29 research outputs found

    Oenanthe millefolia (Umbelliferae), a new species record for the Turkish and Greek flora

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    WOS: 000386427500004PubMed: 27829797Oenanthe millefolia (Apiaceae), which is presented as a new recorded species for the Turkish flora, was discovered for the first time in Kirklareli province of Turkey. It is also reported as a new species for the Greek flora based on an unidentified specimen which was collected from the Thrace region of Greece. In this study, an expanded morphological description, the geographical distribution, the habitat properties and the ecological features of the species are exhibited with illustrative figures. Moreover, the micromorphological and anatomical characters of the fruits and the anatomical properties of the stem, petiole, leaves and the palynological features of Oe. millefolia are determined and described for the first time.TUBITAK [KBAG-114Z005]We would like to thank TUBITAK for its financial support (Project number KBAG-114Z005). We are grateful to Dr. Marc Appelhans (Curator of the Herbarium University of Goettingen Albrecht-von-Haller Institute for Plant Sciences, Department of Systematic Botany) and Stoyan Stoyanov (Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences) for their useful contributions

    Heavy metal (Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) contents of endemic Salvia halophila plants around Lake Tuz

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    Heavy metals occur naturally in ecosystems at varying concentrations. However, heavy metal sources that have emerged in present-day mainly due to human influence, i.e. industrial activities, agricultural waste, pesticides, use of fossil fuels and traffic, have included a part of heavy metals in the ecosystem. Lake Tuz, together with the entire lake surroundings, water beds and important steppe areas, was declared Turkey’s Specially Protected Area (SPA) in 2001. Our aim in this investigation was to determine the levels of heavy metals such as Chrome (Cr), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) in endemic Salvia halophila grown in different areas of Lake Tuz. The results of the heavy metal contents analyzed at the plant were compared with the international standard levels of heavy metals. The consequences displayed that differing extents of heavy metals are accumulated in S. halophila. The results obtained differed in accordance with the collection time and localities. When the outcomes are appraised, it is achievable to say that Pb is higher than the standard values. The findings of this investigation are the first reported results for this endemic S. halophila species that grows naturally at Lake Tuz and are important as they are newly discovered results

    Determination of the heavy metal contents and the benefit/cost analysis of Hypericum salsugineum in the vicinity of Salt Lake

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    In this study, Hypericum salsugineum, an endemic halophytic plant growing around Salt Lake, was analyzed to determine the heavy metals (chromium, lead, copper, zinc and nickel) on it and on the soil it grew. The phytoremediation potential of H. salsugineum was evaluated. In addition, the benefit cost (B/C) analysis was performed for its potential use in phytoremediation. The plant and soil samples were collected from Eskil and Cihanbeyli between May and September in 2016. A total of 300 soil and plant samples were analysed for heavy metal content. Statistical and standard benefit/cost analyses were performed for assessment. The capacity of accumulating the aforementioned heavy metals was found to be high in H. salsugineum. It was found that Ni and Pb ratio exceeded optimum values in its habitat, and H. salsugineum accumulated available Ni and Pb. When the plant was evaluated in terms of benefit/cost, B/C ratio was greater than 1 during the useful life of the study. This conclusion increases the ecological and economical values of H. Salsugineum, effecting its potential use in phytoremediation

    Contributions to the Illustrated Turkish Flora 2: A new yellowstar from Inner Anatolia [Gagea goekyigitii (Liliaceae)]

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    İç Anadolu’nun Karaman ilinden tespit edilen Gagea goekyigitii Eker & Tekşen yeni tür olarak tanımlanmıştır. Gagea Salisb. (Sarıyıldız) cinsinin Didymobulbos seksiyonu üyesi olan türün betimi, coğrafik dağılımı, habitat özellikleri ve yakın türler ile taksonomik ilişkileri verilmiştir.Gagea goekyigitii Eker & Tekşen identified in Karaman province of Central Anatolia is described as a new species. The description of species, geographical distribution, habitat characteristics and taxonomic associations of the close species, belonging to Didymobulbos section in the genus Gagea, are given

    Akdeniz bölgesi (Türkiye) Fritillaria L. (Liliaceae) cinsinin revizyonu

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    Tekşen, Mehtap (Aksaray, Yazar)Th is paper presents a systematic revision of Fritillaria L. (Liliaceae) in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Th e genus used to contain 22 taxa in the Mediterranean region, but in this study it has been evaluated on the basis of 23 taxa. We concluded that F. armena Boiss. and F. zagrica Stapf are synonyms of F. pinardii Boiss. Phylogenetic orders of F. forbesii Rix and F. kittaniae Sorger in the Flora of Turkey were changed. F. crassifolia Boiss. & Huet. subsp. crassifolia was suggested as an Irano-Turanian element. Red list categories of endemic taxa of Mediterranean Fritillaria were revised according to IUCN Red List Categories.Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’nin Akdeniz bölgesinde dağılım gösteren Fritillaria L. (Liliaceae) türlerinin revizyonu yapılmıştır. Türkiye Florasına göre Akdeniz bölgesinde tür ve tür altı seviyede 22 taksonla temsil edilen Fritillaria cinsi üyeleri bu çalışmada 23 takson altında değerlendirilmiştir. F. armena Boiss. ve F. zagrica Stapf türlerinin F. pinardii Boiss. türünün sinonimleri olduğu tespit edilmiştir. F. forbesii Rix ve F. kittaniae Sorger türlerinin Türkiye Florasındaki fi logenetik sırası değiştirilmiştir. F. crassifolia Boiss. & Huet. subsp. crassifolia alttürü İran-Turan fi tocoğrafi k bölge elementi olarak önerilmiştir. Akdeniz bölgesindeki endemik Fritillaria taksonlarının tehlike kategorileri IUCN Kategorilerine göre yeniden düzenlenmiştir

    Lectotypificatio of some Gladiolus /Kılıçotu (Iridaceae) species and synonyms in Turkey

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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de yayılış gösteren 2’si endemik olmak üzere 5 Gladiolus türünün ve bunlara ait 6 sinonim taksonun isimleri nomenklatürel yönden yeniden değerlendirildi. Gladiolus anatolicus, G. illyricus, G. atroviolaceus, G. halophilus ve G. humilis türlerinin lektotipleri belirlendi. Ayrıca bu türlere ait sinonim takson isimlerinden, G. communis var. longispatheata, G. glaucus, G. aleppicus, G. sintenisii, G. subbiflorus ve G. tricolor türlerinin de lektotipleri belirlendi. G. kotschyanus ve G. micranthus’un ICN tarafından belirlenen kurallara göre tip bilgisi düzeltildi ve doğrulandı.: In this study, five Gladiolus species distributed in Turkey, which two are endemic, and six synonymous taxa names belonging to them are reevaluated by the terms of nomenclature. The lectotypes of Gladiolus anatolicus, G. illyricus, G. atroviolaceus, G. halophilus, and G. humilis were determined. Also, the lectotypes of G. communis var. longispatheata, G. glaucus, G. aleppicus, G. sintenisiii, G. subbiflorus, and G. tricolor which are synonymous taxa names of these species were determined. The type informations of G. kotschyanus and G. micranthus were corrected and verified according to the rules set by the ICN

    Fritillaria shehbazii and F. selenica (Liliaceae), two new species from Iran

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    Two new species, Fritillaria shehbazii from Western Azerbaijan province in northwest Iran and F. selenica from Kurdistan province in western Iran are described. Fritillaria shehbazii is similar to F. chlororhabdota, F. pinardii, F. zagrica, F. kordestanica, F. assyriaca and F. umitkaplanii in the F. caucasica-group in general facies, but differs mainly by the colour and size of its lowest leaves, and shape and colour of perigone segments. Fritillaria selenica is similar to F. assyriaca and F. kordestanica in general facies, but differs mainly by narrower leaves. Detailed taxonomic descriptions, diagnostic characters, original photographs, geographical distributions, habitat, phenology and ecology, etymology, conservation status and phylogenetic analysis of the new and the related species are presented

    Fritillaria arsusiana (Lilieae, Liliaceae), a new species from southern Anatolia

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    *Tekşen, Mehtap ( Aksaray, Yazar )In this study, Fritillaria arsusiana (Liliaceae) is described and illustrated as a new species from Hatay province in southern Anatolia, Turkey. It is related to F. amana and F. hermonis by habitus features and broadly campanulate flowers, but differs mainly by its bulb shape and size, smaller leaf and flower features, and flower colour. It has also been morphologically compared with F. wendelboi, F. pinardii, and F. latakiensis. The detailed description, diagnostic characters, original photographs, geographical distribution, habitat and phenology, etymology, conservation status, and identification key of the new and the related species are presented in this study

    Fritillaria umitkaplanii (Liliaceae), a new species from south Anatolia

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    Fritillaria umitkaplanii Eker & Tekşen sp. nov. (Liliaceae) is described as a new species from Turkey. It is morphologically similar to F. armena, F. pinardii and F. assyriaca, but differs from F. armena mainly by its canaliculate and broader leaves, perigone colour and shape, thin filament and anther colour; from F. pinardii by its canaliculate leaves, perigone colour, nectary characteristics, unbranched style and thin filament; and from F. assyriaca by its median leaves and bract longer than inflorescence, shape of median leaves, perigone colour, thin filament and style. Diagnostic characters, description, detailed illustration, geographical distribution, conservation assessment, identification key, observations and taxonomic comments regarding the new species are given

    The Plant Diversity of Region Among Yeşiltepe, Yeşilova and Yenikent (Aksaray)

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    Bu araştırma Yeşiltepe, Yeşilova, Yenikent Köyleri ve çevresinin (Aksaray) bitki çeşitliliği envanterini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma alanından 2015-2016 yılları arasında 586 bitki örneği toplanmıştır. 2 Pinophytina, 56 Magnoliophytina familyası olmak üzere 58 familya ve 3 Pinophytina, 219 Magnoliophytina cinsi olmak üzere 222 cinse ait 4 Pinophytina ve 329 Magnoliophytina taksonu (352 takson) tespit edilmiştir. 23 takson kültür bitkisidir. Endemik 38 takson bulunur ve endemizm oranı % 10.8’dır. Çalışma alanında 63 takson (% 17.9) İran-Turan fitocoğrafik bölgesi elementi, 22 takson (% 6,3) Akdeniz fitocoğrafik bölgesi elementi, 17 takson (% 4.8) Avrupa-Sibirya fitocoğrafik bölgesi elementi ve 250 takson (% 71.0) çok bölgeli ve bölgesi bilinmemektedir.This research was carried out to determine the inventory of plant diversity of Yeşiltepe, Yeşilova, and Yenikent Villages and environment (Aksaray). Between 2015 and 2016, 586 specimens were collected from the study area. 2 families Pinophytina, 56 families Magnoliophytina (total 58 families), 4 genera Pinophytina, 219 genera Magnoliophytina (total 222 genera), 3 taxa Pinophytina, 329 taxa Magnoliophytina (352 taxa) were determined. 23 taxa are cultivated plants. There are 38 endemic taxa and the rate of endemism is 10.8 %. In the study area, Irano-Turanian phytogeografic region elements are 63 taxa (17.9%), Mediterranean phytogeografic region elements are 20 taxa (6.3 %), Euro-Siberian phytogeografic region elements are 17 taxa (4.8 %) and 250 taxa (71.0%) are widespread with multiregional or unknown phytogeografic region