44 research outputs found

    Thermal Structure of the Northern Outer Albanides and Adjacent Adriatic Crustal Sector, and Implications for Geothermal Energy Systems

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    Using an analytical methodology taking into account heat flow density data, frictional heating, temperature variations due to the re-equilibrated conductive state after thrusting and geological constrains, we calculated surface heat flow, geotherms and isotherms along a balanced and restored regional geological cross-section. Our results highlight the impact of frictional heating produced by thrusts on the thermal structure of the study area, leading to a raising of the isotherms both in the inner Albanides to the E and in the Adriatic sector offshore. Minimum values of Qs in the surroundings of Tirana and the reconstructed 2D thermal structure suggest less favorable conditions for exploitation of geothermal energy, besides the direct use (Borehole Heat Exchanger-Geothermal Heat Pump systems). Nevertheless, the occurrence of the "Kruja geothermal zone", partially overlapping this area and including hot spring manifestations, emphasize the structural control in driving hot fluids to the surface with respect to the regional thermal structure

    Thermal structure of the northern outer Albanides and adjacent Adriatic crustal sector, and implications for geothermal energy systems

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    none8sĂŹopenSantini, S.; Basilici, M.; Invernizzi, C.; Mazzoli, S.; Megna, A.; Pierantoni, P.P.; Spina, V.; Teloni, S.Santini, S.; Basilici, M.; Invernizzi, C.; Mazzoli, S.; Megna, A.; Pierantoni, P. P.; Spina, V.; Teloni, S

    Dormant Mycobacterium tuberculosis fails to block phagosome maturation and shows unexpected capacity to stimulate specific human T lymphocytes

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    Dormancy is defined as a stable but reversible nonreplicating state of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is currently thought that dormant M. tuberculosis (D-Mtb) is responsible for latent tuberculosis (TB) infection. Recently, D-Mtb was also shown in sputa of patients with active TB, but the capacity of D-Mtb to stimulate specific immune responses was not investigated. We observed that purified protein derivative-specific human CD4(+) T lymphocytes recognize mycobacterial Ags more efficiently when macrophages are infected with D-Mtb instead of replicating M. tuberculosis (R-Mtb). The different Ag recognition occurs even when the two forms of mycobacteria equally infect and stimulate macrophages, which secrete the same cytokine pattern and express MHC class I and II molecules at the same levels. However, D-Mtb but not R-Mtb colocalizes with mature phagolysosome marker LAMP-1 and with vacuolar proton ATPase in macrophages. D-Mtb, unlike R-Mtb, is unable to interfere with phagosome pH and does not inhibit the proteolytic efficiency of macrophages. We show that D-Mtb downmodulates the gene Rv3875 encoding for ESAT-6, which is required by R-Mtb to block phagosome maturation together with Rv3310 gene product SapM, previously shown to be downregulated in D-Mtb. Thus, our results indicate that D-Mtb cannot escape MHC class II Ag-processing pathway because it lacks the expression of genes required to block the phagosome maturation. Data suggest that switching to dormancy not only represents a mechanism of survival in latent TB infection, but also a M. tuberculosis strategy to modulate the immune response in different stages of TB

    Individual, unit and vocal clan level identity cues in sperm whale codas

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    Fieldwork was supported by Discovery and Equipment grants to H.W. from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. S.G. and L.R. were supported by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTs) pooling initiative and their support is gratefully acknowledged. MASTs is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions. S.G. was also supported by an NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS-M), an NSERC Canadian Graduate Scholarship (CGS-D), the Izaak Killam Memorial Scholarship, the Patrick F. Lett Fund, the Dalhousie’s Presidents Award, and an FNU fellowship for the Danish Council for Independent Research from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science supplemented by a Sapere Aude Research Talent Award.The ‘social complexity hypothesis’ suggests that complex social structure is a driver of diversity in animal communication systems. Sperm whales have a hierarchically structured society in which the largest affiliative structures, the vocal clans, are marked on ocean-basin scales by culturally transmitted dialects of acoustic signals known as ‘codas’. We examined variation in coda repertoires among both individual whales and social units—the basic element of sperm whale society—using data from nine Caribbean social units across six years. Codas were assigned to individuals using photo-identification and acoustic size measurement, and we calculated similarity between repertoires using both continuous and categorical methods. We identified 21 coda types. Two of those (‘1+1+3’ and ‘5R1’) made up 65% of the codas recorded, were shared across all units and have dominated repertoires in this population for at least 30 years. Individuals appear to differ in the way they produce ‘5R1’ but not ‘1+1+3’ coda. Units use distinct 4-click coda types which contribute to making unit repertoires distinctive. Our results support the social complexity hypothesis in a marine species as different patterns of variation between coda types suggest divergent functions, perhaps representing selection for identity signals at several levels of social structure.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Off-axis effects on the multipulse structure of sperm whale usual clicks with implications for sound production

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 (2005): 3337-3345, doi:10.1121/1.2082707.Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) produce multipulsed clicks with their hypertrophied nasal complex. The currently accepted view of the sound generation process is based on the click structure measured directly in front of, or behind, the whale where regular interpulse intervals (IPIs) are found between successive pulses in the click. Most sperm whales, however, are recorded with the whale in an unknown orientation with respect to the hydrophone where the multipulse structure and the IPI do not conform to a regular pulse pattern. By combining far-field recordings of usual clicks with acoustic and orientation information measured by a tag on the clicking whale, we analyzed clicks from known aspects to the whale. We show that a geometric model based on the bent horn theory for sound production can explain the varying off-axis multipulse structure. Some of the sound energy that is reflected off the frontal sac radiates directly into the water creating an intermediate pulse p1/2 seen in off-axis recordings. The powerful p1 sonar pulse exits the front of the junk as predicted by the bent-horn model, showing that the junk of the sperm whale nasal complex is both anatomically and functionally homologous to the melon of smaller toothed whales.This work was funded by grants to from the Office of Naval Research Grant Nos. N00014-99-1-0819 and No. N00014-01-1-0705, and the Packard Foundation

    Immunogenicity of viral vaccines in the italian military

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    Military personnel of all armed forces receive multiple vaccinations and have been doing so since long ago, but relatively few studies have investigated the possible negative or positive interference of simultaneous vaccinations. As a contribution to fill this gap, we analyzed the response to the live trivalent measles/mumps/rubella (MMR), the inactivated hepatitis A virus (HAV), the inactivated trivalent polio, and the trivalent subunits influenza vaccines in two cohorts of Italian military personnel. The first cohort was represented by 108 students from military schools and the second by 72 soldiers engaged in a nine-month mission abroad. MMR and HAV vaccines had never been administered before, whereas inactivated polio was administered to adults primed at infancy with a live trivalent oral polio vaccine. Accordingly, nearly all subjects had baseline antibodies to polio types 1 and 3, but unexpectedly, anti-measles/-mumps/-rubella antibodies were present in 82%, 82%, and 73.5% of subjects, respectively (43% for all of the antigens). Finally, anti-HAV antibodies were detectable in 14% and anti-influenza (H1/H3/B) in 18% of the study population. At mine months post-vaccination, 92% of subjects had protective antibody levels for all MMR antigens, 96% for HAV, 69% for the three influenza antigens, and 100% for polio types 1 and 3. An inverse relationship between baseline and post-vaccination antibody levels was noticed with all the vaccines. An excellent vaccine immunogenicity, a calculated long antibody persistence, and apparent lack of vaccine interference were observed

    Identifying and Validating Tankyrase Binders and Substrates: A Candidate Approach.

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    The poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) enzyme tankyrase (TNKS/ARTD5, TNKS2/ARTD6) uses its ankyrin repeat clusters (ARCs) to recognize degenerate peptide motifs in a wide range of proteins, thereby recruiting such proteins and their complexes for scaffolding and/or poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation. Here, we provide guidance for predicting putative tankyrase-binding motifs, based on the previously delineated peptide sequence rules and existing structural information. We present a general method for the expression and purification of tankyrase ARCs from Escherichia coli and outline a fluorescence polarization assay to quantitatively assess direct ARC-TBM peptide interactions. We provide a basic protocol for evaluating binding and poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of full-length candidate interacting proteins by full-length tankyrase in mammalian cells

    Le dimensioni dell’innovazione sociale per il design e l’implementazione di politiche pubbliche efficaci

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    Le recenti trasformazioni socio-economiche hanno fatto emergere, con forza crescente, l’importanza dell’innovazione sociale. Di pari passo, i decisori pubblici hanno implementato un numero sempre maggiore di politiche orientate a supportare lo sviluppo di iniziative di innovazione sociale. Nonostante l’attualità e la rilevanza del tema, manca tutt’oggi una delineazione univoca delle dimensioni fondanti e dei confini definitori d el concetto. La social innovation, infatti, si contraddistingue per essere un “concetto-ombrello” che include un insieme molto ampio e variegato di iniziative, attività, soggetti e contesti. Tale caratterizzazione ha favorito l’adozione di un approccio inclusivo nel tracciarne i confini enunciativi, contribuendo all’attuale varietà definitoria. Partendo da queste premesse, questo saggio propone una review dell’attuale dibattito (accademico e non) al fine di delineare un modello che permetta di sintetizzare e interpretare le differenti dimensioni definitorie del concetto di innovazione sociale. In particolare, tale modello intende offrire un framework di riferimento sia per la definizione di possibili percorsi di ricerca futuri sia per il design e l’implementazione di politiche pubbliche dall’elevato impatto sociale

    Seismogenic fault system of the mw 6.4 november 2019 albania earthquake: New insights into the structural architecture and active tectonic setting of the outer albanides

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    A seismic sequence that affected the Durrës region in late 2019 to early 2020 sheds new light on the structural architecture and active tectonic setting of the northern outer Albanides. Stress inversion analysis using focal mechanisms confirms that the area is dominated by ENE-trending horizontal maximum compression. The seismogenic sources consist mainly of ENE-dipping thrust faults roughly parallel to the coastline. The hypocentre distribution indicates that most of the earthquakes, including the Mw 6.4 main shock, nucleated within the basement, with only some of the shallow aftershocks tending to cluster around the deeper portion of previously identified seismogenic structures within the sedimentary cover. Our results, unravelling for the first time the fundamental role of deeply rooted, crustal ramp-dominated thrusting in seismogenesis, imply a profound reconsideration of the seismotectonic setting of the region in terms of a correct assessment of seismic hazard in this densely populated area of Albania

    Plio–quaternary structural evolution of the outer sector of the marche apennines south of the conero promontory, italy

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    Some new results and preliminary remarks about the Plio–Quaternary structural and evolutionary characteristics of the outer Marche Apennines south in the Conero promontory are presented in this study. The present analysis is based on several subsurface seismic reflection profiles and well data, kindly provided by ENI S.p.A. and available on the VIDEPI list, together with surface geologic–stratigraphic knowledge of Plio–Quaternary evolution from the literature. Examples of negative vs. positive reactivation of inherited structures in fold and thrust belts are highlighted. Here, we present an example from the external domain of the Marche Apennines, which displays interesting reactivation examples from the subsurface geology explored. The study area shows significant evolutionary differences with respect to the northern sector of the Marche region previously investigated by the same research group. The areal distribution of the main structures changes north and south of the ENE–WSW oriented discontinuity close to the Conero promontory. Based on the old tripartite classification of the Pliocene, the results of this work suggest a strong differential subsidence with extension occurring during the Early Pliocene and principal compressive deformation starting from the Middle Pliocene and decreasing or ceasing during the Quaternary. The main structure in this area is the NNW–SSE Coastal Structure, which is composed of E-vergent shallow thrusts and high-angle deep-seated normal faults underneath. An important right-lateral strike–slip component along this feature is also suggested, which is compatible with the principal NNE–SSW shortening direction. As mentioned, the area is largely characterized by tectonic inversion. Starting from Middle Pliocene, most of the Early Pliocene normal faults became E-vergent thrusts