamıştır. ABSTRACTIONAfter the First World War Truce of Montrose (Oct. 30, 1918) were signed first and then the Treaty of Sevres (Aug. 10, 1920) between the Allied powers and Ottoman Empire. Sevres was so harsh and hard to accept. Therefore the National Defense which began by the visit of Samsun by Mustafa Kemal went on spreading, and the enemy which invaded many parts of Anatolia was defeated. Allied Powers could be silent no more and told the governments of Ankara and Istanbul to start the negotiations of peace in the city of Lausanne of an impartial state (Oct. 27, 1922). Therefore Ahmed Vefik Pasha mentioned the necessity of acting together by a telegram to the Turkish National Assembly and wanted Ankara to send a delegate with theirs. The Allied powers were aiming at benefiting the conflict between the two by calling them apart. While this issue was being disputed the Rıza Nur, the Minister of Health, Hüseyin Avni Ulaş and his seventy-five friends wanted the ending of the Empire to be accepted by a proposal. And with a bill that was accepted in the 1st November 1922 it was announced that sultanate and caliphate was divided and sultanate was abolished. And by that way Turkish National Assembly went to the Conference as one responsible body. As a result of the proposals of the Allied powers it was admitted to gather in the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. The Peace Conference gathered in the 20th November of 1922 at 4 pm in the Casino Mont Benon in Lausanne. It was started by the speech of Habab, the chief of the Impartial Switzerland Confederation. After Lord Curzon İsmet Pasha had a speech stressing the importance of independence of us and said: “we just want freedom and independence as the other entire nations do”. After so many perverse disputes there was no way; and negotiations were cut in the 4th of February. Then it was gathered in the 23rd of 1923 and the Contract of Peace was signed. The Peace of Lausanne, after so much hard negotiations was signed in the ceremony hall of the University of Lausanne. All of the documents that were signed in Lausanne were the main Peace contract, 16 pieces of agreement, a protocol, manifesto and a last promissory note. It was not just an agreement between the two sides but was a rearrangement of the political, legal, economical and social relations. In the preface of the Contract the principal of respect for the freedom and sovereignty of the states was mentioned. This paragraph could be seen as signal of the Turkish side’s political struggle under the same conditions with the winners of The First World War. And also it was important in the sense of the acceptance of the Turkish freedom and sovereignty. The Main Peace Contract contains a preface and 143 items. The important regulations made in the Lausanne Peace Contract could be enumerated in the titles: matter of borders, the minorities, the capitulations, the compensation, the debts, the mending, and the straits and the exchange of population. This study we made is the letters of a journalist, named Velid Ebuzziya, who went to the Conference, which was so much important as being the place for the negotiations and decision of birth and future of a state, with the delegates. The letters, he wrote there and sent to Turkey. Velid Bey, who was the owner and responsible body for writing service, was one of the journalists that went to the second Lausanne Conference starting in the 23rd April 1923. He sent his letters after he set for the conference and when it was going on and these letters were serialized in the journal, Tevhid-i Efkar, as being 95 items in the title of “Lausanne Letters”. This study we made is a rereading of the Lausanne, which has a principal space in the history of our state, from the lines of a man that was a witness at that time. We assume this study could be of much use for the historians studying on Lausanne Conference, and also hope so. Lausanne Letters were 95 but we could not reach the letters numbered 6 and 67

    Velid Ebuzziya’nın mektuplarına göre Lozan

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    Lozan Konferansı, Osmanlı Devleti’nin dağılmasından sonra kurulmuş olan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin uluslararası platformda tanınmasına vesile olmuştur. Yani bu konferans ve neticesindeki antlaşmayla yeni Türkiye Devleti’nin varlığının birçok dünya devletince kabul edildiği bir atlaşma özelliğine sahiptir. Çünkü bu antlaşmayla yeni Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti’yle muhatapları olan diğer ülkeler arasındaki adlî, iktisadî, mâlî vb. birçok önemli alandaki ilişkileri düzenlenmiş, devletin bu ülkelerle başlayacak olan ilişkilerinin temelleri atılmıştır. Bizim yapmış olduğumuz bu çalışma da, bir devletin başlangıcı ve geleceği için bu derece öneme sahip bir antlaşmanın görüşmelerinin yapıldığı ve sonuca bağlanmış olduğu bu Konferans’a delegelerle beraber katılmış bir gazeteci olan Velid Ebuzziya’nın konferansın devam etiği esnada orada yazıp Türkiye’ye göndermiş olduğu mektuplardır. Tevhid-i Efkar Gazetesi’nin sahibi ve yazı işleri sorumlusu olan Velid Bey, 23 Nisan 1923’te başlayan ikinci Lozan Konferansı’na katılan gazetecilerden birisidir. Velid Bey yola çıkıldıktan sonra ve konferans devam ettiği sırada yazmış olduğu mektuplarını Tevhid-i Efkar Gazetesi’ne göndermiş ve bu mektuplar gazetede muhtelif günlerde “ Lozan Mektupları ” başlığıyla 95 adet olarak yayınlanmıştır. Yapmış olduğumuz bu çalışma, ülkemizin tarihinde çok önemli bir yeri olan Lozan Antlaşması’nın, bu antlaşmanın canlı şahitliğini yapmış olan bir gazetecinin kaleminden yorumlanmasıdır. Bu çalışmamızın araştırmacılara ve özellikle Lozan Konferansı üzerinde çalışmalar yapan tarihçilerimize faydalı olacağı kanaatindeyiz ve böyle olmasını temenni ediyoruz. Lozan Mektupları toplam 95 adet olup bunlardan 6 ve 67 mektuplara ulaşılamamıştır. ABSTRACTION After the First World War Truce of Montrose (Oct. 30, 1918) were signed first and then the Treaty of Sevres (Aug. 10, 1920) between the Allied powers and Ottoman Empire. Sevres was so harsh and hard to accept. Therefore the National Defense which began by the visit of Samsun by Mustafa Kemal went on spreading, and the enemy which invaded many parts of Anatolia was defeated. Allied Powers could be silent no more and told the governments of Ankara and Istanbul to start the negotiations of peace in the city of Lausanne of an impartial state (Oct. 27, 1922). Therefore Ahmed Vefik Pasha mentioned the necessity of acting together by a telegram to the Turkish National Assembly and wanted Ankara to send a delegate with theirs. The Allied powers were aiming at benefiting the conflict between the two by calling them apart. While this issue was being disputed the Rıza Nur, the Minister of Health, Hüseyin Avni Ulaş and his seventy-five friends wanted the ending of the Empire to be accepted by a proposal. And with a bill that was accepted in the 1st November 1922 it was announced that sultanate and caliphate was divided and sultanate was abolished. And by that way Turkish National Assembly went to the Conference as one responsible body. As a result of the proposals of the Allied powers it was admitted to gather in the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. The Peace Conference gathered in the 20th November of 1922 at 4 pm in the Casino Mont Benon in Lausanne. It was started by the speech of Habab, the chief of the Impartial Switzerland Confederation. After Lord Curzon İsmet Pasha had a speech stressing the importance of independence of us and said: “we just want freedom and independence as the other entire nations do”. After so many perverse disputes there was no way; and negotiations were cut in the 4th of February. Then it was gathered in the 23rd of 1923 and the Contract of Peace was signed. The Peace of Lausanne, after so much hard negotiations was signed in the ceremony hall of the University of Lausanne. All of the documents that were signed in Lausanne were the main Peace contract, 16 pieces of agreement, a protocol, manifesto and a last promissory note. It was not just an agreement between the two sides but was a rearrangement of the political, legal, economical and social relations. In the preface of the Contract the principal of respect for the freedom and sovereignty of the states was mentioned. This paragraph could be seen as signal of the Turkish side’s political struggle under the same conditions with the winners of The First World War. And also it was important in the sense of the acceptance of the Turkish freedom and sovereignty. The Main Peace Contract contains a preface and 143 items. The important regulations made in the Lausanne Peace Contract could be enumerated in the titles: matter of borders, the minorities, the capitulations, the compensation, the debts, the mending, and the straits and the exchange of population. This study we made is the letters of a journalist, named Velid Ebuzziya, who went to the Conference, which was so much important as being the place for the negotiations and decision of birth and future of a state, with the delegates. The letters, he wrote there and sent to Turkey. Velid Bey, who was the owner and responsible body for writing service, was one of the journalists that went to the second Lausanne Conference starting in the 23rd April 1923. He sent his letters after he set for the conference and when it was going on and these letters were serialized in the journal, Tevhid-i Efkar, as being 95 items in the title of “Lausanne Letters”. This study we made is a rereading of the Lausanne, which has a principal space in the history of our state, from the lines of a man that was a witness at that time. We assume this study could be of much use for the historians studying on Lausanne Conference, and also hope so. Lausanne Letters were 95 but we could not reach the letters numbered 6 and 67

    Rectum perforation after anorectal trauma in children : Report of two cases

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    Anorektal yaralanma çocuklarda nadir görülen bir klinik tablodur. Rektum ve diğer intrapelvik organların yaralanmaya eşlik etmesi açısından da önemlidir. Olgu 1: Karın ağrısı ve kusma şikayetleri ile başvuran 9 yaşındaki erkek hastada, karında yaygın hassasiyet ve defans tespit edildi. Ayakta karın grafisinde diyafragma altında serbest hava izlendi. Ameliyatta rektum ve mesane perforasyonu tespit edildi. Yara onarımı ve sigmoid kolostomi yapıldı. Olgu 2: Altı yaşında kız hasta, ağaçtan düşme sonrası gelişen perineal yaralanma nedeniyle kliniğimize başvurdu. Fizik muayenesinde perinede anal kanaldan yaklaşık 4 cm uzaklıkta, 2 cm çaplı, derin planda ilerleyen perineal yara tespit edildi. Ayakta karın grafisinde diyafragma altında serbest hava gözlendi. Ameliyatta rektum perforasyonu tespit edilen hastada, perforasyon onarımı ve sigmoid kolostomi yapıldı. Anorektal yaralanmalarda morbidite ve mortalitenin azaltılması için erken ve doğru tanı, yaralanmanın şekli ve tipinin doğru belirlenmesi, ek organ yaralanmaların tespiti ve uygun yöntemle tedavisi gereklidir. Tedavide gereken olgularda kolostomiden kaçınılmaması gerektiğini düşünüyoruz.Anorectal injury is a rare clinical condition in children. Since it may be an initial sign of concomitant rectal and other intrapelvic structural injuries, this clinical condition is important to declare. Case 1: A nine-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital with complaints of abdominal pain and vomiting. Diffuse abdominal tenderness and defense were remarkable. Abdominal X-ray showed pneumoperitoneum. In operation rectum and bladder perforation were detected. Perforation was repaired and sigmoid colostomy was performed. Case 2: A six-year-old girl was admitted tot he hospital with perineal injury after a fall from height. A perineal wound which was 2 cm in diameter was detected at a localization 4 cm from the anal canal. Abdominal X-ray showed pneumoperitoneum. Rectal perforation was detected. Perforation was repaired and sigmoid colostomy was performed. To decrease the morbidity and the mortality of the patients, early and correct diagnosis, defining the type and extent of the injury including intrapelvic structures should be accurately determined and appropriate treatment should be performed. We think that colostomy should be done necessarily in cases when needed

    Balonla kolayca geçilebilen ancak yüksek basınca rağmen esnemeyen bir lezyon için tornus kullanımı

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    Klas III anjina nedeniyle 78 yaşındaki kadın hastaya koroner anjiyografi (CAG) yapıldı. Sağ koroner arterde (RCA) bir kalsifiye kritik tıkanıklık gösterildi. Perkütan koroner anjiyoplasti (PTCA) girişimi yüksek balon basıncına rağmen lezyonu dilate etmede başarısız oldu. İkinci denemede bir tornus penetrasyon cihazı yerleştirildikten sonra lezyon balon ile dilate edildi ve daha sonra bir stent yerleştirildi. Stent yerleştirildikten sonra bir diseksiyon meydana geldi ve başka bir stent ile tedavi edildi. Geleneksel PTCA teknikleri kullanılarak dilate edilemeyen lezyonların tedavisi ve bu gibi vakalarda tornus penetrasyon cihazının rolü tartışıldı.Coronary angiography (CAG) was performed on a 78-year-old female patient due to class III angina. A calcified critical obstruc- tion was demonstrated in the right coronary artery (RCA). An attempt at percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) failed to dilatate the lesion despite high balloon pressure. In a second attempt the lesion was dilatated with the balloon after implementing a tornus penetration device, and then a stent was implanted. A dissection occurred after the stent implantation and it was treated with another stent. The treatment of lesions that cannot be dilatated using conventional PTCA techniques and the role of the tornus penetration device in such cases are discussed

    Low-speed impact behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer-based glass, carbon, and glass/carbon hybrid composites

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    Impact is defined as an instantaneous external force applied to a material or structure at low, medium, and high speeds over a very short period of time. In this study, we investigate the impact behavior of glass-epoxy composite (GFRP), carbon-epoxy composite (CFRP), and glass/carbon-epoxy hybrid composite (GCFRP) samples subjected to low-velocity impact testing with varying impact energy levels. Composite plates of 330 × 330 mm2 consisting of eight layers were prepared using the VARTM method for impact experiments. Each composite type was tested with impact energy values of 10, 20, 30, and 40 J and their impact behaviors were examined. It was observed that as impact energy increased, the maximum force and the collapse values increased as well. The GFRP composite samples had the highest impact strength, while the GCFRP hybrid composite samples had poorer impact resistance compared to the GFRP composites and better impact resistance compared to the CFRP composites. © 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston.Inönü Üniversitesi: FDK-2019-1822Research funding: The authors gratefully acknowledge that this study was supported by the Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit of Inonu University (Project ID: FDK-2019-1822)

    Zależne od dawki neuroprotekcy¡ne działanie kwasu alfa-liponowego w eksperymentalnym uszkodzeniu rdzenia kręgowego

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    Background and purpose Free radical production after spinal cord injury (SCI) plays an important role in secondary damage. The aim of this study was to investigate neuroprotective effects of the powerful antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) in a spinal cord clip compression injury model. Material and methods Fifty-six Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing between 210 and 300 g, were randomly divided into seven groups. Spinal cord injury was performed by an aneurysm clip placed extradurally at the level of T9. Group 1 (sham) received laminectomy only. Group 2 (control) received SCI; Group 3 received 30 mg/kg of methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS); Groups 4, 5, 6 and 7 received ALA at doses of 50, 100, 150, 200 mg/kg, respectively, via the intraperitoneal route immediately after SCI. The rats were neurologically tested 24 hours after trauma. Spinal cord samples from injury sites were harvested for measurement of lipid peroxidation products and histopathological evaluation. Results Spinal cord malonyldialdehyde levels of rats in treatment groups decreased after administration of ALA. The difference between the trauma group and groups receiving MPSS-ALA was statistically significant. The difference between the ALA (50, 100, 150 mg/kg) and MPSS groups was insignificant. Group 7 (ALA 200 mg/kg) was excluded from the study because of the possible toxic effect. Alpha lipoic acid and MPSS had similar effects on spinal cord injury in terms of lipid peroxidation, neurological recovery and histopathological changes. Conclusions Alpha lipoic acid at a dose range of 50–150 mg/kg is as effective as MPSS (30 mg/kg) in neuroprotection after SCI. Further, more detailed experimental studies are needed to determine the effects of ALA on the detrimental results of secondary SCI before its use in humans.Wstęp i cel pracy Powstawanie wolnych rodników po urazowym uszkodzeniu rdzenia kręgowego (UURK) odgrywa istotną rolę w jego wtórnym uszkodzeniu. Celem badania było sprawdzenie neuroprotekcyjnego działania silnego antyoksydantu, kwasu alfa-liponowego (ALA), w eksperymentalnym modelu uszkodzenia rdzenia kręgowego wywoływanego uciskiem przez klips. Material i metody Pięćdziesiąt sześć szczurów rasy Sprague-Dawley o masie 210–300 g podzielono na 7 grup. Uraz rdzenia kręgowego wywoływano przez założenie klipsa zewnątrz-twardówkowo na poziomie Lh9. W grupie 1. (procedura pozorowana) wykonano jedynie laminektomię, w grupie 2. (kontrolnej) wykonano UURK. W grupie 3. podano bursztynian sodowy metyloprednizolonu (MPSS) w dawce 30 mg/kg m.c. W grupach 4.–7. po UURK podano ALA w dawkach odpowiednio 50, 100, 150 i 200 mg/kg m.c. dootrzewnowo bezpośrednio po UURK. Szczury badano neurologicznie po 24 godzinach od urazu. Próbki rdzenia kręgowego z miejsc uszkodzenia pobrano w celu oceny produktów peroksydacji lipidów i do badania histopatologicznego. Wyniki Stężenia malonylodialdehydu u szczurów poddanych leczeniu zmniejszyły się w grupach, w których stosowano ALA. Różnica między grupą kontrolną a grupami otrzymującymi MPSS-ALA była istotna statystycznie. Różnice między grupami, w których podawano ALA w dawce 50, 100 i 150 mg/kg m.c, a grupą, w której zastosowano MPSS, nie była istotna. Grupę 7. (ALA w dawce 200 mg/kg) wyłączono z analizy ze względu na możliwe toksyczne działanie ALA. Kwas alfa-liponowy i MPSS wywierały zbliżony wpływ na uszkodzenie rdzenia kręgowego oceniane za pomocą peroksydacji lipidów, poprawy stanu neurologicznego i zmian histopatologicznych. Wnioski Skuteczność ALA w dawkach 50–150 mg/kg m.c. w neuroprotekcji po urazie rdzenia kręgowego jest taka sama jak skuteczność MPSS (30 mg/kg m.c). Konieczne są dalsze, bardziej szczegółowe badania eksperymentalne w celu określenia wpływu ALA na niekorzystne następstwa uszkodzeń wtórnych po UURK przed zastosowaniem ALA u ludzi