24,366 research outputs found

    Fold-Saddle Bifurcation in Non-Smooth Vector Fields on the Plane

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    This paper presents results concerning bifurcations of 2D piecewise-smooth dynamical systems governed by vector fields. Generic three parameter families of a class of Non-Smooth Vector Fields are studied and its bifurcation diagrams are exhibited. Our main result describes the unfolding of the so called Fold-Saddle singularity

    Slepton mass splittings and cLFV in the SUSY seesaw in the light of recent experimental results

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    Following recent experimental developments, in this study we re-evaluate if the interplay of high- and low-energy lepton flavour violating observables remains a viable probe to test the high-scale type-I supersymmetric seesaw. Our analysis shows that fully constrained supersymmetric scenarios no longer allow to explore this interplay, since recent LHC data precludes the possibility of having sizeable slepton mass differences for a slepton spectrum sufficiently light to be produced, and in association to BR(mu -> e gamma) within experimental reach. However, relaxing the strict universality of supersymmetric soft-breaking terms, and fully exploring heavy neutrino dynamics, still allows to have slepton mass splittings O(few %), for slepton masses accessible at the LHC, with associated mu -> e gamma rates within future sensitivity. For these scenarios, we illustrate how the correlation between high- and low-energy lepton flavour violating observables allows to probe the high-scale supersymmetric seesaw.Comment: 19 pages, 12 eps figures. References updated; matches version accepted by JHE

    Universality of trap models in the ergodic time scale

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    Consider a sequence of possibly random graphs GN=(VN,EN)G_N=(V_N, E_N), N≥1N\ge 1, whose vertices's have i.i.d. weights {WxN:x∈VN}\{W^N_x : x\in V_N\} with a distribution belonging to the basin of attraction of an α\alpha-stable law, 0<α<10<\alpha<1. Let XtNX^N_t, t≥0t \ge 0, be a continuous time simple random walk on GNG_N which waits a \emph{mean} WxNW^N_x exponential time at each vertex xx. Under considerably general hypotheses, we prove that in the ergodic time scale this trap model converges in an appropriate topology to a KK-process. We apply this result to a class of graphs which includes the hypercube, the dd-dimensional torus, d≥2d\ge 2, random dd-regular graphs and the largest component of super-critical Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graphs

    Impact of sterile neutrinos on nuclear-assisted cLFV processes

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    We discuss charged lepton flavour violating processes occurring in the presence of muonic atoms, such as muon-electron conversion in nuclei CR(μ−e, N)\text{CR}(\mu -e, \text{ N}), the (Coulomb enhanced) decay of muonic atoms into a pair of electrons BR(μ−e−→e−e−\mu^- e^- \to e^- e^-, N), as well as Muonium conversion and decay, Mu−Muˉ\text{Mu}-\bar{\text{Mu}} and Mu→e+e−\text{Mu}\to e^+ e^-. Any experimental signal of these observables calls for scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model. In this work, we consider minimal extensions of the Standard Model via the addition of sterile fermions, providing the corresponding complete analytical expressions for all the considered observables. We first consider an "ad hoc" extension with a single sterile fermion state, and investigate its impact on the above observables. Two well motivated mechanisms of neutrino mass generation are then considered: the Inverse Seesaw embedded into the Standard Model, and the ν\nuMSM. Our study reveals that, depending on their mass range and on the active-sterile mixing angles, sterile neutrinos can give significant contributions to the above mentioned observables, some of them even lying within present and future sensitivity of dedicated cLFV experiments. We complete the analysis by confronting our results to other (direct and indirect) searches for sterile fermions.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures. v2: minor revision, matches published version on JHE

    Effect of steriles states on lepton magnetic moments and neutrinoless double beta decay

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    We address the impact of sterile fermion states on the anomalous magnetic moment of charged leptons, as well as their contribution to neutrinoless double beta decays. We illustrate our results in a minimal, effective extension of the Standard Model by one sterile fermion state, and in a well-motivated framework of neutrino mass generation, embedding the Inverse Seesaw into the Standard Model. The simple "3+1" effective case succeeds in alleviating the tension related to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, albeit only at the 3σ\sigma level, and for light sterile states (corresponding to a }cosmologically disfavoured regime). Interestingly, our analysis shows that a future 0ν2β0 \nu 2 \beta observation does not necessarily imply an inverted hierarchy for the active neutrinos in this simple extension. Although the Inverse Seesaw realisation here addressed could indeed ease the tension in (g−2)μ(g-2)_\mu, bounds from lepton universality in kaon decays mostly preclude this from happening. However, these scenarios can also have a strong impact on the interpretation of a future 0ν2β0 \nu 2 \beta signal regarding the hierarchy of the active neutrino mass spectrum.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figure
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