23 research outputs found

    Understanding food choice: A systematic review of reviews

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    The topic of consumer food choice has received much attention among researchers and stakeholders within the food industry. However, in order to better facilitate food consumption towards a more sustainable direction, we need increased knowledge and understanding of factors that influence consumers' food choice. This study is a systematic review of reviews conducted between 2017 and 2021, summarising and synthesising reviews on food choice. The aim is to provide an update of the current knowledge on consumer food choice, point out what is already known, and identify knowledge gaps to enable a prioritisation for future research. The analysis highlights decisive factors in food choice, i.e. product, available information, price, context, personal and group influences and sensory perceptions. The synthesis of findings follows a socioecological model, integrating four different levels of the social and environmental systems: the physical food environment, the social and community level, interpersonal relations and, finally, individual characteristics such as psychological and behavioural factors. Results show that behavioural patterns, influenced by strong informal institutions, such as culture and norms, can be difficult to break; for example, changing into more sustainable food behaviour. The findings suggest that more interdisciplinary research and studies in real-life settings are needed to grasp the complexity of food choice. This would allow for us to better understand consumers as social beings shaped by, among other things, the physical environment, social interactions, and culture

    Sobre la pizza. Identificación y apropiación alimenticias en el mundo contemporáneo

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    Proponemos una reflex ión ant ropológica sobre la pizza en el mundo contemporáneo. Insistimos en la utilización de la pizza en procesos de ide nt ifi cación y de apropiación alimenticia. Según los contex tos, 1a pizza fun ciona como un espejo en el cual un grupo revela los elementos de su cu ltura al imenticia que le parecen esenciales o como una pantalla en la cual se proyectan imágenes de la coci na del Otro

    Modern European Political Food Culture: in Search of the Optimal Balance of Food and Political Factors

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    Sastanci s kolegama političarima, poslovnim ljudima i predstavnicima nevladinih udruga, te rasprave o novim oblicima političkog djelovanja predstavljaju va žan dio rada suvremenog europskog političara. Mnogi od tih sastanaka odvijaju se uz jelo. Katkad su ceremonijalni, a često neformalni. Hrana koja se u tim prigodama poslužuje obično se pomno odabire kako bi podržala političku strategiju sastanka. Svakodnevni obroci političara, koji imaju određenu funkciju, dosad su slabo zanimali istraživače etnološke tradicije. Zato je namjera ovog rada analizirati kako skupine političara u suvremenoj Švedskoj koriste obroke u svakodnevnom radu, kako odabiru hranu s obzirom na svrhu sastanka i koju ulogu daju hrani u političkim raspravama i pregovorima. U istraživanju je korištena metoda djelomično strukturiranih intervjua sa švedskim političarima: ministrima i stalnim tajnicima. Analiza je pokazala da neki ministri i tajnici koriste hranu kao političko sredstvo, te da su u zamjetnoj prednosti oni koji se hranom služe u strateške svrhe. Zanimanje političara za hranu može se promatrati kao odraz postmodernističkog društva koje zanima hrana i kultura prehrane.Meetings with other politicians, business people and NGO representatives, and the discussion of ideas on how to formulate new policies constitute a major part of politicians’ work in Europe today. Many meetings take place during meals; which may be ceremonial, but are often informal. The food served during these meals is commonly carefully selected to support the political strategy of the meeting. The dayto-day political meal, with its strong functional element, has until now been of little interest to the ethnological research tradition. The aim of this study is to analyse how a group of politicians in contemporary Sweden use meals in their daily work, how they choose food in relation to the purpose of the meeting, and what role they give the meal in political discussions and negotiations. The method used is semi-structured interviews with ten Swedish politicians; ministers and permanent secretaries (both politically appointed in Sweden). The politicians explained how they select topics that should be discussed during the formal meeting, and which topics might better be discusse dduring the meal following the meeting. The analysis showedthat several ministers and permanent secretaries use the meal as a political tool, and that there is a perceived benefit for those who use the meal in a strategic way. The politicians’ interest in food can be seen as a reflection of post-modern society’s interest in food and meal culture

    Maten ger oss mycket mer än bara näring

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    MÅLTIDENS DAG Alltför länge har vi bortsett från att måltiden är en gestaltning av mänskliga värden. Det är dags att gastronomin ges sin berättigade plats bland andra kulturyttringar.Under strecket.</p

    När folkhemmet fylldes med smörgåsbord : Under Strecket, Svenska Dagbladet, 5 juni 2011

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    När folkhemmet fylldes med smörgåsbord SVENSKA KÖKET. Redan på 1730-talet grillade man shish kebab-spett i Sverige. Det var först under 1800-talet som man började betrakta vissa maträtter som typiska för den ena eller andra nationen, och då gällde det att framhäva det unika framför det gemensamma

    Surdegen som inte är någon surdeg : Understreckare i Svenska Dagbladet

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    Surdegen som inte är någon surdeg VÄRDEMARKÖR Det osyrade brödets högtid är här. I kristen tradition står ofta det osyrade brödet för det goda och heliga, och det syrade för något befläckat. Men surdegen häver sig gång på gång som ett kulturellt ställningstagande

    Gastronomi i kunskapssamhället

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