256 research outputs found

    Sófocles : Áyax, una mirada desde la Justicia

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    En Ayax de Sófocles, se rompe la cadena inexorable de odios heredados, porque alguien, Teucro, acepta la mano tendida del adversario, Odiseo. Blundell remarca este lento pero efectivo caminar hacia la conciliación. Nuestro trabajo se propone una mirada "desde la justicia" humana y divina. Efectúa un rastreo sobre el juicio de Ayax a través de visiones de la épica tardía, la lírica y la tragedia y descubre en esta obra la confluencia de juicios injustos del pasado y el comienzo de futuros juicios también injustos. El interés por la instancia judicial nos lleva al análisis de la constitución del tribunal, su modo de proceder y las consecuencias de su accionar. También nos detenemos en el enfoque religioso elegido por Sófocles. Por último se evalúa la tragedia a la luz de los estadios de evolución del sentimiento de venganzaIn Sophocles' Ajax, the inexorable chain of blood feuds is broken, because someone, Teucer, accepts the outstretched hand of his enemy, Odysseus. Blundell highlights the slow but effective move towards reconciliation. Our work proposes a look "from justice" human and divine. It performs a trace on the trial of Ajax through visions of the late epic, lyric and tragedy; it discovers in this work of Sophocles the confluence of past unfair trials and the beginning of unfair future trials. The interest in judicial process leads us to the analysis of the court?s constitution and of different ways of proceeding; we consider too the consequences of unfair sentences. Also we pay attention to the religious approach chosen by Sophocles. Finally the tragedy is evaluated in light of the stages of evolution of the feeling of revengeFil: Flores de Tejada, Emilia. Universidad Nacional de San Juan

    Sófocles : Áyax, una mirada desde la Justicia

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    En Ayax de Sófocles, se rompe la cadena inexorable de odios heredados, porque alguien, Teucro, acepta la mano tendida del adversario, Odiseo. Blundell remarca este lento pero efectivo caminar hacia la conciliación. Nuestro trabajo se propone una mirada "desde la justicia" humana y divina. Efectúa un rastreo sobre el juicio de Ayax a través de visiones de la épica tardía, la lírica y la tragedia y descubre en esta obra la confluencia de juicios injustos del pasado y el comienzo de futuros juicios también injustos. El interés por la instancia judicial nos lleva al análisis de la constitución del tribunal, su modo de proceder y las consecuencias de su accionar. También nos detenemos en el enfoque religioso elegido por Sófocles. Por último se evalúa la tragedia a la luz de los estadios de evolución del sentimiento de venganzaIn Sophocles' Ajax, the inexorable chain of blood feuds is broken, because someone, Teucer, accepts the outstretched hand of his enemy, Odysseus. Blundell highlights the slow but effective move towards reconciliation. Our work proposes a look "from justice" human and divine. It performs a trace on the trial of Ajax through visions of the late epic, lyric and tragedy; it discovers in this work of Sophocles the confluence of past unfair trials and the beginning of unfair future trials. The interest in judicial process leads us to the analysis of the court?s constitution and of different ways of proceeding; we consider too the consequences of unfair sentences. Also we pay attention to the religious approach chosen by Sophocles. Finally the tragedy is evaluated in light of the stages of evolution of the feeling of revengeFil: Flores de Tejada, Emilia. Universidad Nacional de San Juan

    Carlos Fuentes : "Las dos Numancias" : historia y ficción

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    Fil: Flores de Tejada, Emilia

    Sófocles : Áyax, una mirada desde la Justicia

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    En Ayax de Sófocles, se rompe la cadena inexorable de odios heredados, porque alguien, Teucro, acepta la mano tendida del adversario, Odiseo. Blundell remarca este lento pero efectivo caminar hacia la conciliación. Nuestro trabajo se propone una mirada "desde la justicia" humana y divina. Efectúa un rastreo sobre el juicio de Ayax a través de visiones de la épica tardía, la lírica y la tragedia y descubre en esta obra la confluencia de juicios injustos del pasado y el comienzo de futuros juicios también injustos. El interés por la instancia judicial nos lleva al análisis de la constitución del tribunal, su modo de proceder y las consecuencias de su accionar. También nos detenemos en el enfoque religioso elegido por Sófocles. Por último se evalúa la tragedia a la luz de los estadios de evolución del sentimiento de venganzaIn Sophocles' Ajax, the inexorable chain of blood feuds is broken, because someone, Teucer, accepts the outstretched hand of his enemy, Odysseus. Blundell highlights the slow but effective move towards reconciliation. Our work proposes a look "from justice" human and divine. It performs a trace on the trial of Ajax through visions of the late epic, lyric and tragedy; it discovers in this work of Sophocles the confluence of past unfair trials and the beginning of unfair future trials. The interest in judicial process leads us to the analysis of the court?s constitution and of different ways of proceeding; we consider too the consequences of unfair sentences. Also we pay attention to the religious approach chosen by Sophocles. Finally the tragedy is evaluated in light of the stages of evolution of the feeling of revengeFil: Flores de Tejada, Emilia. Universidad Nacional de San Juan

    The Shapley group value

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    Following the original interpretation of the Shapley value (Shapley, 1953a) as a priori evaluation of the prospects of a player in a multi-person iteraction situation, we propose a group value, which we call the Shapley group value, as a priori evaluation of the prospects of a group of players in a coalitional game when acting as a unit. We study its properties and we give an axiomatic characterization. We motivate our proposal by means of some relevant applications of the Shapley group value, when it is used as an objective function by a decision maker who is trying to identify an optimal group of agents in a framework in which agents interact and the attained benefit can be modeled by means of a transferable utility game. As an illustrative example we analyze the problem of identifying the set of key agents in a terrorist network.This research has been supported by I+D+i research project MTM2011-27892 from the Government of Spai

    Pyramidal values

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    We propose and analyze a new type of values for cooperative TU-games, which we call pyramidal values. Assuming that the grand coalition is sequentially formed, and all orderings are equally likely, we define a pyramidal value to be any expected payoff in which the entrant player receives a salary, and the rest of his marginal contribution to the just formed coalition is distributed among the incumbent players. We relate the pyramidal-type sharing scheme we propose with other sharing schemes, and we also obtain some known values by means of this kind of pyramidal procedures. In particular, we show that the Shapley value can be obtained by means of an interesting pyramidal procedure that distributes nonzero dividends among the incumbents. As a result, we obtain an alternative formulation of the Shapley value based on a measure of complementarity between two players. Finally, we introduce the family of proportional pyramidal values, in which an incumbent receives a dividend in proportion to his initial investment, measured by means of his marginal contribution

    Pyramidal values

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    We propose a new type of values for cooperative TU-games, which we call pyramidal values. Assuming that the grand coalition is sequentially formed, and all orderings are equally likely, we define a pyramidal value to be any expected payoff in which the entrant player receives a salary and the right to get part of the benefits derived from subsequent incorporations to the just formed coalition, whereas the remaining benefit is distributed among the incumbent players. To be specific, we consider some parametric families of pyramidal values: the egalitarian pyramidal family, which coincides with the a-consensus value family introduced by Ju et al. in (2007), the proportional pyramidal family, and the weighted pyramidal family, which in turn includes the other two families as special cases. We also analyze the properties of these families, as well as their relationships with other previously defined values.This research has been supported by I+D+i research project MTM2011-27892 from the Government of Spain

    A game theoretic approach to group centrality

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    This paper is centered in the valuation of the centrality of groups following aproblem-specific approach (Friedkin, 1991). Assuming a TU-game that reflects theinterests which motivate the interactions among individuals in a network, we extend thegame theoretic centrality measure of Gomez et al. (2003) to the case of groups, anddefine the game theoretic group centrality of a group as the variation of its value orpower due to their social relations. We rely on the Shapley group value (Flores et al.,2014) for measuring the value of a group in a game without any restriction, and weintroduce the Myerson group value in order to measure the value when the socialstructure is considered.This research has been supported by I+D+i research project MTM2011-27892 from the Government of Spai

    El desafío de ser único sobreviviente en tiempos de Heródoto y en la actualidad

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    En sus Historias, Heródoto nos presenta curiosos relatos acerca de la fortuna del único sobreviviente de sucesos bélicos, y de las consecuencias que tiene que padecer este sobreviviente. Tal es el caso del espartano Aristodemo, de Othyrades y del soldado sobreviviente de Egina. ¿Exito o fracaso? ¿Buena o mala suerte? Las reacciones despertadas en la comunidad generan reflexiones acerca de los rigurosos códigos antiguos sobre la valentía y los merecimientos. De acuerdo con Aristóteles en su Retórica, tratamos de interpretar el sentido de aquellas conductas que difieren de la perspectiva actual. Pero no del todo. Tomando como término de comparación testimonios de "únicos sobrevivientes" de accidentes aéreos de nuestro tiempo (Revista Selecciones, marzo 2015) encontramos modelos semejantes a los antiguos. Finalizando, reflexionamos sobre el desafío de las Lenguas Clásicas como "únicos sobrevivientes" en la curricula académica de comienzos del siglo XXI.In his Histories, Herodotus presents curious stories about the fortune of only survivor of war events and the consequences that has to suffer this survivor. Such is the case of the Spartan Aristodemus, of Othyrades and of survivor soldier in Aegina. Success or failure? Good or bad luck? The reactions aroused in the community generate reflections on ancient codes rigorous about the courage and merits. According to Aristotle in his Rhetoric, we try to interpret the meaning of behaviors that differ from today's perspective. But not at all. Taking as a basis for comparison testimonies of "sole survivors" of air crashes of our time (Reader's Digest. March 2015) are similar to older models. In closing, we reflect on the challenge of Classical Languages as "sole survivors" in the academic curricula of early twenty-first century.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació