16 research outputs found

    Specialized Astrocytes Mediate Glutamatergic Gliotransmission in the CNS

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    Multimodal astrocyte–neuron communications govern brain circuitry assembly and function. For example, through rapid glutamate release, astrocytes can control excitability, plasticity and synchronous activity of synaptic networks, while also contributing to their dysregulation in neuropsychiatric conditions. For astrocytes to communicate through fast focal glutamate release, they should possess an apparatus for Ca2+-dependent exocytosis similar to neurons. However, the existence of this mechanism has been questioned owing to inconsistent data and a lack of direct supporting evidence. Here we revisited the astrocyte glutamate exocytosis hypothesis by considering the emerging molecular heterogeneity of astrocytes and using molecular, bioinformatic and imaging approaches, together with cell-specific genetic tools that interfere with glutamate exocytosis in vivo. By analysing existing single-cell RNA-sequencing databases and our patch-seq data, we identified nine molecularly distinct clusters of hippocampal astrocytes, among which we found a notable subpopulation that selectively expressed synaptic-like glutamate-release machinery and localized to discrete hippocampal sites. Using GluSnFR-based glutamate imaging in situ and in vivo, we identified a corresponding astrocyte subgroup that responds reliably to astrocyte-selective stimulations with subsecond glutamate release events at spatially precise hotspots, which were suppressed by astrocyte-targeted deletion of vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1). Furthermore, deletion of this transporter or its isoform VGLUT2 revealed specific contributions of glutamatergic astrocytes in cortico-hippocampal and nigrostriatal circuits during normal behaviour and pathological processes. By uncovering this atypical subpopulation of specialized astrocytes in the adult brain, we provide insights into the complex roles of astrocytes in central nervous system (CNS) physiology and diseases, and identify a potential therapeutic target

    Role of semaphorin 3a and L1CAM in cerebellar gabaergic interneuron local circuit formation

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    Une des questions fondamentales en neurobiologie du développement est de comprendre quels sont les mécanismes responsables de la formation des circuits neuronaux. Alors que les circuits de neurones projecteurs ont fait l'objet d'études intensives, aujourd'hui encore peu de chose est connu sur les molécules et les voies de signalisation impliquées dans la croissance et la différentiation axonale des interneurones GABA. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle de la molécule de guidage axonal Semaphorine 3a (Sema3A) dans le développement des axones des interneurones GABA du cervelet. Pour mener à bien cette étude, j'ai développé de nouvelles approches expérimentales in vitro et in vivo. En utilisant ces nouveaux outils, j'ai montré que la SEMA3A était capable d'attirer l'axone des interneurones GABA. In vitro, la SEMA3A induit une augmentation locale de la formation de branches axonales et l'apparition précoce d'un marqueur présynaptique (GAD65). Nous avons également montré que la combinaison d'expression de SEMA3A avec une molécule d'adhésion de la famille L1CAM dans les cellules hétérologues était capable d'induire l'innervation de cette cellule de manière spécifique par les interneurones GABA du cervelet. Cette étude nous a permis de montrer que la combinaison entre une molécule de guidage axonal et une molécule d'adhésion cellulaire spécifique était suffisante pour induire des mécanismes de reconnaissance cellulaire par les interneurones GABA du cervelet.GABAergic interneurons are fundamental component in neural processing and their specific innervation patterns are though to be the building block for physiological brain function and computing. However the molecular and cellular mechanisms that assemble inhibitory local circuits remain largely unknown. In cerebellar cortex, molecular layer GABAergic interneurons are key regulators of cerebellar signal coding and memory formation by sending specifically their axons to innervate the Purkinje cells. Here, we show that a combination of both secreted axon guidance and recognition molecules of L1CAM family is sufficient to trigger target cell recognition by molecular layer GABAergic interneuron˙s in vivo. Using BAC transgenic reporter mice for cell-type specific gene-expression profiling of secreted SEMAPHORIN molecules, we identified that SEMAPHORIN3A (SEMA3A) expression picked precisely at relevant time-point of GABAergic local circuit formati on. In vitro, in a co-culture model, we found that semaphorin3A (SEMA3A) secreted by CHO cells attracts GABAergic interneurons axons and triggers their local specific branching. In vivo, the injection of these heterologous cells expressing SEMA3A ectopically in the granule cell layer is able to disrupt the « crystal »like organization of molecular GABAergic interneurons and attracts their axons in this ectopic territory. Moreover we found that both in vitro and in vivo, the co-expression of SEMA3A and the L1CAM family recognition molécules, Neurofascin, but not their respective expression alone, are able to induced heterologous cells innervation by molecular GABAergic interneurons. These results suggest that specific combination between axon guidance molecules and L1CAM family is sufficient to specify cell type recognition in a space and timely dependent manner

    Rôle de la semaphorine 3a et deL1CAM dans la mise en place des reseaux de neurones GABA dans le cervelet

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    Une des questions fondamentales en neurobiologie du développement est de comprendre quels sont les mécanismes responsables de la formation des circuits neuronaux. Alors que les circuits de neurones projecteurs ont fait l'objet d'études intensives, aujourd'hui encore peu de chose est connu sur les molécules et les voies de signalisation impliquées dans la croissance et la différentiation axonale des interneurones GABA. Au cours de ma thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle de la molécule de guidage axonal Semaphorine 3a (Sema3A) dans le développement des axones des interneurones GABA du cervelet. Pour mener à bien cette étude, j'ai développé de nouvelles approches expérimentales in vitro et in vivo. En utilisant ces nouveaux outils, j'ai montré que la SEMA3A était capable d'attirer l'axone des interneurones GABA. In vitro, la SEMA3A induit une augmentation locale de la formation de branches axonales et l'apparition précoce d'un marqueur présynaptique (GAD65). Nous avons également montré que la combinaison d'expression de SEMA3A avec une molécule d'adhésion de la famille L1CAM dans les cellules hétérologues était capable d'induire l'innervation de cette cellule de manière spécifique par les interneurones GABA du cervelet. Cette étude nous a permis de montrer que la combinaison entre une molécule de guidage axonal et une molécule d'adhésion cellulaire spécifique était suffisante pour induire des mécanismes de reconnaissance cellulaire par les interneurones GABA du cervelet.GABAergic interneurons are fundamental component in neural processing and their specific innervation patterns are though to be the building block for physiological brain function and computing. However the molecular and cellular mechanisms that assemble inhibitory local circuits remain largely unknown. In cerebellar cortex, molecular layer GABAergic interneurons are key regulators of cerebellar signal coding and memory formation by sending specifically their axons to innervate the Purkinje cells. Here, we show that a combination of both secreted axon guidance and recognition molecules of L1CAM family is sufficient to trigger target cell recognition by molecular layer GABAergic interneuron s in vivo. Using BAC transgenic reporter mice for cell-type specific gene-expression profiling of secreted SEMAPHORIN molecules, we identified that SEMAPHORIN3A (SEMA3A) expression picked precisely at relevant time-point of GABAergic local circuit formati on. In vitro, in a co-culture model, we found that semaphorin3A (SEMA3A) secreted by CHO cells attracts GABAergic interneurons axons and triggers their local specific branching. In vivo, the injection of these heterologous cells expressing SEMA3A ectopically in the granule cell layer is able to disrupt the crystal like organization of molecular GABAergic interneurons and attracts their axons in this ectopic territory. Moreover we found that both in vitro and in vivo, the co-expression of SEMA3A and the L1CAM family recognition molécules, Neurofascin, but not their respective expression alone, are able to induced heterologous cells innervation by molecular GABAergic interneurons. These results suggest that specific combination between axon guidance molecules and L1CAM family is sufficient to specify cell type recognition in a space and timely dependent manner.MONTPELLIER-BU Sciences (341722106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    An unconventional cerebrospinal fluid-derived Semaphorin-signalling regulates apical progenitor dynamics in the developing neocortex

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    In the embryonic brain, dynamic regulation of apical adhesion is fundamental to generate correct numbers and identity of precursors and neurons. Radial glial cells (RGC) in the cerebral cortex are tightly attached to adjacent neighbours. However, cells committed to differentiate reduce their adhesiveness to detach and settle at distal position from the apical border. Whether diffusible signals delivered from the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) contribute to the regulation of apical adhesion dynamics remain fully unknown. Here we report that unconventional pre-formed complexes of class3-Semaphorins (Sema) and Neuropilins (Nrp) are released into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from sources including the choroid plexus. Through analysis of mutant mouse models and various ex vivo assays, we propose that two different complexes, Sema3B/Nrp2 and Sema3F/Nrp1, bind to apical endfeet of RGCs, and exert dual regulation of their attachment, nuclei dynamics, that oppositely promotes or inhibits basal progenitor and neuron differentiation. This reveals unexpected contributions of CSF-delivered guidance molecules during cortical development

    Direct Interaction Enables Cross-talk between Ionotropic and Group I Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors

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    International audienceFunctional interplay between ionotropic and metabotropic receptors frequently involves complex intracellular signaling cascades. The group I metabotropic glutamate receptor mGlu5a co-clusters with the ionotropic N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in hippocampal neurons. In this study, we report that a more direct cross-talk can exist between these types of receptors. Using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer in living HEK293 cells, we demonstrate that mGlu5a and NMDA receptor clustering reflects the existence of direct physical interactions. Consequently, the mGlu5a receptor decreased NMDA receptor current, and reciprocally, the NMDA receptor strongly reduced the ability of the mGlu5a receptor to release intracellular calcium. We show that deletion of the C terminus of the mGlu5a receptor abolished both its interaction with the NMDA receptor and reciprocal inhibition of the receptors. This direct functional interaction implies a higher degree of target-effector specificity, timing, and subcellular localization of signaling than could ever be predicted with complex signaling pathways

    Sequential transcriptional waves direct the differentiation of newborn neurons in the mouse neocortex

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    During corticogenesis, excitatory neurons are born from progenitors located in the ventricular zone (VZ), from where they migrate to assemble into circuits. How neuronal identity is dynamically specified upon progenitor division is unknown. Here, we study this process using a high-temporal-resolution technology allowing fluorescent tagging of isochronic cohorts of newborn VZ cells. By combining this in vivo approach with single-cell transcriptomics in mice, we identify and functionally characterize neuron-specific primordial transcriptional programs as they dynamically unfold. Our results reveal early transcriptional waves that instruct the sequence and pace of neuronal differentiation events, guiding newborn neurons toward their final fate, and contribute to a road map for the reverse engineering of specific classes of cortical neurons from undifferentiated cells

    Transcriptomic and anatomic parcellation of 5-HT3AR expressing cortical interneuron subtypes revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing

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    Cortical GABAergic interneurons constitute a highly diverse population of inhibitory neurons that are key regulators of cortical microcircuit function. An important and heterogeneous group of cortical interneurons specifically expresses the serotonin receptor 3A (5-HT3AR) but how this diversity emerges during development is poorly understood. Here we use single-cell transcriptomics to identify gene expression patterns operating in Htr3a-GFP+ interneurons during early steps of cortical circuit assembly. We identify three main molecular types of Htr3a-GFP+ interneurons, each displaying distinct developmental dynamics of gene expression. The transcription factor Meis2 is specifically enriched in a type of Htr3a-GFP+ interneurons largely confined to the cortical white matter. These MEIS2-expressing interneurons appear to originate from a restricted region located at the embryonic pallial-subpallial boundary. Overall, this study identifies MEIS2 as a subclass-specific marker for 5-HT3AR-containing interstitial interneurons and demonstrates that the transcriptional and anatomical parcellation of cortical interneurons is developmentally coupled

    Dual function of NRP1 in axon guidance and subcellular target recognition in cerebellum

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    Subcellular target recognition in the CNS is the culmination of a multiple-step program including axon guidance, target recognition, and synaptogenesis. In cerebellum, basket cells (BCs) innervate the soma and axon initial segment (AIS) of Purkinje cells (PCs) to form the pinceau synapse, but the underlying mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Here, we demonstrate that neuropilin-1 (NRP1), a Semaphorin receptor expressed in BCs, controls both axonal guidance and subcellular target recognition. We show that loss of Semaphorin 3A function or specific deletion of NRP1 in BCs alters the stereotyped organization of BC axon and impairs pinceau synapse formation. Further, we identified NRP1 as a trans-synaptic binding partner of the cell adhesion molecule neurofascin-186 (NF186) expressed in the PC AIS during pinceau synapse formation. These findings identify a dual function of NRP1 in both axon guidance and subcellular target recognition in the construction of GABAergic circuitry

    A fluorescent perilipin 2 knock-in mouse model reveals a high abundance of lipid droplets in the developing and adult brain

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    Abstract Lipid droplets (LDs) are dynamic lipid storage organelles. They are tightly linked to metabolism and can exert protective functions, making them important players in health and disease. Most LD studies in vivo rely on staining methods, providing only a snapshot. We therefore developed a LD-reporter mouse by labelling the endogenous LD coat protein perilipin 2 (PLIN2) with tdTomato, enabling staining-free fluorescent LD visualisation in living and fixed tissues and cells. Here we validate this model under standard and high-fat diet conditions and demonstrate that LDs are highly abundant in various cell types in the healthy brain, including neurons, astrocytes, ependymal cells, neural stem/progenitor cells and microglia. Furthermore, we also show that LDs are abundant during brain development and can be visualized using live imaging of embryonic slices. Taken together, our tdTom-Plin2 mouse serves as a novel tool to study LDs and their dynamics under both physiological and diseased conditions in all tissues expressing Plin2