66 research outputs found

    Vulnerability assessment of source codeanalysis tools for memory corruptionvulnerabilities a comparative study

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    Background. One of the main reasons for memory corruption vulnerabilities lies in the lack of built in safety measures for the C/C++ programming language which is often time used to develop performance critical software. Static source code analysis tools perform a review of static(not running) source code usually by identifying sources of user input and data flow analysis in order to highlight potential security issues. Objectives. In this thesis we will also try to figure out which types of vulnerabilities related to memory corruption that could be discovered by these kinds of tools as well as which types that appears to be difficult to discover by using this approach.We will also investigate some suggestions for improvements. Methods. A comparative results of source code analysis tools written in C/C++ will take place for this thesis. The information needed in order to select the appropriate tools and test data will be derived from 1.Detection of the core reasons for each vulnerability. 2.Enumeration and separation of vulnerability cases. Results/conclusion. All of the tools were able to find less then half of the bufferoverflow vulnerabilities that existed in the data set and none of the tools were able to find any vulnerabilities related to integer overflow or use after free. The reason for this could very well be due to the tools limitations in their ability to find vulnerabilities caused by absence of correct processing.  Keywords: Vulnerabilities, Memory corruption, buffer overflow, integer overflow,use after free, double fre

    Marketing Communication through Social Media : A study of Facebook as a Marketing Communication Channel

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    I och med Internets utveckling har det skapats nya möjligheter för kommunikation. Det har skapats plattformar dÀr mÀnniskor kan dela med sig av information, kunskap och Äsikter. Dessa plattformar kallas för sociala medier och innebÀr att mÀnniskor i större utstrÀckning kan interagera med varandra utan att fysiskt behöva befinna sig pÄ samma plats. Idag Àr Facebook en av vÀrldens mest besökta webbsidor och har över 400 miljoner aktiva anvÀndare. Det innebÀr att det Àr en spÀnnande kanal för företag att utnyttja i marknadsföringssyfte. Facebook Àr ett nytt fenomen inom marknadsföring och det innebÀr att det Àr ett relativt outforskat omrÄde. Vi har studerat hur Facebook fungerar som marknadskommunikationskanal och vad det kan innebÀra för möjligheter respektive risker för företag. I vÄr studie har vi utgÄtt frÄn modeller och teorier inom marknadskommunikation. Vi har Àven intervjuat företag och konsulter, samt gjort en observationsstudie för att studera hur Facebook fungerar i praktiken som marknadskommunikationskanal. Studien har resulterat i styrkor och svagheter, respektive möjligheter och risker som kan medföras nÀr företag anvÀnder Facebook som marknadskommunikationskanal.The development of the Internet has opened up new possibilities for communication. It has created platforms where people can share information, knowledge and opinions. These platforms are called social media and with this new technology people have greater opportunities to interact with each other without physically being in the same place. Today Facebook is one of the most visited web pages with over 400 million active users. This means that it is an exciting channel for companies to use for marketing purposes. Facebook is a new phenomenon regarding marketing and is a relatively unexplored area. We have studied how Facebook works as a marketing communication channel and the risks and opportunities that it may imply. In our study we have used models and theories within the area of marketing communication. We have also interviewed companies and consultants, and made an observational study to research how Facebook works in practice as a marketing communication channel. The result of the study has resulted in strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and risks it may imply using Facebook as a marketing communication channel
