85 research outputs found

    The effects of isatin (indole-2, 3-dione) on pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide-induced hyperthermia in rats

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated that centrally administered natriuretic peptides and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide-38 (PACAP-38) have hyperthermic properties. Isatin (indole-2, 3-dione) is an endogenous indole that has previously been found to inhibit hyperthermic effects of natriuretic peptides. In this study the aim was to investigate the effects of isatin on thermoregulatory actions of PACAP-38, in rats. RESULTS: One μg intracerebroventricular (icv.) injection of PACAP-38 had hyperthermic effect in male, Wistar rats, with an onset of the effect at 2 h and a decline by the 6(th) h after administration. Intraperitoneal (ip.) injection of different doses of isatin (25-50 mg/kg) significantly decreased the hyperthermic effect of 1 μg PACAP-38 (icv.), whereas 12.5 mg/kg isatin (ip.) had no inhibiting effect. Isatin alone did not modify the body temperature of the animals. CONCLUSION: The mechanisms that participate in the mediation of the PACAP-38-induced hyperthermia may be modified by isatin. The capability of isatin to antagonize the hyperthermia induced by all members of the natriuretic peptide family and by PACAP-38 makes it unlikely to be acting directly on receptors for natriuretic peptides or on those for PACAP in these hyperthermic processes

    The interaction of Urocortin II and Urocortin III with amygdalar and hypothalamic cotricotropin-releasing factor (CRF) - reflections on the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis

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    Electroosmotic pumps employing silica frits synthesized from potassium silicate as a stationary phase show strong electroosmotic flow velocity and resistance to pressure-driven flow. We characterize these pumps and measure an electroosmotic mobility of 2.5x10(-8) m(2)/V s and hydrodynamic resistance per unit length of 70 x10(17) Pa s/m(4) with a standard deviation of less than 2% even when varying the amount of water used in the potassium silicate mixture. Furthermore, we demonstrate the simple integration of these pumps into a proofof- concept PDMS lab-on-a-chip device fabricated from a 3D-printed template.Funding Agencies|Vetenskapsradet [2007-3983, 2008-7537, 2011-6404]</p

    Élvezeti szerekhez történő hozzászokás in vivo és in vitro vizsgálata = In vivo and in vitro study of drugs with abuse potential

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    A pályázat az élvezeti szerekhez történő hozzászokás in vivo és in vitro vizsgálatát tűzte ki célul. Tanulmányoztuk a központi idegrendszerben előforuló idegi növekedési faktor és számos neuropeptid (PACAP, ghrelin, endomorfin) hatását in vivo a morfin és nikotin hozzászokáshoz, valamint in vitro körülmények között a sejtmámbránból felszabaduló eikonazoidokra. A vizsgált peptidek hatásosan módosítják az élvezeti szerekhez való hozzászokás általunk vizsgált paraméterit. Figyelmet érdemel az a tény, hogy az endogén módon előforduló endomorfin módosult származéka az anyavegyületnél biológiailag hatásosabb és mint ilyen további fejlesztés céljából potenciális vegyületként jöhet szóba. | This project is aimed at investigating the effects of drugs of abuse in vivo and in vitro. The effects of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and several neuropeptides (PACAP, ghrelin and endomorphine) were investigated on the behavioral effects of morphine and nicotine in vivo and on membrane-derived eicosanoid products in vitro. The peptides investigated can modify the behavioral response to drugs of abuse effectively under our experimental conditions. It should be emphasized that an endomorphine analogue is more efficient in biological response, than the parent molecule and it may serve as a potential candidate for future development

    The effects of CRF and urocortins on the sociability of mice

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    The aim of our study was to determine the role of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), the urocortins (Ucn1, Ucn2 and Ucn3) and their receptors (CRF1 and CRF2) in the sociability of mice. Male CFLP mice were administered intracerebroventricularly (icv) with CRF and urocortins alone or in combination with antalarmin (specific CRF1 antagonist) and astressin(2B) (specific CRF2 antagonist) and then investigated in a Crawley social interaction test arena, that consists of three chambers. An unknown male in a cage was put in the first chamber and an empty cage was put in the opposite chamber. The tested male was habituated with the middle chamber for 5 min and then allowed to explore the remaining chambers for 5 min, during which the number of entries and the time of interaction were measured. Intracerebroventricular administration of CRF decreased significantly the number of entries and the time of interaction with the unknown male and these effects were blocked by antalarmin, but not astressin2B. In contrast, central administration of Ucn1 increased significantly the number of entries into the chamber of the unknown male, without changing the time of interaction and this effect was blocked by astressin2B, but not antalarmin. Central administration of Ucn2 and Ucn3 didn't influence remarkably the number of entries, but it reduced the time of interaction between the male mice. Our study suggests that CRF and Ucn1 may play important, but different roles in sociability, and that Ucn2 and Ucn3, playing similar roles, must be also involved in social interactions. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Neurohormonok, neuropeptidek szerepe az idegrendszer és az endokrin rendszer adaptatív működésének szabályozásában = The role of neurohormones and neuropeptides in the regulation of the adaptive function of the neural and endocrine system

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    Összefoglalás A vizsgált periodusban a vállalt feladat több neuropeptidnek mint a PACAP 38, orexin A és B endomorphin-1, a MERF, apelin-13, urocortin 1 , 2 és 3, valamint a ghrelinnek vizsgálata olyan idegrendszeri funkciókban mint a tanulás és memória, az állat mozgás aktivitásában uj környezetben, mint az open-field aktivitásban, és megszokott környezetben telemetriásan mérve, testhőmérséklet változásában, valamint a hypophysis-mellékvesekéreg rendszer aktivitásában. A hatások mechanizmusára vonatkozó vizsgálatokban annak kideritésére, hogy a kapott változásokban milyen transmitterek vesznek részt, az állatokat a megfelelő receptor blokkolókkal vagy antiserumokkal kezeltük és vizsgáltuk a neuropeptidek hatásában létrejövő változásokat. Az egyes neuropeptidek hyperthermiával kapcsolatos vizsgálataink során angol kutatókkal végzett kooperációban találtunk rá az isatinra, amely olyan lázcsillapitónak bizonyult, amely a prostaglandin után fejti ki hatását és amelynek egyes analogjai ezerszer erősebb lázcsillapitók mint az isatin maga. Ezek az eredmények jelenleg szabadalmaztatási eljárás alatt állnak. A részletekre vonatkozó eredmények a részletes részben találhatók. | In the reported period the aim was to find out the action of certain neuropeptides on such brain function as learning and memory, locomotion in nonfamiliar environment (open-field activity) and familiar environment, in the animals home cage, measured by telemetric measurement, body temperature and pituitary-adrenal function. The following neuropeptides were used: PACAP 38, orexin A and B, endomorphin-1, MERF, apelin-13, urocortin 1, 2 and 3 as well as ghrelin. In oder to learn the mechanism of action, the involvement of transmitters in the action of neuropeptides, different receptor blockers or antisera against peptide were utilized. During the study of the action of certain neuropeptides on body temperature, which was carried out collaboration with British partners, we discovered that isatin has strong antipyretic action and the action is located after the prostaglandin synthesis, because even the PG?induced higher temperature can be blocked by isatin. We have found that some analogues of isatin thousand times are more potent antipyretics than the isatin itself. These observation are under patenting procedure. The details are in the following section